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Nickname: “Forgotten”
Age: 22
Family: Kept Secret
Gender: Female
Faith: Atheist
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Alignment: True Neutral

Height: 160 cm
Weight: 62kg
Race: Human
Physical Description: A shorter and gentle looking woman
with burn scars covering her body from one shoulder
diagonally down to her hip and even on her arms. With her
left arm being all burnt and her right having a burn mark
on her lower elbow down to her fingers. She has all black
hair with a large white streak running through the left
hand side of it. Hope also has piercing green eyes. Typically
she wears clothes that cover up her scars but the burn mark
on her face cannot be hidden so easily. Her outfit usually
consists of gloves and large baggy clothes.

Food Like: Mushrooms, Meat, fish
Food Dislike: Tea, corn, anything sweet really
Personality Description
She can be a shy and bashful person when
spoken too as she is often scared of speaking to
people. Her years of being alone and away
from people have made her skittish and
anxious almost like a wounded wild animal.
Hope earnt her title as even people who know
of her existence often forget she is there due to
how quiet she is.
Fighting Style(S):
Fighting Styles
Wild Brawler Style: A mixed sort of
martial arts that is highly
unpredictable and takes advantage of
the user’s strength to output damage
constantly while just powering
through punches.
Wild Sword Style: Hope has a large
sort of stick that is super sharp as well
as sturdy. When an enemy is unable to
be taken down by normal means, she
uses this long naginata like weapon to
parry the enemies attacks with the
blunt side and swing at them with the
long side.

Weapon(S): Sturdy Stick

Devil Fruit: None
Techniques: Unknown
Strengths: She is highly effective in close-quarters
one on one fights. Her unpredictability makes her
annoying to fight.
Weaknesses: Any form of range or attacks too strong
for her. She also has a HUGE fear of fire which makes
her too scared to attack sometimes due to PTSD.
Pre-birth Arc
King Jonathan Mayer the 2nd was a peaceful king. The
members of his kingdom saw him as a merciful ruler who
would aid with their issues big or small. King Jonathan was the
king of the Beli-cove Kingdom. This island was given the name
for the gold mines it possessed allowing the kingdom to grow
very wealthy. King Jonathan ruled the kingdom for years but
was growing old and infertile. He wanted a son to take over
rule of the kingdom. As the kingdom of Beli-cove had never
had a female ruler due to the last one nearly ending the royal
bloodline. The king and his wife tried for a child and he was so
happy to hear his wife was pregnant he told the entire
kingdom that they would soon be meeting his son, the next
ruler of Beli-cove. Jonathan had his servants work and and
feet on his wife in preparation for his son’s arrival. The
excitement in the country could not be contained and news
spread all throughout the kingdom very quickly.

After-birth. Ages 0 - 5.
After her birth all the enjoyment in the kingdom remained.
The citizens of Beli-cove were eagerly awaiting the arrival of
King Jonathan’s son. However, behind the scenes, the king had
dropped the facade. He was no longer this merciful ruler.
Seeing his wife had given birth to a daughter he immediately
asked for her to try again. Disregarding the newborn but
keeping her alive with no name. The king regretfully informed
the country his wife suffered a miscarriage and there was a
funeral held for the nameless child. This deeply upset his wife
however she chose not to speak out against it as doing so may
have ended with her in jail and she wanted to try and raise her
baby girl anyway. The child lived a very uneventful life for the
most part in this stage of her life. Her father ignored her but
her mother was still very caring towards her. Making sure she
ate on time, had good food as well, and gave her clothes.
Granted, the clothes weren’t royal garbs, but they were able to
keep her warm. The king grew tired of waiting and when his
child turned around 3 years old he tried for another child. But
was unsuccessful. He kept trying, at least once a month, but his
wife was seemingly just unable to have another baby after she
had her first. This angered the king greatly and he ordered the
child be taken away so he did not have to look at her within the
castle anymore. Being unable to live on the streets the child
was kept in a dungeon for years. Only receiving visits from her
mother to get food.

Childhood. Ages 6 - 11.

She spent years in the dungeon below the castle. Hearing only
the chatter of guards talking about recent events to tide her
over. She talked with her mother regularly for years and
learnt how to speak properly because of it. The feeling of
loneliness she felt could not be explained in words. She was
trapped within a damp and darkroom and the only bit of light
she could see was from torches outside her cage. This prison
was designed for the worst of the worst in the kingdom. Pirates
who tried to invade but were being held to make examples of.
Awaiting an execution as they were rotting away. The child did
not speak to the pirates being held there and she was in her
own cell.

Adolescence. Ages 12 - 17.

Her mother’s visits became less and less frequent. Now regular
workers were giving her food. She would ask them where her
mother was, but they didn’t answer her. For ages she waited
for her mother to come back. She wanted to speak to someone
again. Most of her time now was spent trying to talk to the
guards as she still didn’t dare talk to the other inmates. She
had been told heritage, she knew she was a princess, however
she was always confused as to why they kept her here if that
was the case. It was not until one day, when she was 14, she
overheard one of the guards talking about a prince of the
kingdom. This confused her even further. She had no brothers
to her memory as her mother had never mentioned one when
telling her about her position. She would ask the guards about
this, but they did not answer. By now the clothes her mother
had given her were old and not fitting. This made it colder and
harder to live within the dungeon. She eventually stopped
talking all together. For 3 years she remained silent. No longer
speaking to anyone at all. One day she was handed a strange
fruit. It was green with swirls covering it. This was her meal
for the day and it tasted terrible. She clutched her stomach in
agony but forced herself to finish it.

Present Day, fall of the kingdom’s peace. Ages 18 - present.

After another year of rotting away she was one day
apprehended from her jail cell. Two guards escorted her
through the castle and to her father, King Jonathan. All the
while she was begging to see her mother as this was the first
time she felt contact in years. Her voice was shrill and raspy
after having not spoken in so long. Her pleading was cut short
by a hard slap from her father. He stared at her with a face of
distain. As if just by existing she made the king anger and
turmoil. As she came to her senses, as the slap had left her
flabbergasted, she noticed a boy in similar attire to the king
and holding him was a woman wearing the women’s royal
clothes. However, it was not a woman she recognised…This
Queen was not her mother. Her father explained everything.
After ages of trying to have a child with her mother, Hope was
the only baby she was able to produce. This led to the king
having an execution of the Queen. Explaining it as her
committing an act of treason by feeding and caring for a
prisoner who was scheduled to be executed. The reality set in
for her. This man had her mother killed, at least from her
point of view, all because of her and had moved onto another
woman to get the son he wished she was. This news infuriated
her but she was unable to fight back against the guards. The
king ordered for her to be murdered by lighting her on fire. As
he wanted to literally burn his royal blood out of her. He had
hoped the strange green fruit he fed her ages ago was
poisonous and would have killed her without him needing to
import any poison onto the land itself. But since that plan
failed, this was his last resort. She kicked and screamed as she
was carried into the village and brought to the execution area.
A crowd of people gathered around as her body was lit on fire.
This was it, she thought, this was how it was going to end. With
her never being able to claim the land she felt she deserved to
claim. She hated the corruption the kingdom had going on
behind closed doors and experiencing it first hand from her
own father was the straw that finally broke her. With one last
scream as parts of her body had begun to get burnt, the fruit
she ate a year ago began to show it’s effects. Flames on her body
began being pulled into the her as she proclaimed
As she made that last claim the flames burst. Burning through
her restraints as her eye and a large portion of her body was
still on fire. She looked at herself as the fire was there, but no
longer hurting her due to the fruit. Sadly, the damage was
done already. Being free she took advantage of it and sprinted
to the docks where she managed to find a ship that had not yet
set off. She managed to sneak onto the ship, the crew having
been on the island already, and she hid in the bottom area of
the ship as her flames dwindled. She looked at her body, the
scars that were forming, and just let it all go. Crying until she
passed out from shock. When she awoke to the sound of men
chatting and crashing waves she would find herself in
unfamiliar waters. A man found her, Logan Ire, and asked for
her name. She had never been given a name before, so she
didn’t know how to respond. Logan said to her “I hope you’re
alright, those scars look pretty serious, but don’t worry! Our
doctor’s patched em up the best he can. Though I’ve got no clue
where you came from, lassie. You better be careful on these
east blue waters.” All of this information was too much for her
to process. She tried to jump ship after following him up to the
main deck, but quickly found she had no ability to swim. The
crew rescued her, again, and Logan told her that if she was so
eager to leave they’d drop her off on the nearest island which
they did with no questions.

Having no idea what she was doing, and still needing a name,
she decided to call herself “Hope” and tried her hand at
surviving off the land. It was through this survival that now, at
22 years old, she had turned into a competent fighter. She
trained herself to combat the harsh terrains and such,
training her powers and fists to hopefully one day return to
her home island and confront the royal army there.

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