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Management of Acute Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning: Has Anything Changed?

Article  in  Drug Metabolism Letters · August 2021

DOI: 10.2174/1872312814666210813115625

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3 authors, including:

Lokhesh C Anbalagan Navneet Arora

Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research


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Drug Metabolism Letters, хххх, хх, 1-0 1

Management of Acute Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning: Has Anything

Lokhesh Chockalingam Anbalagan1, Navneet Arora1 and Ashok Kumar Pannu1,*

Department of Internal Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh 160012,

Abstract: Due to its easy availability, rapid and severe toxicity, and no specific antidote, alu-
minum phosphide has emerged as a lethal toxin, commonly used for suicidal intent in agricultural
communities. Despite various advances in medicine, this compound’s toxicity is poorly unders-
tood, and it still has a very high case fatality rate with no definitive treatment options available.
This review aims to understand the mechanism of toxicity, clinical toxidrome of acute aluminum
phosphide poisoning, and the available therapeutic options, including recent advances. A literature
review was performed searching PubMed, EMBASE Ovid, and Cochrane Library, using the follow-
Received: April 01, 2021 ing search items: (“aluminum phosphide poisoning” OR “aluminum phosphide poisoning toxicity”
Revised: July 14, 2021 OR “aluminum phosphide ingestion”) AND (“management” OR “therapy” OR “treatment”). Select-
Accepted: July 15, 2021
ed articles were discussed amongst all the authors to shape this review. High case fatality rate and
DOI: lack of any specific antidote are persisting challenges. Therapeutic measures need to be implement-
10.2174/1872312814666210813115625 ed from all fronts – reducing easy access to the poison, developing less toxic alternatives for use as
a pesticide, and more studies directed at developing an effective reversal agent for phosphine. The
advent of promising agents like glucose-insulin-potassium infusion and lipid emulsion is a new ray
of hope in the complete recovery in this fatal poisoning. The need of the hour is to find an agent
that rapidly and effectively reverses aluminum phosphide's toxic effects. Large multicenter con-
trolled trials are required to establish the role of glucose-insulin-potassium and lipid emulsion.

Keywords: Aluminum phosphide, poisoning, toxicity, management, therapy, glucose-insulin-potassium, lipid emulsion.

1. INTRODUCTION and mortality among poisoning agents, commonly available

in Asian countries [4, 5]. The majority of aluminum phos-
Metal phosphides, mainly aluminum phosphides, are
phide toxicities are mainly suicidal compared to western da-
widely used insecticides. They have the full potency of ta, where most cases are accidental inhalation [5]. The num-
killing pests and decomposing them into harmless end-prod- ber of reported cases may be just the tip of the iceberg be-
ucts and are primarily used as pesticides and rodenticides for cause the poisoning cases from rural areas suffer a delay in
fumigating rice and other grains in storage facilities and tran- receiving treatment, fatality due to the delay, and lack of ade-
sportation in agricultural communities. Annually, pesticide quate reporting from primary health care centers [4].
ingestion accounts for at least one in seven suicides and re-
sults in 260,000 deaths worldwide [1]. Approximately 25 Aluminum phosphide is available under many brand
million agricultural workers from developing countries suf- names such as CelphosTM (Excel Crop Care Ltd., India),
fer from self-poisoning episodes each year [2, 3]. Poisoning QuickphosTM (UPL Ltd., India), PhostekTM (Concept Agri-
by pesticides is on the rise since the introduction of readily Tek, USA), etc., in local communities. The familiarity of the
available potent pesticides in the market, with several glob- local brands is essential for the physicians because many
al, national, and domestic factors playing a role in the in- times, the patients do not bring the compound or the contain-
creasing incidence. er at the time of hospital admission for recognition, which re-
sults in misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis. Aluminum phos-
The rapid onset of a severe toxidrome after aluminum phide is marketed as solid pellets or tablets, powder sachets,
phosphide’s ingestion and the non-availability of an effec- and compressed discs. The commonly available over the
tive antidote is responsible for very high case fatality rates, counter 3 g tablets release around 1 g of phosphine gas in
making it a typical ‘suicide poison’. In recent times, it has contact with water. Change in the formulation as the granu-
emerged as the leading cause of emergency hospitalization lated powder form (usually marketed as a 10 g sachet) usual-
ly decreases the potency. Exposure to the environment caus-
es a reaction of aluminum phosphide with atmospheric mois-
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Internal
Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
ture, resulting in phosphine liberation and less toxicity. The
Chandigarh 160012, India; Tel: +919914291115, +918264786277; primary mode of toxicity is ingestion or, less commonly in-
E-mail: halation and rarely, absorption through broken skin [6]. The

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2 Drug Metabolism Letters, хххх, Vol. хх, No. хх Anbalagan et al.

fatal dose of the poison for an adult individual (weighing 1.2.1. Cardiovascular System
about 70 kg) is approximately 150-500 mg [7, 8]. Many for- Because the cardiovascular system is the most affected
mulations also contain other chemicals like ammonium car- organ system by phosphine-related cellular oxidative dam-
bamate, ammonium bicarbonate, urea, methanethiol, and age, circulatory failure remains the core of toxidrome in se-
paraffin, which play a crucial role in regulating the release vere poisoning. The patients usually present with heart fail-
of phosphine gas, suppressing flammability and regulating ure, cardiogenic shock, and cardiac arrhythmias [18]. The
moisture uptake. cardiac electrophysiological abnormalities typically include
sinus tachycardia in the initial 3-6 hours of acute poisoning,
1.1. Mechanism of Toxicity followed by ST-T changes and conduction disturbances in
On ingestion, aluminum phosphide reacts with water the next 6-12 hours. Tachyarrhythmias are common and
molecules (or gastric acid) to form aluminum hydroxide (or may consist of ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrilla-
aluminum chloride) and phosphine, which is absorbed tion, supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, or atrial
through the gastric mucosa. On inhalation of the phosphine flutter [19, 20]. Usually, cardiac manifestations and ECG
gas, it combines with the moisture in the lungs, leading to changes are seen in the first 24 hours of acute aluminum
phosphide poisoning [21]. Echocardiography usually reveals
phosphoric acid production, which causes damage to the
hypokinesia of the left ventricle and interventricular septum
lung at the alveolar-capillary interface. The phosphine's and significantly reduced ejection fraction in most patients
blood levels correlate positively with the clinical grades of with cardiovascular manifestations. Regional wall motion ab-
toxicity, the ingested dose, and mortality. The fatal effects normalities may mimic changes seen in acute myocardial in-
of phosphine are seen when the blood levels exceed ~1 farctions [22, 23]. Autopsy findings consist of congestion, se-
mg/dl. After acute ingestion of aluminum phosphide, mean paration, or fragmentation of myocardial fibers, nonspecific
blood concentrations of 0.10 mg/dL, 1.07 mg/dL, and 3.73 vacuolation of myocytes, focal necrosis, and neutrophil and
mg/dL correlate with mild toxicity, severe toxicity with sur- eosinophil infiltration [24].
vival, and fatal toxicity, respectively. A rapid fall in blood
concentration is positively associated with survival, whereas The circulatory failure and hypotension after acute alu-
a progressive rise is fatal [9]. LD50 in mice following inhala- minum phosphide poisoning are difficult to treat, and have
various mechanisms, including arrhythmias or conduction
tion is 0.68 g/m3 (~500 ppm) after ~1 hour of exposure, 1.47 disturbances, reduced ejection fraction from myocardial dam-
g/m after 35 to 50 mins of exposure, and 25 ppm for cats af- age, peripheral vasodilatation secondary to widespread small-
ter 2 to 4 hours daily for three days [10]. The toxin is excret- -vessel injury, hypovolemia due to vomiting, and decreased
ed via urine with minor excretion through exhaled air [9]. In cortisol levels from direct toxic effects of phosphine on the
cases of occupation exposure of phosphine, a concentration adrenal cortex [8, 18, 25]. Post-mortem findings usually
above 50 ppm causes life-threatening systemic effects, and show congestion, hemorrhagic necrosis, or areas of fat deple-
concentration above 400 ppm for 30 minutes or less may be tion in adrenal glands [24].
rapidly fatal [11].
1.2.2. Respiratory System
Orally ingested aluminum phosphide liberates phosphine
in the stomach. The phosphine is then absorbed through the The early respiratory manifestations include tachypnoea,
gastric mucosa and subsequently targets the mitochondrial dyspnoea, crepitations, and rhonchi. Pulmonary edema oc-
respiratory mechanisms, decreasing the ATP production and curs commonly either due to direct cardiotoxicity or se-
reducing the membrane potential leading to electron leak- condary to noncardiogenic causes. Diffuse alveolar damage
age, especially in cardiac myocytes and lungs [12-14]. The and adult respiratory distress syndrome may occur due to
toxin inhibits complex IV (cytochrome C oxidase) of the mi- phosphoric acid formed from phosphine [26]. Few cases of
tochondrial electron transport chain, causing a shift from aer- obstructive airway disease have been reported among sur-
vivors [27]. Chest radiography reveals hilar and perihilar in-
obic to anaerobic metabolism and lactate accumulation
filtrates similar to acute respiratory distress syndrome from
[14-16]. The electron leakage leads to the formation of free
other causes. Aspiration with chemical pneumonitis may oc-
radicals inside the cell, resulting in depletion of the cellular cur with a superadded bacterial infection. Central respiratory
stores of antioxidants like glutathione, catalase and super- depression or hypoventilation is rare but might complicate
oxide dismutase [17]. The increasing free radicals and deplet- respiratory failure [28]. Post-mortem findings of lungs in-
ing endogenous antioxidant levels lead to DNA damage and clude congestion, edema, and thickening of alveoli by hae-
cell membrane damage, finally leading to cell death [12]. molysed red blood cells and dilated capillaries.
The toxin’s metallic component may interact with free or in-
tracellular hemoglobin and cause methemoglobinemia and 1.2.3. Gastrointestinal System
hemolysis [12].
The early symptoms of aluminum phosphide ingestion
1.2. Clinical Features are nausea, vomiting, retrosternal burning, epigastric discom-
fort, and diarrhea [29]. Recurrent emesis may cause hypov-
Aluminum phosphide toxicity affects many vital organs olemia, hypokalemia, or metabolic alkalosis. Upper gastroin-
and results in multi-systemic toxicity features. testinal endoscopy examination following acute ingestion
Management of Acute Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning Drug Metabolism Letters, хххх, Vol. хх, No. хх 3

usually reveals multiple corrosive lesions of the esophagus jury [25, 29]. It further worsens pulmonary edema or
and stomach. Esophageal strictures and tracheoesophageal metabolic and electrolyte abnormalities (e.g., hyperkalemia,
fistula may develop in patients who have survived acute toxi- hypermagnesemia, metabolic acidosis).
drome as late complications and can present with dysphagia
[30]. Post-mortem findings show congestion, edema, and ne- 1.2.8. Endocrine System
crosis of the stomach mucosa [24]. Impaired glucose homeostasis secondary to adrenal dam-
age may lead to hypoglycemia [8, 37, 38]. However, hyperg-
1.2.4. Hepatobiliary System lycemia has also been observed in patients with severe toxi-
Hepatic abnormalities usually manifest as a transient ele- drome with unknown mechanisms [39, 40].
vation of serum aspartate and alanine aminotransferase lev-
els due to direct hepatotoxic injury and secondary to is- 1.2.9. Hematological Manifestations
chemic hepatitis [31]. Because acute hypoperfusion or hy- Intravascular hemolysis or methemoglobinemia have
poxia remains the principal mechanism, serum aminotrans- been demonstrated in acute aluminum phosphide toxicity
ferase levels typically increase without serum bilirubin or al- [41]. It is attributes to phosphine-induced alteration of the
kaline phosphatase elevation. Significant ischemic injury re- circulatory dichroitic spectra of hemoglobin and modifica-
sults in a rapid rise of transaminases, usually in 25 to 250 tion of the conformation of the prosthetic group of heme
times the upper limit of normal. The enzymes return to nor- iron, leading to the formation of Heinz bodies and oxidized
mal with the recovery of hemodynamic insult. Nevertheless, hemoglobin [42]. Methemoglobinemia is typically suspected
few patients may develop jaundice because of direct hepato- with an “oxygen saturation gap”, i.e., a low oxygen satura-
toxicity or hemolysis. Acute liver failure is rare but associat- tion (SPO2) on pulse oximetry (and/or generalized cyanosis
ed with fatal outcomes. Autopsy findings may reveal intrahe- poorly responsive to oxygen) in the presence of a normal or
patocyte cytoplasmic vacuolization, nuclear fragmentation, high arterial oxygen (PaO2). Diagnosis is made by multiple
congestion of sinusoids, and sinusoidal clusters of polymor- wavelength co-oximetry, blood methemoglobin levels, or by
phonuclear leukocytes [32]. placing a blood drop on filter paper and observing a brown
color that does not change with exposure to air.
1.2.5. Central Nervous System Other uncommon manifestations include disseminated in-
Characteristic neurological features of aluminum phos- travascular coagulation, pancreatitis, and rhabdomyolysis
phide toxicity include headache, dizziness, altered mental [43].
status, and limb paraesthesia or tremors [33]. The late clini-
cal features in survivors are persistent headaches and pe- 1.3. Diagnosis
ripheral neuropathy [27]. Neuropathological findings usual- The immediate diagnosis of acute aluminum phosphide
ly consist of neuronal degeneration, the disappearance of poisoning is primarily clinical. It depends on the history of
Nissls granules in neurons, eccentricity or degeneration of toxin ingestion, characteristic features such as vomiting and
the nucleus, and disappearance of the nucleolus. The patho- typical garlic odor breath, metabolic acidosis, and cardiac or
logical changes have been attributed to interference in neuro- circulatory failure evident with hypotension or arrhythmias
nal oxidation caused by phosphine and subsequent hypoxic [13]. Garlicky odor breath is specific but is difficult to appre-
damage [34]. ciate and frequently missed in a busy medical emergency.
Laboratory diagnosis is based on the detection of phosphine
1.2.6. Metabolic and Electrolyte Abnormalities by the use of phosphine detector tubes, silver nitrate test, or
The dyselectrolytemia can either be from hypokalemia gas chromatography. Silver nitrate test has high sensitivity
(due to vomiting and catecholamine release) to hyper- up to 100%. The test is done employing filter papers impreg-
kalemia (due to acute kidney injury) and likewise, hypomag- nated with silver nitrate, which turn black when exposed to
nesemia or hypermagnesemia [21, 35, 36]. Specific acid- phosphine gas in the exhaled air or gastric aspirate samples
base abnormality observed in acute aluminum phosphide of patients [44-47]. Gas chromatography is gold-standard
toxicity is metabolic acidosis secondary to hypotension, lac- with high sensitivity and specificity and can be performed
tic acidosis, or acute kidney injury [35]. Mixed acid-base ab- on blood or post-mortem specimens of liver and gastric con-
normalities such as metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalo- tents [48-51]. Gas chromatography and phosphine detector
sis (due to associated hyperventilation), metabolic acidosis tubes are more specific than the silver nitrate test but are
and metabolic alkalosis (due to associated vomiting), or technically challenging, expensive, and not routinely avail-
metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis (due to respirato- able.
ry muscle fatigue or central hypoventilation) can occur. Laboratory investigations are principally aimed at early
Hypocalcemia may occur due to respiratory alkalosis and recognition of organ dysfunction, such as blood gas analysis
manifests as tetany. with lactate level, plasma glucose (preferably not capillary
blood if hypotension is present), serum electrolytes (mainly
1.2.7. Urinary System
magnesium and potassium), renal function test, liver func-
Renal involvement usually takes the form of acute tubu- tion test, electrocardiography, chest radiography, and echo-
lar necrosis manifesting as oliguric or anuric acute kidney in- cardiography.
4 Drug Metabolism Letters, хххх, Vol. хх, No. хх Anbalagan et al.

1.4. Prognosis adsorbed by the activated charcoal, it is unknown if alu-

The prognosis depends on toxin-related factors, toxi- minum atoms retain weak bonds with phosphorus [61]. Few
drome at presentation, available therapeutic options, and in- studies found potassium permanganate useful given the po-
tensive care facilities. The toxin-related factors related to tent oxidizing property, which converts phosphine to nontox-
poor prognosis include a low socio-economic status, rural ic phosphates [62]. However, studies have shown that oxida-
background, suicidal intent to poisoning, consumption of pel- tion of phosphine is chemically challenging because of its
lets as compared to powder, lack of reconstitution of the poi- complex nucleophile nature. Moreover, potassium permanga-
son, and the dose of poison intake (with the fatal dose being nate being a strong oxidizing agent can cause hemolysis and
150-500 mg) [52, 53]. The toxidrome features associated methemoglobinemia [63]. Activated charcoal or potassium
with a high risk of mortality are severe metabolic acidosis permanganate, being water-soluble, can induce more phos-
(pH <7.2 or serum bicarbonate <15 mmol/L), the need for phine generation [64]. The use of vegetable oils in lavage
mechanical ventilation, shock requiring vasopressor support with coconut oil and sodium bicarbonate has shown a survi-
at admission, presence of dysrhythmia, a low score on the val benefit [57, 65]. Administration of castor oil may inhibit
Glasgow coma scale, high score of Acute Physiology and phosphine liberation by cutting off the contact with gastric
Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE)- II, acute kidney in- mucosal moisture [66]. It may also accelerate gastric motili-
jury (serum creatinine >1.0 mg/dL), hyperleukocytosis, coag- ty and help to remove the toxic compound from the gastroin-
ulopathy (raised prothrombin time), hypomagnesemia and testinal tract. Liquid paraffin has also been tried for gastric
hyperglycemia [54, 55]. A prolonged QTc interval (>490 decontamination in small case series. However, most of th-
milliseconds) along with metabolic acidosis (bicarbonate ese decontamination agents have a heightened potential of
<18 mmol/L) has recently been found to predict mortality aspiration and require large-scale studies to establish their ef-
[56]. Delay in the administration of gastric lavage, delay in ficacy.
timely initiation of appropriate intensive care support (e.g., A new school of thought focuses on thermal damage
ventilator or vasopressor), and failure to maintain high nor- caused by aluminum phosphide poisoning [67-69]. Ways to
mal serum magnesium levels tend to increase the mortality lessen thermal injury by adopting novel interventions such
risk [57, 58]. A recent prognostic tool consisting of blood as lavage with vegetable oils and avoiding potassium per-
pH <7.25, Glasgow coma scale score <13, and systolic manganate due to its exothermic properties both in research
blood pressure <90 mm Hg, called ‘PGI’ score (stands for and practice have been suggested to improve outcomes in
blood pH, Glasgow coma scale, and Impaired systolic blood this fatal poisoning [70].
pressure), is a toxidrome-specific scoring system. It is a sim-
plified three-point clinical score, which accurately identifies In inhalational exposures, the person should be brought
high-risk patients at in-hospital mortality, and predicts those to fresh air. All clothes should be removed with washing of
at low risk [59, 60]. skin and eyes to minimize phosphine absorption. The health--
care professionals must wear appropriate personnel protec-
1.5. Management tive equipment to avoid phosphine exposure. Oxygen supple-
mentation should be avoided unless the person is cyanosed
1.5.1. Emergent Care or has documented hypoxemia.
Primary emergency medical care addressing the airway, 1.5.2. Intensive Supportive Care
breathing, and circulation (ABC) was the main priority at
emergency department admission. The patients should be Because no specific antidote is available, immediate
placed on a cardiac monitor (including electrocardiography) recognition of the toxidrome and initiation of high-quality
and pulse oximetry. Oxygen supplementation is recommend- supportive care remain essential in managing acute alu-
ed for low oxygen saturation, respiratory distress, or hy- minum phosphide poisoning. Ideally, all severe toxidrome
potension. After establishing peripheral or central venous cases should be admitted to an intensive care unit or high de-
cannulation, crystalloid intravenous fluids or vasopressor pendency unit.
therapy are required in appropriate circumstances.
1.5.3. Management of Circulatory Shock Decontamination Refractory hypotension is the most critical component
Gastric decontamination should ideally be done if the pa- during toxidrome management. Initial fluid resuscitation
tient is brought to the hospital within the first one to two may require to restore intravascular volume. However,
hours of poison ingestion and after the airway is secured. overzealous intravenous fluids result in pulmonary edema;
Many agents have long been used for gastric decontamina- the minimum amount should be administered to ensure ade-
tion, such as activated charcoal, potassium permanganate quate perfusion with monitoring of central venous pressure
(1:10000), coconut oil or vegetable oil, and liquid paraffin. or inferior vena cava diameter (and its variation with respira-
Single-dose of 50-100 g of activated charcoal is postulated tory phases) for the volume status [71]. Aluminum phos-
to have strong adsorption action on phosphine. However, phide results in disruption in the vascular wall integrity, lead-
studies have shown that aluminum phosphide's molecular ing to congestion of vital organs, transudation of fluid into
weight is 58 daltons that fall well below the adsorbing prop- the serous cavities, and inadequate response to vasopressors
erty of activated charcoal. Even if some of the molecules are and crystalloids. Hydroxyethyl starch has been used in man-
Management of Acute Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning Drug Metabolism Letters, хххх, Vol. хх, No. хх 5

aging refractory hypotension since it may stay in the intra- treatment of aluminum phosphide poisoning. The energy-de-
vascular compartment; however, a large study may be re- pleted cardiac myocytes use free fatty acids for the produc-
quired to show its beneficial effects and ensure a safety pro- tion of ATP. The fatty acids can form toxic intermediates,
file in view of its nephrotoxic potential [72, 73]. Vasopres- which in turn cause altered ion channel activity, membrane
sors should be started early in shock not responding to fluid breakdown, and apoptosis leading to dangerous arrhythmias.
therapy. Norepinephrine, epinephrine and vasopressin are Infusion of GIK infusion decreases circulating free fatty
the initial choices [74, 75]. Vasoactive agents with higher acids and promotes the uptake of glucose into cells, thereby
affinity for beta receptors like dopamine and dobutamine are restoring the membrane ion channel activity and cardiac my-
prone to induce arrhythmias in susceptible patients, thus ocytes' cellular viability [83]. GIK infusion helps the injured
need to be used with caution [75]. Because of frequent titra- heart tide over the acute cardiotoxic crisis mediated by the
tion of vasopressors and/or the presence of arrhythmias, the toxin. The role of GIK in cardiac dysfunction was first eluci-
non-invasive blood pressure measurements can be highly in- dated in cardiac ischemia from acute coronary syndromes
accurate; thus, intra-arterial pressure monitoring is recom- [83]. Extrapolating its use to cardiotoxicity in aluminum
mended. phosphide poisoning was first suggested by Hassanian-
While the benefit of steroids for refractory shock is not Moghaddam et al. in a case series followed by a prospective
established, they might be considered in aluminum phos- case-control study [84]. These preliminary data found an in-
phide poisoning with documented low serum cortisol levels crease in blood pressure, correction of metabolic acidosis,
as adrenocortical insufficiency is described [8]. Their rou- and reduced mortality in the treatment group [84]. These
tine use is not recommended. promising results were further confirmed by a randomized
controlled study from our academic center in north India.
1.5.4. Management of Myocardial Dysfunction The results showed a significant reduction in mortality, the
need for mechanical ventilation, improvement in cardiody-
Cardiac myocytes are highly prone to oxidative stress namics (e.g., blood pressure) among those who received
and result in heart failure, typically with reduced ejection GIK infusion over those who received conventional treat-
fraction. The patients with sustained and severe myocardial ment only [85]. Further large multicenter controlled studies
damage usually require management similar to other causes
need the hour to establish the role of GIK infusion as a vital
of severe heart failure, such as using cardiac glycosides (di-
goxin) and intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation [76-78]. cog in managing life-threatening poisoning. The recommend-
Concomitant presence of electrolyte disturbances like hy- ed GIK protocol consists of: (1) Intravenous Insulin regular
pokalemia, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia should be as bolus dosing of 0.1-0.2 U/kg (5-10 U for an adult) fol-
corrected [79]. Similarly, the management of severe lowed by 0.2- 0.5 U/kg/hour (10-25 U/hr for adults), with
metabolic acidosis (pH <7.0) with sodium bicarbonate has the dose can be titrated up to 3 U/kg/hour (150 U/hour). (2)
been advocated. Arrhythmias requires specific anti-arrhyth- Intravenous glucose is given to maintain the blood glucose
mic agents and correction of dyselectrolytemia [76, 79]. level between 150-200 mg/dL. (3) Intravenous or oral potas-
Commonly used anti-arrhythmic agents, such as amiodarone sium is supplemented to maintain serum potassium at 3.5-
or lidocaine, may worsen circulatory shock. 4.5 meq/L [84, 85].
Many studies have demonstrated magnesium sulfate's Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be
role in reducing aluminum phosphide-associated cardiovas- employed in patients with vasopressor refractory cardio-
cular mortality. The suggested mechanism of action of mag- genic shock. It provides mechanical circulatory support for
nesium is the stabilization of the cell membrane, thereby rais- refractory cardiogenic shock for a short duration (few days)
ing the threshold for arrhythmias. It is also postulated to pro- until the acceptable myocardial function is restored [23, 86].
duce an antioxidant effect that combats reactive free radicals Veno-arterial ECMO might significantly impact the amelio-
due to phosphine [80]. The effective dosage of magnesium ration of toxicity and improvement in outcomes, principally
used differs in different studies, with most using a treatment for high-risk patients. In cases where swift recognition of se-
duration of 5-7 days [81]. The following intravenous dosing vere toxidrome that is unlikely to improve with conventional
regimens are commonly used – (1) 3 g infusion over 3
therapeutic methods, decision-making on the use of ECMO
hours, followed by 6 g per 24 hours for 3-5 days; (2) 1 g
loading dose, then 1 g per hour for the next 2 hours, fol- before the onset of considerable deterioration in ventricular
lowed by 1-1.5 grams every 6 hours for 5-7 days; (3) 4 g ejection fraction is pivotal for a good prognosis [87].
loading dose, followed by 2 g after 1 hour and then 1 g ev-
ery 3 hours; and (4) 3 g loading dose followed by 6 g infu- 1.5.5. Management of Metabolic Acidosis
sion over 12 hours for 5-7 days. A meta-analysis of various Correction of metabolic acidosis has been the proverbial
magnesium sulfate studies showed no mortality benefit with thorn in the rose in this toxidrome management, blunting the
normal serum and tissue magnesium levels [82]. Therefore, cardiovascular responses to inotropes. Severe metabolic aci-
its routine use is questionable as hypermagnesemia might be dosis decreases the calcium sensitivity of intracellular myo-
present at admission. It is recommended to check serum filament by altering calcium binding to troponin. The num-
magnesium levels before the therapy and restrict use only in ber of adrenoreceptors is reduced on the cell membrane by
patients with documented hypomagnesemia. internalizing receptors due to extra and intracellular acido-
Hyperinsulinemia-euglycemia therapy or glucose-in- sis. Intracellular acidosis causes cellular hyperpolarisation
sulin-potassium (GIK) infusion offers a novel leap in the by potassium extrusion and stimulates apoptosis [88].
6 Drug Metabolism Letters, хххх, Vol. хх, No. хх Anbalagan et al.

The role of systemic alkalinization in severe metabolic even after bicarbonate therapy [88]. Additionally, bicarbo-
acidosis and its benefit remains controversial in many criti- nate decreases ionized intracellular calcium necessary for
cal medical conditions [89]. Sodium bicarbonate has been re- myocardial contractility. The development of intracellular
moved from the treatment algorithm in advanced cardiac life acidosis offsets the attractive prospect of raising extracellu-
support. The sepsis guidelines also recommend against us- lar pH.
ing bicarbonate therapy for improving hemodynamic param- There is currently no consensus regarding the routine
eters or reducing vasopressor requirements in patients with use of bicarbonate infusion in aluminum phosphide toxicity.
lactic acidosis with pH >7.15. Despite these guidelines, Hence, it is recommended to focus all efforts on the correc-
emergency physicians consider using bicarbonate therapy tion of severe hypotension by administration of hydrox-
for severe metabolic acidosis. In the context of acute alu- yethyl starch solution in addition to crystalloids to overcome
minum phosphide poisoning, a recent study found using in- symptoms of shock and restore tissue perfusion [73]. The in-
travenous bicarbonate for the aggressive correction of acido-
fusion of sodium bicarbonate should be primarily limited to
sis protocol resulted in improvement in outcomes; however,
pH <7.0 [91, 92].
there was no significant difference in base excess or pH
among survivors and non-survivors [90]. Accordingly, be- 1.5.6. Other Intensive Organ Support
cause the leading cause of severe metabolic acidosis is gener-
alized tissue hypoperfusion, bicarbonate therapy is less like- Ischemic acute tubular necrosis can be managed with va-
ly to correct severe acidosis in these patients [91]. Bicarbo- sopressors and appropriate fluid-electrolyte management. Re-
nate, after reaction with proton, forms water and carbon fractory acidosis or advanced azotemia may require hemo-
dioxide in the extracellular space. The carbon dioxide diffus- dialysis, but shock may worsen. Continuous renal replace-
es rapidly across the cell membrane and results in intracellu- ment therapy (CRRT) has been tried successfully with a bi-
lar hypercapnic acidosis that further impairs organ function. carbonate-based solution, both as a substitute as well as
The rise of carbon dioxide in blood also increases hemo- dialysate [93]. CRRT may help in maintaining the metabolic
globin affinity for oxygen which causes decreased oxygen milieu and hemodynamic parameters until the toxin is ex-
delivery to tissues and subsequent increase of lactate levels, cret-

Fig. (1). Proposed management algorithm for acute aluminum phosphide toxicity. (Adr- adrenaline, ARDS- acute respiratory distress syn-
drome, BP- blood pressure, CRRT- continuous renal replacement therapy, ECG- electrocardiography, Echo- echocardiography, ECMO- ex-
tracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ED- emergency department, GIK- glucose-insulin-potassium, HES- hydroxyethyl starch, IABP- in-
tra-aortic balloon counter-pulsation, IV- intravenous, NS- normal saline, NAd- noradrenaline, RRT- renal replacement therapy, SPO2- oxy-
gen saturation).
Management of Acute Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning Drug Metabolism Letters, хххх, Vol. хх, No. хх 7

ed. Few studies showed that CRRT, which employed hemo- GIK = Glucose Insulin Potassium Infusion
diafiltration with convection as the underlying principle
(continuous venovenous hemofiltration) - a diffusion-based IABP = Intra Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation
therapy, was superior to hemodialysis [94]. Hepatic impair- ILE = Intravenous Lipid Emulsion
ment due to ischemic hepatitis or drug-induced hepatitis,
mounting to acute liver failure, has been managed with N- PGI score = pH of blood, Glasgow coma scale score,
acetyl cysteine successfully in few cases. Hemolysis and Impaired systolic blood pressure
methemoglobinemia caused by phosphine have been success-
fully treated with intravenous vitamin C (1 g 6-hourly) and CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
methylene blue (1 mg/kg of 1% solution) in some reports
Not applicable.

1.5.7. Definitive Management FUNDING

There is no specific antidote that reverses the effects of None.

aluminum phosphide. Antioxidants like N-acetylcysteine,
sodium selenite, vitamin E, liothyronine, calcitriol and mela- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
tonin have been tried as antidotes to aluminum phosphide The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or
but with very limited success [95-100]. Intravenous lipid otherwise.
emulsion (ILE) has been reported to reverse the toxic sys-
temic effect of acute aluminum phosphide self-ingestion. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ILE aims to dissolve the circulating phosphine gas that has
diffused into the systemic circulation through the gastric bar- Declared none.
rier [101]. However, large studies are lacking to establish
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