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Egyptian Art Old kingdom- 2575-2134 BCE Middle Kingdom- 2040-1640 BCE New Kingdom- 1550-1070 BCE Things

to know: Egyptian art spans a 3,000 years Elaborate funerary practices led to the erection of mastabas, pyramids, and rock-cut tombs in sacred imperial precincts throughout Egypt. Egyptian figures generally have broad frontal shoulders and profiled heads, torsos and legs. Old Kingdom figures show an unyielding stance and formidable expression Middle Kingdom works have more relaxed figures and emotional faces New Kingdom is characterized by rounded and elongated figures that betray an intimacy hitherto unknown. Old Kingdom Narmer Palette (3000-2920 BCE) Old Kingdom

Symbolizes the unification of Egypt under King Narmer in predynastic times. Relief sculpture Figures stand on a ledge Hierarchy of scale

Characteristic of Egyptian Sculptures: Huge portraits of pharaohs were meant to impress and overwhelm Stone of choice was limestone Relief sculptures followed the same figural formula as paintings Stepped Pyramid of King Djoser (2630-2611 BCE)

By Imohotep, first known artist in history First of complex buildings constructed entirely of stone 6 uneven steps Appears like a stack of matsabas, one on top of the other Part of a complex called a necropolis

Great Pyramids (2500 BCE)

Giant monument to dead pharaohs Each pyramid had an enjoining mortuary temple

Middle Kingdom Senusret III- 1860 BCE

Moody look in the eyes and mouth: depressed, rather than the heroic figures seen in the Old Kingdom Reflects a period of civil unrest Carefully delineated lines and folds of flesh between the brows and at the corners of nose & mouth Rock Cut Tombs of Beni Hasan 1950-1900 BCE

Cliff walls hollowed out to reveal small burial chambers Reserve columns cut away from the interior chamber to create the look of conventional columns Columns ARE NOT round but fluted Faade shows columned porch

New Kingdom Nefertiti 1353-1335 BCE

Armana style Realistic face, soft, delicate, new kingdom features Long elegant neck Temple of Ramses II 1290-1224 BCE

Rock cut tomb resembles a pylon Huge seated quartet of Ramses on the faade carved in situ Royal family located between the Ramses legs

Study guide questions: 1. What is a stele 2. Which of the following civilizations produced this monument?

3. This building is unusual in Near East art because 4. A bas-relief is formed when. 5. Which Near Eastern society built this monument?

6. This building was used for 7. This building is called a . 8. It is common in Ancient Near Eastern art to have figures that are 9. Naram-Sin was the first ancient ruler to 10. Glazed brick tile was used at. 11. In the Woman of Willendorf certain body parts are emphasized to symbolize. 12. The top element of a column is a. 13. Akkadian art is in this time period 14. Prehistoric drawings have been found in caves in which of the 2 following countries 15. A stone of great size used in the construction of prehistoric structures is a. 16. Draw an example of a post-and-lintel 17. Egyptian columns come from 18. The historical event of the unification of upper and lower Egypt is depicted in the 19. A dramatic change in Egyptian art took place during th Amarna period under the reign of 20. Many works of Egyptian sculpture were carved in situ, meaning they were 21. Mastabas are an early form of an Egyptian.

22. This building is dedicated to

23. The temple depicted here is meant to. 24. The difference between a reserve column and an engaged column is that the reserve column is. 25. In Egyptian art, hippopotami are often seen as. 26. A necropolis is.. 27. Armana style is 28. A lamassu is 29. An apadana is a.. 30. A papyrus is a.. 31. An engaged column is 32. A cylinder seal is a 33. A faade is. 34. Stonehenge is an example of 35. How many main periods are there in Ancient Near Eastern Art? 36. Hittite Art is located in . 37. Babylonian is in what time period? 38. Name the Ancient Near Eastern art main periods 39. Name the 3 natural products used to make paint in prehistoric art era 40. Name 3 common animals used in prehistoric art

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