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Which of the following would not be a type of function of behavior identified during a functional


  Frustration

Results of a functional assessment reveal that a child engages in hand-biting when she is in a
room by herself. The likely function of behavior is:

 Automatic reinforcement

You are working with a child on teaching swimming. You teach the child to do the front crawl.
After a few weeks of teaching, the child is doing both the front crawl and also starts doing the
breast stroke. What has occurred?

 Stimulus generalization

What if you teach the child to swim in a pool and the child goes to the beach and can do the front
crawl in the ocean?

 Response generalization

In reference to maintenance, functional arrangements between behavior and antecedent and

consequence events that occur in the environment in which the behavior of interest is to be
maintained are called:

  Natural contingencies

A child who learns to say ‫ג‬€red‫ג‬€ when presented with a red card, also says ‫ג‬€red‫ג‬€ when
presented with an orange card. This is called:

 Stimulus generalization

Which schedule of reinforcement is most effective at maintaining behaviors?

  Intermittent reinforcement

You are teaching David to clean the workshop to prepare him for working on the cleaning crew.
Read the descriptions below and identify which is LEAST likely to promote generalization of the
workshop cleaning skills to real-life cleaning jobs.
 Make the workshop distinctive from the cleaning crew and then gradually make it more
like it

7 Dimensions of ABA (Baer, Wolf, Risley, 1968)

Applied-is not determined by research procedures, in behavioral application it is important for

man (behavior, stimuli, organism) to study, close relationship within the study

Behavioral-Explicit measurement of the reliability of human observers thus becomes not merely
good technique, but a prime criterion of whether the study was appropriately behavioral.

Analytic-experimentation/intervention (multiple baseline, reversal technique)

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