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1 When will you have a become sick?

2 How long have you b hair dyed?

3 What did they c would stop raining?

4 Has Kim always been d just moved in next fond of door?

5 What will you do if you e been working there?

6 When did she have her f found a new job?

7 Are they the ones g ask so many who’ve questions for?

8 Don’t you wish it h playing soccer?

1 I’m going to visit my aunt on the weekend.

2 Yes, you’re right. It’s very cold today.
3 Next week? I’ll be skiing in Switzerland.
4 If I’d been there, I think I would have run away.
5 Yes, I did. And it was a terrible school uniform.
6 Yes, I have. The whole house is now white.
7 He asked me if I could take him to the station
8 Oh, I guess I’ve known Diane for over ten years.
9 If I want to lose weight, I usually just eat less.
10 She was going into the mall when I saw her.

c Complete the conversation. (10 points)

A: I (1) _______ spoken to Timothy for a week, you know.

B: Why (2) _______ ? (3) _______ you two going out together anymore?

A: No. The last time we spoke he (4) _______ me he didn’t want to see me again.

B: Really? What did he say that (5) _______ ?

A: He was upset that I (6) _______ forgotten his birthday.

B: Well, you (7) _______ have been upset, too, in (8) _______ same situation.

A: I suppose you’re right. I (9) _______ have remembered.

B: If you call him and apologize, I’m sure he’ll forgive you.

A: I know. I’ve (10) _______ trying for ages but I can’t get through.

b Write the prepositions. (15 points)

1 cope _______ a setback

2 attempt _______ do something

3 be frightened _______ heights

4 blame someone _______ something

5 be terrible _______ golf

6 speak well _______ someone

7 talk _______ a problem

8 remind someone _______ do something

9 bear something _______ mind

10 go _______ working

11 get _______ with a crime

12 figure _______ what’s wrong

13 rely _______ a friend

14 be involved _______ sport

15 worry _______ the future

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