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Jl. Adisucipto, Oesapa- Kupang- NTT


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk soal : ESSAY TEST

Semester/Kelas : 1 / VIII Jumlah Soal : 10 Nomor
Kurikulum : K13
Alokasi Waktu : 60 Menit

Read the following conversation to answer number 1, 2, & 3

Mr. Roni : Please, listen to me, I have an announcement for you. We have arrived at the
Please prepare to pitch the tents.
Leo : Yes, Sir
Mr. Roni : Erdi, Chandra, stop talking and listen to me, please.
Leo : Um... Yes, sir.
Mr. Roni : You have one and a half hours for pitching the tent. Remember, keep the campsite
Leo : Sure, Sir
Mr. Roni : O.K. Let’s do it now.
Leo : Yes, Sir
1. When does the dialog occur?
2. What are the students going to do?
3. The underlined sentence above is the expression of?
4. You want to check your friend’s understanding after you have explained a lesson. What
would you say?
Read the following conversation to answer number 5, 6, & 7
Ronaldo : Thank God! The futsal competition has been over. What do you say about it, Sir?
Mr. Jon : Excellent! It ran successfully.
Ronaldo : Thanks, Sir. It is all because of our hard work and cooperation.
Mr. Jon : I don’t doubt it! Your team had prepared the event very well.
5. What did Ronaldo and his friends just conduct?
6. Why does Mr. Jon compliment Ronaldo and his friends?
7. Which word that express Mr. Jon’s compliment about Ronaldo’s achievement?
8. Mr. Roni: Hello, good morning Leo!
Leo : Good Morning, Mr. Roni
Mr. Roni : I have _____ news for you, your friend Kelvin has got the highest score in
yesterday’s presentation.
Leo : Wow, what a __________ person he is.
Mr. Roni : Yeah, your friend gave a ______ performance
Complete the blank sections in the conversation above!
9. Erdi : Hei Chandra, he is Satrio right?
Chandra: Yeah, it is him
Erdi : He looks different, what do you think about satrio’s new haircut?
Chandra: I think it is awesome, he looks great
Rewrite two sentences from the dialog above that states the expressions of asking for and
giving opinion!
10.Write down one example from each expressions below!
− Getting one’s attention
− Checking one’s understanding
− Praising one’s performance
− Asking for and giving opinions

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