Top Ten Jobs in The Future

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Watch the video and place the following jobs in the scale

Nanobot Immune System Augmenter - 3-D fabricator - Climate engineer

Human DNA programmer- Vertical Farmer - Domestic robotician-

Transhumanist surgeon - Cosmetic Bioprinter- Space Elevator Attendant- AI trainer

1. Climate engineer 6. Nanobot Immune System Augmenter

2. Space Elevator Attendant 7. Transhumanist surgeon
3. Vertical Farmer 8. AI trainer
4. Cosmetic Bioprinter 9. Domestic robotician
5. Human DNA programmer 10. 3-D fabricator

Match the definitions to the jobs in the previous exercise

● Somebody who cures disease or otherwise improves people’s health by

introducing nanobots into their bloodstream Nanobot Immune System
● Somebody who uses 3-D printers to copy and manufacture things in retail
locations on demand.3-D fabricator
● A doctor who upgrades people’s bodies to give them beyond human
capabilities Transhumanist surgeon
● Somebody who supplies and maintains robots that can help out in the
home.Domestic robotician
● Somebody who helps young artificial intelligences to understand the world
and become sentient. AI trainer
● Somebody who uses geoengineering to control global warming by
constructing solar sails to shade the earth, building greenhouse gas filtration
plants or introducing algae into the oceans. Climate engineer
● Somebody who cures disease or otherwise alters the human body by
reprogramming a patient ‘s DNA. Human DNA programmer
● Somebody who raises crops and rears animals in skyscrapers in the middle of
cities. Vertical Farmer
● Somebody who makes people younger or otherwise changes their
appearance by removing existing flesh and bioprinting new skin. Cosmetic
● Somebody who ferries people and cargo into space in a lift carriage that
climbs a very long cable to an orbital platform. Space Elevator Attendant

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