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1. Does the article address a research need?

2. Is the article’s research focus properly defined?
3. Does the article’s methodology match its stated hypothesis and/or research questions?
4. Is the article’s methodology innovative?
5. Are there flaws in the article’s methodology?
6. Does the article analyze

Thesis statement po yung naka underline

Conquilla et al.’s 2021 study, “The Jeepney Drivers and their Lived Experiences During
the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study in the Philippines”, is
commendable for its research focus, despite that the methodology needs to be modified to
determine the lived experience of the jeepney drivers during the pandemic. The introduction
includes a basis for the research, which covers how difficult it was to be a public driver even
before the pandemic due to the average income to acquire daily necessities (Raskin & Meyer,
2020). When the pandemic began, it had a massive impact on the lives of everyone, including
their livelihood, occupation, and other necessities for survival (Arab News, 2020). Providing a
background of the study expresses how the research problem exists, allowing for a clear and
specific research focus. Thus, the introduction was able to expand on the purpose of the study,
which is to comprehend the sacrifices, struggles, and lives of jeepney drivers, as well as how
the pandemic affected their livelihood, financial stability, and mental health.

The methodology stated that a phenomenological method was used to discover and
describe the meaning of jeepney drivers' lived experiences during the pandemic. It also explains
why jeepney drivers were chosen for the study as they are a group that is frequently overlooked
in society, resulting in a clear understanding of why the researchers decided to choose this
group. However, there was a need for improvement as there were flaws in the methodology,
including not explaining and having no basis on how they selected nine participants, and not
stating if they used randomization which helps to minimize potential bias. Another flaw in the
methodology was that the researchers only mentioned that interviews were used for the study
and did not specify where they were conducted, which leads to inaccurate representation of
data and bias (there is a possibility that all nine participants live in the same area or drive in the
same route). Hence, failing to provide adequate justification in methodology may lead
researchers to not support their study.

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