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For each following parameter, briefly describe the mathematical definition and physical

(1) Local time fraction

(2) Instantaneous area fraction

(3) Instantaneous volume fraction

(5) Mixture density m

(6) Mass flux G , Gl , Gg

(7) Superficial velocity j , jl , jg

2. Show that

(1) Gg  Gx

(2) Gl  G (1  x)

(3) u g 
 g g

G (1  x)
(4) ul 
 l l

(5) jg 

G(1  x)
(6) jl 

(7)  g  from flow quality.
S (  g / l )(1  x)  x

xst l
(8)  g  from the static quality
 g  xst ( l   g )
3. The air-water mixture is flowing in a vertical tube hat a diameter of 0.08 m. The pressure
is 2 bar and the temperature is 25 oC. The void fraction is measured at a height of 1.016 m
from the tube bottom.

(1) Calculate jg and jl for each case.

(2) Determine the flow patter at the location where the void fraction is measured. Use Titel’s

m l m g Void jl jg
Run# Flow Regime
(kg/s) (g/s) fraction (m/s) (m/s)
Run1 0.2557 0.5216 5.50%

Run2 0.2685 3.354 23%

Run3 0.3774 2.772 15.30%

Run4 1.132 8.517 31.50%

Run5 0.9538 4.622 15.20%

Run6 1.038 1.816 5%

Run7 0.9155 5.542 13.80%

Run8 2.042 8.494 20.80%

Three mathematical rules are used to derive the two-fluid equations.

d c

dt V
cdV   dV   cu s  ndA
t A

 a  ndA     adV

Ak , j
k  n k dA    (V  k ck )

where c , u s , a , and n are the scalar property, the surface velocity, the arbitrary vector,
and the normal unit vector. Consider an arbitrary control volume within which the gas and
liquid phases exist. The local instantaneous conservation equation for phase k is

(  k k )    (  k k u k )    J k   kk .

where  is the property, u is the velocity vector, J is the efflux,  is the body force.

Derive, by hand, the following two-fluid equation:

 1
V Ai
( k k∂k )    ( k k∂k u∂k )    [ k (J k  k•
 
k u k )]   ik ik 
ˆ J k  n k dA   k  k ∝k ,

where and ∃ denote the phase-average and mass-weighted average, respectively.

Describe all assumptions and variables during the derivation.
5. Obtain, by hand, the two-fluid mass equation as follows:

( k  k )    ( k  k u∂k )  ik

6. Obtain, by hand, the two-fluid momentum equation as follows:

( k  k u∂k )    ( k k u∂k u∂k )   k pk    ( k τ k )    ( k τ Re
k )  pk  k   ik u ik  fik   k  k g

Explain the physical meaning of each term on the right-hand side.

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