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Sure, here is a design brief for your community bookstore's new logo:

Project Name: Community Bookstore Logo

Client: [Your Name]

Date: 2023-06-19

1. Background

We are a community bookstore located in [City, State]. We are committed to

providing our customers with a wide selection of books, as well as a welcoming and
inviting atmosphere. We are looking for a new logo that reflects our values and our

2. Target Audience

Our target audience is adults and children of all ages. We want our logo to appeal
to both book lovers and community members.

3. Goals

The goals of our new logo are to:

Represent our values of community, learning, and discovery.

Be memorable and visually appealing.
Be versatile enough to be used on a variety of marketing materials, including our
website, social media, and print ads.
4. Target Market

Our target market is adults and children of all ages who live in our community. We
also want to attract people from outside our community who are interested in
independent bookstores.

5. Tone and Style

We want our logo to be warm, inviting, and inviting. We want it to reflect the
community spirit of our bookstore.

6. Colors

Our brand colors are blue, green, and orange. We would like to incorporate these
colors into our logo, but we are open to other suggestions.

7. Symbols

We would like to incorporate symbols that represent books, reading, and learning
into our logo. Some ideas include:

An open book
A stack of books
A bookmark
A quill pen
A coffee cup
8. Typography

We would like to use a sans serif font for our logo. We want the font to be clear
and easy to read.
9. Other Requirements

We would like our logo to be available in black and white as well as color. We
would also like it to be scalable so that it can be used on a variety of marketing

10. Approval Process

We will approve the final logo once we have had a chance to review it and make any
necessary changes.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to working with you to
create a new logo that we are all proud of.

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