Analitical Error

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Review Article

Analytical error and interference in immunoassay: minimizing risk

Catharine M Sturgeon1 and Adie Viljoen2

Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SA; 2Department of
Clinical Biochemistry, Lister Hospital, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 4AB, UK
Corresponding author: Catharine M Sturgeon. Email:

Although generally robust, immunoassays remain vulnerable to occasional analytical errors that may have serious
implications for patient care. Sporadic errors that occur as a result of properties of the specimen are particularly difficult
to detect. They may be due to the presence of cross-reacting substances, antianalyte antibodies or antireagent
antibodies, all of which may lead to erroneously high or low results. Low results may be observed for tumour markers due
to high-dose hooking in the presence of very high analyte concentrations. Erroneous results can occur unexpectedly with
any specimen and there is no practical means of identifying specimens likely to cause problems in immunoassays. The
possibility of interference should always be considered when results do not appear to be in accord with the clinical
picture. Errors can occur in even the best-managed laboratories and their early investigation is always desirable. If there is
any doubt whatsoever about a result, clinical staff should be encouraged to contact the laboratory. Investigations for
possible interference that can be undertaken in most laboratories include testing for linearity on dilution, recovery
experiments, treatment with heterophilic blocking tubes and confirmation using a different method. It may be desirable to
consult specialist laboratories if more complex studies are necessary. Informing clinical and laboratory staff of the ever-
present possibility of unexpected interference, ensuring brief clinical details are available to laboratory staff, and above
all facilitating excellent communication between laboratory and clinical staff are key to minimizing the risk of clinical
mismanagement due to unsuspected interference.

Ann Clin Biochem 2011; 48: 418– 432. DOI: 10.1258/acb.2011.011073

Introduction and calcitonin),9 – 11 troponin12 and possibly thyroid stimulat-

Immunoassay remains the method of choice in the clinical ing hormone (TSH).3 Awareness by laboratorians of the types
laboratory for analysis of many analytes, particularly of interferences most likely to be encountered for particular
complex heterogeneous molecules. It is not surprising, since assays and analytes, together with excellent and proactive
immunoassays involve the reaction of complex biological communication with clinical staff, is essential to increase
reagents (usually antibodies) with other complex biological the likelihood of such errors being detected in time to
reagents (the analyte) in a variable biological matrix (often prevent unwarranted or inappropriate clinical treatment.
serum or plasma), that they are inherently vulnerable to Whether the risks of waiting for confirmation of a result
different types of interference.1 – 6 However, the frequency outweigh the risks of failing to take immediate action is a
with which such interference occurs – and most importantly, decision for the clinician, always remembering that having
the proportion of consequently erroneous results that may the wrong result may be worse than having no result.
significantly and adversely affect clinical management – is Exogenous errors, which are not associated with proper-
rather difficult to assess.7,8 Serious clinical errors are most ties of the individual specimen and which may reflect
likely to occur when decisions about patient management system failure (e.g. a blocked probe on an automated analy-
are directly linked to laboratory results, alternative means ser), differ from errors due to endogenous interferences,
of corroborating those results are not readily available and which are usually specimen-dependent and are much
they are not part of a panel, which is often the case for more difficult to detect. Causes of both types of error are
tumour markers (e.g. human chorionic gonadotropin briefly reviewed here but the main focus of this practically
[hCG], prostate specific antigen [PSA], CA125, thyroglobulin oriented article is on how to investigate suspected endogen-
ous interferences and minimize the risk of them adversely
affecting clinical management (Box 1).
This article was prepared at the invitation of the Clinical Sciences Although not considered here, it is of course also essential
Reviews Committee of the Association for Clinical Biochemistry. for laboratory and clinical staff to be well-informed about

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 2011; 48: 418 –432

Sturgeon and Viljoen. Immunoassay error and interference 419

consistent deviations from the ‘true’ value due to calibration

Box 1 Minimizing risk of interference – key points
errors), may affect many results, and should usually be
1. Substances such as immunoglobulins, other proteins, lipids and detected by good internal quality control18 and occasionally
bilirubin present in some blood serum samples can interfere in some retrospectively by careful examination of external quality
immunoassays to give falsely high or low results.
assessment (EQA) results1 (Table 1). It has recently been
2. Immunoassays can be designed by careful selection of reagents,
addition of blocking agents and reaction kinetics to minimize, but suggested that study of the outlier rate is a useful parameter
probably not eliminate, the effects of such interferents. with which to assess the robustness of assays.19 The effec-
3. Falsely high or falsely low results due to interferences endogenous to tiveness of such procedures is likely to have improved
the specimen present a particular risk to patient care because they (a) with increasing focus on continuous quality improvement
are not detectable by normal laboratory quality control procedures,
in clinical laboratories, as exemplified by the Clinical
(b) are reproducible within the test system, (c) are often clinically
plausible and (d) are relatively rare. Laboratory Improvement Act in the United States and strin-
4. The diagnostics industry has done much to design assays that are gent requirements for laboratory accreditation in the United
robust to endogenous interferents and laboratories should include Kingdom.
test robustness in their selection criteria for assay platforms.
5. As with all investigative procedures, both laboratory and clinical staff
should maintain a high index of suspicion in inspecting test results,
especially where major clinical interventions are based on test results Errors due to endogenous interferences
alone. Good laboratory-clinical liaison will assist this.
6. Procedures (e.g. use of blocking reagents) are available for the
In contrast, endogenous interferences are almost always
laboratory to check whether a suspicious result might be due to sporadic and specimen-dependent, and hence more difficult
endogenous interferents. to identify. Moderate interference is generally more difficult
to detect than gross interference, where results are more
likely to arouse clinical suspicion. If unrecognized, interfer-
how laboratory test results may be influenced by other ence may cause errors in interpretation of results due to the
factors including pregnancy, severe illness or medication. analytical specificity of the method used (e.g. unintended
Examples include the variable effect of heparin, phenytoin, detection of cross-reacting substances closely resembling
frusemide, carbamazepine or salicylate on free thyroid the analyte being measured), due to the presence of abnor-
hormone results,13,14 finasteride and other 5-a-reductase mally high concentrations of normal serum constituents
inhibitors on PSA,9 and increases in binding proteins (e.g. (e.g. haemolysed or lipaemic specimens), or due to for-
cortisol binding globulin, sex hormone binding globulin mation of antibody or other macromolecular complexes.
and thyroxine binding globulin) due to pregnancy or oral con- Whatever the cause, the identification of endogenous inter-
traceptives which may affect hormone measurements.6 ferences – many of which are associated with measuring
Laboratories providing testing for drugs of abuse need to be substances other than those intended – always depends
aware of the effect of potential adulterants that can be added on the vigilance of well-informed clinical and laboratory
to urine (e.g. household chemicals such as bleach, table salt, staff (Table 1).
laundry detergent and vinegar, as well as products containing
nitrite, hydrogen peroxide and peroxidase or glutaraldehyde)
and which may successfully mask illicit drugs present at mod- Cross-reacting substances
erate concentrations.15 Ingestion of poppy seed cake may yield
An understanding of what an individual immunoassay
a positive screening test for opiates while hemp oil exposure
measures and of its vulnerability to clinically relevant cross-
can cause positive results for marijuana.15
reacting substances is essential, in order to ensure that the
assay used is appropriate for the clinical application as
Frequency and type of errors occurring well as to minimize the risk of misinterpretation of results.
The specificity of any immunoassay is primarily determined
in clinical laboratories
by the specificity of the antibodies used and the assay
Fewer errors now occur in the analytical phase of analysis format.1 It is important to remember that cross-reaction
than in the pre- and postanalytical phases, reflecting major may be either positive or negative as illustrated in
advances in automation and sample handling.16,17 With total Figure 1. Although cross-reactivity is often quoted as a per-
error rates reportedly in the range 0.012–0.6% for laboratory centage of the assay result of the interferent as compared
tests,16 the frequency of errors in the analytical phase, with the signal obtained by an identical concentration of
expressed as a percentage of those occurring in all phases of analyte, the concentrations of both analyte and interferent
analysis, has been estimated as between 7% and 13%.17 likely to be encountered are often very different. In order
These analytical errors include those due to equipment mal- to provide a more clinically useful means of assessing the
function and undetected failure in quality control as well as likely degree of interference that would be encountered in
those classified as exogenous or endogenous.17 Erroneous routine practice, it has been suggested that cross-reactivity
results of either type may be inappropriately high or low. should be calculated at the concentrations of the cross-
reactant likely to be encountered in health and disease
and then expressed as the apparent percentage change in
Errors due to exogenous factors the measured endogenous analyte concentration.20
Exogenous errors may be random (e.g. due to variability in For many analytes what it is most clinically relevant to
sample pipetting or other manipulations) or systematic (e.g. measure is still not well-established, although concerted
420 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 48 September 2011

Table 1 Comparison of exogenous and endogenous types of errors

Type of Means of minimizing occurrence and
error Characteristics Possible causes facilitating recognition
Exogenous Often associated with change in Incorrect or degraded calibrant Carefully following manufacturers’ instructions
bias of IQC and/or EQA results
Incorrect reconstitution of
freeze-dried controls Implementing clearly defined IQC procedures
Failure to recognize need for
Lot-to-lot reagent variation Participating in appropriately designed EQA
Faulty pipettes or dispensers schemes

Increased imprecision Imprecise pipetting

Mis-sampling due to probe Ensuring laboratory staff are well trained, facilitating
blockage early recognition and correction of errors
Failure of bubble detection
Inadequate mixing of reagents
and/or frozen specimens Establishing good communication with clinical staff
Inadequate washing and technical staff in relevant diagnostic
Contaminants on reaction tubes companies

Endogenous Sporadic Normal serum components in Standardized procedures for assessing

Specimen-dependent excess haemolysed or lipaemic specimens
Difficult to identify Cross-reacting substances Awareness of assay characteristics
Antianalyte and antireagent Protocols for assessing possible interference
antibodies and other complex Established protocol for vulnerable analytes (e.g.
formation tumour markers)
High-dose hooking

IQC, internal quality control; EQA, external quality assessment

international efforts are being made to address this for ana- recognize both intact hCG and its free beta-subunit
lytes as diverse as insulin, parathyroid hormone (PTH), (hCGb) as some tumours may produce only the subunit.9
thyroid hormones, troponin and vitamin D.21 In a prototype In contrast, immunoassays which recognize only intact
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and hCG are adequate for the diagnosis and monitoring of
Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) project, six International pregnancy.
Reference Reagents for clinically important forms of hCG A clearer understanding of what forms of an analyte are
were prepared to enable better characterization of what present in physiological specimens will be much facilitated
current hCG immunoassays measure.22 Availability of by the increasing availability of well-validated mass spectro-
these Reference Reagents, together with complementary metric methods. Already in use in many routine laboratories
antibody mapping studies,23 should facilitate development for measurement of relatively simple molecules such as
of clinically more relevant assays in the future.22 For use steroids, drugs of abuse and therapeutic drugs, technologi-
as a tumour marker, for example, immunoassays should cal advances mean that mass spectrometry is increasingly
being applied to study complex heterogeneous molecules.
A recent report describes the identification of new clinical
(a) variants of PTH and their measurement, together with
Correct result that of previously identified forms of PTH, using quantitat-
ive mass spectrometric immunoassays.24
(b) While availability of highly specific assays is undoubtedly
Positive cross-reaction necessary to improve understanding of the effect of disease
Cross-reactant- processes on circulating analyte concentrations, in clinical
two epitopes shared practice, use of assays with broader specificity is sometimes
advantageous. Table 2 provides some examples illustrating
(c) the importance of sound understanding of the specificity
Negative cross-reaction of the immunoassay used. For some analytes, observed
Cross-reactant- cross-reactions may be clinically beneficial (e.g. cross-
one epitope shared reaction of hCG in an assay for luteinising hormone [LH]
may be helpful in identifying unsuspected pregnancy in a
Figure 1 Cross-reactions in two-site immunoassay. (a) Antibodies bind to
specific analyte – correct result obtained; (b) cross-reactant sharing two epi-
woman with amenorrhoea1 or of recombinant insulin ana-
topes in common with analyte – positive cross-reaction; (c) cross-reactant logues in assays for insulin25) provided the characteristics
sharing only one epitope in common with analyte – negative cross-reaction. of the immunoassay are appreciated by the user, while for
(Reprinted with permission from Seth J, Sturgeon CM. Pitfalls in immunoas-
other analytes they highlight a need for immunoassays
says in endocrinology. Endocrinology and Metabolism In-Service Training and
Continuing Education. 1993;11(4):89–99. # American Association for Clinical with improved specificity (e.g. digoxin, growth hormone
Chemistry, Inc.) [GH]) or better standardization (e.g. PSA, PTH).
Sturgeon and Viljoen. Immunoassay error and interference 421

Table 2 Examples of analytes for which the analytical specificity of the immunoassay method used is likely to affect clinical interpretation
Effect of presence of
cross-reactant on analytical
Analyte Potential cross-reactants result obtained Clinical implications References
Chorionic hCG beta-subunit (hCGb) Potentially higher hCG results Use of an immunoassay recognizing 9
gonadotrophin obtained in immunoassays hCG þ hCGb essential for oncology
(hCG) recognizing hCGß applications as some testicular
cancers may produce only hCGb and
not intact hCG
Digoxin Aldosterone antagonists – e.g. Falsely elevated or lowered digoxin Not possible to assume 70,71
spironolactone, canrenoate concentrations interchangeability of immunoassays.
Analytical interferences in digoxin
immunoassays (both from
digoxin-like immunoreactive
substances and drug metabolites) are
a real problem, likely to become even
more important as lower therapeutic
ranges are recommended.
Confirmation in a physicochemical
method such as HPLC is highly
Growth hormone GH receptor antagonist – e.g. Falsely elevated or lowered GH Only certain immunoassays can be 72
(GH) Pegvisomant (Somavertw) concentrations used to measure GH in the presence
of Pegvisomant
Insulin Novel insulin analogues – e.g. Differences in cross-reactivity of Knowledge of such differences may be 73
Insulin Lispro (Humalogw), novel insulin analogues are critical for adequate assessment, e.g.
Insulin Detemir (Levemirw) reflected in discordant insulin of factitious hypoglycaemia
concentrations as measured in
different methods
Luteinising hCG Apparently measurable LH in early Failure to appreciate this when using an 74
hormone pregnancy, when LH and FSH are LH assay which cross-reacts with
both suppressed hCG may delay pregnancy diagnosis
in an amenorrhoeic patient
Parathyroid N-truncated fragments – e.g. Different results for patients with Not possible to assume 75
hormone (PTH) 7 –84 PTH chronic renal failure depending on interchangeability of immunoassays.
the assay used Establishment of appropriate
method-specific reference intervals
or cut-off values essential for clinically
effective application of clinical
Prostate specific PSA complexed to Measurement of ‘total’ PSA Not possible to assume 26,76
antigen (PSA) a1-antichymotrypsin inhibitor influenced by relative recognition interchangeability of immunoassays.
of free and complexed forms of For non-equimolar assays,
PSA establishment of appropriate
method-specific decision points
essential for screening applications
Testosterone Other steroids – e.g. Potentially higher testosterone Inappropriate clinical referral and 77,78
dehydroepiandrosterone results in immunoassays cross- unnecessary further investigations
sulphate (DHAS) reacting with other steroids.
Most likely to be a problem in direct
non-extraction methods

Encouragingly, the latter is being proactively addressed for commercially available tests. Manufacturers’ advice should
PSA under the auspices of the NHS Cancer Screening always be followed, and documented procedures for treat-
Programme.26 Comparability of PTH results should be simi- ing specimens identified as haemolysed or lipaemic
larly improved by calibration of PTH immunoassays in should be available in all laboratories. Turbidity in a lipae-
terms of the recently established International Standard mic sample can usually be visually detected and, if
for PTH(1-84), IS 95/646.27 required, triglycerides removed from the sample either by
precipitation or by ultracentrifugation before repeating the
analysis on the clarified sample. Haemolysis is also readily
detectable provided specimens are visually examined
Lipids, haemoglobin and other serum
before analysis. Automated detection of haemolysis,
constituents icterus and lipaemia is possible: the advantages of this
There is considerable literature relating to the effect of excess approach, including a helpful algorithm, have been reported
concentrations of normal serum constituents on immunoas- for 28 analytes including some proteins.30 Immunoassay
says.20 This has been comprehensively collated by several results for some analytes (e.g. adrenocorticotrophic
authors20,28,29 and is also presented in data sheets for most hormone, gastrin, insulin and PTH) are particularly likely
422 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 48 September 2011

to be affected adversely by haemolysis20 and a repeat speci- interference in these specimens was found to be 4%, a pro-
men should always be requested. The possible effect of portion that could be reduced to 0.10% by removing the Fc
additives in specimen collection tubes should also be fragments from the capture antibody.7 This was reduced
considered.28 even further by adding heat-treated, non-specific murine
immunoglobulin to the assay buffer. Some manufacturers
of commercial immunoassays do their best to minimize
Antibody- and antibody-like interferences the risk of such interference, usually by adding non-immune
Since immunoassays rely on interactions between the animal serum samples or other blocking agents to the reac-
analyte being measured and reagent antibodies to produce tion buffer. While appreciating that no measure can be
the assay signal, it is not surprising that they are particularly relied upon to be effective in removing interference in
susceptible to interference from other unrelated antibodies every specimen – reflecting the biological variability
that may be present in the reaction mixture. It is important described above – more could certainly be done by some
to recognize that interfering antibodies may be present only manufacturers to reduce the risk of interference.
transiently in a patient’s serum, and that their characteristics The majority of published reports relate to interference
and reactivity may vary, such that no immunoassay can be from antireagent antibodies3,8,31 although other complex
considered to be completely robust to all possible interfer- formations can occur, as described below.
ence. Such interference, which again may be positive or
negative, is more likely to occur in two-site ‘sandwich’
assay formats, in which interfering antibodies may either Interference due to antireagent antibodies
interact with the analyte to prevent binding or may form Some patient serum samples contain antibodies capable of
a bridge between the signal and capture antibodies in the binding to animal immunoglobulins such as those used in
absence of analyte (Figure 2). In a large study of 11,261 immunoassays, although estimates of the frequency of
serum samples, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was such antibodies vary widely (,1% to 80% is suggested in
measured using a two-site, two-step immunometric assay one review,31 0.4– 4% in another2), reflecting differences in
using mouse monoclonal antibodies.7 The frequency of detection methods and populations studied.31 However,

(a) Normal assay,

correct result
Capture Ab Analyte Labeled Ab

(b) Increased signal,

or high result

Anti-reagent Ab present
binding capture & labeled Ab

(c) Decreased signal,

or low result

Anti-reagent Ab present
blocking either capture or labeled Ab


Correct result

Suppression of interference by
addition of non-immune IgG

Figure 2 Interference from antireagent antibodies in two-site immunoassays. (a) Interfering antibodies absent – correct result obtained; (b) cross-linking of
capture and labelled antibody in the presence of anti-reagent antibody – incorrectly high result (analyte may or may not be bound as well, depending on
steric factors, but in either case the result will be falsely high); (c) interfering antibodies binding to either capture or labelled antibody only, reducing sandwich
formation – incorrectly low result obtained; (d) effect of adding non-immune animal IgG to reduce interference – correct result obtained. (Reprinted with per-
mission from Seth J, Sturgeon CM. Pitfalls in immunoassays in endocrinology. Endocrinology and Metabolism In-Service Training and Continuing Education.
1993;11(4):89–99. # American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Inc.)
Sturgeon and Viljoen. Immunoassay error and interference 423

Table 3 Characteristics of antireagent antibodies1,31

Subjects in whom most likely to
Type of antibody Aetiology Characteristics be present
Human Produced in response to a direct antigenic Most readily identified antireagent antibodies. Those who have previously
anti-mouse stimulus, most frequently following High-affinity antibodies which may be present undergone treatment with MAbs
antibody treatment with mouse MAbs either for at high concentrations (.1000 mg/L either for imaging or treatment
(HAMA) imaging or treatment, but also in reported).
subjects working with animals May be of IgG, IgA, IgM or (rarely) IgE class.
May persist long-term
Heterophilic Poorly defined antibodies developed in Two general types reported – one detecting an Variable prevalence with variable
antibody response to no clear immunogen epitope present on rabbit Ig only and one analytical relevance
detecting epitopes on goat, cattle, horse
and mouse but not rabbit
Rheumatoid Autoantibodies often present in serum Bind to multiple antigenic determinants on the Patients with autoimmune
factor samples from patients with rheumatoid Fc region of IgG. rheumatic diseases, but can also
disease May be of IgM, IgG or IgA classes. be seen in patients with
Cause falsely high values in turbidimetric or infections, particularly persistent
latex particle agglutination assays. infections
May interfere in two-site immunoassays, e.g.
by binding to Fc portions of other
immunoglobulins and causing aggregation

MAb, monoclonal antibody

the mechanism of interference and its severity depend both likely to cause problems in two-step procedures incorporat-
on assay design and on the nature of the interfering anti- ing a wash step, but thyroid hormone results can still be
body (Table 3). In general, interferences caused by human misleading. In patients with suspected FDH, molecular
anti-mouse antibody (HAMA) are likely to be more pro- genetic testing is comparatively simple and provides an
nounced than those due to heterophilic antibody, while unambiguous diagnosis.33 Similarly, although their preva-
antibodies in serum samples from patients with rheumatoid lence is difficult to assess, the presence of antibodies to thy-
disease may not always be of sufficiently high affinity to roxine or tri-iodothyronine may affect some thyroid hormone
cause the bridging observed with HAMA or heterophilic methods, giving high or low results, while apparently not
antibodies (Figure 2). altering results in others.34 Antibodies to insulin may
cause very high insulin results.35

Subjects with macroprolactinaemia and other

Interference due to antianalyte antibodies
and other complex formation
In some patients’ serum samples, high molecular mass com-
Patients with autoimmune disease plexes of prolactin, termed macroprolactin, form a substan-
Patients with autoimmune disease are likely to have circulat- tial component of the total immunoreactive prolactin
ing antibodies that may disturb the binding of analytes to measured by immunoassays.36 Macroprolactins may be
reagent antibody. Such antibodies may sometimes be present in the serum of patients with significantly elevated
predictable – e.g. circulating insulin antibodies in insulin- monomeric prolactin. They have minimal bioactivity
treated patients with diabetes – but may also be unexpected in vivo but are themselves variable and also are recognized
and can cause major difficulties. These are perhaps most to different extents in current prolactin immunoassays.
likely to be observed for thyroid function tests, at least in Depending on the design of the assay, the antibody speci-
part because of the frequency of testing. Unusual combinations ficity and the nature of the particular macroprolactin, their
of results such as concomitantly raised or suppressed TSH and presence can lead to erroneously high ‘total’ prolactin
free hormone concentrations or a significantly high or low free results, with potential for clinical mismanagement. While
hormone result accompanied by inappropriately ‘normal’ or some immunoassays are less vulnerable to macroprolactin
‘unresponsive’ TSH should raise suspicion of interference. It interference than others, even these may yield misleadingly
is essential to consider other explanations not associated high results in some patients (e.g. 4% for one such immu-
with interference. These may include (most frequently) poor noassay, although 9 of the 16 patients whose serum
compliance or (more rarely) clinical conditions relating samples contained macroprolactin also had raised mono-
to hypothalamic–pituitary pathology (e.g. TSH-secreting meric prolactin).37 Screening for macroprolactin in all
tumour), hereditary binding protein abnormalities (e.g. famil- serum specimens with total prolactin concentrations above
ial dysalbuminaemic hyperthyroxinaemia [FDH]) and end an agreed cut-off is therefore widely recommended.
organ resistance to either TSH or free hormone.13 Recent reports suggest that in some patients, similar com-
Free hormone assays that rely on competition of a thyrox- plexes may be observed for other analytes including cardiac
ine analogue with unbound thyroxine in the sample can troponin (after acute myocardial infarction),12,38 follicle
give spuriously high results, as albumin binding of the stimulating hormone,39 TSH33,40 and vitamin B12,41 but
analog is enhanced by the FDH mutation.32 This is less further study is required.
424 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 48 September 2011

Subjects with differentiated thyroid carcinoma perimenopausal symptoms is due to antibody interference.
In patients with treated differentiated thyroid carcinoma, Failure to identify heterophilic antibody interference in
undetectable serum thyroglobulin concentration following serum from a patient with a favourable prognosis germ
TSH stimulation is considered the most reliable marker of cell tumour, for example, recently resulted in him receiving
cure.11,42 However, the presence of thyroglobulin antibodies several courses of toxic and unnecessary second- and
or heterophilic antibodies, respectively, may lead to false third-line chemotherapy.46
decreases and increases in measured concentration, as has Even when resources are limited, once interference is sus-
recently been described in detail.11,42,43 Thyroglobulin anti- pected, there are several simple steps that should always be
bodies are often present in patients with autoimmune taken before the need for more specialized investigations is
thyroid disease, with 10% of healthy individuals having considered. Possible steps are shown in the flow chart in
measurable levels.5 Quantification of thyroglobulin by Figure 3 and discussed below.
tandem mass spectrometry may ultimately circumvent the
problem of antibody interference.44 In the meantime, effec- Initial procedures as soon as interference
tive multidisciplinary collaboration is essential to minimize
is suspected
the risk of error, as has recently been comprehensively
described.43 As soon as an erroneous result is suspected, the specimen
identity should be confirmed before repeating the assay to
exclude the possibility of an analytical error. Where
Identifying results requiring investigation samples are subaliquoted (even by automated procedures),
for possible interference it is highly desirable to carry out the repeat assay on
While considerable information is now available about the serum from the original correctly labelled primary tube. If
nature of possible endogenous interferences that may be the result is confirmed on repeat analysis, relevant clinicians
encountered in clinical specimens, identifying such interfer- should be alerted by telephone, all relevant results relating
ence still relies almost entirely on a high index of clinical to the specimen removed from, and the reason flagged in,
suspicion, i.e. the perception that a result does not fit the the laboratory computer with an explanatory note, and a
clinical picture. The random and sporadic nature of most further specimen urgently requested. Depending on the
interferences means that unless a cohort of patients at par- timescale in which this specimen can be acquired, primary
ticular risk can be identified (as is the case for subjects investigations for possible interference should be performed
with confirmed hyperprolactinaemia whose serum may on the first or second specimen.
contain macroprolactin45), screening for possible interfer-
ence is unlikely to be either feasible or cost-effective.
Interference should always be suspected if results do not Preliminary investigations for suspected
correlate with the clinical picture. This is facilitated by a interference
good understanding of the limitations of immunoassays in
While unfortunately there are no tests that unequivocally
general as well as of the specific analytical characteristics
exclude the possibility of interference, several relatively
of the method used. Laboratory staff are well placed to con- simple investigations may confirm it (Figure 3).
tribute to this process, which is aided considerably by pro-
vision of brief clinical details on request forms. Clinical
colleagues should always be actively encouraged to Confirmation of results in other immunoassay methods
contact the laboratory if they have any doubt about a It is usually desirable for the investigating laboratory to send
result. When clinical staff are the first to suspect that an aliquot of the specimen to other laboratories for confir-
results may be incorrect, early dialogue is essential so that mation of the result by one or more different methods.
relevant specimens can be retrieved before they are dis- Ideally, at least one of these would depend on an alternative
carded and appropriate investigation instituted. methodology (e.g. radioimmunoassay), but in practice this is
usually not feasible, except for hCG and thyroglobulin (see
Appendix). Reference methods (e.g. equilibrium dialysis for
Investigating suspected antibody
free hormones) are clearly desirable, but are well-established
or antibody-like interference for relatively few analytes. If, after taking account of
The extent of investigations undertaken once interference is method-related differences in bias as reflected in EQA and
suspected is likely to be influenced to some extent by how other available data, results differ significantly, this pro-
much time and serum is available, but the most critical vides convincing evidence of interference although it will
consideration should be the possible implications for not necessarily identify which result is ‘correct’.
patient management. Establishing whether interference is
the cause of a clinically unexpected increase in a tumour
marker such as hCG – where erroneous results can and Dilution and recovery studies
have led to unnecessary chemotherapy or other treatment Serial dilution and recovery studies can be informative, as
and also have ongoing implications for serial monitoring – lack of linearity of results on dilution of the specimen (in
is much more critical than demonstrating whether an the diluent provided by the manufacturer) or low recovery
apparently high LH result in a woman with of known amounts of analyte (e.g. the assay standard)
Sturgeon and Viljoen. Immunoassay error and interference 425



Figure 3 Flow chart showing sequence of investigations that might be undertaken to investigated suspected immunoassay interference

added to the serum being investigated are suggestive of other reports, it highlights the need to ensure that a sufficient
interference. Determining the limits of acceptability for concentration of HBR is present to suppress interference. To
such studies is difficult, however, and apparently satisfac- address this, some laboratories routinely treat specimens
tory linearity and/or recovery may be observed even in sequentially with more than one HBR tube when investi-
the presence of an interfering substance. Conversely, some gating potential interference. If this is done, the analyte
specimens that are apparently free from interfering sub- should be measured after each treatment until the same con-
stances do not dilute out linearly, particularly in some of centration is obtained in two consecutive determinations.
the more complex tumour marker assays (e.g. CA19-920),
making interpretation of results even more difficult.
Addition of non-immune animal serum
Adding non-specific immunoglobulins to the reaction mixture
Treatment with heterophilic blocking reagents
may reduce interference if the human antibodies bind to these
Many laboratories keep a supply of commercially available instead of binding the assay antibodies.7 Murine and bovine
heterophilic antibody blocking tubes, and treating the antibodies reduce interference in the highest percentage of
specimen with these according to the manufacturers’ patient’s samples and also have the highest avidity for hetero-
instructions is also desirable. The tubes are coated with a philic antibodies. Ingestion of bovine IgG in milk has been
heterophilic blocking reagent (HBR) directed against suggested to be one of the factors inducing heterophilic anti-
human heterophilic antibody, which is claimed to block bodies in some subjects, which might explain the effectiveness
interference by steric hindrance.47 Results that differ from of bovine IgG as a blocking agent.7 Polymerized IgG prep-
the original result following treatment with these tubes arations have been shown to be superior to native IgG.49
suggest interference, but obtaining the same result does Trial and error is required in determining the optimal concen-
not necessarily exclude it. tration to be added with appropriate controls included.
HBR is also commercially available in solution and is rec-
ommended for use at a concentration of 400 mg/mL.47
Interestingly, it has recently been shown that lower concen- Polyethylene glycol precipitation
trations of HBR appear to enhance interactions in a model At neutral pH, immunoglobulins are not particularly
system rather than blocking them.48 Whatever the expla- soluble and it is relatively easy to precipitate them.20
nation for this observation, which is in accord with some When investigating possible antibody interference in
426 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 48 September 2011

immunoassays, reasonably well-controlled precipitation of Confirmation by mass spectrometry

potentially interfering antibodies and other high molecular Mass spectrometry potentially provides an additional means
weight complexes in serum can be conveniently achieved of investigating possible interference for those analytes for
using polyethylene glycol (PEG), a polymer of ethylene which methods are sufficiently well-validated and not
oxide. In principle, PEG precipitation can potentially be reliant on antibody immunoadsorption (e.g. testosterone57
applied to any immunoassay in which macro-complex for- and 25-hydroxy metabolites of vitamins D2 and D3 58). Such
mation is suspected of causing interference,20,50 but the techniques have also successfully been applied to assays of
majority of reports to date describe its use in investigating plasma steroids in newborn infants where significant inter-
the presence of macroprolactin (and large molecular ference may occur due to steroids such as dehydroepiandros-
weight forms of prolactin) in serum samples with raised terone sulphate and pregnenolone sulphate secreted by the
total prolactin concentrations.36 A recommended protocol fetal adrenal zone.59 It is, however, essential to be aware of
for PEG precipitation45 is provided in the Appendix. the possible influence of matrix effects and to appreciate
While PEG precipitation can be helpful, it is nevertheless that lower results obtained by mass spectrometry cannot be
a relatively non-specific technique and a proportion of the assumed to be due to increased specificity.60
free analyte is likely to be co-precipitated with any com-
plexes present.50 The extent to which this occurs has been
shown to be both analyte- and method-dependent,51 and
may also be influenced by the characteristics of the individ-
More complex investigations to characterize
ual specimen. It has been shown, for example, that the suspected interference
amount of monomeric prolactin co-precipitated with Once preliminary investigations have confirmed probable
serum globulins can be increased in the presence of interference, further studies may be desirable for some
increased globulin concentrations, giving the erroneous specimens (Figure 3). Several relevant procedures are
impression that macroprolactin is present.52 It has recently described briefly here. Depending on local arrangements,
been reported that PEG precipitates almost all IgG and it may be most efficient where possible to refer such speci-
IgM but only 50% of IgA, which could also lead to false- mens for further investigation coordinated by a specialist
negative results.37 Confirmation by gel filtration chromato- referral laboratory or EQA centre (see Appendix).
graphy (see below) may be desirable for such specimens.52
In addition, PEG can interfere in some immunoassays.50 It
is therefore essential that the PEG procedure used is vali- Gel filtration chromatography
dated for both analyte and method and that the results In the context of assay interference, the use of size exclusion
are interpreted with caution. It is now also recommended gel filtration chromatography to investigate interference has
that the absolute post-PEG concentration of prolactin probably been most widely used to confirm the presence of
should be reported to the clinician together with an appro- macroprolactin.45 Considered the gold standard procedure
priately derived reference interval.45,53 A similarly rigorous for macroprolactin, the method can in principle be readily
approach is likely to be desirable if using PEG precipitation set up in any laboratory. However, it is rather slow, labour-
to investigate interference for other analytes. intensive and costly and is not well-suited to routine use.45
Three peaks of immunoreactive prolactin may be
obtained on gel chromatography of normal serum samples
Confirmation of serum results by testing in urine
on SuperdexTM SD-75 (GE Healthcare Life Sciences,
(hCG only)
Buckinghamshire, UK): macroprolactin elutes first, followed
If heterophilic antibody interference is suspected for a by ‘big’ prolactin and finally monomeric prolactin.45 In
serum hCG result, obtaining a urine specimen for qualitat- serum samples containing macroprolactin, the first
ive or quantitative analysis can be helpful.54 As antibodies (highest molecular weight) peak is significantly more pro-
are not filtered into urine, a negative urine test result con- minent than in normal serum samples. The procedure
firms interference in the serum immunoassay, provided described for macroprolactin (see Appendix) can be
the serum hCG concentration is 50 U/L.54 Misleading readily adapted for other analytes, if necessary selecting a
results are most often seen with values ,1000 U/L. (It is gel with different size exclusion properties.
of course essential to ensure that the urine tested is from
the same patient as the serum.)
Immunoadsorption chromatography on immobilized
IgG binding proteins
Sample extraction Protein A, Protein G, Protein A/G and Protein L are native
When investigating suspected interference in steroid immu- and recombinant proteins of microbial origin that bind to
noassays, particularly for testosterone, extracting the specimen IgGs from a number of species including human, mouse,
with diethyl ether, re-suspending in appropriate analyte-free rabbit, goat and bovine.61 Commercially available coupled
diluent and re-assaying may be desirable.55 The extraction to cross-linked beaded agarose and other resins, they
step should separate the steroid from any binding proteins as provide an attractive means of investigating potential inter-
well as remove water-soluble steroid conjugates. Cortisol ference from IgG antibodies, particularly as elution of
measurements in saliva can also be useful to detect binding bound antibodies can be achieved at physiological pH.
protein problems and/or to confirm serum results.56 Protein A and Protein G vary in the strength with which
Sturgeon and Viljoen. Immunoassay error and interference 427

they bind to different IgG antibodies, both between species vulnerable to the high-dose hook effect at very high
and between different antibody subclasses from the same analyte concentration.64,65 Free analyte and bound analyte
species, so using both (Protein A/G) is attractive. Neither compete for the limited number of solid-phase antibody-
Protein A nor Protein G reacts with other classes of immu- binding sites, yielding inappropriately low results which
noglobulin (IgA, IgM, etc.) so they are not helpful in identi- may even hook back to within the reference interval
fying interfering antibodies of these classes. (Figure 4). The risk of reporting an incorrectly low result
Protein A/G is a gene fusion product that contains four Fc is greatest for analytes with wide physiological concen-
binding domains from Protein A and two from Protein G.61 tration ranges, e.g. AFP, CA125, CEA, hCG, PSA, prolactin
As it binds to all human IgG subclasses, it can be particu- and thyroglobulin. Although manufacturers usually
larly helpful in purifying IgG antibodies where the subclass specify a concentration below which hooking is unlikely to
identity is not known. Chromatography on immobilized occur in a particular immunoassay, the only means of com-
Protein A/G has recently been used successfully as a pre- pletely eliminating this risk is dilution of all specimens. This
treatment procedure to eliminate non-specific assay interfer- is likely to be both costly and over-cautious, particularly in
ences in individual serum samples from rheumatoid the absence of good data as to the frequency with which
arthritis patients62 (see Appendix for sample protocol). such high concentrations may occur.
While it is recommended that laboratories have in place a
defined procedure for minimizing the risk of an unidenti-
Assessment in an unprotected immunoassay fied hook,66 some hooked specimens are probably never
Commercially available immunoassays are protected identified.64 In practice, failure to recognize extremely high
against potential interference by addition of blocking AFP and hCG concentrations in conditions that are poten-
agents. Consequently, access to pairs of immunoassays, tially fatal but curable (e.g. AFP in childhood hepatoblas-
one of which is protected and one of which is not, is now toma and hCG in gestational trophoblastic neoplasia)
limited. However, paired immunoassays are still available constitutes a critical clinical error64 which, at best, is likely
in some specialist laboratories.7 Different results in such to delay treatment.67 Ensuring that such specimens are
assays provide convincing evidence of interference, but as always checked at dilution would therefore seem highly
with most other approaches, obtaining the same result in desirable. In some laboratories, all tumour marker results
both methods does not necessarily exclude interference. above a certain threshold (usually somewhat lower than
the highest standard concentration) are checked at dilution.
This requires a rather empirical assessment of the risk the
Assessment in an ‘interference’ or ‘non-sense’ assay laboratory is willing to take of missing an unexpectedly
An early ‘interference’ assay for the detection of multivalent high result.
antibody-binding substances in serum used the same anti- As always, provision of relevant clinical information and
body as both capture and signal antibody and was used to good communication with clinical staff facilitates identifi-
investigate interference in a two-site immunoradiometric cation of specimens that are likely to be problematic and
assay for hCG.63 The method relies on the principle that a
signal will only be obtained in the presence of a substance
that could bind two or more molecules of the one antibody,
which would not be the case for an analyte with only one
antibody-binding site. The same principle can be refined
using a combination of two unrelated assays, such as
solid phase hCG and tracer anti-a-fetoprotein (AFP).63
Non-specific binding must be reduced by using a buffer con-
taining a reasonably high concentration of added protein Excess analyte present
(bovine serum albumin and bovine IgG are recommended)
and the analyte must not contain repeating epitopes, so anti-
bodies to mucin antigens such as CA15-3 or CA19-9 would
not be suitable. The essential requirement for a non-sense
assay is that it measures nothing but interference.
Low result

Double radial immunodiffusion (Ouchterlony) studies

Referral to a specialist immunology laboratory for investi-
gation using these techniques to identify anti-animal immu- Antibody sandwiich formation reduced
noreactivity in patient serum may be helpful.
Figure 4 Mechanism of high-dose hook effect in two-site immunometric
assay. As analyte concentrations increase to very high concentrations, both
capture and signal antibodies become saturated with analyte, decreasing
High-dose hook or pro-zone effect antibody sandwich formation. (Reprinted with permission from Seth J,
Sturgeon CM. Pitfalls in immunoassays in endocrinology. Endocrinology
Two-site immunometric assays, particularly those in which and Metabolism In-Service Training and Continuing Education. 1993;11(4):
signal and capture antibody are added simultaneously, are 89–99. # American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Inc.)
428 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 48 September 2011

for which additional dilutions would be desirable, for patients’ medical records and ideally in the laboratory infor-
example, when prolactin is measured for the first time in a mation system. In some cases it may simply not be possible
patient presenting with a visual field defect.64 to report a result and it is necessary to attribute this to tech-
nical difficulties. Recording this is essential.

Minimizing risk from interference – a shared

responsibility Communication with diagnostics
Although much progress has undoubtedly been made, it is manufacturers
clear that the often sporadic nature of many errors and inter- Manufacturers have significantly reduced the risk of inter-
ferences in immunoassay continues to present a number of ference in many immunoassays by careful selection of anti-
challenges – in identifying erroneous results that may bodies, by use of better blocking reagents and through
cause patient harm, in understanding their aetiology and generally improved understanding of the complex immuno-
in reducing their risk of recurrence. It is worth considering logical mechanisms involved.10 Use of humanized anti-
briefly what is required from whom in order to meet the bodies in which amino acids of the assay antibodies have
shared responsibility of ensuring the correct result at the been exchanged by antibody engineering, for example,
correct time for the correct patient. may alter antigenic sites and reduce interference.5 Since
most interfering antibodies bind to the Fc part of immuno-
globulins, removing or modifying the Fc fragment can
Communication between clinical also significantly decrease the likelihood of interference.5,7
and laboratory staff Further improvement will become even more important as
Ultimately, as has been emphasized throughout this review increasingly complex therapies involving monoclonal anti-
and elsewhere,6,50,64 excellent communication and exchange bodies or drug targeting receptors (e.g. those for epidermal
of information between clinical and laboratory staff is absol- growth factors) enter clinical practice. In this context it is
utely essential to minimize the risk of clinical errors arising encouraging to note that the pharmaceutical sector is
from erroneous analytical results. This should ideally include already expending considerable effort in validating
active laboratory participation in multidisciplinary team meet- methods to detect and characterize anti-drug antibody
ings. Provision of relevant clinical information with specimen responses in patients.69
requests enables laboratory staff to focus on possible sample- Nevertheless, interferences will inevitably continue to
dependent analytical problems. Clinical staff need to be cause problems in occasional specimens. When preliminary
well-informed about when immunoassay results may be par- investigations suggest this is likely, results should be dis-
ticularly vulnerable to interference and always encouraged cussed at an early stage with the relevant diagnostics man-
to question results that do not seem in accord with the clinical ufacturer. Information about the assay configuration and
picture, i.e. to expect the unexpected.6,64 Raising awareness of the antibodies used can be very helpful in designing
the possibility of false-positive or false-negative laboratory further studies. It would be highly desirable if all manufac-
results should be mandatory in post-graduate medical training turers agreed to specify the measures taken to reduce inter-
(e.g. at Specialist Registrar level in the United Kingdom), par- ference in the information supplied with their kits, as has
ticularly for doctors in specialties which regularly rely on previously been recommended.49 Such openness could
immunoassay results (e.g. oncology and endocrinology). It is enable much more focused and effective investigation of
salutary to note that, in relation to one of the worst reported specimens subject to interference, would undoubtedly
cases of antibody interference leading to unwarranted treat- benefit patient care and should be strongly encouraged.
ment (which included an unnecessary hysterectomy in a
22-year-old), doctors involved had complete confidence in
the misleadingly high hCG test results, having used the Communication with EQA providers
same method without apparent incident for many years.68 and specialist laboratories
During the subsequent court case it was noted that although
the relevant test insert advised that such consistently elevated Managed service contracts and other changes in laboratory
hCG concentrations should be confirmed by an alternate organization, often involving consolidation on platforms
method, this was not appreciated by the doctors involved as from a single manufacturer, mean that even simple checking
the inserts typically go to the laboratory and not the doctor.68 of suspicious results by a different method is becoming
increasingly complex and time-consuming to arrange.
Providers of national EQA schemes are well-placed to coor-
dinate such specimen exchange as part of their educational
Communication with patients and recording
and collaborative remit and may in the future wish to
of results promote this actively as part of their services to participants.
Patients for whom there is evidence of endogenous assay Related to this, whether investigations of suspected inter-
interference should be informed that they are at risk of ference are best undertaken in-house or are more efficiently
future false-positive results and should be encouraged to referred to a specialist referral laboratory or EQA centre is
explain this whenever they have a blood specimen taken. debatable. A major benefit of retaining at least some
This information should also be noted prominently in in-house capability, perhaps encompassing the preliminary
Sturgeon and Viljoen. Immunoassay error and interference 429

investigations described above, is that awareness of how to Antibodies; Approved Guideline. Document I/LA30-A. Wayne, PA:
identify problem specimens as well as the required practical CLSI, 2009;28
6 Jones AM, Honour JW. Unusual results from immunoassays and the role
skills are then actively maintained at local level. For more of the clinical endocrinologist. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf ) 2006;64:234 – 44
complex investigations, referral to a specialist laboratory 7 Bjerner J, Nustad K, Norum LF, et al. Immunometric assay interference:
may be desirable (see Appendix). incidence and prevention. Clin Chem 2002;48:613 –21
8 Ismail AA, Walker PL, Barth JH, et al. Wrong biochemistry results: two
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Conclusion immunoassay results. Clin Chem 2002;48:2023 –9
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available assays with improved reliability. Nevertheless, 11 Giovanella L, Ghelfo A. Undetectable serum thyroglobulin due to
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of test system, the importance of maintaining a high index 14 Surks MI, DeFesi CR. Normal serum free thyroid hormone
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This is a responsibility of both laboratory and clinical staff, paradox resolved. JAMA 1996;275:1495 –8
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results due to outliers indicate a lack of analytical robustness. Ann Clin
Competing interests: None. Biochem 2010;47:242 –7
Funding: None. 20 Wild DG. The Immunoassay Handbook. 3rd edn. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd, 2005
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Guarantor: CMS. 22 Sturgeon CM, Berger P, Bidart JM, et al. Differences in recognition of the
Contributorship: CMS wrote the draft and AV contributed 1st WHO international reference reagents for hCG-related isoforms by
to the final manuscript. diagnostic immunoassays for human chorionic gonadotropin. Clin Chem
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23 Berger P, Sturgeon C, Bidart JM, et al. The ISOBM TD-7 Workshop on
Kjell Nustad, John Seth and Joanna Sheldon for their hCG and related molecules. Towards user-oriented standardization of
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clinical decisions based on false-positive human chorionic gonadotropin 79 Sigma-Aldrich. Protein A antibody purification kit. Technical bulletin.
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Sturgeon and Viljoen. Immunoassay error and interference 431

80 Boscato L, Stuart M. Heterophilic antibodies: a problem for all there is insufficient sample to analyse without dilution,
immunoassays. Clin Chem 1988;34:27 –33 the specimen can be diluted with PBS;
(4) Multiply the prolactin concentrations by 2 to correct for
(Accepted 14 April 2011)
the dilution with PEG. Additional multiplication will be
required for diluted specimens.

Appendix Protocol 3. Use of gel filtration procedure to confirm

presence of macroprolactin or other antibody
Protocols for investigation of interference
Protocol 1. Use of heterophilic blocking tubes (HBT)
Prepare TRIS-buffered saline (10 mmol/L TRIS buffer, pH
and heterophilic blocking antibodies (HBA)47
7.4 containing 130 mmol/L sodium chloride, pH 7.4) and
Procedure add sodium azide (3 mmol/L).
(1) For each serum or plasma specimen use one HBT tube.
Holding the tube upright, tap it sharply on a hard Procedure
surface to bring the blocking reagent to the bottom of (1) Use a 60 cm  1.6 cm column of SuperdexTM SD-75;
the tube; (2) Apply up to 1.0 mL of serum to the column and elute
(2) Pipette 0.5 mL of serum or plasma specimen into the with Tris-buffered saline ( pH 7.4);
bottom of the tube, using a new pipette for each (3) Collect 60 fractions (1.4 mL; labelled from 1 to 60) and
specimen; analyse fractions 20 –60 for immunoreactivity ( prolactin
(3) Cap the HBT-tube and invert it gently five times to mix or other as appropriate) by a method known to cross-
the specimen with the blocking reagent before incubat- react strongly with macroprolactin (e.g. currently
ing for one hour at room temperature; Tosoh AIA or Perkin Elmer DELFIA);
(4) Assay the HBT-treated specimen using the same method (4) Determine the relevant proportions of complexed and
as used for the untreated specimen. In some cases it may monomeric analyte by calculating the area under each
be desirable to repeat the treatment with a second HBT peak;
tube; (5) Compare results with those obtained on chromato-
(5) Pre- and post-treatment results that differ significantly graphing the monomeric analyte following exactly the
are consistent with heterophilic antibody interference. same procedure.
Obtaining the same results for both specimens does
not necessarily exclude interference.
Protocol 4. Affinity chromatography on immobilized
Protein A and related proteins79
Protocol 2. Procedure for screening for macroprolactin
using PEG precipitation.45
(1) Set up and equilibrate the column with appropriate
Reagents buffers according to the manufacturers’ instructions;
(1) Prepare 200 mL of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; (2) Serum specimens may require clarification by centrifu-
137 mmol/L sodium chloride, 10 mmol/L sodium phos- gation or filtration through a filter prior to loading. A
phate, pH 7.4); 1.0 mL cartridge may be loaded with up to 2.0 mL of
(2) Prepare 100 mL of 25% w/v PEG by dissolving 25 g of human serum mixed with 4.0 mL of the binding buffer;
PEG 6000 in 80 mL of PBS. When dissolved, make the (3) Elute any unbound material with 6.0 mL of binding
volume up to 100 mL with PBS and store at 48C (N.B. buffer (approximate flow rate 1 mL/min) and collect
solid PEG should be less than 5 years old and PEG sol- 1.0 mL fractions;
utions should be used within 2 weeks of preparation); (4) Elute bound IgG with 5.0 mL of elution buffer (approxi-
(3) Equilibrate the PEG solution at room temperature prior mate flow rate of 0.5 mL/min) and collect 0.5 mL
to use. fractions;
(5) Determine the protein and analyte concentrations in the
Procedure eluted fractions in the usual way;
(1) Add 250 mL of PEG solution (25% w/v) to 250 mL of (6) Regenerate the cartridges following the manufacturers’
each specimen in appropriately labelled tubes, vortex instructions.
thoroughly and incubate at room temperature for 10 min;
(2) Centrifuge the tubes (14,000g; 5 min);
(3) Decant each supernatant into a second appropriately Protocol 5. Non-sense or interference assay80
labelled tube and measure the prolactin concentrations Procedure
within 24 h. (For some immunoassays [e.g. the (1) Coat microtitre wells (Cat No. 655001; Greiner Bio-One
Beckman Access and Siemens Immulite methods], Ltd, Stonehouse, UK) with 200 mL of mouse mono-
dilution of the supernatant 1 in 5 with PBS is also rec- clonal anti-human hCG antibody (Cat No. AB1961;
ommended.) If the prolactin result is over range or if Abcam, Cambridge, UK; 1:1000 dilution in
432 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Volume 48 September 2011

bicarbonate/carbonate coating buffer [3.03 g the points being made. Their inclusion is not intended in
NA2CO3 þ 6.0 g NAHCO3 in 1.0 L distilled water, any way to constitute a recommendation or otherwise.)
adjusted to pH 9.6]);
(2) Incubate overnight at 48C and then wash three times Specialist laboratories
with wash solution (0.05% v/v Tween-20 in PBS Contact details for specialist laboratories with particular
[1.16 g Na2HPO4, 0.1 g KCl, 0.1 g K3PO4 and 4.0 g expertise in investigation of samples giving apparently aty-
NaCl in 0.5 L distilled water, adjusted to pH 7.4]); pical results include the following:
(3) Add 200 mL of blocking buffer (1% w/v gelatin in PBS)
and incubate for one hour at room temperature on an † Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) – Professor M Seckl,
orbital shaker; Medical Oncology Department, Charing Cross Hospital,
(4) Discard blocking buffer; Fulham Palace Road, London W6 8RF, UK;
(5) Add 100 mL of sample. Incubate for two hours on an † Peptide hormones and tumour markers – Dr C Sturgeon, UK
orbital shaker at room temperature; National External Quality Assessment Service (UK
(6) Wash wells three times with wash solution as above; NEQAS [Edinburgh]), Department of Clinical Biochemistry,
(7) Add 100 mL of horse radish peroxidase (HRP)-labelled Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh EH16 4SA, UK;
rabbit polyclonal anti-human hCG antibody (Cat No. † Specialist immunology – Dr J Sheldon, Protein Reference
AB30451; Abcam; 1:4000) or HRP-labelled mouse Unit, St George’s Hospital, Blackshaw Road, London
monoclonal anti-human AFP antibody (Cat No. SW17 0NH, UK;
AB10072; Abcam; 1:16,000) in blocking buffer and † Steroid hormones – Dr J Barth, Department of Clinical
incubate for one hour on orbital shaker at room Biochemistry & Immunology, Leeds General Infirmary,
temperature; Leeds LS1 3EX, UK;
(8) Wash wells three times with wash solution as above; † Thyroid hormones (including equilibrium dialysis for free T4
(9) Add 100 mL of tetramethylbenzidine solution (Cat No. and gel filtration chromatography for TSH) – Dr D Halsall,
T8665; Sigma-Aldrich Company Ltd, Dorset, UK) and Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Addenbrooke’s
incubate for 10 min at room temperature; Hospital, Hill Road, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK;
(10) Add 50 mL of sulphuric acid (1 mol/L); † Thyroglobulin, atypical thyroid hormone results (including
(11) Using a plate reader, measure absorbance at 450 nm. screening for familial dysalbuminaemic hyperthyroxinaemia,
anti-T4 and anti-T3 antibodies) and a-subunit assays – Dr PMS
Clark, Regional Endocrine Laboratory, Department of
(Where suppliers have been mentioned in this review, their Clinical Biochemistry, University Hospital Birmingham
products have been selected solely because they illustrate NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham B29 6JD, UK.

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