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2 ND

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesi Evaluation Total
60% 30% 10%
Compose clear 5 5
and coherent
sentences using
appropriate (41-45)
(46-50) 10
aspects of verbs,
modals and
Identify point-of- 5 5
(11-15) (16-20)
Examine images 10 10
which present
viewpoints, e.g.
(gender, age,
cultural), opinions
(21-30) (1-10)
on an issue
Distinguish among 5 5
various types of
viewing materials

(36-40) (31-35)
TOTAL 10 15 5 15 5 50

Name :_______________________________ Date: ______________________

Grade and Section: _______________________ Score : ______________________

I. Directions: Read the paragraphs below then answer the questions that follow.
Write only the letter of your choice.

(1) Juan is upset with his classmate, Pedro, because the latter keeps on buying
things that his friends have. (2) Juan also does not like Pedro posting a video of himself
dancing on Mobile Jam just like what his friends are doing.
(3) Juan calls Pedro gullible because he immediately believes what he reads on
social media. (4) Pedro recently applied egg white all over his skin after reading a post of
a famous blogger that says that the substance will protect people against COVID-19 if
they will use it like a lotion. (5) The blogger apparently claims that the egg white has so
many good properties without any unpleasant side effects.

_______1. Why is Juan upset with Pedro?

a. Pedro is reading a famous blogger’s posts.
b. Juan does not have an expensive mobile phone.
c. Pedro keeps on buying what his friends are also buying.
d. Posting yourself dancing on Mobile Jam is a shameful thing to do.

_______2. Which sentences in the paragraph illustrate an example of a bandwagon?

a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 3 c. 3 and 4 d. 4 and 5

_______3. What kind of propaganda technique is used in Sentence 4?

a. transfer b. name-calling c. bandwagon d. testimonial

_______4. Which of the following is an example of card stacking?

a. The egg white has so many good properties without negative effects.
b. Pedro keeps on buying things that his friends have.
c. The substance will protect people against COVID-19.
d. Juan calls Pedro gullible.

_______5. What word in the third sentence is used as name-calling?

a. Juan b. Pedro c. gullible d. social media

_______6. Which of the following is a lesson that you can learn from the story?
a. Do not believe what you see or read on social media right away.
b. Avoid posting dance videos if you are not good at dancing.
c. An egg white is meant to be cooked, not applied to one’s skin.
d. It is not good to call your classmate gullible.

_______7. Which of the following propaganda techniques is NOT used in the paragraphs
a. bandwagon b. name-calling c. testimonial d. plain folks
_______8. If you were Juan, how would you tell Pedro about your observations without
offending or hurting his feelings?
a. Shout at Pedro, so he will wake up from his madness.
b. Talk to Pedro with understanding and tolerance.
c. Post a comment about Pedro’s crazy actions online.
d. Warn Pedro that Mobile Jam is a dangerous phone app

_______9. How did the propaganda techniques affect Pedro in the story?
a. It made Pedro crazy.
b. It influenced his beliefs and actions.
c. It made Juan upset with his classmate.
d. It makes us realize the importance of propaganda.

_______10. What do you think is the importance of understanding these propaganda

a. It enables us to be thoughtful and careful about what we read, see, or hear.
b. It increases our knowledge about the universe and the world we live in.
c. It gives us practical training to become a lawyer in the future.
d. It makes us smarter than other people

II. Direction: Identify the point of view used in each item. Write your answers on
the space provided.

_______________11. Pong and Kong said that they will compete in “The Voice Talent.”
_______________12. I was walking along a dark alley when I suddenly saw a flying fireball
called santelmo. I ran as fast as I could until I finally woke up.
______________13. My father had a small estate in Nottinghamshire: I was the third of five
sons. He sent me to Emanuel College in Cambridge at fourteen years old, where I resided
three years, and applied myself close to my studies...
______________14. My father had a small estate in Nottinghamshire: I was the third of five
sons. He sent me to Emanuel College in Cambridge at fourteen years old, where I resided
three years, and applied myself close to my studies...
______________15. Suddenly, you feel like the world has collided with another planet. All
your dreams, plans, and aspirations are gone – gone one with the man who stole your
______________16. Phileas Fogg was seated squarely in his armchair, his feet close
together like those a grenadier on parade, his hands resting on his knees, his body
straight, his head erect; he was steadily watching a complicated clock which indicated
the hours, the minutes, the seconds, the days, the months, and the years.
______________17. At first, I hated the school, but by and by I got so I could stand it.
Whenever I got uncommon tired, I played hockey, and the hiding I got next day done me
good and cheered me up. So, the longer I went to school the easier it got to be.
______________18. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. Kevin and Juno
were sitting on a park bench together. Neither of them was smiling. After a long period of
silence, Kevin said, "This isn't going to work. I mean, you're a dog person and I'm a cat
person." Juno nodded. A tear rolled down her face. Kevin went on, "If we got married and
bought a house, what kind of pet would we get? Some kind of cat-dog? Somebody's going
to be

unhappy." Juno began sobbing and said, "Ok, let's just end it now. Have fun with your
slobbery dogs." She jumped off the bench and ran into the woods.
______________19. If you are confused about something in class, don't wait. Raise your
hand and ask for help immediately. Do it while your teacher is still explaining the
material. Your teacher will probably be happy that you are taking an active part in your
education and should attempt to explain the material in a different way. If you are still
confused, ask your teacher if he or she is available after class to give you additional
instruction. You are worth it. Don't give up on yourself.
______________20. Red looked across the prairie. He didn't see anything concerning. He
wondered why Texas Joe had hollered like that. Texas Joe turned to him. The ghost that
Texas Joe had just seen was gone. Texas Joe swatted at the air. Now he felt crazy. "You
have to believe me, Red. It was just here," said Texas Joe. Red scowled at him in
disbelief. "What was just here, Joe?" he asked. Red was angry with Texas Joe for
disturbing his sleep for no apparent reason.

III. Direction: Identify the specific stereotype in each situation.

______________21. Diana’s parents told her not to marry a farmer’s son

______________22. Filipinos are good English speakers.
______________23. It is not good to recruit women as police officers.
______________24. Wisdom can only be gained when one is already old.
5. “I’m sure that Hao-hao is also intelligent. His parents are both lawyers,” Mokmok
______________25. “Do not believe what our barangay captain says. He is only a high
graduate,” Maquie told her neighbors.
______________26. “People who live in Pulang Bato Village, a place where many crimes
happen, are bad and dangerous.”
______________27. Senior citizens are not allowed to avail of the cash for work program in
the barangay because the officials believe that they can’t do the work anymore.
______________28. Barbie dolls are only for girls.
______________29. You can only find beautiful women in Manila.
______________30. He likes to eat messy street foods, he must be Indian.

IV. Directions: Analyze the situations provided and identify which type of viewing
material is best needed. Write only the letter of your answer.
________31. Elizabeth is a medical sales representative. She was tasked to demonstrate
the proper use of a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure (BP) apparatus. What type of
viewing material should sheuse?
a. tutorial video video c. video game flash

________32. William is tasked to give a report on the life of Filipinos during World War
Which one will help him more?
a.Movie report c.documentary d.multimedia

________33. Kurt is scheduled to speak to a group of 500 people next week. He has topics
which he needs to discuss one by one. Which of the following viewing material will likely
be the most effective for a group of this size?
a. vlog b. webinar c. news report d. documentary

________34. Edith needs to present to a group of students the steps in decorating cakes
and cupcakes. Which among the types of viewing materialshould she use?
a. Movie b. instructional video clip c. news flash d. multimedia
________35. There is an approaching storm. People want to get the latest update about
the weather condition every four hours. Which viewing material will be most useful?
a. Movie b. Webinar c. news flash d. music video

________36. It is a short clip of video or movie.

a. movie b. video c. live stream d. video clip

________37. It is a computer program that you can control or explore, which also gives a
definite response depending on your actions.
a. video clip b. news flash c. interactive software d. multimedia message

________38. Nowadays, you can learn more about a product or service through
a. a news report b. an infomercial c. a webinar d. a documentary

________39. This is used when movement and action are important parts of the
a. video b. vlog c. webinar d. multimedia messages

________40. Viewing materials increase

a. audience engagement b. the speaker’s personal appearance
c. audience impatience d. the speaker’s artistic ability

V. Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb.

41. ABC Express___________________ the package to our house

42. Sheena ___________________ delicious cookies for us
43. Miggy ___________________a story in our class tomorrow
44. The principal ___________________ a bouquet of red roses.
45. I ___________________ a song to my mother
46. The altar servers ___________________the name of Jesus all the time
47. Last week, the boys ___________________ the walls green.
48. How many persons have you ___________________ in the class picture?
49. The athletes___________________ around the oval everyday
50. The ballet dancer ___________________ for long hours to prepare for the concert.

Prepared by:

Tecaher I


School Principal II

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