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Language Features - Definitions and Effects

 Definition- Direct comparison of

something to another the reader will
Metaphor know
Effect - Can visualise object clearly due
to comparison drawn

Definition- Giving human like qualities

to a non-human thing
Effect- Brings the object to life by
allowing us to assign it human aspects

Definition - Exaggeration
Hyperbole Effect- Allows a feature to be stressed
for effect and can emphasise the mood

Definition - A comparison using 'like' or

Simile Effect - Increases the reader'
understanding of something by
comparing it to a thing they understand

Definition - Using the fact that some

Pun words can be interpreted in two ways
Effect - witty or humorous effect

Definition - When the same consonant

sound links two or more words
Effect- Sound created reinforces an

Definition - Repetition of vowel sounds

Assonance Effect - Sound created reinforces
image/idea being conveyed

Definition - Use of words that create the

Onomatopoeia sound of the action they are describing
Effect - Sound of word suggest action
Definition - Repetition of final sounds
in the final one or two syllables
Effect - Places stress/emphasis on
particular words for effect

Definition - Informal, everyday

Effect - Writer/speaker comes across as
casual or with a laid back tone

Definition - Descriptive/ figurative use

of language which create a picture in the
Imagery mind
Effect- Helps the reader better visualise
images/feelings being conveyed

Definition - The opposite of what you

Effect - Can be funny, expresses writer's
attitude/tone to the subject

Definition - Casual/spoken language

used by particular groups, especially
Slang younger people
Effect- expresses an attitude/mood by a
particular group of people

Definition - Using a word or phrase

Repetition more than once for effect
Effect - Idea/message emphasised

Definition - Specialised language

related to a particular topic/group of
Jargon people
Effect - Shows expertise in a certain

Definition - The form in which the

adjective compares several qualities
Effect - Object/person seen to have the
best qualities
Definition - A command/statement
Imperative Effect - Reader is directly addressed and
encouraged to act

Definition - 'I' refers to writer/speaker

1st person singular Effect - Directly addresses the reader in
a personal style

Definition - 'We' or 'us' refers to the

speaker/writer and the audience/reader
1st person plural pronoun
Effect - Unites reader and listener and
allows them to feel included

Definition - 'You' refers to the people

spoken to
2nd person singular or plural pronoun Effect - Includes reader/listener in a
situation, allowing them to be part of
the experience

Definition - A less offensive manner of

saying something harsh or difficult
Effect - Something which is difficult to
express is more acceptable

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