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InteliLite 9

Controller for single gen-set


SW version 1.6.0
1 General information 2
2 Changes in the version 1.6.0 3
3 Changes in the version 1.5.2 4
4 Changes in the version 1.5.1 5
5 Changes in the version 1.5.0 6
6 Changes in the version 1.4.0 7
7 Changes in the version 1.3.1 8
8 Changes in the version 1.3.0 9
9 Changes in the version 1.2.1 10
10 Changes in the version 1.2.0 11
11 Changes in the version 1.1.1 17
12 Changes in the version 1.1.0 18

Copyright © 2021 ComAp a.s.

Written by Michal Slavata
Prague, Czech Republic
ComAp a.s., U Uranie 1612/14a,
170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 012 111
E-mail:, New Features List
1 General information
1.1 Version information
Major version with Transfer Delay setpoint and repairs.

1.2 Clarification of Notation

Note: This type of paragraph calls the reader’s attention to a notice or related theme.

IMPORTANT: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a
damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at
first sight.

Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to illustrate how a specific function

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 2

2 Changes in the version 1.6.0
2.1 New features
Setpoint Transfer Delay was added

Transfer Delay
Setpoint group AMF settings Range [units] 0.0 .. 600.0 [s]
value 1.0 s Step 0.1 s
Config level Standard Related applications AMF
Delay after GCB opening to MCB closing during the return procedure. Delay after MCB opening to GCB
closing if the setpoint MCB Opens On (page 1) is set to GENRUN.

2.2 Repairs
Modbus (over TCP) returns invalid data for binary objects for bits 16 and higher

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 3

3 Changes in the version 1.5.2
3.1 Repairs
Generator frequency floating
There were peaks measured on generator frequency when GCB was opened

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 4

4 Changes in the version 1.5.1
4.1 New features
Value Total Fuel Consumption was added to statistics screen on CU display
Value is visible only when ECU is configured

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 5

5 Changes in the version 1.5.0
5.1 New features
Support of shorter DM1 messages
DM1 messages with length of 6 and 7 bytes are supported

AL Overload BOC
This output is active when the Sd Overload alarm is present in the alarmlist or isn’t confirm.

AL Overload Wrn
This output is active when the Wrn Overload alarm is present in alarmlist or isn’t confirm.

5.2 Repairs
Wrong mains energy calculation
mains kWh are correctly calculated
Exercise timers adjustment via front facia
option weekly was repaired

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 6

6 Changes in the version 1.4.0
6.1 New features
All ECU analog values added into SNMP MIB table
Modification of accelerator pedal position
Pedal position is set to 0 when idle speed is send to ECU
Doosan ECU support added
Number of displayed ECU values has been increased in InteliConfig. It can display up to 20 values now.
Modification of lost password recovery
Value Password Decode was removed
Recovery of lost password is available only via recovery email

6.2 Repairs
Issue when controller is sending event emails with too long text was fixed
Reading fuel consumption value from any ECU was fixed
Issue during programming of controller was fixed

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 7

7 Changes in the version 1.3.1
7.1 Repairs
Improvement of controller stability during active calls (SMS/email) sending
Controller message "Unsupported config. table version. Please contact helpdesk!!!" was changed to the
message "Waiting for programming of compatible configuration table.”
Some analog values of MTU ECU were incorrectly displayed on CU screen
Inconsistency in counting of running hours
When RunHoursSource setpoint was set to internal value, sometimes running hours from ECU were
used instead of running hours from internal counter

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 8

8 Changes in the version 1.3.0
8.1 New features
Support of reading ECU running hours for ECU list 7.1 and higher

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 9

9 Changes in the version 1.2.1
9.1 Repairs
Hiding of Alternate setpoints
Hiding works correctly for all connection types
CT Location – option None
Maximal value of V-meter on main screen is 125 % of nominal voltage

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 10

10 Changes in the version 1.2.0
10.1 New features
Support of kind 34 and 35 – message counter and checksum
Setpoint Stop Time is visible

Stop Time
Setpoint group Engine Settings Range [units] 0 .. 600 [s]
Default value 60 Step 1
Config level Advanced Related applications AMF, MRS
This setpoint adjusts maximal time for engine stopping.

Modification of setpoint CT Location

CT Location
Setpoint group Basic Settings Range [units] Load / Gen-set/ None [-]
Default value Gen-set Step 1
Config level Advanced Related applications AMF, MRS
This setpoint adjusts position of current measurement.
Load: Current CT's are physically placed on Load (typically between GCB and MCB).
Gen-set: Current CT's are physically placed on Gen-set (typically before GCB).
None: There are no current CT's.
When option None is selected, following objects are hidden/changed:
Current screen is hidden
Generator Power screen is hidden
Statistics screens – values Gen-set kWh, Gen-set kVArh, Mains kWh and Mains kWArh are
Mains screen – kW meter is replaced by generator voltage meter
Generator L1-N voltage is displayed for Monopahse, Splitphase L1L2, Splitphase L1L3 and
High Leg delta connection types
Generator L1-L2 voltage is displayed for 3ph3w and 3ph4w connection types
Group Load is hidden
Group Statistics – values Gen-set kWh, Gen-set kVArh, Mains kWh and Mains kWArh are hidden

LBO Running is visible

The output is designed to be used as an indication that the gen-set is running. The output closes if FUEL
SOLENOID is closed and STARTER and PRESTART are open. The out remains close until engine stop and
cooling period elapses.

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 11

Adjustable idle RPM
New setpoint Idle RPM added

Idle RPM
Setpoint group Engine Settings Range [units] 100 .. 4000 [RPM]
Default value 900 Step 1 RPM
Config level Standard Related applications AMF, MRS
This setpoint adjusts idle speed.

ECU Key Switch


ECU Key Switch

ECU Key Switch function is used to switch ECU power supply on, when engine start is not requested. It is
intended to enable engine values reading, when engine doesn't run. It works in this way:
LBO ECU POWER RELAY is active, if LBI ECU KEY SWITCH is active.
LBO ECU POWER RELAY functionality is not affected, if LBI ECU KEY SWITCH is inactive.

Disengagement of STARTER by Oil Pressure

It is possible to disable disengagement of LBO Starter by Oil Pressure value

Starting Oil Pressure

Setpoint group Engine Settings Range [units] Disabled/ 0,1 .. 10,0 [bar]
Default value 4.5 Step 0.1
Config level Standard Related applications AMF, MRS
Oil pressure limit for starting. The controller will stop cranking (LBO STARTER goes OFF) if the oil pressure
rises above this limit.
Option Disabled – When this option is selected, Oil Pressure value (value from CU analog Oil Pressure,
value from ECU analog Oil pressure and state of binary input Oil Pressure) is not used for disengagement
of starter.

Support of connection type Split phase L1-L2

New option for setpoint Connection type – SplPhL1L2
Rename of actual option Split Phase to SplPhL1L3
Switching back to main screen from alarmlist
When all alarms are cleared, controller automatically shows main screen

Cybernetic security improvements

Several improvements have been recently implemented to improve the cybernetic security
Hardening the storage of a credentials
Protection against a brute-force attack to the password

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 12

Secure method to reset the password
A new technology of encryption of the remote communication
Web interface can be disabled

IMPORTANT: Due to this, we do not recommend performing a rollback from FW 1.2.0 to FW

version 1.1.1 or older.

Hardening the storage of a credentials

The user credentials (passwords and access code) have been moved to a hardened storage to prevent the
credentials to leak out of the hardware.
IMPORTANT: If a firmware rollback is inevitable, please keep in mind, when the firmware is first
time updated to the new firmware (which uses hardened storage) a seamless transfer of the
credentials into the hardened storage is performed. However, if the rollback to any previous
firmware (which does not use hardened storage) is performed the credentials are NOT transferred
back, so the previous firmware will not "see" any change of the credentials made through the
new firmware. Moreover, as the transfer of the credentials into the hardened storage is performed
only during very first update from an "old" to a "new" firmware, no change of the credentials
performed in the "old" firmware after the rollback will be visible in the "new" firmware after a next
update to the "new" firmware.

Protection against the brute force attack

Protection against the brute force will take a place when an invalid password is entered repeatedly.
If the invalid password is entered 5 times, the controller gets blocked for entering password for a while.
Each further entering of the invalid password cause the consequent blocking time is increased.
If the invalid password is entered repeatedly the controller gets blocked for entering the password
permanently and the password must be reset to a default value as described below.
Note: Blocking of the controller for entering the password have no influence to controller/genset operation

Note: Permanent blocking cannot occur accidentally, just by user mistake. It can be practically triggered only
by a focused activity.

Resetting the administrator password

If the administrator password is lost or controller is permanently locked due to brute-force attack
protection, proceed according to a procedure described below:
IMPORTANT: There is a backup e-mail address defined in the controller to which and only which
ComAp will send the "password reset action code". Please be sure, that you have adjusted this e-
mail address correctly. Use InteliConfig to adjust the backup e-mail address

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 13

Reset password procedure
1. Connect InteliConfig. You may connect remotely if you know Access Code.
2. Get the password reset request code and send it via e-mail to

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 14

3. Once you receive the reply from ComAp, copy the code from the e-mail (all characters inside the box as
indicated below)

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 15

4. Paste the code into the password reset window

Encryption of the communication

New technology "CCS v.1" is used for an authentication and an encryption of the ComAp protocol via
Internet/ethernet/AirGate. This technology is based on strong and proven cryptographic algorithms and has
passed successfully penetration tests and cybersecurity audit.

Web interface can be disabled

A setpoint has been added to disable the CM-ETHERNET built-in web interface.
IMPORTANT: As the web interface is using HTTP protocol it is recommended to disable the web
interface unless the controller is connected into a trusted secure network.

10.2 Repairs
CAN communication improvement
Autodetect of connection type
In AMF application, connection type is hold also after engine stop (during Mains operation). New
connection type is detected during next start of engine.
Function Ignore ECU lamps during prestart
All lamps from ECU are ignored during prestart
John Deere ECU RPM filter during cranking
RPM filter on John Deere ECU is extended to 1 s
Modification of hiding of Tier IV screen with aftertreatment lamps
Visibility for setpoint Zero Power Mode
Setpoint is correctly displayed when LBI AMF FUNCTION is used

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 16

11 Changes in the version 1.1.1
11.1 Repairs
RTC initialization improvement

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 17

12 Changes in the version 1.1.0
12.1 New features
Maintenance timers improvement
All maintenance timers can count to negative values
ECU frequency selection function
Setpoints ECU Frequency Selection 1, ECU Frequency Selection 2 and ECU Frequency Selection 3
were removed from controller
Value ECU Frequency Select is adjusted by setpoint Nominal Frequency
Threshold level is 55 Hz
Measurement screen filter
Added new setpoint Screen Filter

Screen Filter
Setpoint group Basic Settings Range [units] Enable/Disabled [-]
Default value Disabled Step -
Setpoint visibility Always Position Under RunHoursSource
Config level Advanced Related applications AMF, MRS
This setpoint enables/disables filter values on CU screen and PC tools.
List of values which are filtered when filter is ON.
Generator Voltage L1-L2; L2-L3; L3-L1; L1-N; L2-N; L3-N
Generator Frequency
Load kVA
Load kVAr
Load kW

Change of behavior of Gen Run option in MCB opens ON setpoint

The command to open the MCB is not given till the Gen-set is able to take the load (Gen-set reach
running phase). After that, the MCB is opened, Transfer Delay timer is started and the GCB is closed
after the timer elapses.
Power On Mode
Added new setpoint Power On Mode

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 18

Power On Mode
Setpoint group Basic Settings Range [units] Previous / OFF [-]
Default value Previous Step -
Setpoint visibility Always Position Under Controller Mode
Config level Advanced Related applications AMF, MRS
This setpoint adjusts controller mode after power on of controller.

Previous When controller is power on, than is switched into last mode before power off.
OFF When controller is power on, than is switched into OFF mode.

Disabling backlight of display and LEDs on front facia of controller

Added new logical binary input DARK MODE

Dark Mode
This binary input activates function of dark mode.
In dark mode, backlight of display is turn off. Information on controller screens are not affected.
After deactivation of dark mode, backlight of display is turned on and then behaves normally.
In dark mode LEDs (Mains, Generator, Breakers, etc.) are turn off all the time. It means that LEDs
don't react on normal condition of their activation and deactivation. After deactivation of dark
mode, Front Face status LEDs are turned on due to current situation of gen-set and then behave

Mains screen configuration

Added new setpoints Mains Screen Line 1 and Mains Screen Line 2

Mains Screen Line 1

Setpoint group Basic Settings Range [units] RPM/PF/Run Hours/ATT/AIN1 [-]
Default value PF Step -
Setpoint visibility Always Position Under Screen Filter
Config level Advanced Related applications AMF, MRS
This setpoint adjusts line 1 on Mains screen.

Main Screen Line 2

Setpoint group Basic Settings Range [units] RPM/PF/Run Hours/ATT/AIN1 [-]
Default value RPM Step -
Setpoint visibility Always Position Under Main Screen Line 1
Config level Advanced Related applications AMF, MRS
This setpoint adjusts line 2 on Mains screen.

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 19

Extended support of languages
It is possible to add Greek language
Configuration of analog inputs as binary or tristate sensor
Threshold level is 750 Ω for binary and tristate sensors
Fail sensor level is < 10 Ω and > 2500 Ω for tristate sensor
Init screen update
New ComAp website, removing of the year
Added new communication objects for date and time used in communication with some ECUs
Actual time


Actual date


Renaming of setpoints
Setpoint SMS/email Language renamed to Message Language
Setpoint Overload BOC Delay was renamed to Overload Delay
Setpoint Generator <> Frequency BOC Delay was renamed to Generator <> Frequency Delay
Command names rename
Command kW hours renamed to Genset kW hours
Command kVAr hours renamed to Genset kVAr hours
IL Info values rename
Value Engine state renamed to Engine State
Value Breaker state renamed to Breaker State
Value Timer text renamed to Timer Text
Interconnection between Overload BOC and Overload Wrn setpoints
Maximal value of Overload Wrn setpoint is value of Overload BOC setpoint
Minimal value of Overload BOC setpoint is value of Overload Wrn setpoint
Extended range of setpoint Mains <> Frequency Delay
Range is extended from 60 s to 600 s

12.2 Repairs
Calculation of value Fuel consumption
Formula for calculating was improved to be more accurate
Logical binary output AL OVERSEPEED
Logical binary output AL OVERSPEED was active only few ms after activation of alarm Sd Overspeed
Now, logical binary output AL OVERSPEED is active until confirmation of alarm Sd Overspeed

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 20

Activation of logical binary output READY TO LOAD
Sometimes this logical binary output was not activated when gen-set was ready to take the load
Switching between BOC and Sd type of alarms
Selected alarms were BOC al the time
Now, selected alarms are switched between these 2 types of alarms, based on actual configuration of
Criteria for switching is presence of feedbacks from breakers
Switching between alternate configurations
It was possible, to switch between alternate configuration at any time
Now, configurations can be switched only when engine is stopped
Switching nominal power to decimal power format
Setpoint Nominal Power is correctly switched when decimal power format is selected
Red, Yellow and Wait to Start lamps are alarm indication only + history record is created
Aftertreatment screen is displayed only when proper J1939 frames are configured
Binary output REGEN NEEDED
This binary output is connected to DPF lamp
ECU alarm description for Volvo ECU
Controllers shows alarm text descriptions – not only codes of alarms
CAN J1939 non-8 bytes frames
Controller displayed incorrect values for non-8 bytes frames
User Modbus – States
Some states was not read correctly
Internal timer repair
Breakers control improvement
Correction of length of OFF pulse and ON pulse
Mains Over/Undervoltage protection
Fixed hysteresis evaluation

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 21

13 Changes in the version 1.0.2
13.1 Repairs
Problem with internal timer
Internal timer behaves properly now.

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 22

14 Changes in the version 1.0.1
14.1 Repairs
Problem with power measurement
Controller calculated incorrect power value when setpoint CT Location = Load and load was supplied
by Mains. Value of CT Ratio setpoint wasn't taken into account in this case. This behavior is fixed now.

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 23

15 Related information
15.1 Available files
Firmware (*.psi)
For InteliLite 9

Table 15.1 Available firmware

Archives (*.ail3)
For InteliLite 9
InteliLite9-AMF-1.6.0.ail3, InteliLite9-MRS-1.6.0.ail3

Table 15.2 Available archives

15.2 Available HW
InteliLite 9
Binary Inputs 6+1
Binary Outputs 6
Analog Inputs 3
Analog Outputs 0
Communications USB, RS232-485, 4G, GPRS, Ethernet

Table 15.3 Available hardware

15.3 Available related documentation

Documents Description
Global Guide of the controller
InteliLite 9 Global Guide
InteliLite 9 Global Guide
Basic information about the controller
InteliLite 9 Datasheet
InteliLite 9 Datasheet

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 24

16 Notes
16.1 Document history
Revision number Related sw. version Date Author
13 1.6.0 22.12.2021 Michal Slavata
12 1.5.2 25.11.2021 Michal Slavata
11 1.5.1 6.9.2021 Michal Slavata
10 1.5.0 23.4.2021 Michal Slavata
9 1.4:0 19.6.2020 Michal Slavata
8 1.3.1 5.2.2020 Michal Slavata
7 1.3.0 15.10.2019 Michal Slavata
6 1.2.1 11.9.2019 Michal Slavata
5 1.2.0 31.7.2019 Michal Slavata
4 1.1.1 1.4.2019 Michal Slavata
3 1.1.0 20.9.2018 Daniel Švanda
2 1.0.2 22.6.2018 Daniel Švanda
1 1.0.1 25.4.2018 Daniel Švanda

InteliLite 9 1.6.0 New Features List 25

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