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Louise Hendon
& Becky Williams
Copyright © 2018 JL Publishing LLC

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced or distributed - in whole or in part - by any means or
in any form, electronic or otherwise, or stored in a database or other retrieval system, without the express,
written permission of JL Publishing LLC.

Disclaimer: This book is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. Please consult your
doctor or other medical professional before undertaking any new diet or exercise program. All nutritional
data provided are estimates and should not be relied upon for any medical purposes. The publisher and
author of this cookbook are in no way liable or responsible for any adverse effects that may arise (directly
or indirectly) as a result of the information provided in this book.

Photo copyrights: All recipe photos are by Louise Hendon, and other design images are from

Links: Some links in this book may be affiliate links.

Why We Wrote This Cookbook page 4

How To Use This Book page 7

5 Types of Easy Keto Desserts page 10

The Essential Keto Dessert Pantry page 11

CHAPTER 1 - Basics page 14

CHAPTER 2 - Breakfast Desserts page 28

CHAPTER 3 - Cakes page 38

CHAPTER 4 - Bars page 49

CHAPTER 5 - Fat Bombs page 54

CHAPTER 6 - Cookies page 65

CHAPTER 7 - Small Treats page 71

CHAPTER 8 - Frozen Delights page 79


Why we
wrote this

Hi! I’m Louise

Hi! I’m Louise Hendon, co-founder of the Keto Summit and CEO of
Nourishing Brands.

And I’ve teamed up with Becky Williams from Full on Purpose to create the
mouthwatering Keto desserts you’ll soon be enjoying!

I want you to feel full of energy, vibrant, and enjoy amazing health without
having to give up your favorite treats.

When I first started Keto, I thought I had to give up all desserts for good.
And I would fall off the wagon completely when I went to parties or just
wanted something sweet at the end of my meals.

I loved being in ketosis, but it felt like I had to constantly choose between
my health and delicious food.

Well, no more! From chocolate cake to ice cream cookie sandwiches and
MCT coffee fat bombs, there are so many options to help you Ketoing on
without feeling deprived!

I am so proud of this cookbook, and I can’t wait for you to enjoy all the
desserts here! Whenever you make one of these desserts, please please
take a photo and post it on social media and tag @ketosummit or @keto.
summit so Becky and I will know that our cookbook is being enjoyed by

And now I’m going to hand it over to Becky to tell you a bit about how she
came to Keto and fell in love with it.

Hi! I’m Becky

Hi, I’m Becky from Full On Purpose. I’m a certified health coach and I help
emotional eaters break the cycle, stop obsessing over food, and find joy in
being full on purpose.

I started a Keto diet to lose weight. And WOW. Keto not only melted
away the lbs I had gained over the years - I went from 180 to 140 lbs - but
it also gave me my life back.

And it wasn’t because “ketosis is magic”...this journey really changed my

mindset around food. I went from battling food to nourishing my body and
mind. If I choose to have a bowl of ice cream, it’s because I choose to
instead of need to. And that power to choose is life-changing.

I feel confident in my own skin and I’m proud to go out and empower
others to do the same. And more importantly, being healthy and feeling
beautiful inside and out has allowed me to spend more time with my family,
friends, church, and community because I’m not throwing up my food (on
purpose) or obsessing over eating something “off plan” and destroying my

Now, I spend my time giving back to the Keto community. So many

people saw my transformation that I was asked to start coaching others
and running Keto challenges online.

When Louise asked me to partner with her on this cookbook, I was thrilled.
So many people think Keto is just restricting yourself from delicious foods.
That’s why I hope this book changes your mindset around desserts. By
choosing to eat these desserts, you’ll not only keep nourishing your body,
but also enjoy life more at the same time.

Take life less seriously! Love people well. Live full on purpose.

How To Use
This Book

All recipes have yields so please check
the number of servings carefully so you
don’t overeat these desserts.

This book is interactive, so you can click
on links to jump between sections easily.
Some blue links go to websites like or to additional recipes.

There are 59 recipes in this book, and
you can pick and choose whichever
desserts fit your mood and lifestyle.

Nutritional information (calories, total fat,
net carbohydrates, and protein) has been
provided for each recipe. Please note
that these are just estimates. (Net Carbs
= Total Carbs minus Fiber minus Sugar

These desserts should NOT form the basis
of your Keto diet! Just remember that
these are for special occasions, when
you’re craving something sweet, or if
you’re throwing a party.

We are big fans of batch cooking and
cooking in advance. And many of
the snacks are great for the
Peppermint Patties, Pecan Crisps, and
Cajun Roasted Almonds.

If you have any questions about the
recipes in this cookbook, then please
email us at and
we’ll try to reply as quickly as possible.

Cooking and learning how to heal and
nourish your body is all part of the Keto
journey. So please enjoy!
5 Types of

Easy Keto
Mug Cakes - see recipes on pages 32, 34, 41, 44, 73, 75
Popsicles - see recipes on pages 81, 84, 85
Fat Bombs - see recipes on pages 55-64
Drinks - see recipes on pages 30, 31, 33, 37
No-Bake Desserts - see recipes on pages 67, 70
Keto Desserts

If you stock your Keto pantry well, then you could whip
up Keto desserts in no time. So here are some of our Keto
dessert pantry essentials:

Keto Flours:

Almond Flour Coconut Flour Flax Meal

(ground up flax


Gelatin Powder Baking Powder Whey Protein

(or Soda) Powder (for cakes)


Shredded Coconut or Whole Nuts/Seeds

Coconut Flakes


Coconut Oil/Ghee Coconut Butter

Coconut Milk/Cream Nut Butters



100% Dark Vanilla Extract (or Cinnamon,

Chocolate or other extracts) Nutmeg, Ginger,
Cacao Clove Powder

Keto Sugars:

Erythritol Stevia Monk Fruit


Chapter 1:
Chocolate Pudding page 15
Coconut Whipped Cream page 16
Chocolate Covered Almonds page 17
Almond Cookie page 18
Crepes with Warm Cinnamon
Apple Compote page 19
Coconut Cookie page 20
Pie or Tart Crust page 21
Chocolate Covered Strawberries page 22
Simple Marshmallows page 23
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough page 24
Raspberry Chia Jam page 25
Cashew Cream Cheese page 26
Graham Crackers page 27
category {BASICS} 15

Chocolate Pudding
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

• 3 medium eggs
• 3 oz (85 g) 100% dark chocolate
• 1/4 cup (48 g) erythritol (or to taste)
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) ghee

1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk for 5 minutes until it’s foamy.
2. Melt the dark chocolate and combine with the erythritol and ghee. Let cool so
it’s just warm.
3. Pour slowly into the whisked eggs mixture and keep whisking at the same time.
4. Place into a bowl and refrigerate for 2+ hours to set.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 131 Fat: 9 g Total Carbs: 1 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 5 g

Coconut Whipped
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 10 servings

• 2 cans of coconut milk, refrigerated

• Whip Cream Maker

1. Follow your whip cream maker’s direction for cleaning and putting in the
2. Cool your whip cream maker in the fridge for 5 hours before using.
3. Carefully scoop out the coconut cream from the top of 2 refrigerated cans of
coconut milk - make sure to only get the cream. Place into your whip cream
4. You might need to refrigerate the whipped cream for a bit longer. Then
squeeze the whip cream maker and enjoy delicious coconut whip cream with
your Keto hot chocolate, Keto brownies, and Keto pies and cakes.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 48 Fat: 5 g Total Carbs: 1 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 0 g
category {BASICS} 17

Chocolate Covered
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

• 3.5 oz (100g) 100% dark chocolate
• 1 Tablespoon (12 g) erythritol + stevia, to taste
• 1 cup (140 g) unsalted whole almonds

1. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler over medium heat and stir in the
2. Add in the almonds and mix in until the almonds are coated.
3. Place the coated almonds onto a parchment paper-lined tray.
4. Refrigerate to let the chocolate set.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 192 Fat: 13 g Total Carbs: 4 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 5 g

Almond Cookie
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 15 cookies

• 2 cups (240 g) almond flour
• 6 Tablespoons (90 ml) ghee (or coconut oil)
• 1 egg, whisked
• Keto sweetener, to taste
• Dash of vanilla extract (optional)
• Dash of salt (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Mix all the ingredients together to form a dough.
3. Take small balls of dough and flatten to form small cookies (makes
approximately 15 cookies).
4. Place onto a parchment paper-lined baking tray. Make sure there’s space
between the cookies.
5. Bake for 7-10 minutes until slightly browned on top.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 125 Fat: 12 g Total Carbs: 3 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 3 g
category {BASICS} 19

Crepes with Warm

Cinnamon Apple
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 8 servings

For the crepes -
• 4 eggs
• 1/4 cup (30 g) almond flour (finely ground)
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) coconut oil, to grease the frying pan

For the compote –

• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) ghee
• 1 small apple, peeled and diced
• 1 Tablespoon (6 g) cinnamon powder
• 1 teaspoon (7 g) erythritol
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract

1. Blend together all the ingredients well to form a liquid batter.
2. Lightly grease a non-stick frying pan (use a 7-inch pan for small pancakes and
a 9-inch for larger pancakes).
3. Pour a few tablespoons of the batter into the greased frying pan and swirl the
pan gently in a circular fashion to spread the batter around the pan.
4. Cook for a few minutes until the crepe is slightly browned on the bottom and
can be picked up without breaking. Then flip and cook for 1-2 more minutes.
5. Repeat for the other crepes. Makes around 8-10 thin crepes.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 105 Fat: 9 g Total Carbs: 4 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 4 g

Coconut Cookie
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Yield: 15 cookies

• 3/4 cup (84 g) coconut flour
• 4 eggs, whisked
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) baking powder
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) ghee
• Sweetener, to taste
• Dash of vanilla extract (optional)
• Dash of salt (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Mix all the ingredients together to form a dough.
3. Take small balls of dough and flatten to form small cookies (makes
approximately 15 cookies). Note the dough is a bit soft and runny.
4. Place onto a parchment paper-lined baking tray. Make sure there’s space
between the cookies.
5. Bake for 10-13 minutes until slightly browned around the edges.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 100 Fat: 9 g Total Carbs: 2 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 0 g Protein: 2 g
category {BASICS} 21

Pie or Tart Crust

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

• 1 cup (120 g) almond flour
• 1/4 cup (28 g) flax meal
• 1/4 cup (28 g) coconut flour
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) water

1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Mix together all the ingredients to form a dough. Add additional water if
needed to form the dough.
3. To make 4 small pie crusts, divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll each out
into a flat circle. Then press each into greased small pie or tart pans.
4. If you’re using this recipe to create one large pie, then don’t divide the dough,
and instead roll the dough into a larger flat piece and place into a 9-inch pie
5. Bake for 10-12 min until slightly browned.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 197 Fat: 15 g Total Carbs: 10 g Fiber: 7 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 8 g
Chocolate Covered
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

• 8 strawberries
• 2 oz (56 g) 100% dark chocolate
• 1 teaspoon (7 g) erythritol or stevia

1. Rinse the strawberries and pat dry.
2. Melt chocolate in a double boiler and stir in the sweetener.
3. Dip each strawberry into the melted chocolate using a fork.
4. Place each chocolate-dipped strawberry onto a parchment paper-lined tray.
Refrigerate until the chocolate is solidified.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 84 Fat: 4 g Total Carbs: 2 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 2 g
category {BASICS} 23

Simple Marshmallows
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Set Time: overnight
Yield: 4 servings

First part -
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) cold water
• 2.5 Tablespoons (15 g) gelatin powder

Second part -
• 1/4 cup (48 g) erythritol + stevia, to taste
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) warm water
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• Dash of salt

1. Line an 8-by-8 inch pan with parchment paper. Make sure the parchment
paper goes up all the sides.
2. Grease the parchment paper with coconut oil as well to prevent sticking.
3. In a bowl, add in the 1/2 cup of cold water. Sprinkle the gelatin in. Let it sit
for 10 minutes.
4. In a small saucepan, add in the 1/2 cup warm water with 1/4 cup erythritol
and a dash of stevia to taste. Add in the vanilla extract and salt as well.
When it just starts to boil, take it off the stove.
5. Start mixing the gelatin mixture with an electric whisk slowly while adding in
the hot liquid.
6. Keep whisking and increase the whisk speed. The gelatin mixture will turn
white and foamy after around 10 minutes.
7. Keep whisking for 10 minutes more until the mixture doubles in volume.
Pour quickly into the prepared container and smooth the top with a greased
8. Refrigerate the container overnight to set properly.
9. Cut the Keto marshmallow into cubes with a good knife (grease the knife with
some melted coconut oil first to prevent the marshmallow from sticking to the

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 7 Fat: 0 g Total Carbs: 0 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 0 g Protein: 2 g

Chocolate Chip
Cookie Dough
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

• 1/2 cup (60 g) almond flour
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) ghee (you can use coconut oil but it tastes way better with
• Erythritol or stevia, to taste
• 1 oz (28 g) 100% chocolate, broken into small pieces

1. Melt the coconut oil or ghee.
2. Mix the almond flour, coconut oil, and sweetener in a small bowl to form a
3. Carefully fold in the chocolate chunks.
4. Divide into 6 individual small ramekins or cups.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 151 Fat: 15 g Total Carbs: 2 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 2 g
category {BASICS} 25

Raspberry Chia Jam

Prep Time: 0 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Yield: 8 servings

• 1/2 cup raspberries
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) water
• 2 teaspoons chia seeds
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon (7 g) erythritol

1. Add the raspberries, water, lemon juice, and erythritol to a small pot and
simmer while stirring until it starts to thicken.
2. Add in the chia seeds, stir and cook for a few more minutes.
3. Remove from heat and let it cool.
4. Pour into jars and store in the fridge for up to 1 week.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 17 Fat: 0 g Total Carbs: 3 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 0 g

Cashew Cream Cheese

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 12 servings

• 1 cup (4 oz or 120 g) raw cashews
• 3 Tablespoons (45 ml) coconut oil
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) water
• Dash of salt

1. Place the raw cashews into a bowl of room temperature water so that it covers
the cashews, drape a paper towel or tea towel over the bowl to prevent dust
settling, and soak overnight.
2. Place the soaked cashews, 1/4 cup fresh water, salt, and coconut oil into a
blender and blend until smooth.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 81 Fat: 8 g Total Carbs: 3 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 2 g
category {BASICS} 27

Graham Crackers
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 8 servings

• 2 cups (240 g) almond flour
• 2 Tablespoons (14 g) flax meal
• 1/4 cup (48 g) erythritol
• 1/2 Tablespoon (3 g) cinnamon powder
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) baking powder
• 1 large egg, whisked
• 3 Tablespoons (45 ml) ghee, melted
• Dash of salt

1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Mix all the ingredients together well to form a dough.
3. Place dough on a piece of parchment paper and roll thin. Score with a sharp
knife or pizza cutter into 2 by 2 inch squares. Poke a few holes on top of each
with a fork for decoration.
4. Place entire parchment paper onto a baking tray and bake for 8-10 minutes
until just starting to brown. Let cool.
5. Makes approx. 24 crackers.
6. Enjoy with some Keto marshmallows and chocolate in a graham cracker
s’mores sandwich.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 199 Fat: 18 g Total Carbs: 6 g Fiber: 4 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 6 g

Chapter 2:
Orange Avocado Muffins page 29
Collagen Hot Chocolate page 30
Golden Almond Milk page 31
Breakfast Coffee MCT Mug Cake page 32
Avocado Apple Coconut Smoothie page 33
Vanilla Mug Cake page 34
Mocha Chia Pudding page 35
Chocolate Waffles page 36
Blueberry Ginger Smoothie page 37

Orange Avocado
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 8 muffins

• 1 avocado, destoned
• 1 cup (240 ml) almond butter
• 2 eggs, whisked
• 2 Tablespoons orange zest
• 4 Tablespoons (60 ml) freshly squeezed orange juice
• Sweetener, to taste
• 6 Tablespoons (36 g) unsweetened cacao powder
• 1 teaspoon (4 g) baking soda
• 1 Teaspoon (4 g) baking powder
• Dash of vanilla extract
• Dash of salt

1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Blend all the ingredients together well.
3. Divide between 8 muffin pans.
4. Bake for 25-30 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 90 Fat: 6 g Total Carbs: 6 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 4 g

Collagen Hot
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Yield: 1 serving

• 1/2 cup (120 ml) of coconut milk
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) of water
• 1 Tablespoon (10 g) collagen
• 3 Tablespoons (18 g) of cacao powder
• Erythritol and stevia, to taste

1. Heat up the coconut milk and water in a small pot.
2. Stir in the cacao powder, collagen, and sweetener until everything is

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 332 Fat: 24 g Total Carbs: 13 g Fiber: 7 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 6 g Protein: 15 g

Golden Almond Milk

Prep Time: 0 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Yield: 1 serving

• 1 cup (240 ml) unsweetened almond milk
• 1/2 Tablespoon (3 g) turmeric powder
• 1/2 Tablespoon (5 g) collagen powder (optional, omit for vegan recipe)
• Dash of black pepper
• Coffee or black tea (as the base), optional
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) coconut oil
• Stevia, to taste

1. Heat up the almond milk.
2. Blend with the turmeric powder, black pepper, collagen, stevia, and optional
coffee or tea.
3. Pour into cups and enjoy.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 185 Fat: 17 g Total Carbs: 3 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 6 g
Breakfast Coffee MCT
Mug Cake
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 2 minutes
Yield: 1 serving

• 1 egg, whisked
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) espresso
• 3 Tablespoons (45 ml) coconut cream
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) MCT oil
• 2 Tablespoons (14 g) coconut flour
• 1 Tablespoon (12 g) erythritol + dash of stevia
• 1/4 teaspoon (1 g) of baking powder

1. In a small bowl or blender, mix all the ingredients together.
2. Pour the mixture into a microwaveable mug or cup.
3. Microwave for 90-120 seconds on high.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 248 Fat: 19 g Total Carbs: 7 g Fiber: 5 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 8 g

Avocado Apple
Coconut Smoothie
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 2 servings

• 1 large ripe avocado, destoned
• 2 slices of apple
• 1/2 cup coconut milk (unsweetened, from carton)
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) lime juice
• 1 Tablespoon (10 g) collagen powder
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) MCT oil
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) unsweetened shredded coconut, for garnish

1. Blend everything together really well. Garnish with shredded coconut.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 227 Fat: 19 g Total Carbs: 10 g Fiber: 7 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 7 g

Vanilla Mug Cake

Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cook Time: 2 minutes
Yield: 1 serving

• 1 egg, whisked
• 1/4 cup (30 g) almond flour
• 2 Tablespoons (14 g) coconut flour
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) ghee
• 1/4 teaspoon (1 g) of baking powder
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of vanilla extract
• 1 Tablespoon (12 g) erythritol + dash of stevia

1. Blend all the ingredients together.
2. Pour the mixture into a microwaveable mug or cup and microwave on high
power for around 90 seconds (the exact timing may differ).

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 369 Fat: 31 g Total Carbs: 11 g Fiber: 8 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 13 g

Mocha Chia Pudding

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 2 servings

• 1 Tablespoon (6 g) unsweetened cacao powder
• 1 Tablespoon (12 g) chia seeds
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) espresso
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) coconut cream
• Stevia, to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients together and pour into a small glass or jar.
2. Put into the refrigerator for 4 hours for the chia to set.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 59 Fat: 4 g Total Carbs: 4 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 2 g

Chocolate Waffles
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

• 3/4 cup (90 g) of almond flour
• 4 Tablespoons (24 g) unsweetened cacao powder
• 3 medium eggs
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) of coconut cream
• 2 teaspoons (4 g) of baking powder
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of vanilla extract
• Sweetener, to taste

1. Heat a greased waffle maker.
2. While the waffle maker is heating, take a large bowl and whisk all ingredients
together until smooth.
3. Pour the batter into the waffle maker and cook until crispy.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 204 Fat: 15 g Total Carbs: 8 g Fiber: 4 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 4 g Protein: 10 g

Blueberry Ginger
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 2 servings

• 15 blueberries
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) of coconut yogurt
• 1 cup (240 ml) coconut milk (from cartons, unsweetened)
• 3 slices of ginger
• 2 slices of apple
• 1/2 Tablespoon (5 g) collagen powder
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) MCT oil
• Stevia, to taste

1. Place all ingredients into the blender and blend well.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 168 Fat: 15 g Total Carbs: 5 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 4 g Protein: 4 g

Chapter 3:
Lemon Cake page 39
Pecan Pie page 40
Flourless Chocolate Cake page 41
Vanilla Pound Cake page 42
Cinnamon Dessert Pizza page 43
S’mores Cake In A Jar page 44
Chocolate Hazelnut Tarts page 45
Layered Chocolate Cake page 46
Dairy-Free Cheesecake page 48
category {CAKES} 39

Lemon Cake
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 60 minutes
Yield: 10 slices

• 2 cups (240 g) almond flour
• 1/4 cup (28 g) coconut flour
• 2 teaspoons (4 g) baking powder
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) baking soda
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) ghee, softened
• 4 large eggs
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract (sugar-free)
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste (approx. 1/4 cup)
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) lemon juice (from 2 large lemons)
• 2 Tablespoons lemon zest

1. Preheat oven to 300 F (150 C).
2. Grease a loaf pan (9 inch-by-5 inch).
3. In a large mixing bowl, whisk all the ingredients together well to form a batter.
4. Pour the batter into the greased loaf pan and bake for 60 minutes (the cake
will rise in the oven and the top should turn golden brown). Let the cake cool
for a few minutes before flipping it out. Cut into slices once it’s completely

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 240 Fat: 22 g Total Carbs: 5 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 7 g

Pecan Pie
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 12 servings

• Keto Pie Crust (make double the recipe on page 21)
• 1 cup (120 g) of chopped pecans
• 1 cup (100 g) of whole pecan halves
• 3 eggs, whisked
• 1/3 cup (78 ml) ghee
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• Dash of salt
• 1/2 cup (90g) erythritol

1. Make our regular pie crust for a 9-inch pie pan.
2. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
3. Melt the ghee and add in the vanilla extract and erythritol.
4. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and then combine with the ghee and 1 cup
of chopped pecans.
5. Pour the filling mixture into the pie crust.
6. Top with the whole pecan halves.
7. Bake for 30 minutes until set. Check to make sure it doesn’t get too browned.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 334 Fat: 31 g Total Carbs: 9 g Fiber: 6 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 10 g
category {CAKES} 41

Flourless Chocolate
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 2 minutes
Yield: 1 serving

• 1 egg, whisked
• 1/4 cup (30 g) of almond flour
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) ghee

• 1/4 teaspoon (1 g) of baking powder 

• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of vanilla extract 

• 3 Tablespoons (18 g) of cacao powder 

• 1 Tablespoon (12 g) erythritol + dash of stevia

• Dash of salt

1. In a small bowl or blender, mix the egg, almond flour, ghee, baking powder,
vanilla extract, cacao powder, sweetener, and salt together.
2. Pour into a microwaveable mug.
3. Microwave for 90 seconds on high.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 195 Fat: 16 g Total Carbs: 7 g Fiber: 5 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 8 g

Vanilla Pound Cake

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 60 minutes
Yield: 10 slices

• 3 cups (360 g) almond flour
• 1/3 cup (32 g) pure whey protein powder (optional)
• 1 and 1/2 teaspoons (3 g) baking powder
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) baking soda
• Pinch of salt
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) ghee, softened
• 3 large eggs
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract (sugar-free)
• Stevia or erythritol to taste (approx. 1/4 cup)
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) coconut milk

1. Preheat oven to 300 F (150C).
2. Grease a loaf pan (9inch-by-5inch).
3. In a large mixing bowl, whisk all the ingredients together well to form a batter.
4. Pour the batter into the greased loaf pan and bake for 60 minutes (the cake
will rise in the oven and the top should turn golden brown). Let the cake cool
for a few minutes before flipping it out. Cut into slices once it’s completely

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 299 Fat: 29 g Total Carbs: 7 g Fiber: 4 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 8 g
category {CAKES} 43

Cinnamon Dessert
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 8 servings

Pizza base - Cinnamon pizza topping -
• 3/4 cup (90 g) almond flour • 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) ghee, melted
• 2 Tablespoons (14 g) flax meal • 1 teaspoon (2 g) cinnamon powder
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) ghee
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) baking powder Coconut cream topping -
• 1 Tablespoon (7 g) cinnamon • 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut
powder cream
• 1 egg, whisked • Erythritol, to taste
• Dash of erythritol, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400 F (200 C).
2. Mix all the base ingredients together to form a dough. Roll out into a round flat
pizza crust.
3. Bake for 15 minutes. Flip and then bake for another 5 minutes.
4. Mix melted ghee and cinnamon together and spread on the pizza crust.
5. Place into freezer for 1 hour to cool down.
6. Mix together the coconut cream and erythritol. Let cool for 30 minutes in the
fridge. Spread across the frozen pizza crust.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 93 Fat: 9 g Total Carbs: 2 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 2 g

S’mores Cake In A Jar

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

For one 16-oz mason jar

For the graham cracker crust -

• 6 Graham Crackers (see recipe on page 27)
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) ghee
• Dash of salt

For the chocolate cake layer -

• Make a Flourless Chocolate Cake (see recipe on page 41), and chop into
1-inch cubes.

For the chocolate ganache -

• 1 oz (30 g) 100% dark chocolate
• 2 teaspoons (14 g) erythritol
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut cream

For the marshmallow layer -

• 4 1-inch cube Simple Marshmallows (see recipe on page 23), cut into smaller

1. Food process the graham crackers, ghee, and salt until it forms a crumbly
mixture. Place at the bottom of the jar.
2. Add the chopped chocolate cake to the jar and press down.
3. In a saucepan, heat up the coconut cream and melt the chocolate and add
the erythritol. Let cool and then pour into the jar saving 1-2 Tablespoons for
drizzling on top.
4. Top with the small marshmallow cubes.
5. Drizzle the rest of the chocolate ganache on top.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 208 Fat: 17 g Total Carbs: 5 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 2 g
category {CAKES} 45

Chocolate Hazelnut
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 8 servings

• 4 Pie or Tart Crusts (see recipe on page 21)
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut oil, melted
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut cream, melted
• 2 oz (56 g) 100% chocolate, melted
• Erythritol, to taste
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) hazelnut butter

1. Mix the coconut oil, coconut cream, chocolate, and erythritol together.
2. Pour 1 Tablespoon of hazelnut butter in each tart crust.
3. Then pour the chocolate mixture on top of the hazelnut butter, filling up the tart
4. Refrigerate for 2 hours until solid.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 223 Fat: 18 g Total Carbs: 7 g Fiber: 4 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 6 g

Layered Chocolate
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 16 slices

For the Cake Layers -
• 3 cups (360 g) almond flour
• 1/3 cup (32 g) pure whey protein powder
• 1 and 1/2 teaspoons (3 g) baking powder
• 1/2 cup (48 g) unsweetened cacao powder
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) baking soda
• Pinch of salt
• 1 cup (360 ml) of coconut oil, softened (or use ghee)
• 3 large eggs
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste
• 3/4 cup (180 ml) coconut milk
For the Chocolate Coconut Ganache Filling -
• 1/2 cup coconut cream
• 3.5 oz (100 g) 100% dark chocolate, melted
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste
For the Chocolate Frosting -
• 3.5 oz (100 g)100% dark chocolate, melted
• 1/3 cup (80 ml) coconut oil, melted
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste
• Extra dark chocolate, shaved (for decoration)

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 394 Fat: 36 g Total Carbs: 7 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 4 g Protein: 7 g
category {CAKES} 47

1. Preheat oven to 300 F (150 C).
2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the ingredients for the cake layers.
3. Line 2 9-inch cake pans with parchment paper (make sure to line both the base and
sides of the pan).
4. Divide the cake batter between the 2 pans and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes.
Check the cake is done by inserting a cocktail stick and making sure it comes out clean.
5. Meanwhile, mix together the ingredients for the chocolate filling and place in fridge to
6. Then in a separate bowl, whisk together the ingredients for the chocolate frosting and
refrigerate for around 1 hour for it to thicken.
7. When the cake layers are baked, let them cool for at least 30 minutes so they’re not too
8. If the tops of the cakes are not flat, then you can gently cut off the top of one of them to
make it flatter.
9. Spread the chocolate filling on one of the cakes and place the other cake on top to
form the top layer.
10. Stir the chocolate frosting gently with a fork to make it form a frosting consistency (if it’s
too hard, then let it melt a bit at room temperature, or if it’s too liquidy, place it back in
the fridge for a bit).
11. Spread the frosting on the cake and add any additional decorations you want.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 16 servings

For the crust -
• 2 cups (240 g) almond flour
• 4-5 Tablespoons (60-75 ml) coconut oil
• Dash of salt
• Erythritol, to taste

For the cheesecake mixture -

• 2 cups raw cashews, soaked for at least 4 hours and up to 8 hours
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) coconut oil
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) coconut cream
• Erythritol to taste
• Dash of salt
• 1 Tablespoon lemon zest
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract

1. Blend crust ingredients and press into bottom of a 9-inch springform cake pan.

2. Blend cheesecake ingredients and pour over the crust.

3. Freeze for 2+ hours.
4. Top with berries and additional grated lemon zest, to taste.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 241 Fat: 23 g Total Carbs: 7 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 5 g Protein: 5 g

Chapter 4:
Blueberry Breakfast Bars page 50
Layered Chocolate Hazelnut Bars page 51
Moist Lemon Bars page 52
Blueberry-Streusel Bars page 53

Blueberry Breakfast
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 50 minutes
Yield: 8 bars

• 2 Tablespoons (24 g) of chia seeds
• 3 Tablespoons (45 ml) of water
• 1/2 cup (60 g) almond flour
• 2 Tablespoons (14 g) coconut flour
• 3 Tablespoons (45 ml) coconut oil
• 1/4 cup (16 g) coconut flakes
• 1/4 cup (30 g) sliced almonds
• 1/4 cup (20 g) blueberries
• 2 Tablespoons (24 g) of erythritol
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 300 F (150 C). Line a baking dish with parchment paper
and set aside.
2. Add the chia to the cold water and set aside.
3. Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl and stir in the chia mixture. Pour
mixture into baking dish and pack down.
4. Bake for approximately 50 minutes. Let cool and cut into bars.
5. Store in an airtight container when cooled.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 131 Fat: 12 g Total Carbs: 5 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 3 g
category {BARS} 51

Layered Chocolate
Hazelnut Bars
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 12 servings

For the base - For the sauce -
• 1 cup (120 g) almond flour • 6 Tablespoons (90 ml) coconut oil,
• 1/4 cup (28 g) flax meal melted
• 2 eggs, whisked • 1/2 cup (120 ml) coconut butter,
• Dash of salt melted
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) of baking powder • 1Tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract
• 1/4 cup (48 g) erythritol
For the toppings -
• 6 oz (168 g) 100% dark chocolate, chopped
• 1/2 cup (64 g) shredded coconut
• 1 cup (117 g) chopped hazelnuts

1. Preheat oven to 300 F (150 C).
2. Combine all the base ingredients in a bowl to form a dough. Roll into a
1/4-inch thin layer and then place into a parchment paper-lined square 9 by
9-inch baking tray. Press into the base of the tray to form the base layer.
3. Bake for 30 minutes until it starts to brown a bit. Let cool.
4. Make the sauce by mixing all the ingredients together in a small bowl.
5. Then pour 1/2 of the sauce over the base in the square baking tray. Spread
carefully across the base covering it in a thin layer.
6. Sprinkle toppings on top and gently press down. Then pour the rest of the
sauce over the top.
7. Refrigerate for 2 hours.
8. Cut into 12 small bars.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 351 Fat: 31 g Total Carbs: 7 g Fiber: 4 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 7 g

Moist Lemon Bars

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 16 servings

For the crust -
• 2 cups (240 g) almond flour
• 1/3 cup (80 ml) ghee
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) lemon juice
• 2 teaspoons (10 ml) vanilla extract
• Dash of salt

For the top-

• 1/2 cup (120 ml) lemon juice – don’t skimp on this!
• 6 egg yolks
• 6 Tablespoons (90 ml) ghee
• 1/2 cup erythritol or stevia, to taste
• 1 Tablespoon (7 g) coconut flour
• Dash of salt
• Lemon zest, for topping

1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Mix together the crust ingredients and press into the bottom of a 9-by-13 inch
baking pan. Bake for 10 minutes.
3. Blend or whisk all the ingredients together except for lemon zest. Pour on top
of the crust.
4. Bake for 15-20 minutes until set.
5. Let cool and top with lemon zest.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 170 Fat: 17 g Total Carbs: 3 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 2 g
category {BARS} 53

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 30-35 minutes
Yield: 16 servings

For the crust - For the filling -
• 1 1/2 cups (180 g) almond flour • 1 cup blueberries
• 1/4 cup (28 g) coconut flour • 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) water
• 6 Tablespoons (90 ml) ghee • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• 1/4 cup erythritol and stevia, to • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) lemon juice
taste • 1 Tablespoon (7 g) flax meal
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract • 1/4 cup erythritol and stevia, to
• Dash of salt taste

For the topping -

• 1/4 cup (20 g) shredded coconut
• 2 Tablespoons (8 g) coconut flakes

1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Mix together all the crust ingredients. Set aside 1/4 of the mixture. Press the
rest into the bottom of an 8-by-8 inch baking pan. Bake for 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, make the filling by adding the blueberries, water, lemon juice and
vanilla extract to a small saucepan and gently simmer until blueberries are
4. Add in the flax meal and sweetener to taste.
5. Pour the filling onto the cooked crust forming a thin layer.
6. Add the shredded coconut and coconut flakes to the reserved crust
ingredients. Sprinkle on top of the blueberries filling and press down gently.
7. Bake for 20-25 minutes more. Let cool and slice into bars or squares.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 117 Fat: 11 g Total Carbs: 4 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 2 g

Chapter 5:
Fat Bombs
Golden Fat Bombs page 55
Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles page 56
Cookie Dough Cheesecake Cup page 57
Decadent Chocolate Truffles page 58
Almond Butter Fat Bomb Sandwiches page 59
3-Ingredient “Nutella” Pots page 60
Turmeric Balls page 61
3-Ingredient Vanilla Almond
Fat Bombs page 62
Keto Cups page 63
Raspberry Dark Chocolate Bark page 64
category {FAT BOMBS} 55

Golden Fat Bombs

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 8 servings

• 2 teaspoons (4 g) turmeric powder
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) cinnamon powder
• Dash of ginger
• Dash of black pepper
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) coconut butter
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut oil
• Erythritol, to taste

1. Melt the coconut butter and coconut oil slightly.
2. Mix all the ingredients together.
3. Pour into molds.
4. Set in the fridge for 2-3 hours.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 85 Fat: 8 g Total Carbs: 2 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 1 g

Chocolate Hazelnut
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

• 6 Tablespoons (180 g) hazelnut butter, warmed
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut oil, melted
• 1/4 cup (24 g) cacao powder, plus more for dusting
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste (optional)

1. Mix everything together.
2. Place in the fridge to solidify a bit more.
3. Use a spoon to scoop out and form small balls.
4. Roll in some cacao powder.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 157 Fat: 14 g Total Carbs: 5 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 3 g
category {FAT BOMBS} 57

Cookie Dough
Cheesecake Cup
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

For the Cookie Dough -
• 1/2 cup (60 g) almond flour
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) ghee
• Erythritol or stevia, to taste

For the Cheesecake –

• 1/2 cup (2 oz or 60 g) raw cashews, soaked in room temperature water for
at least 4 hours and up to 8 hours
• 3 Tablespoons (45 ml) coconut oil
• 4 Tablespoons (60 ml) coconut cream
• 2 Tablespoons (24 g) erythritol, or to taste
• Dash of salt
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract

1. Mix the almond flour with melted ghee and erythritol to taste to form the
cookie dough. 

2. Divide into 6 portions and press into the bottom of greased (or lined) muffin

3. Blend the cheesecake ingredients together. Pour on top of the cookie dough. 

4. Refrigerate for 4 hours. 

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 256 Fat: 26 g Total Carbs: 5 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 4 g Protein: 3 g

Decadent Chocolate
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 8 servings

• 3.5 oz (100 g) 100% dark chocolate
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) coconut oil
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) coconut cream (skim from the top of a can of coconut milk)
• 1 Tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract
• Erythritol or stevia, to taste
• Coatings: 100% cacao powder, unsweetened shredded coconut, or chopped

1. Melt your dark chocolate – you can use the microwave or a double boiler.
Add in the coconut oil (melted or softened).
2. Warm up the coconut cream and stir in as well. Then add in the vanilla extract
and sweetener. Mix well and freeze for 2 hours.
3. After removing from the freezer, let it thaw for a few minutes so that the
chocolate is soft enough to scoop out with a spoon.
4. Using a melon scoop or just using a spoon, scoop out small chunks of
chocolate and form it into balls in your hands.
5. Add the coating of your choice by rolling the chocolate ball through the

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 99 Fat: 7 g Total Carbs: 1 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 2 g
category {FAT BOMBS} 59

Almond Butter Fat

Bomb Sandwiches
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

• 1 bar of 100% dark chocolate (100 g)
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut butter
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste (optional)

1. Break the dark chocolate into 8 squares.
2. Mix the sweetener and vanilla extract with the coconut butter. You may need
to soften the coconut butter slightly.
3. Use a knife to spread the coconut butter over 4 of the squares.
4. Place the other squares on top to form sandwiches.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 192 Fat: 12 g Total Carbs: 4 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 4 g

3-Ingredient “Nutella”
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 4 pots

• 6 Tablespoons (180 g) hazelnut butter, warmed
• 3 Tablespoons (45 ml) coconut oil, melted
• 1/4 cup (24 g) cacao powder

1. Mix everything together. Pour into little pots or jars.
2. Place in the fridge to solidify a bit more.
3. If you want to sweeten the pots, use stevia or erythritol.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 265 Fat: 25 g Total Carbs: 8 g Fiber: 4 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 4 g Protein: 5 g
category {FAT BOMBS} 61

Turmeric Balls
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 15 servings

• 1 cup (80 g) unsweetened shredded coconut
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) coconut butter
• 1 Tablespoon (6 g) turmeric powder
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste

1. Melt the coconut butter slightly.
2. Mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl. Adjust the ingredients so that
it fits your tastes and the mixture isn’t too crumbly. Add in some coconut oil if
3. Pack into ice cube trays or other molds and set in the freezer for 2 hours.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 93 Fat: 8 g Total Carbs: 3 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 1 g

3-Ingredient Vanilla
Almond Fat Bombs
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

• 6 Tablespoons (180 g) coconut butter, warmed
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• 6 almonds
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste (optional)

1. Mix the coconut butter with the vanilla extract and sweetener.
2. Pour into ice cube trays.
3. Insert an almond into each.
4. Set in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 216 Fat: 20 g Total Carbs: 7 g Fiber: 5 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 2 g
category {FAT BOMBS} 63

Keto Cups
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 12 servings

• 3.5 oz (100 g) 100% chocolate, melted
• 1 cup (240 ml) coconut butter
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) MCT oil
• 1 Tablespoon erythritol

1. Melt the coconut butter and mix with the erythritol and MCT oil.
2. Pour into 12 muffin cups (preferably silicone molds) and freeze for 1-2 hours
until solid.
3. Pop out of the molds.
4. Melt the chocolate and pour a thin layer into the bottom of all 12 muffin cups.
Place the solid coconut butter back into the muffin cups and top with the rest of
the melted chocolate.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 190 Fat: 16 g Total Carbs: 5 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 2 g

Raspberry Dark
Chocolate Bark
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 12 servings

• 1/2 cup ( g) freeze dried raspberries (or other berries)
• 4 oz (113 g) 100% dark chocolate
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) coconut oil
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) coconut butter
• 1/4 cup (24 g) erythritol

1. Food process the freeze dried berries or place into a bag and crush well.
2. In the microwave or a small pot on the stove, melt the dark chocolate.
3. In a separate bowl, melt the coconut oil and coconut butter together. Stir in
the erythritol.
4. Pour the coconut mixture into a parchment paper-lined 8-by-8 or 9-by-9-inch
5. Pour the dark chocolate into the tray and slowly swirl in. Sprinkle the crushed
raspberries on top.
6. Freeze for 2 hours, break into pieces and enjoy.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 210 Fat: 19 g Total Carbs: 5 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 2 g

Chapter 6:
Shortbread Cookies page 66
No-Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies page 67
Double Chocolate Chip Cookies page 68
Madeleine Cookies page 69
3-Ingredient No-Bake Almond
Coconut Cookies page 70

Shortbread Cookies
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 10-12 minutes
Yield: 10 servings

• 1 cup (120 g) almond flour
• 1/4 cup (48 g) erythritol + a dash of stevia
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) baking powder
• 1 egg
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) ghee, melted
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Combine the almond flour, erythritol and baking powder in a bowl.
3. In a separate bowl whisk the egg with the melted ghee (make sure the ghee
is not piping hot) and the vanilla extract. Add the egg mix to the almond flour
mix using a wooden spoon until it comes together as a cookie dough.
4. Use a tablespoon to scoop up portions approximately 0.9oz (25g) in
weight and form into little balls. Place the balls onto a baking tray lined with
parchment paper and gently flatten into a cookie shape (makes around 8-10
5. Use a fork to gently press decoratively into the top of each cookie, then place
the tray into the oven for 10-12 minutes, rotating the tray after 8 minutes.
6. Remove and allow to cool completely. Store in an airtight container.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 85 Fat: 8 g Total Carbs: 2 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 3 g
category {COOKIES} 67

No-Bake Chocolate
Chip Cookies
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

• 1/2 cup (60 g) almond flour
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) ghee (or coconut oil)
• Erythritol or stevia, to taste
• 1 oz (28 g) 100% chocolate chunks, broken into small pieces

1. Melt the ghee.
2. Mix the almond flour, ghee, and sweetener in a small bowl to form a dough.
3. Form into small cookies and top with chocolate chunks.
4. Refrigerate to solidify the cookies more. (Cookies made with ghee will be
softer than cookies made with coconut oil after refrigeration.)

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 76 Fat: 7 g Total Carbs: 1 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 0 g Protein: 1 g

Double Chocolate
Chip Cookies
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10-12 minutes
Yield: 8 servings

• 1 cup (120 g) almond flour
• 3 Tablespoons (21 g) coconut flour
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) baking powder
• 1/4 cup (24 g) unsweetened cacao powder
• 1/4 cup erythritol
• 1 Tablespoon (7 g) flaxmeal
• 1/4 cup chocolate chips (e.g., Lily’s)
• 1 egg, whisked
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut cream

1. Preheat oven to 320 F (160 C).
2. Combine the almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder, cacao powder,
flaxmeal, erythritol and chocolate chips in a bowl. In a separate bowl whisk
the egg with the melted coconut oil (make sure the coconut oil is not piping
hot) and coconut cream. Add the almond flour mix to the egg mixture bit by bit
to combine it to form a cookie dough.
3. Use a tablespoon to scoop up portions approximately 50 g in weight and
form into 8 balls. Flatten and shape each ball into a cookie shape and place
onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
4. Bake for 10 minutes, rotating the tray after 6 minutes. Remove and allow to
cool completely. Store in an airtight container.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 137 Fat: 11 g Total Carbs: 6 g Fiber: 4 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 5 g
category {COOKIES} 69

Madeleine Cookies
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 10 servings

• 1 1/4 cup (120 g) almond flour
• 1/3 cup (28 g) flax meal
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut oil
• 2 eggs, whisked
• Erythritol or stevia, to taste
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• Dash of salt

1. Preheat oven to 320 F (160 C). 
2. Mix together to form a dough.  
3. Roll into 20 small madeleline-shaped pieces and use the back of a greased
fork to press into the top of the dough scoring lines to create the madeleine
cookies look.
4. Bake for 12-15 min until slightly browned.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 105 Fat: 10 g Total Carbs: 3 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 4 g

3-Ingredient No-Bake
Almond Coconut
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 12 servings

• 1 cup (240 ml) coconut butter
• 1/4 cup (30 g) chopped or slivered almonds
• Erythritol or stevia, to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
2. Form into cookies and place on a tray lined with parchment paper.
3. If you warm the coconut butter too much, it’ll be too liquidy, but you can still
pour the batter onto the parchment paper and refrigerate to form thinner
4. Refrigerate for 2+ hours until firm.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 151 Fat: 14 g Total Carbs: 5 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 2 g

Chapter 7:
Raspberry Tart page 72
Lemon Poppy Seed Mug Cake page 73
Coconut Macaroons
with Chocolate Drizzle page 74
Matcha Mug Cake page 75
Chocolate Haystacks page 76
Golden Milk Jello page 77
Fudge Brownie Bites page 78

Raspberry Tart
Prep Time: overnight + 2 hours 30 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Yield: 16 slices

For the crust- For the cashew cream layer -
• Keto pie crust recipe (page 21) • 5 oz (140 g) raw unsalted cashew
nuts, soaked overnight in water
For the tart topping - • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• 40 raspberries • 1/3 cup (80 ml) unsweetened
• powdered erythritol, to dust almond milk
• 2 Tablespoons erythritol
• 1 Tablespoon (6 g) gelatin
• 1Tablespoon (6g) warm water
• 1 Tablespoon (6g) hot water

1. Place the cashew nuts into a bowl and cover with room temperature water.
Leave to soak overnight.
2. For the tart crust, preheat oven to 350F (175 C).
3. Mix together all the crust ingredients to form a dough. Press the dough into
a greased tart case. Bake for 10-12 min until slightly browned. Remove and
allow to cool.
4. Drain the cashew nuts, reserving 1/3 cup of the water and place the soaked
nuts and the 1/3 cup reserved water into a food processor. Blend well,
stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl regularly. Add the almond milk
and erythritol and continue to blend the mixture until completely smooth. Set
5. In the meantime, make a gelatin egg by sprinkling the gelatin powder over
one tablespoon of warm water in a small bowl. Once dissolved, whisk in
another tablespoon very hot water and mix well. Add the hot gelatin mixture
to the cashew nut mix and blend well to combine. Pour the cashew nut mixture
into the cooled tart crust and place in the fridge for 2 hours to set.
6. Before serving, arrange the raspberries onto the tart and dust with powdered

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 115 Fat: 8 g Total Carbs: 9 g Fiber: 4 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 5 g Protein: 4 g
category {SMALL TREATS}
Lemon Poppy Seed
Mug Cake
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cook Time: 2 minutes
Yield: 1 serving

• 1 egg, whisked
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon lemon zest, optional
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut cream
• 2 Tablespoons (14 g) coconut flour
• 1 Tablespoon (12 g) erythritol + dash of stevia
• 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder (1 g)
• 1 Tablespoon (14 g) poppy seeds

1. In a small bowl or blender, mix the egg, lemon juice, lemon zest, coconut
cream, coconut flour, sweetener, baking powder, and poppy seeds together.
2. Pour the mixture into a microwaveable mug or cup.
3. Microwave for 90-120 seconds on high.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 241 Fat: 17 g Total Carbs: 9 g Fiber: 7 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 10 g

Coconut Macaroons
with Chocolate
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 12 servings

For the Keto macaroons -
• 1.5 cups (120 g) unsweetened shredded coconut
• 2 large egg whites
• 2 Tablespoons (24 g) erythritol + additional stevia, to taste
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• Dash of salt

For the drizzle -

• 1 oz (28 g) 100% dark chocolate
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) coconut oil

1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
3. In a large bowl, whisk the egg whites, erythritol, stevia, vanilla extract, and salt
until well combined.
4. Add in the shredded coconut to the bowl and mix into the egg mixture.
5. Shape into balls and place on parchment paper.
6. Bake for 15-17 minutes until slightly golden on top.
7. Let cool.
8. Melt the dark chocolate with the coconut oil. Drizzle on top of the macaroons.
Store in fridge to let the chocolate set.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 93 Fat: 8 g Total Carbs: 3 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 2 g
category {SMALL TREATS}
Matcha Mug Cake
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 1 minute 30 seconds
Yield: 1 serving

• 1 egg, whisked
• 1/4 cup (30 g) of almond flour
• 1 Tablespoon (7 g) coconut flour
• 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder
• 1/2 Tablespoon (4 g) of matcha powder
• 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) coconut cream
• Stevia, to taste
• Salt, to taste

1. Grease a mug.
2. Mix together all the ingredients with a fork.
3. Pour mixture into mug.
4. Microwave for 90 seconds on high.
5. Cool for a few minutes.
6. Pop out of mug gently and slice.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 273 Fat: 21 g Total Carbs: 9 g Fiber: 6 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 12 g

Chocolate Haystacks
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 10 servings

• 2 oz (56 g) 100% dark chocolate
• 1 teaspoon (5 g) coconut oil
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste
• 1/2 cup (40 g) unsweetened shredded coconut
• 1/2 cup (40 g) chopped almonds

1. Melt the dark chocolate and coconut oil in a small bowl together. Stir in the
stevia or erythritol, to taste.
2. Add the shredded coconut and chopped almonds to the bowl to coat with the
3. Place into molds (e.g., ice cube trays) and freeze for 2 hours.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 89 Fat: 7 g Total Carbs: 2 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 2 g
category {SMALL TREATS}
Golden Milk Jello
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 2 servings

• 2 teaspoons (4 g) turmeric powder
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) of cinnamon powder
• Dash of ginger
• Dash of black pepper
• 1 cup (240 ml) coconut milk
• Stevia, to taste
• 3 Tablespoons (18 g) gelatin powder

1. Heat up the coconut milk in a small pot and mix in the turmeric, cinnamon,
ginger, and black pepper.
2. Carefully whisk in the gelatin until there are no lumps and it’s all dissolved.
3. Pour into molds.
4. Place in the fridge for 2-3 hours until set.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 128 Fat: 11 g Total Carbs: 3 g Fiber: 1 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 5 g

Fudge Brownie Bites

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Yield: 6 muffins

• 3/4 cup (90 g) almond flour
• 1/2 cup (120 ml) ghee, melted
• 1/2 cup (90g) erythritol
• 3/4 cup (72 g) unsweetened cacao powder
• 2 eggs, whisked
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) vanilla extract
• Dash of salt

1. Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C).
2. Mix all the ingredients together.
3. Pour into muffin cups.
4. Bake for 15 minutes for a soft fudge-like texture.
5. Bake for longer for a cake-like texture.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 296 Fat: 27 g Total Carbs: 9 g Fiber: 6 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 8 g

Chapter 8:
Raspberry Swirl Ice Cream page 80
Turmeric Milk Popsicles page 81
Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich page 82
Coconut Lime and Cilantro
Ice Cream page 83
Lemon Popsicles page 84
Cafe Latte Popsicles page 85
Almond Milk Vanilla Ice Cream page 86
Chocolate Coconut Milkshake page 87

Raspberry Swirl
Ice Cream
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 16 servings

• 2 cups (100 g) raspberries
• 2 400 ml cans of full-fat coconut milk
• 1/4 cup (48 g) erythritol

1. Place the raspberries into a mini food processor or blender and food process
until smooth. Set aside.
2. Shake the cans of coconut milk really well (they should be room temperature)
and empty into a large bowl. Whisk the mixture well until there are no lumps,
then whisk in the erythritol.
3. Place the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to
manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer the churned ice cream into a suitable
freezer container and gently stir in the reserved raspberry mix to create a swirl
4. Store covered in the freezer until needed.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 109 Fat: 10 g Total Carbs: 6 g Fiber: 3 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 3 g Protein: 1 g
category{FROZEN DELIGHTS} 81

Turmeric Milk
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 4 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

• 1 cup (240 ml) coconut milk (from a can of coconut milk)
• 1/2 Tablespoon (3 g) turmeric powder
• 1 teaspoon (2 g) ground ginger
• Dash of black pepper
• Stevia or erythritol, to taste

1. Heat up the coconut milk in a small pot and melt the sweetener and spices into
2. Combine well and pour into popsicle molds. The molds I used take 1/4 cup
(60 ml) of liquid.
3. Place into the freezer and freeze for 4+ hours.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 109 Fat: 11 g Total Carbs: 2 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 1 g

Ice Cream Cookie

Prep Time: 15 minutes (excluding ice-cream-making)
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

• 8 Double Chocolate Chip Cookies (see recipe on page 68)
• 1/4 cup Almond Milk Vanilla Ice Cream (see recipe on page 86)

1. Bake the 8 cookies and let cool.
2. Make the ice cream in an ice cream maker.
3. Scoop a tablespoon of ice cream onto a cookie and place another cookie on

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 284 Fat: 24 g Total Carbs: 11 g Fiber: 7 g Sugar: 2 g Net Carbs: 4 g Protein: 9 g
category{FROZEN DELIGHTS} 83

Coconut Lime and

Cilantro Ice Cream
Prep Time: 1 hour
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 16 servings

• 2 400ml cans of full-fat coconut milk
• Small handful of cilantro, finely chopped
• Juice and zest of 2 limes
• 2 1/2 (30g) Tablespoons erythritol

1. Blend the coconut milk and cilantro and pour into a bowl. Cover and leave to
infuse for 30 minutes. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve, discarding
the cilantro. Stir in the lime juice, zest and erythritol and pour into the ice
cream maker.
2. Churn the ice cream according the manufacturer’s instructions and serve when

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 89 Fat: 10 g Total Carbs: 1 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 1 g

Lemon Popsicles
Prep Time: 5 minutes + cooling and freezing
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

• Zest from 1 lemon
• 1/4 cup (60 ml) fresh lemon juice
• 2 Tablespoons (24 g) erythritol
• 2 cups (480 ml) water

1. Place all the ingredients into a small pan and heat up gently. Allow the mixture
to cool completely.
2. Once cooled, pour into 6 popsicle molds (3.5oz / 100g capacity each) and
place in the freezer until frozen solid.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 3 Fat: 0 g Total Carbs: 1 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 0 g
category{FROZEN DELIGHTS} 85

Cafe Latte Popsicles

Prep Time: 10 minutes + cooling and freezing time
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

• 1/4 cup (60 ml) black coffee
• 2 cups (480 ml) coconut milk (from cans)
• 1/4 cup (48 g) erythritol

1. Blend everything together and pour into 6 popsicle moulds (3.5oz / 100g
capacity each) and place in the freezer until frozen solid.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 140 Fat: 15 g Total Carbs: 2 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 2 g Protein: 1 g

Almond Milk Vanilla

Ice Cream
Prep Time: 10 minutes + churning
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 6 servings

• 4 cups (1 liter) unsweetened almond milk
• 1-2 Madagascan vanilla pods
• 1/4 cup (45 g) erythritol

1. Pour the almond milk into a large bowl. Scrape the seeds of the vanilla pod
and whisk into the almond milk along with the erythritol. This part can be made
ahead of time and kept in the fridge until 30 minutes prior to churning.
2. Place the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to
manufacturer’s instructions. Best served directly after churning.

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 20 Fat: 2 g Total Carbs: 1 g Fiber: 0 g Sugar: 0 g Net Carbs: 1 g Protein: 1 g
category{FROZEN DELIGHTS} 87

Chocolate Coconut
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 0 minutes
Yield: 2 servings

• 1 cup (240 ml) coconut milk from a can, shaken well
• 1 teaspoon (5 ml) MCT oil
• 1/2 large avocado, stone removed
• 3 Tablespoons (18 g) unsweetened cacao powder
• Sweetener, to taste
• 1 cup (220 g) ice

1. Blend everything together really well. Add water or more coconut milk if

Nutritional Data (estimates) - per serving:

Calories: 346 Fat: 33 g Total Carbs: 12 g Fiber: 7 g Sugar: 1 g Net Carbs: 5 g Protein: 5 g

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