Healthy Habits Tracker

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hello there!
Building healthy habits is not an easy thing to do. I used to only fill my

days with what was most comfortable for me, like sleeping in, eating fast

food, and letting my Bible collect dust on the shelf. It wasn't until I saw my

mental, spiritual, and physical health start to drag that I realized I needed

to change what I did every day.

I found that the things we don't want to do are often the things we need

to be doing. Waking up early, eating healthy, opening up your Bible, are

all things that we don't always "feel" like doing. But these are the very

things that help us grow into our God-given potential.

So wherever you're at today, use this guide to implement some healthy

habits in your lifestyle. Healthy habits are things you commit to every day

to keep you grounded. In this guide, we'll go over building habits in faith,

fitness, and nutrition. You can take any area of your life and develop

routines to improve it.

It's time for us to do the hard things. In 6-months - you'll be so glad you


Take a photo of a healthy habit you are implementing and tag me

@thehoneyscoop so I can cheer you on! Share this guide with an

accountability partner so you can commit to these habits with a friend.

xoxo, Ash
We are better together!

1. Faith

Cultivating spiritual disciplines is crucial to growing closer to the Father. Jeremiah

29:13 says "You will find me when you seek me with all your heart." To grow closer

to God, we need to develop habits of seeking Him every day. Examples of this are

waking up 30-min- 1 hour earlier to read the Bible, prayer, journaling, and regular

worship. The more we invest in our relationship with the Lord, the closer to Him

we will get.

2. Fitness

God created exercise as a tool to release stress, anxiety, and to build confidence in

who He’s created you to be. To build a habit of stewarding your body well, try to

start with just 30 minutes of movement a day. You can do a workout that feels

good to you, but it's important you choose one that you enjoy! Whether it's a HIIT

workout, Crossfit, or a long walk, movement is good for your soul.

3. Nutrition

Fueling our bodies is important because we get to nurture the body God gave us.

To develop this habit, try to aim for one healthy choice per meal. I try to follow the

"Fab 4" model, which is making sure I have protein, fiber, fat, and greens in my

meals. Find what works best for you, and start implementing more nutrient-dense

foods in your eating habits.


track your progress!

healthy habits checklist

1 glass of lemon water first thing in the morning

15-30 min of quiet time with Jesus

3o min of movement

add a healthy food choice to every meal

make your bed

plan out your outfit the night before

wake up early

read your Bible

stick to your budget

journal before bed

healthy habits checklist


Download Habit Tracker App

Download this habit tracker for free to keep up with habits every day (also works

on Apple Watch!). There is something amazing that happens when we reward

ourselves after doing something that really doesn't feel good at the moment, even if

it's as simple as checking off something from our list!

Read Atomic Habits Book

Atomic Habits is one of the best books I have ever read about building healthy

habits. One of the best takeaways from this book is all about how when we focus

less on our goals and more on the process to get there, success naturally follows.

Definitely a must-read!

Find An Accountability Partner

We are better together! Find someone that you can commit to one of these habits

with. Having someone hold you accountable for healthy changes you are making in

your life will help so much in the long run.

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