Psychedelics Promote Neuroplasticity Through The Activation of Intracellular 5-HT2A Receptor

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NEUROSCIENCE of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) 24 hours later

(fig. S1, A to C). Golgi-Cox staining revealed
Psychedelics promote neuroplasticity through that 5-MeO increased spine density in both
male and female animals, and this effect was
the activation of intracellular 5-HT2A receptors absent in 5-HT2AR KO mice (fig. S1, A and B).
Furthermore, ex vivo electrophysiology con-
Maxemiliano V. Vargas1,2, Lee E. Dunlap2,3†, Chunyang Dong4†, Samuel J. Carter2,3, firmed that 5-HT2AR activation is necessary
Robert J. Tombari2,3, Shekib A. Jami5, Lindsay P. Cameron1, Seona D. Patel3, Joseph J. Hennessey6, for 5-MeO to produce sustained increases in
Hannah N. Saeger2,7, John D. McCorvy6, John A. Gray2,5,8, Lin Tian2,5,9, David E. Olson2,3,5,9* both the frequency and amplitude of sponta-
neous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs)
Decreased dendritic spine density in the cortex is a hallmark of several neuropsychiatric diseases, (fig. S1C).
and the ability to promote cortical neuron growth has been hypothesized to underlie the rapid Next, we determined how the structures of
and sustained therapeutic effects of psychedelics. Activation of 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) 2A 5-HT2AR ligands affect their abilities to pro-
receptors (5-HT2ARs) is essential for psychedelic-induced cortical plasticity, but it is currently unclear mote neuronal growth by treating embryonic
why some 5-HT2AR agonists promote neuroplasticity, whereas others do not. We used molecular and rat cortical neurons with serotonin, tryptamine
genetic tools to demonstrate that intracellular 5-HT2ARs mediate the plasticity-promoting properties of (TRY), 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MeO–TRY), and
psychedelics; these results explain why serotonin does not engage similar plasticity mechanisms. This their corresponding N-methyl and N,N-dimethyl
work emphasizes the role of location bias in 5-HT2AR signaling, identifies intracellular 5-HT2ARs as a congeners (Fig. 1A) before assessing neuronal
therapeutic target, and raises the intriguing possibility that serotonin might not be the endogenous morphology by means of Sholl analysis (21).
ligand for intracellular 5-HT2ARs in the cortex. Ketamine was used as a positive control be-
cause of its known ability to induce structural

plasticity in this assay (9). These structure-
ysregulation of the cortex has been hy- 5-HT2ARs (9, 10). The mechanism by which activity relationship (SAR) studies revealed

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pothesized to play an important role in 5-HT2AR activation leads to changes in neu- that increasing N-methylation led to an en-
the pathophysiology of mental illnesses ronal growth is still poorly defined, although it hanced ability to promote neuronal growth,
such as depression and often manifests appears to involve TrkB, mechanistic target of with the N,N-dimethyl compounds increasing
as structural changes, including decreased rapamycin (mTOR), and AMPA receptor signal- dendritic arbor complexity to the greatest ex-
dendritic arbor complexity and reduced den- ing (11). It is currently unclear why some 5-HT2AR tent (Fig. 1, B to D).
dritic spine density (1–3). Traditional antide- ligands can promote neuroplasticity and pro- Increasing N-methylation is known to affect
pressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake duce sustained therapeutic behavioral responses the efficacy of 5-HT2AR signaling, so we at-
inhibitors (SSRIs), can rescue these deficits in the absence of hallucinogenic effects, where- tempted to correlate psychoplastogenic effi-
after chronic treatment, although it seems that as other 5-HT2AR agonists do not promote cacy across a range of 5-HT2AR ligands with
their effects may be independent of serotonin plasticity at all (12–15). Indeed, serotonin itself efficacy in a traditional [3H]–inositol phosphates
and perhaps involve the activation of tropomyosin does not produce psychedelic-like effects on (IP) accumulation assay (Fig. 1E) (22). Notably,
receptor kinase B (TrkB) signaling (4, 5). A class of neuronal growth when administered to corti- we did not observe a positive correlation be-
therapeutic compounds known as psychoplasto- cal cultures (9). This enigmatic finding can- tween psychoplastogenic effects and ligand
gens (6) are differentiated from SSRIs by their not be easily explained by traditional biased efficacy. Indeed, there seemed to be a non-
ability to produce both rapid and sustained ef- agonism because serotonin is a balanced agonist significant inverse correlation between [3H]-IP
fects on structural plasticity and behavior after a of the 5-HT2AR that exhibits high potency and accumulation and dendritogenesis efficacy
single administration (7). Psychoplastogens in- efficacy for activating both heteromeric guanine (Fig. 1E). To avoid potential issues associated
clude both ketamine and serotonergic psychedel- nucleotide–binding protein (G protein) and with the amplification of secondary messengers,
ics, although their primary targets are distinct (7). b-arrestin pathways (16, 17). we used psychLight2, a fluorescent biosensor
Psychedelics are 5-hydroxytryptamine (sero- Unlike psychedelics, the physicochemical that is capable of directly detecting changes in
tonin) 2A receptor (5-HT2AR) agonists that can properties of serotonin prevent it from enter- 5-HT2AR conformation (14). PsychLight2 effi-
lead to profound changes in perception, cogni- ing cells by passively diffusing across nonpolar cacy closely mirrored that observed by using
tion, and mood (8). Recent evidence suggests membranes (8). Thus, we reasoned that an- [3H]-IP accumulation assays, although psy-
that they promote cortical structural and func- other form of functional selectivity, known chLight2 efficacy exhibited an even stronger
tional neuroplasticity through activation of as location bias, might explain the difference anticorrelation with dendritogenesis efficacy
in cellular signaling elicited by serotonin and (P = 0.06) (Fig. 1F). Lastly, we used biolumines-
Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of California, psychedelics (18, 19). Here, we leveraged both cence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assays
Davis, Davis, CA 95618, USA. 2Institute for Psychedelics and chemical design and genetic manipulation to directly measure Gq activation or b-arrestin-2
Neurotherapeutics, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA to test the hypothesis that activation of an recruitment (fig. S2) (23). Both measures of
95618, USA. 3Department of Chemistry, University of
California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA. 4Biochemistry,
intracellular population of 5-HT2ARs is nec- 5-HT2AR efficacy exhibited a strong negative
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Graduate essary for 5-HT2AR ligands to induce cortical correlation with psychoplastogenicity (Fig. 1,
Program, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616, structural plasticity and produce antidepressant- G and H). Moreover, both Gq activation and
USA. 5Center for Neuroscience, University of California,
Davis, Davis, CA 95618, USA. 6Department of Cell Biology,
like behavioral responses. b-arrestin recruitment correlated well with
Neurobiology, and Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin, psychLight efficacy [coefficient of determina-
Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA. 7Pharmacology and Toxicology Lipophilicity correlates with psychoplastogenicity tion (R2) = 0.9; P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0006, re-
Graduate Program, University of California, Davis, Davis,
To firmly establish the role of 5-HT2AR activ- spectively] (Fig. 1I). Negative correlation between
CA 95616, USA. 8Department of Neurology, School of
Medicine, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA ation in psychedelic-induced spinogenesis, we 5-HT2AR efficacy and psychoplastogenicity
95817, USA. 9Department of Biochemistry and Molecular administered5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine should be interpreted with caution because
Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, (5-MeO) to wild-type (WT) and 5-HT2AR knock- this relationship may only apply to tryptamine-
Sacramento, CA 95817, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email: out (KO) mice (20) and assessed structural and based ligands or compounds that exhibit a
†These authors contributed equally to this work. functional changes in layer 5 pyramidal neurons threshold level of 5-HT2AR activation.

Vargas et al., Science 379, 700–706 (2023) 17 February 2023 1 of 7


Nitrogen methylation of 5-HT2AR ligands extent of overexpression was similar for 5- in the culturing media because serum contains
structurally related to serotonin is known to HT2ARs and b2ARs in both HEK293T cells serotonin, which can lead to agonist-induced
result in partial agonism (22), but it also has and cortical neurons (fig. S3A). We performed changes in trafficking and localization (fig. S3,
a profound effect on their physicochemical these localization experiments without serum B and C). In both neurons and HEK293T cells,
properties. These compounds display a wide
range of lipophilicities that ranged from A C Nmax
R NH2 R N H N Me
highly polar molecules such as serotonin to R
Me Me
relatively nonpolar compounds such as N,N- N N N

dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Using calculated H H H

KET ****
LogP (cLogP) values, we observed a significant R = H, TRY R = H, NMT R = H, DMT
positive correlation with psychoplastogenic R = OH, 5-HT R = OH, N-Me-5-HT R = OH, BUF
effects—more lipophilic agonists exhibited R = OMe, 5-MeO-TRY R = OMe, 5-MeO-NMT R = OMe, 5-MeO-DMT
greater abilities to promote structural plas- Increasing N-methylation NMT **
ticity than polar compounds (Fig. 1J). This B 8 TRY 8 NMT 8 DMT
relationship was evident within the TRY, VEH VEH VEH
DMT ****

Number Of Crossings

Number Of Crossings

Number Of Crossings
serotonin, and 5-MeO–TRY scaffolds. The find- 6 6 6
5-HT *
ing that lipophilicity was a better predictor
of psychoplastogenicity than 5-HT2AR activa- 4 4 4
tion led us to hypothesize that an intracellular
2 2 2
pool of 5-HT2ARs in cortical neurons might BUF ***
be responsible for psychedelic-induced neu- 0 0 0
ronal growth. 25 50 75 100 125 25 50 75 100 125 25 50 75 100 125 5-MeO-TRY
Distance from Center (μM) Distance from Center (μM) Distance from Center (μM)

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Primary localization of 5-HT2ARs in cortical D
5-MeO-NMT *
neurons is intracellular
5-MeO-DMT ****
Although most G protein–coupled receptors
(GPCRs) are believed to be localized primarily to

the plasma membrane, several exhibit substan- 20 μm Number of Crossings
tial intracellular localization (24–27). In vitro
and ex vivo experiments have also established 100 100 100
the existence of large intracellular pools of 5- 95

Gq Emax
N-Me-5-HT 5-MeO-DMT
80 BUF 80 BUF 90 BUF
HT2ARs in various cell types in the absence of 5-MeO-DMT
NMT p = <0.001
% Efficacy
% Efficacy

a ligand (28–31). To compare 5-HT2AR local- 60 5-HT
60 NMT 5-MeO-NMT
R2 = 0.9
ization patterns between cell types, we expressed 5-MeO-NMT

-arrestin 2 Emax
40 40 N-Me-5-HT 120 5-MeO-TRY
a Myc–5-HT2AR–enhanced cyan fluorescent N-Me-5-HT TRY
TRY 100 5-MeO-DMT
protein (ECFP) construct in both human em- 20 p = 0.2 20 p = 0.06 80 N-Me-5-HT 5-MeO-NMT
R2 = 0.3 R2 = 0.4 BUF p = 0.0006
bryonic kidney 293T (HEK293T) cells and cor- 60
0 0 DMT NMT R2 = 0.9
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15 20 40
tical neurons, performed live-cell imaging, and
0 5 10 15 20
assessed colocalization with a membrane dye [3H]-IP accumulation Emax psychLight 2 F/F
psychLight 2 F/F
(Cellbrite Steady) that labels the extracellular G 100 H 100 J 100 DMT
side of the plasma membrane. Because over- DMT DMT
80 BUF 80 BUF 80 BUF 5-MeO-DMT
expression of tagged receptor constructs might 5-MeO-DMT 5-MeO-DMT
% Efficacy
% Efficacy

% Efficacy

alter trafficking and localization, we included 60 NMT 5-MeO-NMT 60 NMT

5-MeO-NMT 60 NMT
5-HT 5-HT 5-HT
several controls. We used a b2 adrenergic re- 40 N-Me-5-HT 5-MeO-TRY 40 N-Me-5-HT 5-MeO-TRY 40
ceptor tagged with ECFP (b2AR-ECFP) as a TRY

GPCR that is canonically described as being 20 p = 0.02 20 p = 0.02 20 p = 0.04

R2 = 0.6 R2 = 0.6 R2 = 0.5
plasma membrane bound, and we used an 0 0 0
ECFP construct to establish the localization of 80 85 90 95 100 105 40 60 80 100 120 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Gq activation Emax -arrestin 2 recruitment Emax cLogP
a fluorescent protein that is not tagged to a
GPCR (32, 33). Fig. 1. Compound-induced neuronal growth correlates with ligand lipophilicity. (A) Chemical structures of
When expressed in HEK293T cells that were serotonin, TRY, and 5-MeO–TRY as well as their corresponding N-methyl and N,N-dimethyl analogs. 5-HT,
cultured in the absence of serum, 5-HT2ARs serotonin; BUF, bufotenin; Me, methyl; N-Me-5-HT, N-methylserotonin; NMT, N-methyltryptamine. (B) Sholl
and b2ARs exhibited similar cellular expres- analysis demonstrates that increasing N-methylation leads to a concomitant increase in dendritic arbor complexity.
sion patterns (Fig. 2A) and possessed correla- The shaded area represents 95% confidence intervals. Sholl plots were generated from rat embryonic cortical
tion coefficients with the plasma membrane neurons (DIV6) treated with compounds (10 mM). VEH, vehicle. (C) Maximum numbers of crossings (Nmax) of the
marker that were not statistically different Sholl plots in (B) (N = 45 to 64 neurons per treatment). Error bars represent standard error of the mean. KET,
(Fig. 2B). However, these two GPCRs displayed ketamine. (D) Widefield images of rat embryonic cortical neurons (DIV6) treated with compounds (10 mM). (E to
distinct localization patterns in neurons. In J) Correlation plots of Sholl analysis percent efficacy (Nmax values relative to 10 mM ketamine as the positive control)
cortical neurons, b2AR expression was more versus [3H]-IP accumulation (E), activation of psychLight2 (F), Gq activation (G), b-arrestin recruitment (H), or
highly correlated with the plasma membrane calculated LogP (J). PsychLight2 activation correlates well with both Gq activation and b-arrestin recruitment (I).
marker than was 5-HT2AR expression (Fig. Compounds were treated at 10 mM. Data for [3H]-IP accumulation were obtained from literature values (22).
2B), which demonstrates that overexpression *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001, as compared with VEH controls [one-way analysis of
of a GPCR in cortical neurons does not nec- variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test]. R2 values were calculated through simple liner
essarily lead to intracellular localization. The regression. DF/F, change in fluorescence intensity relative to the baseline fluorescence intensity; Emax, maximum effect.

Vargas et al., Science 379, 700–706 (2023) 17 February 2023 2 of 7


A HEK293T Neurons native localization pattern of 5-HT2ARs (fig.

Membrane Membrane Membrane Membrane Membrane Membrane S5, C and D).

Membrane permeability is required

for psychedelic-induced neuroplasticity
10 μm 10 μm
Given that cortical neurons have a large pool
5-HT2AR β2AR ECFP 5-HT2AR β2AR ECFP of intracellular 5-HT2ARs, we next used chem-
ical tools to determine whether activation of
this intracellular population was essential for
psychedelics to promote structural neuroplas-
ticity. Chemical modification of the membrane-
Overlay Overlay Overlay Overlay Overlay Overlay permeable ligands DMT, psilocin (PSI), and
ketanserin (KTSN) converted them into highly
charged membrane-impermeable congeners
N,N,N-trimethyltryptamine (TMT), psilocybin
(PSY), and methylated ketanserin (MKTSN),
B HEK293T HEK293T Neurons Neurons
respectively (Fig. 3A). All of the charged species
1.0 **** 1.0 * 1.0 **** 1.0 **** exhibited negative cLogP scores (fig. S6A) but
ns ns
**** ** **** **** *** **** retained affinity for 5-HT2ARs, as determined by
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
radioligand competition binding experiments
Pearson’s CC
Pearson’s CC

Manders’ CC
Manders’ CC

0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 (fig. S6B). In psychLight2 assays, the membrane-
0.4 0.4
impermeable analogs displayed comparable
0.4 0.4
efficacies to their uncharged parent molecules

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0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 with reduced potencies (fig. S6, C and D).
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Next, we treated freshly dissected rat embry-
onic cortical neurons with DMT (1 mM) and PSI












(1 mM) as well as their membrane-impermeable





congeners in the presence and absence of elec-

Fig. 2. Cortical neurons express intracellular 5-HT2A receptors. (A) Live-cell images of HEK293T cells troporation. Electroporation creates tempo-
and rat embryonic cortical neurons (DIV6) expressing Myc–5-HT2AR–CFP, b2AR-ECFP, or ECFP. Signals rary openings in the plasma membrane, which
from the fluorescent protein and fluorescent plasma membrane marker (Cellbrite Steady) are shown in cyan enables highly charged molecules to pass
and white, respectively. The expression patterns of 5-HT2ARs and b2ARs are comparable in HEK293T through and access the intracellular space.
cells. However, in neurons, b2ARs exhibit higher expression on the plasma membrane than 5-HT2ARs. Although the membrane-permeable 5-HT2AR
The expression of ECFP is diffuse in both HEK293T cells and cortical neurons. (B) Pearson’s correlation agonists were able to promote dendritogenesis
coefficients (Pearson’s CCs) and Manders’ colocalization coefficients (Manders’ CCs) quantify the extent of regardless of whether electroporation was
colocalization between MYC–5-HT2AR–CFP, b2AR-ECFP, or ECFP and the fluorescent plasma membrane applied, the membrane-impermeable com-
marker (N = 20 to 43 cells per group). Error bars represent standard error of the mean. ns is not significant, pounds could only promote neuronal growth
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001; bars indicate comparisons between data (one-way when applied with electroporation (Fig. 3, B
ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test). and C). Similarly, the membrane-permeable
5-HT2AR antagonist KTSN (treated in 10-fold
excess at 10 mM) blocked DMT-induced plas-
the expression patterns of the tagged GPCRs cells, with the former exhibiting substantially ticity both with and without electroporation;
were markedly distinct from ECFP, which con- higher correlation coefficients (fig. S4). The however, the membrane-impermeable antag-
firms that the GPCR component of the con- Golgi apparatus is a key regulator of GPCR onist MKTSN (10 mM) could only block DMT-
structs dictates cellular localization. Expression signaling, and ligands can either passively induced neuronal growth when it was applied
of a FLAG–5-HT2AR construct in rat cortical diffuse into Golgi-localized receptor pools or with electroporation (Fig. 3, B and C). By using
neurons produced a similar intracellular local- gain access by facilitated transmembrane trans- more mature neurons (DIV15), we demonstrated
ization pattern, which suggests that these tags port (18, 36, 37). Signaling from within the that the membrane-permeable 5-HT2AR ago-
do not substantially alter the localization pat- Golgi can be distinct, as is the case for opioid nists increased dendritic spine density—another
terns of the 5-HT2AR (34). receptors (38). measure of structural neural plasticity—whereas
Bright punctate staining within neurons sug- To ensure that high 5-HT2AR colocalization the membrane-impermeable agonists did not
gested that 5-HT2ARs were localized within with the Golgi was not an artifact of overex- (Fig. 3, D and E). KTSN was able to inhibit the
intracellular compartments (Fig. 2A), so we pression, we assessed native 5-HT2AR expres- effects of DMT and PSI on dendritic spine den-
performed additional immunocytochemistry sion in neurons using one of the few validated sity, whereas MKTSN was not (fig. S7).
experiments to assess the overlap with mark- 5-HT2AR antibodies (30). To confirm the anti- To further establish that membrane-permeable
ers of various subcellular organelles (fig. S4). body’s specificity, we performed in-house vali- and -impermeable ligands target different
We observed a high level of 5-HT2AR colocal- dation by overexpressing 5-HT2ARs in HEK293T populations of 5-HT2ARs, we performed an
ization with Rab5 and Rab7 in both HEK293T cells (fig. S5A) and we used mouse 5-HT2AR experiment in HEK293T cells that express
cells and neurons. Ras-related guanosine tri- KO cortical neurons (fig. S5B). Next, we imaged psychLight1. The psychLight1 construct was
phosphatases (GTPases) of the Rab family are rat embryonic cortical neurons that expressed chosen over psychLight2 because the former
known to regulate intracellular transport of only native 5-HT2ARs or overexpressed a Myc– lacks an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export
GPCRs (35). We observed a very large differ- 5-HT2AR–ECFP construct. Longitudinal and sequence, which results in greater intracel-
ence in 5-HT2AR colocalization with the Golgi transverse line scans indicated that Myc–5- lular localization (14). PsychLight1-expressing
apparatus between neurons and HEK293T HT2AR–ECFP expression closely mirrored the HEK293T cells were pretreated with either

Vargas et al., Science 379, 700–706 (2023) 17 February 2023 3 of 7


D and 2.33, respectively), we reasoned that their
N Me N Me O
VEH abilities to displace [3H]–D-lysergic acid diethyl-
Me Me N **** amide (LSD) bound to the 5-HT2AR would de-
N DMT N PSI KTSN pend on whether those receptors were exposed
N O to the extracellular environment. Thus, we per-
OH PSI **** formed radioligand competition binding ex-
N Me P O
Me O O I PSY periments using intact HEK293T cells that
Me N Me N
I H N F expressed Myc–5-HT2AR or psychLight2 as
N Me Me
H well as membrane preparations obtained from

H H spines / 10 μm
these systems. The inhibition constant (Ki)
B C E values for serotonin and 5-MeO–DMT were
VEH (–) VEH (+)
– Electroporation + Electroporation VEH nearly identical when using membrane prep-
arations or intact PSYLI2 cells, with HEK293T
VEH cells that stably expressed a 5-HT2AR con-
20 μm
DMT struct with an ER export sequence resulting in
DMT (–) DMT (+) DMT **** **** a large proportion of the 5-HT2ARs being ex-
posed to the extracellular environment (fig. S8).
However, 5-MeO–DMT was an order of magni-
tude more potent than serotonin when using
PSI intact HEK293T cells that expressed large
PSI **** *
TMT (–) TMT (+) populations of both plasma membrane–bound
and intracellular 5-HT2ARs (fig. S8).
To confirm that serotonin and 5-MeO–DMT

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** PSY
can target distinct populations of 5-HT2ARs,
1 μm
KTSN we performed inositol monophosphate (IP1) as-
PSI (–) PSI (+) F 5-HT 5-MeO-DMT says in cortical neurons and HEK293T cells that
12 * **
MKTSN expressed the Myc–5-HT2AR–ECFP construct.
When the assay was performed in HEK293T
KTSN cells that expressed Myc–5-HT2AR–ECFP, which
F/F (%)

6 display a large proportion of plasma membrane–
PSY (–) PSY (+) MKTSN bound 5-HT2ARs, serotonin and 5-MeO–DMT
VEH + DMT **** 3 had comparable potencies and efficacies (fig.
S9A). When the same experiment was performed
VEH MKTSN in rat cortical neurons, serotonin failed to elicit

Number of Crossings Number of Crossings Pre-Treatment

an agonist response, although 5-MeO–DMT re-
mained a potent agonist (fig. S9B).
Fig. 3. Intracellular 5-HT2ARs mediate structural plasticity induced by serotonergic psychoplastogens.
(A) Structures of membrane-permeable (blue) and impermeable (red) compounds. (B) Widefield images Cellular import of serotonin leads to structural
of rat embryonic cortical neurons (DIV6) that were administered compounds with (+) and without (−) plasticity and antidepressant-like effects
electroporation. (C) Nmax values obtained from Sholl plots. Membrane-impermeable analogs of If activation of intracellular 5-HT2ARs in cor-
psychedelics (1 mM) only promote growth when administered with electroporation (N = 35 to 110 neurons tical neurons is sufficient to promote structural
per treatment). Unlike KTSN (10 mM), MKTSN (10 mM) only blocks psychedelic-induced plasticity when plasticity, we hypothesized that serotonin should
administered with electroporation (N = 45 to 109 neurons per treatment). (D) Membrane-impermeable be able to promote cortical neuron growth if
agonists of 5-HT2ARs (1 mM) cannot promote spinogenesis in cultured embryonic rat cortical neurons given access to the intracellular space. To test
(DIV15) (N = 30 to 34 neurons per treatment). (E) Confocal images of treated cortical neurons (DIV15). this hypothesis, we first treated cortical neu-
(F) HEK293T cells that expressed psychLight1 were pretreated with VEH or MKTSN (10 mM) before the rons with serotonin (1 mM) in the presence and
administration of serotonin (10 mM) or 5-MeO–DMT (10 mM) (N = 41 to 54 cells per treatment). Error bars absence of electroporation. Unlike ketamine
in (C) and (F) represent standard error of the mean. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ****p < 0.0001, as (1 mM), serotonin was only able to promote cor-
compared with VEH controls in (D) and (C) (one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test) tical neuron growth when applied with electro-
or between indicated pairs of data in (F) (two-way ANOVA followed by Šídák's multiple comparisons test). poration (Fig. 4A). Next, we took advantage
For box-and-whisker plots in (D), the center line represents the median, box limits are upper and lower quartiles, of the serotonin transporter (SERT), which
and whiskers are minimum and maximum values. can import serotonin from the extracellular
environment (39). Endogenous expression of
SERT is typically restricted to presynaptic ter-
vehicle or MKTSN to selectively antagonize with MKTSN resulted in a much larger re- minals of neurons that emanate from the raphe,
the population of 5-HT2ARs that were ex- duction in the serotonin-induced psychLight1 and thus, rat cortical neurons do not express
pressed on the plasma membrane. Next, changes signal compared with that induced by 5-MeO– appreciable levels of the transporter (40, 41).
in psychLight1 fluorescence were measured after DMT (Fig. 3F). Pretreatment with MKTSN Embryonic rat cortical neurons were electro-
administration of the membrane-impermeable could nearly fully antagonize the effect of porated with an enhanced yellow fluorescent
ligand serotonin or its membrane-permeable serotonin. In sharp contrast, MKTSN only par- protein (EYFP)–tagged SERT construct under
congener 5-MeO–DMT. Because serotonin is tially blocked the ability of 5-MeO–DMT to the control of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent
a full agonist, it induced a stronger response turn on psychLight1 fluorescence. protein kinase II (CaMKII) promoter to re-
in the absence of antagonist compared with Because serotonin and 5-MeO–DMT exhibit strict expression to excitatory pyramidal neu-
the partial agonist 5-MeO–DMT. Pretreatment different lipophilicities (cLogP values of 0.57 rons. Sparse transfection resulted in cultures

Vargas et al., Science 379, 700–706 (2023) 17 February 2023 4 of 7


A – Electroporation + Electroporation that expressed both SERT-positive and SERT-

negative neurons (Fig. 4B), which enabled us
to compare the effects of serotonin on neurons
KET **** KET ****
capable of importing the monoamine with those
5-HT 5-HT ****
that could not within the same cultures.
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 Treatment with the membrane-permeable
Number of Crossings Number of Crossings
psychedelic DMT (10 mM) resulted in greater
B VEH DMT 5-HT C SERT - SERT + dendritic arbor complexity and increased spine
MAP2 MAP2 MAP2 density in both SERT-positive and SERT-negative
neurons (Fig. 4, B to F). Only SERT-positive
neurons treated with serotonin (10 mM) displayed
20 μm increased dendritogenesis and spinogenesis
SERT SERT SERT (Fig. 4, B to F). To ensure that serotonin-
DMT ns induced changes in structural neural plasticity
** were due to the engagement of intracellular
5-HT2Rs through serotonin importation from
Overlay Overlay Overlay 5-HT
SERT, we performed similar experiments in
SERT + *
* the presence of the selective SERT inhibitor
SERT + citalopram (CIT) and KTSN. When these ex-
SERT – periments were performed in the presence of

Number of Crossings
CIT (10 mM), the plasticity-promoting effects of
D Blocking 5-HT Effects Blocking DMT Effects serotonin (1 mM) on SERT-positive neurons
were blocked (Fig. 4D). By contrast, CIT had no

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– – – ns – – – ns
effect on the ability of DMT (1 mM) to promote
+ – – + – – **** ns the growth of SERT-positive or SERT-negative
**** **** ****
cortical neurons (Fig. 4D). In the presence of
– + – ns – + – ns
KTSN (10 mM), neither serotonin nor DMT could
+ + – ns + + – ns
promote neuronal growth, which confirms that
DMT and intracellular serotonin promote plas-
– – + ns – – + ns ticity by means of 5-HT2AR receptors in vitro
(Fig. 4D).
+ – + ns + – + **** ns
To determine whether intracellular serotonin
could promote the growth of cortical neurons


Number of Crossings Number of Crossings in vivo, we injected the medial PFC (mPFC) of
SERT - SERT + SERT - SERT + Thy1–enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)
mice with either CaMKII-SERT-mCherry or
E VEH DMT 5-HT F CaMKII-mCherry. The mPFC was chosen as the
VEH ns injection site because it exhibits high levels of
5-HT2AR expression (28) and has been impli-
DMT **** ns cated in the antidepressant-like effects of psycho-
**** plastogens (42). After 3 weeks to enable construct
expression (Fig. 5, A and B), both groups were
5-HT ****
**** administered (±)-para-chloroamphetamine
[PCA, 5 mg/kg intraperitoneally (ip)], a selec-


spines / 10 μm tive serotonin-releasing agent (43). Dendritic

2 μm
SERT - SERT + spine density on mPFC pyramidal neurons was
SERT – SERT + SERT – SERT + SERT – SERT + assessed 24 hours later. Animals that expressed
Fig. 4. Cellular uptake of serotonin induces structural plasticity in vitro. (A) Rat embryonic cortical neurons SERT in the mPFC displayed significantly higher
were administered compounds (1 mM) with (+) and without (−) electroporation. Nmax values obtained from Sholl densities of dendritic spines after PCA admin-
plots (DIV6) demonstrates that unlike ketamine, serotonin only promotes growth when administered with istration as compared with mCherry controls
electroporation (N = 49 to 59 neurons per treatment). (B) Widefield images of embryonic rat cortical cultures (DIV6) (Fig. 5, C and D). Notably, PCA is not a 5-HT2AR
sparsely transfected with CaMKII-SERT-EYFP and treated with compounds. (C) Nmax values obtained from Sholl plots agonist (fig. S10A), does not directly promote
demonstrate that serotonin (10 mM) can only increase the dendritic arbor complexity of SERT-positive neurons, the growth of SERT-positive or SERT-negative
whereas DMT (10 mM) can promote the growth of both SERT-positive and SERT-negative neurons (N = 69 to cortical neurons in culture (fig. S10B), and does
93 neurons per treatment). (D) KTSN pretreatment (10 mM) blocks the plasticity-promoting effects of serotonin not induce a head-twitch response (HTR) in WT
(1 mM) in SERT-positive neurons and DMT (1 mM) in both SERT-positive and SERT-negative neurons. CIT (10 mM) mice (fig. S10C).
only blocks the plasticity-promoting effects of serotonin (1 mM) in SERT-positive neurons (N = 59 to 100 neurons per Evidence suggests that psychoplastogen-
treatment). (E) Confocal images of CaMKII-SERT-EYFP positive and negative dendrites (DIV15) treated with induced structural plasticity in the mPFC might
compounds (10 mM). (F) Serotonin only promotes spine growth in SERT-positive neurons (N = 11 to 35 neurons per be related to sustained antidepressant-like effects
treatment). Error bars in (A), (C), and (D) represent standard error of the mean. ns is not significant, *p < 0.05, in rodents (44). To probe for an antidepressant-
**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001, as compared with VEH controls in (A) (one-way ANOVA followed by like response that might be linked to neuro-
Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test) or compared with VEH controls from the same genotype in (C), (D), and (F) plasticity, we injected an adeno-associated virus
(two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test). For box-and-whisker plots in (F), the center line (AAV) that contained a CaMKII-SERT-EYFP
represents the median, box limits are upper and lower quartiles, and whiskers are minimum and maximum values. or CaMKII–green fluorescent protein (GFP)

Vargas et al., Science 379, 700–706 (2023) 17 February 2023 5 of 7


construct into the mPFC of WT C57BL/6J mice

(Fig. 5E and fig. S10D). After 3 weeks to allow
for construct expression, both groups of mice
underwent a novelty induced locomotion
(NIL) test, and no differences in locomotion
were observed (Fig. 5F). After 24 hours, mice
were subjected to a forced swim test (FST)
(7, 45). Again, we observed no differences
between the mice that expressed SERT and
those that expressed the GFP control (Fig. 5G).
Two days later, we administered PCA (5 mg/
kg ip), waited 24 hours, and then performed
a second FST (Fig. 5G). The SERT-expressing
mice exhibited a statistically significant HTR
immediately after the administration of PCA
as compared with the GFP control mice (fig.
S10E), and they also displayed a significant
reduction in immobility in the FST 24 hours
after administration (Fig. 5G).

Although GPCRs are traditionally viewed as
initiators of signal transduction that originates

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Fig. 5. Cellular uptake of serotonin produces antidepressant-like effects in vivo. (A) Schematic that
at the plasma membrane, increasing evidence displays experimental design for measuring spine density in Thy1-EGFP mice after administration of
suggests that GPCR signaling from intracellu- a serotonin-releasing agent. (B) Histology images of the mPFC of Thy1-EGFP mice that express CaMKII-
lar compartments can play important roles in mCherry or CaMKII-SERT-mCherry. (C) Confocal images of dendritic spines in the mPFC of mice treated with
cellular responses to drugs. Recently, location PCA (5 mg/kg ip). (D) Mice that express CaMKII-SERT-mCherry display increased dendritic spine density
bias has been proposed to explain signaling after PCA treatment. (E) Schematic that displays experimental design for determining the sustained
differences between endogenous membrane- antidepressant-like effects of serotonin in mice that express SERT in the mPFC. (F) NIL demonstrates no
impermeable peptide ligands and membrane- difference between CaMKII-SERT-EYFP– and CaMKII-GFP–expressing mice. (G) CaMKII-SERT-EYFP– and
permeable ligands of opioid receptors (38). CaMKII-GFP–expressing mice exhibit no differences in the FST. After PCA (5 mg/kg ip) administration,
Moreover, distinct ligand-induced signaling CaMKII-SERT-EYFP–expressing mice display a sustained antidepressant-like effect. ns is not significant, *p <
has been observed for plasma membrane– 0.05, and **p < 0.01, as compared between indicated pairs of data in (D) and (F) (two-tailed unpaired
localized and intracellular populations of Student’s t test) or (G) (two-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by Šídák’s multiple comparisons test).
d-opioid receptors (46). Here, we extend the Error bars in (D), (F), and (G) represent standard error of the mean.
concept of location bias to ligands of the
A substantial proportion of 5-HT2ARs in neurons of the mPFC, a brain region that is determine whether intracellular 5-HT2AR sig-
cortical neurons are localized to the Golgi, and known to be essential for the HTR (49). Thus, naling is distinct from 5-HT2AR signaling at
intracellular compartments such as the Golgi activation of intracellular cortical 5-HT2ARs the plasma membrane.
are slightly acidic compared with the cytosol may play a role in the subjective effects of Although intracellular expression of 5-HT2ARs
and extracellular space. Thus, it is possible that psychedelics. This hypothesis is further sup- within cortical pyramidal neurons has been
protonation of psychedelics within the Golgi ported by previous work that demonstrates known for some time, it is unclear at present
leads to retention and sustained signaling, that a high dose of the serotonin precursor 5- why the subcellular localization of these re-
which results in neuronal growth, even after hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) induces a HTR ceptors differs greatly between neurons and
transient stimulation (47). Persistent growth in WT mice, which can be blocked by an N- HEK293T cells (28, 29, 31). One possibility is
after the drugs have been removed from the methyltransferase inhibitor that prevents the that 5-HT2ARs form heterodimeric complexes
extracellular space is a hallmark of serotoner- metabolism of 5-HTP to N-methyltryptamines that affect cellular trafficking (31). Thus, by
gic psychoplastogens (47, 48). Although the (50). Inhibition of N-methyltransferase failed dictating 5-HT2AR localization, cellular con-
mechanistic details that link intracellular 5- to block the HTR induced by 5-MeO–DMT (50). text could influence responses to endogenous
HT2AR activation to cortical neuron growth Taken together, this work emphasizes that ac- neuromodulators and/or exogenous drugs,
have not been fully elucidated, they are likely cessing intracellular 5-HT2ARs is important for which potentially results in circuit-specific ef-
to involve AMPA receptor, TrkB, and mTOR 5-HT2AR agonists to produce a HTR. fects of 5-HT2AR ligands.
signaling, as previously established (9). Future Our results demonstrate that membrane per- Intracellular signaling has been hypothesized
studies should examine the detailed signaling meability is essential for a ligand to activate to contribute to the pharmacological proper-
interplay between these proteins. 5-HT2ARs in cortical neurons; however, our ties of a diverse range of compounds that in-
In addition to promoting psychedelic-induced experiments did not distinguish between in- cludes nicotine, ketamine, and SSRIs (51–53).
structural neuroplasticity, the intracellular tracellular signaling or the possibility of psy- Like psychedelics, these compounds are weak
population of 5-HT2ARs might also contribute chedelics acting as pharmacological chaperones. bases with pKa (where Ka is the acid dissoci-
to the hallucinogenic effects of psychedelics. Others have hypothesized that GPCR ligands ation constant) values ranging from 7 to 10.
When we administered a serotonin-releasing may act as pharmacological chaperones, which Given that the antidepressant mechanisms of
agent to WT mice, we did not observe a HTR. facilitates their export to the plasma membrane ketamine and SSRIs have not been definitively
However, the same drug was able to induce a where they could presumably engage in canon- established, it is intriguing to speculate that
HTR in mice that expressed SERT on cortical ical signaling (51). Thus, future studies should they also might promote cortical neuron growth

Vargas et al., Science 379, 700–706 (2023) 17 February 2023 6 of 7


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to play roles in diseases such as schizophrenia

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Vargas et al., Science 379, 700–706 (2023) 17 February 2023 7 of 7

Psychedelics promote neuroplasticity through the activation of intracellular 5-
HT2A receptors
Maxemiliano V. Vargas, Lee E. Dunlap, Chunyang Dong, Samuel J. Carter, Robert J. Tombari, Shekib A. Jami, Lindsay P.
Cameron, Seona D. Patel, Joseph J. Hennessey, Hannah N. Saeger, John D. McCorvy, John A. Gray, Lin Tian, and David
E. Olson

Science, 379 (6633), .

DOI: 10.1126/science.adf0435

The mechanism underlying psychedelic action

Psychedelic compounds promote cortical structural and functional neuroplasticity through the activation of serotonin
2A receptors. However, the mechanisms by which receptor activation leads to changes in neuronal growth are still

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poorly defined. Vargas et al. found that activation of intracellular serotonin 2A receptors is responsible for the plasticity-
promoting and antidepressant-like properties of psychedelic compounds, but serotonin may not be the natural ligand
for those intracellular receptors (see the Perspective by Hess and Gould). —PRS

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