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English Online


Unit 1 Student guide

Week 2


Unit 1: Eating out Unit 1: Eating out CONsOLIDATION Unit 2: Traveling abroad
Unit 1: Eating out


Unit 1: Writing task Online Online Online Oral production Practice Core course Enrichment Grammar
Eating out session 1 session 2 session 3 activity (video task) resources file Unit 2: Traveling practice practice
on Blackboard abroad

Due by Due by Sunday at 23:59 p.m. before the Due by Sunday at Due by Sunday Due by Sunday at Due by Sunday Due by
Sunday at start of the week 23:59 p.m. before at 23:59 p.m. 23:59 p.m. before at 23:59 p.m. Sunday at
23:59 p.m. the following week before the the following week before the 23:59 p.m.
before the starts following week starts following week before the
start of the starts starts following
week week starts

Study unit Read the writing assignment question: none Do exercises Study unit content, Make progress Do additional
content, do Unit 1 Eating out Lesson 2 Pearl’s Party Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 here. do exercises and in this exercises
exercises and service tests. component. here.
tests. You may want to prepare a draft today.
 Write and send your first draft by
coming Tuesday at the latest.
 Receive automated feedback and edit
your work by coming Wednesday or
Thursday at the latest.
 Write and send the second and last
version of your assignment by coming
Friday/Saturday at the latest.

Practice resources file

Grammar practice Component
Enrichment practice component: 80% minimum required in completion of Units 2 and 4 (Listening and Grammar) for your midterm exam score to be valid - Due by
Sunday before week 7 (unit 6 week) starts.

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