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34077 Ronchi dei Legionari (GO) - Italy

Tel.: +39 0481 474140 - Fax: +39 0481 779997
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Client Date 12/10/2021 15.34.16 3

Attention of File 3/
Your Rif. No
Our Rif. No

Evaporating Coil: Roen Est Code A.32.CU.18.AL.34.08.3900.60.E.X.X.034.272.R 35/54 T

Tube Material: CU-.32 Ext. Surface: 440,7 m2 Volume: 124,1 dm3

Fin Material: AL-.18 Int. Surface: 39,86 m2 Weight: 271,6 kg

External Gas: Air / 101,33 kPa

Flow Rate 13,89 m3/s = 50000 m3/h 17,84 kg/s
Velocity 2,99 m/s
Inlet and Outlet Temp. 0 °C −> -2,4 °C
Inlet and Outlet Rel. Humidity 95 % −> 99,4 %
Inlet and Outlet Water Cont. 3,59 g/kg −> 3,08 g/kg
Condensed Water 9,06 g/s
Sensible Heat Factor 0,62
Pressure Drop 108 Pa

Internal Fluid: R507A / G2/ 518,5 kPa

Flow Rate 729,88 g/s = 2628 kg/h
Condensing Temp. 50 °C (dew)
Subcooling Temperature 47 °C
Inlet Vapor Fraction 0,47
Evaporating Temp. -6 °C (dew)
Superheating Temperature -1 °C
Pressure Drop 36,3 kPa

Capacity: 65,17 kW CounterFlow Calculation

Safety Factor 2,5 %

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