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Kompetensi Dasar 3.


Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam
bentuk undangan resmi dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan
sekolah/tempat kerja sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Expression of Invitation ( ungkapan untuk mengundang)

Most spoken invitations are in the form of questions.They often begin with will, would,
could, would you like, would you care to etc.They are seldom answered any by Yes or No.
 Offering Invitation ( mengajak / mengundang)
Would you like to come to the theatre this evening?
Will you join us?
Would you care to have dinner with us tonight?
I wonder whether you would care to come on a picnic with us next week.
Would you like to watch a movie with me?
Would you come to … ?
Might you want to go to the beach with us?
What about going to the zoo today?
Do you like to come to … ?
Could you come to … ?
I‟d be very happy if you would like to come to …
I am sure you will not be disappointed if you come to …

 Accepting Invitation ( cara menerima ajakan / undangan)

Yes, I‟d love to very much
Thank you
Yes,I „d love to
Yes, with pleasure
That would be great fun
Sure. I‟d love to.
Yes, surely.
Yes, certainly.
Yes, I obviously will come.
Alright, I will come.
I might want to …
I cannot / can‟t say no.
Thank you for inviting me. I would love to.

 Refusing Invitation ( cara menolak ajakan / undangan)

If you don‟t mind, I‟d rather not.
Thank you. I‟m afraid
I‟ve got another appointment
I‟m sorry
I‟ve lots of work to do
I am sorry. I could not come.
I‟d love to, but …
I don‟t think I can. I am so sorry.
Unfortunately, I can‟t.

Conversation Practice ( latihan percakapan )

When inviting someone to do something with you, it is polite to “ break the ice “ before
extending the invitation.
For example ( contoh):
Will you go dancing with me of Friday? ( too abrupt by itself / terlalu tiba-tiba/ mendadak)
( Give the other person time to “ prepare” for your invitation)
Exampe :

Alex : Do you have time on Friday?

Amy : Yes, I do. Why do you ask?
Alex : There‟s a dance at the Gand Ballroom. Would you like to go with me?
Amy : Sure. I‟d love to
Contoh Percakapan

Dialog 1
Fajar : Hi, Lisa!
Lisa : Hello, Fajar! How are you today?
Fajar : I am fine, and you?
Lisa : I am doing well, thank you. What are you doing here in my class?
Fajar : Nothing much. Lisa, I am going to hold a birthday party this weekend. Would you like
to come?
Lisa : Wow, really? I almost forget you will turn 18 in this weekend. Sure, I‟d love to come.
When is it?
Fajar : It will be on Saturday at 7 p.m. Don‟t forget to come, okay? You are my old friend.
Lisa : Alright. Of course, I will. Thank you for the invitation.
Fajar : You‟re welcome.

Dialog 2
Melinda : Good afternoon, Roberto!
Roberto : Hi, Melinda! Good afternoon. How are you doing?
Melinda : I am doing fine. What about you?
Roberto : I am doing good, thanks for asking. What‟s up?
Melinda : Do you have time on Friday night this week? I just got two free tickets to watch a
new movie in cinema. Do you like to come with me? I know you like watching
movies very much.
Roberto : Oh really? That is amazing! Of course, I will come with you. You always know my
favorite. I will buy the popcorn for us, then.
Melinda : Oh, thank you so much.
Roberto : No problem. Thank you for inviting me, anyway.
Melinda : Anytime. You are my best friend

Common Format of a formal invitation:

- The first line is the name(s) the person(s) who invites(s)
- The second line is the request for participation
- The third line is the names of the person(s) invited
- The four line is the occasion for invitation
- The fifth line is the time and date of the occasion
- The sixth line is the place of the occation
- The last line is the request for reply

Look at the following invitation ( perhatikan contoh undangan berikut)

The Board of Directors

of the Indonesian Educational Foundation

request the pleasure of
Mr. and Mrs. Rahmad Riyadi
at the Charity Dinner on
Saturday, the Twenty Third of December
at the Sultan Hotel Ball Room
proceeds benefit the
educational fund

R.S.V.P Dress codes Batik


Format atau layout menulis undangan

Addresses of the addresser/ addressee ( alamat pengundang dan yang diundang)

Salutation ( salam pembuka)
Body: -State for whom the invitation is and by who it is given ( untuk dan dari siapa
undangan tersebut)
-Reasons of invitation ( alasan mengundang)
- Date ( tanggal)
-Time ( waktu)
-place ( tempat)
-Signature ( Tanda tangan)
- R.S.V.P ( it is a French word „ respondez s‟il vous plait‟ which means „
please reply‟)

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