Unit 1

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Unit 1

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1 Unscramble.

1. raepda 2. sccriu

3. noclw 4. rtagsimrne

5. lnisiyctuc 6. bgi otp

Score: /6

2 Listen and number. Then complete.

We got tickets and to the circus.

They wonderful costumes.

We and won the talent show.

The acrobats great tricks.

Score: /8


3 Complete with was or were. Then answer.

1. she at the circus?

2. there clowns?

3. there a trapeze artist?

4. there trapeze artists?

Score: /8

4 Choose and complete.

won sang made wore gave went

1. She a great song last night.

2. I my hat to the baseball game.

3. They me a gift for my birthday.

4. I pizza for dinner.

5. We to the amusement park last week.

6. My team the basketball game.

Score: /6


5 Look, ask, and answer.

Was there a

Yes, there was.

Score: /8


6 Circle and write.

At the circus there was / there were a ringmaster .

1. There was / There were three funny .

2. There was / There were an amazing .

3. There was / There were a at the end of the circus.

Score: /6

7 Choose and complete.

was wore were went

Yesterday, my family and I 1. to the circus. It 2. a great

show. There 3. trapeze artists and unicyclists. The ringmaster
4. a tall black hat. I had so much fun!
Score: /4

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