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Partner Gateway An Overview of RNIF and Seeburger

1. The Basic difference between EDI and RosettaNet is that EDI exchanges documents such as purchase orders, while RosettaNet defines business processes such as purchase order management. 2. Inbound Decrypt the traffic uses Private Key (of receiver) Outbound Encrypt the traffic uses Public Key (of sender) Messages are signed using Private Key (of sender). 3. RNIF and Seeburger have message level security Messages are encrypted and digitally signed. 4. Seeburger is an EDI solution. Its concern is with how a message is formed. 5. RNIF is concerned with what kind of dialogues must happen between Business Partners. 6. RNIF is not RosettaNet. It is SAPs implementation framework for RosettaNet Standards. 7. RosettaNet is process centric what kind of order needs what kind of dialogue to happen what should be the dialogue is not bothered about the container or contents. 8. RosettaNet is based on xml/http; doesnt need a VAN. 9. RNIF channels do not poll. They just open their ports for listening. RNIF in itself behaves as a different system look at the Business Service. 10. There are 2 RNIF specifications 1.1 and 2.0. Same thing can have entirely different meaning on each of these specifications. Ex: Weak and Strong Acknowledgements in a Sender RNIF Channel. For 1.1, a Strong Receipt Acknowledgement means that the acknowledgement happens in a Sync call (same call) and a Weak Receipt Acknowledgement happens in an Async call. For 2.0, Strong Receipt Acknowledgement means that the receipt is acknowledged at application and system level and Weak Receipt Acknowledgement means that the receipt is acknowledged at system level. 11. Business Signals => Receipts Business Messages => PIP Messages

12. For RNIF scenarios, the Details window for XI messages, in RWB, has an additional tab Adapter Detail. This tab lists all message IDs for the RN dialogues. Unless processing of all these messages completes, the RN dialogue is incomplete.

This is PIP (transaction) version. This is different from Message Protocol version in Communication Channel.

13. Without Seeburger: R3 (PO IDoc) -> 3rd party EDI converter (EDI Format) -> VAN ->Business Partner. With Seeburger R3 (PO IDoc) -> XI (Adapter modules in Seeburger convert IDoc to EDI) -> VAN -> Business Partner 14. E2X implies EDI to XML (inbound scenario) and X2E implies XML to EDI (outbound scenario)

15. Seeburger provides a tool to customize and develop modules in case predelivered modules do not suite your requirements. These are in the form of SDAs deployable by SDM tool. 16. Seeburger requires a VAN. 17. Differences between Rosettanet and EDI: RosettaNet Process-centric 100% of B2B processes Internet-enabled Technology XML Global Standard All Businesses Standard Industry Dictionaries EDI Message-centric 10% of B2B processes Van-enabled X12/EDIFACT Regional Standard Large Businesses Custom Industry Dictionaries

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