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Text 1
In Star Wars VI, the audience was first introduced to Ewoks who lived in the Forest Moon of Endor. The
planet itself is a gas giant, but the Forest Moon of Endor is a world where small hairy creatures can live.
Even though we do not live in the Star Wars world, astronomers are now finding the first evidence of a moon
orbiting a large gas planet is a star system outside our solar system.
A recent study published in Science Advances reports existence of signs of exomoon orbiting at Kepler-
1625b, which is exoplanet about the size of Jupiter. This planet surrounds the yellow parent star every 287
days at the same distance as the Earth orbits the Sun. Therefore, the planet and the moon may be in the
“habitable zone” of the star, with equilibrium temperatures probably reaching 300-350 Kelvin (27-2270C).
However, before we get too excited about the prospect of finding Ewok, it should be noted that
exomoon which is officially named Kepler-1625b-i has a radius of about four times that of Earth and a mass
about 16 times that of our planet, or the size and mass of the planet Neptune. Therefore, it is not possible
that exomoon has a solid surface and is likely to have a very gas-filled body, like the planets that surrounds
every 22 days. This exoplanet was originally discovered by employing transit techniques. When a planet
passes in front of its parent star, along the line of sight of researches, the brightness of a star fades slightly
(about 1% for a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a sun-sized star) in each orbit. So, the decrease in star
brightness is a sign of planets outside the solar system.
Obviously, a moon outside the solar system can contribute to its own additional transit signal, but for an
object that is proportional to the size of the Earth’s moon, additional dimming will only be an amount to about
ten parts per one million. This makes the moon difficult to detect. Also, this is further complicated by the fact
that the moon’s signal will also be in a different location due to the rotation of the planet around it at all times.
Thus, the lunar transit will not recur strictly, and a few months around one planet can obscure the signal.

1. The phrase “A recent study” in paragraph 2 is replaceable by ....

A. New inquiry D. An updated survey
B. Previous search E. A last investigation
C. Current research

2. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Astronomers found evidence of a moon orbiting a large gas planet in a star system outside ours.
B. The radius and the mass of exomoon are greater than the radius and the mass of the Earth.
C. The brightness of a planet passing in front of its parent star dims a little each time it orbits.
D. Ewoks introduced in Star Wars VI lived in an exomoon outside our solar system.
E. Exomoon orbits at a distance similar to that the Earth orbits the Sun.

3. What the writer wants to communicate with the sentence “So, the decrease in star brightness is a sign
of planets outside the solar system” in paragraph 3 is to ....
A. exemplify the theory of decreasing star brightness
B. verify findings about the level of decrease in star brightness
C. restate the idea on the existence of decreasing star brightness
D. infer the link between the brightness of the star and its location
E. support evidence in the cause of the decrease in star brightness

4. What most likely motivates the author to write the passage?

A. Research on exomoon and exoplanet is inadequate.
B. Astronomers are not interested in studying exomoon and exoplanet.
C. Information on research results on exomoon and exoplanet is limited.
D. The awareness of astronomers to study exomoon and exoplanet is low.
E. Results of research on the radius and the mass of exomoon are confusing.


Text 2
Some Indonesians may miss something when their meal does not come up with chilies or chili
chunks. The hottest ones are the most sought after by chili lovers. Not just spicy, chilies turn out to contain
some important nutrients such as energy, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, fat, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B6,
vitamin C, iron, magnesium, potassium, water, and capsaicin. Capsaicin is what makes chili taste spicy and
hot. Despite its spicy taste, chilies turn out to have many health benefits.
The first benefit of chilies is for stomach health. Capsaicin in chilies can nourish the digestion by
increasing the digestive juices in the stomach and fighting bacteria that cause infection. In addition, chilies
also help fight diarrhea caused by bacterial infections. Chilies can also reduce pain. Applying an ointment or
cream containing capsaicin is thought to help reduce soreness, pain after surgery, migraines, psoriasis,
thrush due to chemotherapy or radiation, joint problems such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis,
nervous system problems such as diabetic neuropathy, sudden and sharp pain in one side of the face, and
nerve pain in the area of the body infected with chickenpox virus. In addition, capsaicin is also thought to
reduce back pain, muscle and soft tissue pain in fibromyalgia, relieve symptoms of prurigo nodularis skin
disease, and relieve symptoms of runny noses that are not associated with allergies or infections. Capsaicin
works by first stimulating and then reducing the intensity of pain in the body. That is why when applying a
cream containing capsaicin, we will feel the pain, but the pain will usually subside after the first use.
The other benefit of chilies is that they are believed to be able to strengthen lung tissues and help
prevent or treat chronic lung diseases where the small air sacs in the lungs are damaged by smoking. In
addition, chilies can also thin the mucus in the lungs so that it can be easily removed from the lungs.
According to research in China, a long term consumption of capsaicin is thought to reduce blood
pressure levels. In addition, other studies also reveal that capsaicin is thought to reduce cholesterol and
prevent blood clots causing heart disease.

5. In which paragraph does the writer emphasize the benefits of chilies for the respiratory tract?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

6. Based on the passage, one way to use chilies to reduce pain is by ....
A. taking it with other drugs
B. consuming it when the body hurts
C. rubbing it directly on the affected place
D. applying it as a mixture of external drugs
E. making it into a potion to take when falling sick

7. Which conclusion is the most appropriate to draw based on the passage?

A. Although chilies have many benefits, its consumption should not be excessive.
B. Chilies can be used as an alternative treatment for various diseases.
C. People who do not like chilies may have more health problems
D. Treatment using chili must be done wisely.
E. Chili lovers have good quality health.
8. Who needs to be convinced by the writer through this passage?
A. Farmers in particular
B. Readers in general
C. Fried food sellers
D. Vegetable sellers
E. Chili lovers


Text 3
Sometimes painful medical procedures are necessary for children. Researchers who try to ease their
pain have developed an application that can be accessed from parents' smart phones, tablets, or computers.
It is used to distract children during procedures such as blood draws and immunizations.
Medical experts say children are among the most vulnerable to pain and the least likely to be adequately
treated compared to other populations. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, most children
require over 20 routine immunizations during childhood. Children who are sick require even more needle-
stick procedures.
"We know that bad experiences with those procedures can cause increased pain sensitivity and
avoidance of health care later in life," says Ann Marie McCarthy, a professor at the University of Iowa
College of Nursing. "If we provide distraction, children are less likely to be traumatized. Therefore, they are
less likely to experience long-term negative effects."
For more than 20 years, McCarthy has been researching pain-mitigation methods. They can work with
or without the aid of medication. It began in the oncology unit. McCarthy watched children struggle through
painful procedures. At the time, McCarthy began working with young patients and their families. They used
guided imagery, toys, and deep breathing to help children keep their minds off the pain. Eventually, they
concluded that distraction was the most promising approach. It is effective and it is a technique familiar to
most parents.

9. What is the topic of the passage?

A. Pain-lessening techniques for children
B. Long lasting painful effects on children
C. Health intervention to overcome pain
D. Children's traumatizing experience
E. Agonizing health processes

10. What does the word "vulnerable" in line 5 mean?

A. Visible
B. Obvious
C. Covered
D. Exposed
E. Revealed

11. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?

A. Children medical procedures can cause traumatizing experiences.
B. Children experience numerous needle-stick procedures during childhood.
C. Distraction is effective in helping children overcome painful health procedures.
D. Deep-breathing is the most effective technique to distract children during painful health procedures.
E. Various research has been conducted to find the best method to lessen painful health procedures.

Text 4
Immediately following the online registration period and through the end of the second week of the fall
and spring semesters, course additions may be made. This can be done if the student has the consent of his
or her advisor or the instructor of the course. Students must turn in their add cards by the end of the second
week of classes.
Students may not add a course after the deadline. Petitions for exceptions to this rule will be considered
by the Administration Committee. If approved, a charge of $50 per add will be assessed. A student may
withdraw from a course without receiving a failing grade up to the end of the fifth week of the semester.
After the fifth week of classes, a student may ask the Administration Committee in writing to withdraw
from a course for exceptional personal or medical reasons. The petition should be endorsed by the student's
Commons dean. If permission is granted, the course will be removed from the student's transcript; if it is
denied, the student will remain on the roster for that course. Withdrawals for other reasons are not permitted
after the end of the fifth week. A student may also request the Administration Committee to correct the
student's enrollment if the student provides written confirmation from the instructor that the student did not
attend the class. If permission is granted, a charge of $50 per dropped course will be assessed. A student
who fails to complete the work of a course will receive a failing grade in that course.


12. What is the topic of the passage?

A. Changes in course registration
B. Petition for exception
C. Online registration
D. Course withdrawal
E. Course addition

13. The word "withdraw" in line 10 means ....

A. postpone
B. drop out
C. quit
D. follow
E. join

14. When can a student withdraw from a course without receiving a failing grade?
A. By the end of the second week of the fall and spring semesters
B. After the deadline set by the instruction of the course
C. Immediately following the online registration period
D. Up to the end of the fifth week of the semester
E. After the end of the fifth week

Text 5
Nowadays online learning turns out to be more and more practiced. Many traditional universities have
started to share their courses online for free. It represents an easy and comfortable method to achieve
knowledge in almost every field, from law and accounting, to human sciences, such as psychology and
sociology or history. Online learning is a great alternative to traditional universities, especially for people who
cannot afford the time and money to take real courses.
Although many people still consider traditional universities as the best way to achieve knowledge and
get a diploma, online learning proves to be a great alternative. Students have the chance to study in their
own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-
motivation. Online learning is effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is
more time left for hobbies or for finding a job.
An access to all resources of a traditional course helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving
them the freedom to choose the time for study. With basically an Internet connection, a person can attend
different courses. Among the merits of online learning, students become more responsible and self-
In a small group a person can develop properly. For example, at school, students learn how to make
friends, be patient, get rid of disappointment, and especially to compete. Competition between colleagues
can be very stimulating and students will only benefit from it. Online learning, however, cannot offer human
interactions. Another drawback refers to the fact that online courses cannot cope with thousands of students
that try to join discussions. Also, online learning can be difficult if it is meant for disciplines that involve
In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of classical forms of
learning. Not even the best online course can fully replace the personal contact with a teacher, or the human
relationships that develop in a group. So, traditional classes should not be replaced with online learning.

15. What does the passage mainly deal with?

A. The differences between offline learning and online learning
B. The advantages and disadvantages of online learning
C. The best ways to get knowledge and a learning certificate
D. The courses offered in online and offline teaching and learning
E. The comparison between modern and conventional universities

16. Based on the passage, the phrase get rid of in line 12 means ....
A. Use D. Dismiss
B. Prevent E. Feel
C. Forget


17. What benefit do students get from online learning?

A. Their self-confidence increases.
B. Their intelligence becomes high.
C. They become less independent.
D. They are careful in doing assignments.
E. They become more disciplined in learning

Text 6
As we sail through the 21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming more and more
predominant. Tablets are replacing our textbooks, and we can research just about anything that we want on
our smartphones. Social media has become commonplace, and the way we use technology has completely
transformed the way we live.
Educators, too, have seen firsthand the benefits of technology in the classroom. According to a study by
IT Trade Association CompTIA just released this month, around 75 percent of educators think that
technology has a positive impact on the education process. Educators also recognize the importance of
developing these technological skills in students so they .will be prepared to enter the workforce once they
complete their schooling.
The impact that technology has had on today's schools has been quite significant. This widespread
adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students learn. Teachers are
learning how to teach with emerging technologies (tablets, iPads, Smart Boards, digital cameras, and
computers), while students are using advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and
integrating technology in the classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school.
A few benefits of using technology are obvious. Technology in the classroom makes learning more fun.
Technology not only prepares students for the future, but also improves retention rates. Besides, technology
helps students learn at their own pace, and technology connects learning resources with students.
As technology changes very fast, educators need to keep up with the times in order to best prepare
students for this ever-changing world that we live in. While we just saw how integrating technology into me
classroom has its benefits, it is important to note that traditional learning processes are just as essential.
Take time to learn about each element of ed-tech that you will incorporate into your classroom.

18. What does the passage mainly deal with?

A. Developing students' technological skills
B. Preparing educators with useful social media
C. Improving students' knowledge through technology
D. Integrating technology into the education process
E. Using the benefits of technology to connect with students

19. Based on the passage, the word transformed in line 3 means ....
A. maintained
B. innovated
C. changed
D. improved
E. strengthened

20. One the negative effects of technology on the educators is that ….

A. they have to learn harder than their students do
B. they have changed their thinking styles in learning
C. they have to keep adapting themselves to the newest inventions
D. information becomes outdated fast as technology changes quickly
E. they do not have time to keep up with their social skills and lives

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