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Teenage Pregnancy

It is a global problem and creates issues for all those young women and their children's
health and well-being. It will cost a long-term effects on teen parents and their children.
Pregnancy and birth are the main reason why high school dropout rates among girls.
Today, there is a shocking increase in the number of teenage girls getting pregnant. This
issue is was called as teenage pregnancy, and it happen when girls get pregnant at the
age of 13 to 17 years old. In the Philippines, it has a huge rate. It is becoming harder and
harder for a child to be child. It seems that these days age does not define the mindset of
our youth. A young mind is becoming more mature than we think, and this is causing a
child to grow up just a little too fast. According to one person, their only reason for living
together is to give their child a healthy family. A lot of teenagers who get pregnant wish
they weren't. Abortion is against the law. They think of doing abortion because they
either not yet ready to be a parent or they don't want their parent to find out. They do it
without thinking the posssible consequence. "think before you act" is indeed a must.
The only way they can run their problem was dropping out school to avoid shame and
criticism from others. They do not realize that their actions go hand in hand with their
consequences, and they simply do as they please. There are a lot of problems that has a
huge affect in our youth today, such as underage drinking.
Who is responsible for teenage pregnancy? Some students may admitted
that lack of parenting care was responsible for teenage pregnancy. Lack of attention and
feeling of not being love by their parents resulting to seek love and support from other
people espcially their opposite gender. Furthermore, lack of self-control and lack of sex
education. Those were identified as responsible factors for teenage pregnancy to
happen. There are also a lot of teenager who die due to lack of medical attention.
Babies also has a greater risk being premature. It is known that girls who become
pregnant as a teenager will face increased medical risks. How can we solve the problem
of teenage pregnancy? Some Successful strategies to prevent pregnancy
include community programs to improve social development, responsible sexual
behavior education. Many of these strategies are implemented at the family. We can
teach both the boys and the girls the reality of being parents throughout pregnancy and
after child birth. The number of teenage pregnancy is becoming high, and before it will
get worst than now, we need to cut it off. We should educate and help ourself about
this matter. this is a thing that shouldn't be rush, because as love can wait, this can wait.

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