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Name: Gille Anne Mae P.

Course & Year: BSA 1
Subject: 15792 NSTP 102 (S & Su – 10:30 AM-12:00 PM)

Midterm Period
Narrative Report #5

Our class prepared balloons for the burial ceremony of our late NSTP Director, Dr.
Sasil. That was the first thing we made sure before entering our classroom. Aside from
that, we also made sure that our materials for our activity that day are brought and
prepared within our respective big groups. When the class started, the Makakalikasan
Group led the opening remarks. Our prayer included the prayer for the soul of our late
NSTP Director. After the opening remarks, Mr. Ibis then checked the attendance. He also
informed us of the upcoming Bloodletting Activity that will happen in two weeks time. It is
a voluntary activity and an orientation will happen next Saturday regarding it. Of course,
I want to partake. I have always wanted to try donating blood for once. It’s actually a good
thing for my body and will also help other people in need. Unfortunately though, I have to
attend an Accounting Quiz Bowl next Saturday. I won’t be able to attend the orientation
but I will still try if I am eligible to partake.

The only agenda for that day was to make a group output for a transect walk map
of our chosen community. Our group spontaneously chose Sipalay’s output and
immediately started making it since we will be dismissed early. The burial ceremony of
Dr. Sasil will start at noon so we must finish it before then. Nothing much happened that
day actually except for the fact that we are hastily making our output. When the specified
time of our completion came, we were still halfway finished. Mr. Ibis then told us that he
will just let us continue it and submit it on Tuesday next week. That actually made us feel

Our group decided to just start everything from scratch and choose the output we
will create from the individual outputs of each member. Before ultimately ending the class
though, Mr. Ibis reminded us about our group book activity and the specific instructions
regarding the submission of our transect walk maps. He then told us regarding the burial
ceremony and invited those who are available to witness the route of the burial ceremony
at the Gate 2 of UC-Main. After all those reminders, our class ended.

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