Sociology As A Scientific Discipline

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Martin Axl R.

Morong, 48607

Sociology is associated with our everyday lives; it focuses on the human society. It is how we
build social relationships and institutions while also solving every social problem. It expands our
knowledge and analysis with cultures, human society and institutions that helped us become what we
are right now as a society. Sociology is one of the disciplines under social science that deals with the
social world. It is relatively alike with natural science but the endpoint is quite different. One tackles
about relationship with the human society and one tackles about relationship with the nature. The other
types of social science are political science, history, economics, psychology and etc.

Going further, Sociology developed the human society in their awareness. The history of
mankind speaks for itself about the development happened, from early civilizations to developed and
urbanized territory. Many of us will think that Sociology is a static discipline but it evolves all throughout
and made significant changes on how people view the life and the society. From its founding fathers,
Marx, Durkheim and Weber proposed different ways in which society should be studied, so, it
technically influences people on how they want a society to become. It is the main role of Sociology to
offer more systems, processes, theories and methods to have a working society. From these theories,
we changed the way we see the society should be governed, acted upon, and socialized. Most of the
democratic people don’t want to be governed by dictator one because of the influence of the Liberalism.
In school setting, students prefer Face-to-Face learning modalities rather than Modular and Online
Learning Modalities. You see, Sociology made a huge impact on the social awareness of every
individual in the society. After having awareness, we wanted more and that is also the reason why
society keeps changing all throughout the years because Sociology also promotes social
transformation. A better example of this is the United Stated of America’s discrimination against the
black people. Before, the White people has this entitlement of being the superior color over the Black
people and it changes after several fights and protests. Change is the only permanent in the world, and
so Sociologists will always study the human society to offer more systems that will benefit the world.

In the topic of formulation of indigenous concepts and theories, I am in favor of it. In different
parts of the world has different cultures and history how their society was formed. Even though we have
many concepts and theories that greatly affect the whole world, it doesn’t mean that it will also good for
a certain location. Let’s focus on the Philippines, an archipelagic territory with different language,
backgrounds and culture. Some policies being approved to provinces will not be applicable to other
provinces due to their background and cultures that might affect them. An example of this is the
Parliamentary Government of Bangsamoro-Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao which is not
quietly seen in other provinces. They were granted an autonomous privilege because of their historical
background. It is also paved way to the enactment of Local Government Code of 1991 wherein the
local government shall continue exercising their power without the mandate from the National
Government. It is because of the differences in each province all over the Philippines. It will benefit the
Filipino people because these indigenous concepts and theories will just focus on them and will greatly
helped them. The existing ones focus on the greater good but couldn’t see what the minority needs.
The minorities, especially those who are not heard, are also people that needs care and protection.

Overall, Sociology supports every aspect of the society whether you are in the majority or in the
minority groups. I still believe in the saying “Unity in Diversity.” Even though we have different culture
we still beat as one.


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