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Day 2

Preposition : kata depan

Contohnya : in, at, of, on, .............
About: tentang
From : dari
Between : antara
After : setelah
Before : sebelum
Until : sampai

Object of preposition adalah object yang mengikuti kata depan.

At home (object of preposition)
On Friday (object of preposition)
Objectnya bisa berupa noun, pronoun, gerund
With my girlfriend
Kenapa disuruh suruh hati-hati
1. Karena object of preposition tidak bisa menjadi subject
2. Object of preposition hanya berfungsi sebagai keterangan saja
3. Tidak boleh ada verb setelah object of preposition. (kecuali jika
sudah ada subectnya)

After his exams tom will take a trip.

In my opinion we should buy her a new jacket.
In the summer the trip to the mountains is our favorite trip

A, an, dan the (article) : membatasi benda.

At this school (object preposition)

In the past a career in politics

At the building site the carpenters with the most....

1. Appositive berfungsi menjelaskan subject
2. Karena menjelaskan subject, maka appositive tidak bisa menjadi
3. Ciri cirinya selalu diapit koma
4. Appositive berbentuk noun, noun phrase,
5. Appositive tidak boleh berbentuk kalimat. (S + V)

Sally, the best student in the class, got an A on the exam.

S, Appositive, V ( pola appositive 1)
Mother’s Day, December 22, is celebrated by every woman all of the
December 22, Mother’s day is celebrated by every woman all of the

Appositive, S V (pola appositive 2)

....... , sarah rarely misses her basketball shots

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