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Welcome to the Module "Leading Small Teams"

The unit of competency "Lead Small Teams" covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations
required to plan and develop proposals and bids for the staging of meetings and events. Depending on
the context, this role could be performed by a wide range of individuals including event managers, local
or regional tourism managers, venue managers and marketing managers.

In this unit of competency We trainees are required to go through a series of learning activities in order
to complete each of the learning outcomes of the module. In each learning outcome there are
Information Sheets, Operation Sheets, and Activity Sheets.

So let me tackle about the first learning outcome which is the



There cannot be a team without a leader who has ultimate responsibility for deciding the degree to
which autonomy of the team member has to be constrained.

In Leading Small Team

Effective team leaders communicate clearly. Quality verbal and written communication skills allow
leaders to present expectations to team members in a way workers can understand. Effective
communication skills also allow team leaders to listen to the input of others.

Therefore these are

5 Important Communication Skills for Leaders

1. Listening. The most important communication skill for leaders is the ability to listen.
Professional listening skills include listening for the message, listening for any emotions behind
the message and considering relevant questions about the message.
In training, leaders can practice using role-play; if they hear these signs of emotion, they can
respond by saying.
"You seem to feel strongly about this. Please tell me more."

As a leader Naa say mga questions nga e consider or they might ask when someone gives them a
new idea:
 Why am I being given this information?
 relevant bani sa the team’s mission?
 Naa bay mga additional information nga as a leader dapat nga sabton unsay meaning
behind the message, such as in the case of a potential conflict?
what if mahitabo ni mao na, naa ba pd Kay any back up idea or plan B tahay, mga ingana
2. Complimenting. People work for more than pay: they want to be noticed and praised for their work.

Compliments are most effective if they are specific to the situation and in writing, so
they can be re-read. For example:

 I noticed na bilar ka pag gama sa task na akoa gi assigned nmo , and you make sure
sakto tanan imoha gibuhat, thankful kaayo ko to have a hardworking teammate like you.

3. Delegating Tasks Clearly. Think of the "who," "what," "when," "where," "why" and "how" as you
explain what needs to be done. Explaining the reason (the "ngano") is especially vital,
particularly in regard to deadlines. (Gama² raka ana na certain task and wala ka kahibaw ngano
gibuhat ninyo ni is wala kay ma buhat na traboho, kay wala ka kahibaw asa ka magsugod,
diba?) , People like to know the reasons they are doing something. And Establish check-in times
to discuss progress.
4. Managing Meetings. What's a "good" meeting, from the point of view of the leader, meeting
participants and the organization?
For example.
If the purpose of the meeting is to share information, ask talkative attendees closed-ended (yes
or no) questions. (such as, "What are your thoughts on ...") to encourage quieter attendees to
share their ideas ahead of time, or ask them at the meeting itself. Introverted employees may
have great ideas but be reluctant to talk in a meeting.
5. Positive Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication. Members closely observe their leaders. Even if
you have just received bad news, when you can be observed by any teammates, act positively.

The following lists is the main team building skills for effective teamwork:

Team Building Skills

To build a good and an effective team you have to learn how to build confidence, trust and friendships.
This is a long lasting process that requires many skills.

Active listening and care for others

To build a team you have understand other team members needs, beliefs ,worries and hope

Collaborative skills

To make collaboration with many people is one of the most difficult task, but also one of the most
important prerequisites to achieve successful team work. That is why collaborative skills are key team
building skills on our list. Effective team means a great collaborative team.

Creativity, creative thinking and idea exchange

Creativity is a characteristic of every good and effective team.

Creative thinking is the most important factor for future success. Mao ni na factor that can turn a
previously unsuccessful organization to one that is a leader in the market. Good and creative ideas are
among main reasons for business growth.
Every team should have a suitable environment for idea exchange. Members have to share and develop
ideas. Idea exchange and creativity are key team building skills.

Problem-solving skills

In every team there are problems. No matter whether you are a team manager or on employee, you
have to learn to deal with conflicts in the most effective way.


Other essential abilities in the team building list for effective teamwork are:

 Respectful
 Positive Attitude
 Relationship Building
 Responsibility
 Understanding Feelings
 Honesty
 Influencing
 Patience
Patience is about being tolerable and understanding


There is no team without support. Support keeps a team together, this promote reliability.

Building confidence

To be confident means that people can rely on you and can trust you

Communication skills

Without communications, there is not a team at all. Good communication skills are absolutely crucial for
every good team and effective teamwork.

Examples of good communication skills are in verbal and non-verbal communication skills you need to
be patient (dli Kay mag sapaw² kag maski wala pa nahuman ug storya ang usa(Bida² yarn?Pahuma sa pd
dba?) and also to be confident ( ayaw pag uwaw² ug share sa imoha idea)

For a team to achieve it's common objectives, its members should share its objectives and be identified
wholeheartedly with them. By joining a team, the individual member "signs on" the team's objectives,
he enters into a contract as a condition of becoming a member of the team.

Team and Individual

In a team, individual members tend to be highly aware of their responsibility, whether it stems from
social pressure or the fulfillment of personal need. Teams are capable of performing functions and
achieving some goals more efficiently and accurately than individuals can. Although there is evidence
that individuals sometimes perform better than teams, the quality of decision making is much high in
teams working under certain conditions.

The team and the individual members are dependent on each other. Their relationships play a vital role
in the success of the team. As the individual member grows and matures. so does the team.

Team members don't have specific responsibilities, but their participation is critical to the team's
success. Team members must agree to be who you are as a member of the team.
Essential ( pinaka importante) Team Roles

Involving role. One initiates action. A team member may motivate others by getting them involved in an
idea or problem. The involving role consists of asking questions of other members to "bring out" or
stimulate each team member.

Listening role. A member listens actively (nodding, leaning forward), expressing that he/she is really
hearing what is being said. Active listeners encourage group members to express themselves.

Supporting role. A team member gives an added dimension to good ideas by their support. By
supporting and encouraging others, the team member strengthens confidence and trust.

Compromising role. One member gives up something for problem solving to take place. Compromising
can lead to team productivity. It is a role that is necessary for cooperation and collaboration.


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