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Bhutan- World’s first carbon-

negative country
Urvi Mittal


Divyansh Saraswat


Tanishq Sinha


Nikhil Bhat

Advait Deshmukh

Topics Discussed:

1. What is carbon negativity

About this
2. Advantages of being carbon negative

3. Case Study on Bhutan

First let us
understand about
carbon offsets and
their importance

How do you measure if a

country is carbon negative?

What is Carbon

Carbon negative means, that you emit

less than zero carbon dioxide and
carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)
greenhouse gasses.

Advantages of being
Carbon Negative

Less environmental pollution

and improvements to health
A boost to sustainable
economic growth and the
creation of green jobs
Enhanced food security by
lessening the impact of
climate change.

Case Study on Bhutan

World’s First carbon-negative


A little Context about Bhutan

The Kingdom of Bhutan is a small

landlocked and one of the least developed
countries in South Asia.

56.3% of the total engaged in

agriculture and forestry.

This shows that Bhutan has very little

industrial activity.

How Bhutan became

carbon negative
Electricity is generated through
hydropower plant
Forest covers act as a carbon
sink, sequestration capacity of
their forests being 6.3 million
tons of CO2
Little industrial activity means
low carbon emissions

Things to learn from Bhutan

Sustainable forest
management and conservation
of biodiversity to ensure
sustained environmental

Environmental sustainability
is at the forefront of the
political agenda

Bhutan will maintains a

minimum of 60 percent of
total land under forest
cover for all time in
accordance the Constitution
of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Thank you!

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