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Chongqing University of Technology

Graduation Project(Thesis) Assignment Plan

Topic Static Program Analysis

(Project start and end date: April, 2022 ~ June, 2022)

College of Computer Science and Engineering

Profession: Computer Science and Technology Class: 620180400

Student Name Ahmed Md Tanvir 哈麦 Student ID 62018040006

Advisor 王爱娟(Aijuan Wang) Chair of Department Ling Lu

Director of College Wu Yang
The purpose and objective of the project
(1)The purpose of the project
Purpose of the project aims to leverage machine learning techniques to analyze various input
features, such as demographic information, medical history, and results from medical tests like
mammograms or biopsies. The model will learn from this data and develop a classification algorithm
that can predict whether a new case is likely to be malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous).
(2)The objective of the project
The objective of the project "Breast cancer prediction using machine learning" is to develop an
accurate and reliable predictive model that can assist in the early detection and diagnosis of breast
cancer. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, the project aims to analyze various input features,
such as demographic information, medical history, and test results, to predict whether a breast cancer
case is malignant or benign. The project seeks to achieve a high level of accuracy in classifying cases
and prioritize early intervention for high-risk patients. Additionally, the project aims to identify the most
significant features that contribute to breast cancer prediction, providing valuable insights into the key
indicators of the disease. The objective also includes developing a model that offers interpretability,
allowing healthcare professionals to understand the factors influencing the predictions. Furthermore, the
project aims to ensure the generalization and scalability of the model, making it applicable in various
healthcare settings. Comparative analysis against existing methods will be conducted to assess the
performance of the machine learning approach. Ethical considerations, including privacy, data security,
and fairness, will also be addressed to ensure responsible and trustworthy deployment of the technology.
Overall, the objective is to create a powerful tool that can contribute to early detection, improved clinical
decision-making, and better patient outcomes in breast cancer care.
The specific content of the project (including work, technical and achievement
requirements, etc)
(1)Work Requirements
The main content of this project is to:
1) Dataset Collection & Preprocessing
2) Techniques/Methods applied by Python
3) Model Building & tuning
4) Models Performance Analysis
5) Evaluation Model and Predict result
(2)Technical Requirements
Python, Jupyter Notebook, Numpy, Panda, ScikitLearn, Matplotlib etc
(3)Achievement Requirements
After successfully build the model we will find a result based on that this model will learn
from this data and develop a classification algorithm that can predict whether a new case is likely to be
malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). We will applied several machine learning algorithms
and also evaluate each of the algorithms performance.
Main References(given by the advisor)
1. Elmore, J. G., Longton, G. M., Carney, P. A., Geller, B. M., Onega, T., Tosteson, A. N.,
Nelson, H. D., Pepe, M. S., Allison, K. H., Schnitt, S. J., O’Malley, F. P., & Weaver, D.
L. (2015). Diagnostic agreement among pathologists interpreting breast biopsy
specimens. JAMA, 313(11), 1122.
2. AlphaGo versus Ke Jie. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia.
3. MIT Laboratory for Computational Physiology. (n.d.). Retrieved from
4. Dr. George Z. Yang. (n.d.). Retrieved from
5. Optical+Electrical Imaging Laboratory (OEIL). (n.d.). Retrieved from
6. Alpaydin, E. (2010). Introduction to machine learning. MIT Press.
7. Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2003). Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Prentice
8. Boser, B. E., Guyon, I. M., & Vapnik, V. N. (1992). A training algorithm for optimal
margin classifiers. Proceedings of the fifth annual workshop on Computational learning
theory - COLT 92.
9. LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y., & Hinton, G. (2015). Deep learning. Nature, 521(7553), 436–
10. Werbos, P. J. (1974). Beyond Regression: New Tools for Prediction and Analysis in the
Behavioral Sciences. PhD thesis, Harvard University.
11. Schmidhuber, J. C. B. C. (1992). Learning Complex, Extended Sequences Using the
Principle of History Compression. Neural Computation, 4(2), 234–242.
12. Olshausen, B. A., & Field, D. J. (1996). Emergence of simple-cell receptive field
properties by learning a sparse code for natural images. Nature, 381(6583), 607–609.
13. European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). (n.d.). Retrieved from
14. "From not working to neural networking" The Economist. (n.d.). Retrieved from
(Other Reference will be included in the thesis paper when author finish his paper)

Completors in the same group


Note: 1. the assignment plan should be filled by the advisor. 2. the assignment plan should be issued to the
students before the 15th week of the seventh semester.


序号 毕业设计(论文)工作任务 第七学期 第八学期

准备阶段 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 资料搜集,分析和整理 — —

2 系统需求分析 — —

3 系统数据库设计及数据准备 — —

4 系统概要设计 — —

5 系统详细设计 — — — — — —

6 系统测试 — — — —

7 系统工作总结,准备答辩 — —




第一阶段 第二阶段 第三阶段

(开题报告、外文翻译、文献综述) (中期进展情况) (论文终稿)

内容 组织纪律 完成任务情况 组织纪律 完成任务情况 组织纪律 完成任务情况

签字 日期 签字 日期 签字 日期




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