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Chapter 13 Reading Guide

The Rise of a Mass Democracy

The Corrupt Bargain of 1824

 ID the four candidates, their appeal, and the results of the initial election

 Explain the “corrupt bargain” and the ultimate outcome.

A Yankee Misfit in the White House

 What were his views and public reaction concerning:

o Current Officeholders

o Nationalism

o Land Policy

“Old Hickory” as President

 Describe Old Hickory

The Spoils System

 Explain
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The Tricky “Tariff of Abominations”

 Explain the 1824 tariff and what occurred in 1828.

 ID the South Carolina Exposition

“Nullies” in South Carolina

 ID the Tariff of 1832. What was the reaction of South Carolina

 Explain Henry Clay’s compromise (Tariff of 1833). What were the ultimate results to
South Carolina?

The Trail of Tears

 ID the Five Civilized Tribes. Explain how the Cherokees were trying to adopt American

 ID the Indian Removal Act

The Bank War

 How did the BUS encourage sectionalism in the US?

 Explain Henry Clay’s bill to re-charter the BUS and Jackson’s veto.

Burying Biddle’s Bank

 Explain the death of the BUS
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 What were the negative results to the US in general?

Depression Doldrums and the Independent Treasury

 ID the Panic of 1837

 Gone to Texas
o ID Stephen Austin and his agreement with the Mexican government

o Issues b/t Texans and the Mexican government

 The Lone Star Rebellion

o ID the Texan War for Independence

The Two-Party System

 Democratic Characteristics

 Whig Characteristics

 Similarities b/t the two

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