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COURSE: Group Work With Children and Adolescence

TOPIC 6: Action's in the Best Interest of the Child

MEMBERS: February Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores

1. What do you call the deliberation of the best interest of the courts undertake when deciding
what type of services, actions, and orders will best serve a child as well as who is best suited
to take care of a child?
a. Best Interests
B b. Best Interest of the Child
c. Best Interest Guide
d. Best Interest Principle

Best Interest of the Child is the deliberation of the best interest of the courts undertake when deciding
what type of services, actions, and orders will best serve a child as well as who is best suited to take
care of a child.

2. What article states that, “In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or
private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative
bodies, the best interest of the child shall be a primary consideration”?
B a. Article 2
b. Article 3
c. Article 5
d. Article 1

Article 3 states that, “In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social
welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interest of
the child shall be a primary consideration”.

3. What article of the CRC states that a child means “every human being below the age of 18
years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier”?
a. Article 2
b. Article 3
c. Article 5
d. Article 1

A child is defined in Article 1 of the CRC, means “every human being below the age of 18 years unless,
under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier”.

4. Which of the following refers to a child development perspective in ensuring that the child’s
well-being and future development are central to decision-making?
a. Best Interests
b. Best Interest of the Child
c. Best Interest Principla
d. Best Interest Guide
Best interests are vital from a child development perspective in ensuring that the child’s well-being and
future development are central to decision-making.

5. In terms of action, of what agency states that the word child refers to all children falling
under the competence of office, including asylum-seeking children, refugee children,
internally displaced children and returnee children assisted and protected by this agency and
stateless children”?
a. CRC
c. Connecticut Law
d. BIC

According to UNHCR, the UN Refugee agency, the word child refers to all children falling under the
competence of office, including asylum-seeking children, refugee children, internally displaced children
and returnee children assisted and protected by UNHCR and stateless children.

6. This law states that the determination of the BIC shall not be based on the consideration of
the socioeconomic status of the birth parent or caregiver, which is not a factor to consider in
the best interest analysis.
A a. Connecticut Law
b. CRC
d. BIC

Connecticut law states that the determination of the BIC shall not be based on the consideration of the
socioeconomic status of the birth parent or caregiver, which is not a factor to consider in the best
interest analysis.

7. This convention broadens the scope of the Best Interest principle to relate it not just to
decisions about individual children, but to young people collectively.
a. Committee on the Rights of Children
c. Convention on the Rights of Children
d. BIC

CRC broadens the scope of the Best Interest principle to relate it not just to decisions about individual
children, but to young people collectively.

8. What UNHCR policy states that, “In all actions taken concerning refugee children, the human
rights of the child, in particular his or her best interests, are to be given primary
A a. Policy on Refugee Children
b. Policy on Refugee Child

c. Both a & b is wrong

d. None of the above

UNCHR Policy on Refugee Children states that, “In all actions taken concerning refugee children, the
human rights of the child, in particular his or her best interests, are to be given primary consideration.

9. Who is responsible in ensuring a child’s protection and care as well as making decisions that
are in his or her best interests according to the national law?
a. Guardian
b. Parents
c. Qualified personnel
d. Lawyer

According to the national law, guardian is responsible in ensuring a child’s protection and care as well
as making decisions that are in his or her best interests.

10. Decisions are made to account for such situation that adolescents may have needs and
opinions that differ from those of their families. This decision is referred to as_______.
a. Individualization
b. Exploitation
c. Repatriation
d. Demobilisation

Repatriation decisions are being made in situation were adolescents may have needs and opinions that
differ from those of their families.

11. _______ is an essential part of the process in the child’s best interest that may need to
over-ride their stated wishes and opinions?
a. Child participation
b. Best Interests Determination
c. Best Interest Decision
d. Group Participation

Child participation is an essential part of the process to ensure children were able to express their
views in all matters that affect them.

12. What kind of analysis is required to assess the likely effects on children of different policy
a. Child-participation analysis
b. Comprehensive analysis
c. Child-centred situation analysis
d. Critical analysis

A child-centred situation analysis is required to assess the likely effects on children of different policy
decisions on children.

A 13. Why best interest principle has been criticised?

a. It does not provide detailed guidance on how to determine what action is in the BIC.
b. Best interest of the child may lead to misinterpretations.
c. It is complex to use.
d. All of the above.

Best interest principle has been criticised because it does not provide detailed guidance on how to
determine what action is in the best interest of a child or group of children.

14. What characteristic of BIC implies that children have a natural right to have their interest
taken into consideration whenever a decision or any other situation is regarding them?
a. Legal principle
b. Rule of procedure
c. Substantive right
d. None of the above

BIC as a substantive right means that, children have a natural right to have their interest taken into
consideration whenever a decision or any other situation is regarding them.

15. BIC must invoked in any kind of a decision-making process regarding children. What
characteristic of BIC is ask?
a. Legal principle
b. Rule of procedure
c. Substantive right
d. None of the above

As a rule of procedure, BIC must invoked in any kind of a decision-making process regarding children.

16. What characteristic of BIC saying that, BIC should be accessed and evaluated in any legal
situation within the justice system regarding children?
a. Legal principle
b. Rule of procedure
c. Substantive right
d. None of the above

Legal principle as a characteristic of BIC should be accessed and evaluated in any legal situation within
the justice system regarding children.

17. A. Any decision that can children and their rights should always be made in their best
B. The legal right of children is related to any right regarding the condition of being human.
A a. Only A is true
b. Only B is true
c. Both A & B is true
d. Both A & B is false

Any right regarding the condition of being human is the substantive right, so only A is true.
18. A. BIC shall be based on the socioeconomic status of the birth parent or caregiver.
B. Discrimination in the basis of parent’s disability should not be considered in determination
of BIC.
B a. Only A is true
b. Only B is true
c. Both A & B is true
d. Both A & B is false

Only B is true because BIC shall not be based on the socioeconomic status of the birth parent or

19. A. Providing for their ongoing developmental needs, such as psychological, social,
educational, and physical needs, while only considering the short term, is one of the main
best interest decision.
B. Key objective of making a decision based on what is in the best interests of the children is
D to unsure that care arrangements are made to meet both their physical and emotional needs.
a. Only A is true
b. Only B is true
c. Both A & B is true
d. Both A & B is false

A. To provide for their ongoing developmental needs, both for immediate future and in the long-term
B. To ensure that care arrangements are made to meet both their physical and emotional needs

20. A. The word “child” is a complex and a multi-determined individual with various interests and
needs regarding their well-being.
B. The word “child” encompassing all individuals under the age of eighteen.
C a. Only A is true
b. Only B is true
c. Both A & B is true
d. Both A & B is false

The word “child” encompassing all individuals under the age of eighteen and is a complex and a
multi-determined individual with various interests and needs regarding their well-being, so both
statement is true.

21. A. Best interests’ principle for children has one interests.

B. When considering an action, the entire range of a child’s needs and rights must be taken
into account
B a. Only A is true
b. Only B is true
c. Both A & B is true
d. Both A & B is false

Best interests’ principle for children has more than one interest, so only B is true.
22. What do you call the situations where a decision needs to be made about the possibility of a
separated child living?
a. Repatriation situation
b. Family reunification
c. Situation of abuse and exploitation
d. Group situation

Family reunification is a decision needs to be made about the possibility of a separated child living.

23. BIC is often applied in the justice system concerning children on matters except one.
a. Delinquency
A b. Custody
c. Adoption
d. Neglect

Delinquency is used for adolescents.

24. When UN launched the convention on the rights of the children?

a. 1989
A b. 1959
c. 1958
d. 1924

The UN launched the Convention on the human rights of the children in 1989.

25. A. In 1958, the 25th article of Universal declaration of the Human right that children were
entitled to special care and assistance.
B. The UN launched the Declaration of the rights of the child in 1959.
B a. Only A is true
b. Only B is true
c. Both A & B is true
d. Both A & B is false

It was on 1948 when the UN states in the 25th article of Universal declaration of the Human right that
children were entitled to special care and assistance, so only B is true.

26. How many characteristics does BIC have?

a. 4
B b. 3
c. 2
d. 1

BIC has 3 characteristics.

27. Where BIC do often applied to?

C a. Court
b. Legal proceedings
c. Justice system
d. All of the above

BIC is often applied to justice system.

28. National and international law generally recognise the authority of these individual in
deciding the best interest of the child?
a. guardian
b. One or both parents
c. Judge
d. All of the above

Where one or both parents are present, national and international law recognise their authority in
deciding what the best interest in their children is.

29. All is not a key objectives of the best interest decision for a child except one.
a. Provide for their outgoing developmental needs.
C b. Put their safety and welfare behind of all other consideration.
c. Provide for their participation in decisions in keeping with their maturity and capacity.
d. Ensure that care arrangements provide only for their physical and emotional needs.

a. Provide for their ongoing developmental needs

b. Put their safety and welfare ahead of all other consideration.
c. Ensure that care arrangements provide for both their physical and emotional needs

30. All except one is not included in the expertise of a personnel involved in deciding the best
interest of a child.
a. An understanding of the cultural and religious context.
D b. A concrete understanding of the practical implications of stages of child and adolescent
development and psychosocial well-being.
c. A knowledge about social and economic context.
d. The ability to engage in argumentative discussion about the available options.

A personnel should engage in discussion with composure to obtain available options for the BIC.

31. A. BIC is a valuable tool for impact assessment and monitoring in programming.

B.The concept of BIC is simple.

C a. Only A is true
b. Only B is true
c. Both A & B is true
d. Both A & B is false

All statement is true and correct.

D 32. The following are example of situations which may emerge in a group situation except one.
a. Displacement situation
b. Demobilization of former child soldiers
c. Ongoing conflict
d. Repatriation situation

Repatriation situation means one is/ or can be sent back as part of a larger repatriation movement

33. How many key objectives are there to help in deciding the best interest of the child?
a. 5
A b. 4
c. 6
d. 7

There are 5 objectives of best interests’ decision.

34. In making a decision about the child’s best interest, what do you call the consideration made
by the court when a child is mature enough to express his/her reasonable preference?
a. Best interest principle
b. Child’s wishes
c. Child participation
d. State constitutions protection

Courts consider the child’s wishes when making a determination of best interest especially when the
child is of age or level of maturity to express a reasonable preference.

35. As a displaced population progresses toward self-sufficiency, decisions must be made about
how and when to reduce food rations. This situation is an example of best interest applied
B a. Individual
b. Group
c. Refugee
d. All of the above

The example is one of the group situations presented.

36. Why BIC principle is said to be a valuable tool for impact assessment and monitoring in
a. Because children are more physically vulnerable than adults.
b. Because children are still developing.
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b

Both a and b statements are the reasons.

37. What particular instrument did Zevelun et. al (2018) used to examine the quality of the
B child-rearing environment in their study?
a. Cohen’s kappa
b. BIC-Q
c. Mokken scale analysis
d. All of the above

With the BIC-Q, the quality of the child-rearing environment can be examined in their study.

38. What is best interest principle stipulates about all decisions affecting children?
a. BIC should be a primary consideration.
A b. To evaluate specific circumstances in such BIC determination.
c. To balance the decision regarding the best interest of the child.
d. All of the above.

The best interest principle (article 3, CRC) stipulates that in all decisions affecting children, their best
interest should be a primary consideration

39. In study of Birchley et. al (2017) entitled, “’Best interest’ in paediatric intensive care: an
empirical ethics study”, what creates the potential for conflict?
a. Ambiguities of decision-making process.
b. Acrimonious negotiation between parents and clinicians.
c. Lengthy legal records.
d. All of the above.

Page 1: the ambiguities of decision-making process creates the potential for conflict.

40. What law stated in the study of Birchley et. al (2017) states that the child’s best interest are
paramount consideration in any decision, and holds that the best interest go beyond medical
interests to encompass medical, emotional and all other welfare issues?
A a. English law
b. Erllin law
c. Medical law
d. International law

English law states that the child’s best interest are paramount consideration in any decision, and holds
that the best interest go beyond medical interests to encompass medical, emotional and all other
welfare issues.

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