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Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being

Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact

Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores

1.) Anna always meditates and gives time to work on his
C hobbies and help other people she meets smile. Allowing
his positivity spread while doing things that help to show
her self-worth is an example of what aspect of deepening
value and commitment.
a) Include people with mental health conditions
b) Give mental health the same value and priority as
physical health
c) Understand and appreciate the intrinsic value
d) Step up investments in mental health.

DEFINITION: valuing mental health and putting time and effort into taking
care of one’s own mental health as well as supporting the mental health of
2.) Every employee in the coffee house treats every person
A equally, they are trained to understand and help
accommodate person with mental health conditions
order and assist every need on the restaurant, this
aspect of deepening value of commitment talks about;
a) Include people with mental health
b) Give mental health the same value and
priority as physical health
c) Understand and appreciate the intrinsic
d) Intensify engagement with mental health
across sectors

DEFINITION: Include people with mental health conditions in all aspects of

society and decision-making to overcome stigma and discrimination, reduce
disparities and promote social justice.
3.) A Study shows that Filipino students still experience
being bullied greatly because his academics are a lot
D harder with anxiety and may develop depression. The
Philippine government created the R.A 10627 or the
anti-bullying act of 2013 to fight this problem, what
aspect of deepening value of commitment exhibits in the
above passage?
a) Give mental health the same value and priority as
physical health
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
b) Include mental health conditions
c) Include people with mental health conditions
d) Step up investments in mental health

DEFINITION: securing appropriate funds and human resources across health

and other sectors to meet mental health needs, but also through committed
leadership, pursuing evidence-based policies and practice, and establishing
robust information and monitoring systems.
4.) Schools provide a platform for early mental health
diagnosis and treatment, with evidence that investing in
D mental health improves educational outcomes. This
definition resonates with the role of mental health care in
non- health settings. What services does the passage
pertain to?
a) Mental health care in justice system
b) Key social services
c) Employment
d) Early detection and intervention in schools

DEFINITION: Schools are a great place to identify and treat mental health
conditions due to their location, access to families, and free access.
Investing in mental health improves educational outcomes.
5.) Prisoners are more likely to have a mental health
condition due to their exposure to adverse social
circumstances before incarceration, which can lead to
A mental health conditions and crime. Once in prison, they
may be subjected to social isolation, poor living
conditions, physical or sexual assault, and psychological
abuse. This role pertains to _______ of mental health in
non-health settings
a) Mental health care in justice system
b) Key social services
c) Employment
d) Early detection and intervention in schools

DEFINITION: Addressing mental health needs in the criminal justice system

benefits prisoners, employees, and the wider community.
6.) Complementing health care with social services enables
people with mental health conditions to achieve their
recovery goals is an idea that lets these services
B transform mental health, what does this pertain to?
a) Mental health care in justice system
b) Key social services
c) Employment
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
d) Early detection and intervention in schools

DEFINITION: Community mental health services provide social support and

facilitate access to social benefits, such as clubhouses and other
psychosocial rehabilitation organizations, as well as supported employment
and education schemes.
a) Supported employment is more effective than vocational
training in helping people with mental health conditions
C access paid work. Does the role of mental health in
non-health settings pertain to?
b) Mental health care in justice system
c) Key social services
d) Employment
e) Early detection and intervention in schools

DEFINITION: Employers must provide inclusive recruitment and employment

policies and practices to support people with mental health conditions.
7.) Effective leadership doesn’t involve making decisions
and setting a course, but communicating this well with
employees and investors, In a way that equips and
A empowers them to achieve it pertains to 4 key Objectives
of WHO comprehensive mental health action plan.
a) Stronger effective leadership
b) Comprehensive, integrated and responsive
community-based care
c) Strategies and promotion and prevention
d) Stronger information systems, evidence and

DEFINITION: The art of good governance is about working smarter, not

harder, by taking a principles-based approach to achieving your objectives
and aligning your business model to the interests of all stakeholders in the
8.) Provision of Day Care Center Facilities, Periodic
Provision of School Supplies, and Supplemental Feeding
are programs that help starts a good mental health. This
programs is under what key objectives of WHO
comprehensive mental health action plan?
a) Stronger effective leadership
b) Comprehensive, integrated and responsive
community-based care
c) Strategies and promotion and prevention
d) Stronger information systems, evidence and research.
DEFINITION: primarily designed for disadvantaged and poor children in the
countryside to assist in their early childhood education and development
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
years through the establishment of Day Care Centers and by supporting
their needs.
9.) No country is expected to fulfil every implementation
option in the global action plan. But every country can
A make meaningful progress towards better mental health
for its population. This passage pertains to ____.
a) Comprehensive action
b) Paths of transformation
c) Combining effort for change
d) None of the above
DEFINITION: Choosing what to focus on first will depend on country
contexts, local mental health needs, other priorities and the existing state
and structure of each mental health system,
10.) Shaping environments to protect mental health and
prevent mental health conditions, while ensuring equal
B opportunities for people with mental health conditions. The
passage pertains to __________
a) Deepen value and commitment
b) Reshape environment
c) Strengthen mental health care
d) None of the above
DEFINITION: reshaping environments for better mental health is about
understanding the social and structural determinants of mental health and
intervening in ways that reduce risks, build resilience and dismantle barriers
that stop people with mental health conditions participating fully in society.
11.) Taylor swift, a successful pop singer tells, “In order to
change mental health, we must go deeper. The importance
we accord to each person's mental health, communities,
A governments, and coordination that value with dedication,
participation, and investment from all parties, across all
industries.” This illustrates to _______ .
a) Deepen value and commitment
b) Reshape environment
c) Strengthen mental health care
d) None of the above
DEFINITION: Transforming mental health is about deepening the value we
give to mental health as individuals, communities and governments; and
matching that value with commitment, engagement and investment by all
stakeholders, across all sectors.
12.) “You don’t have control over your thoughts. You just
have to stop letting them control you”. This quote comes
from Millman. The quote is an example of deepening value
C and commitment on mental health that would appeal to
a) Include people with mental health conditions
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
b) Give mental health the same value and priority as physical
c) Understand and appreciate the intrinsic value
d) Intensify engagement with mental health across sectors

DEFINITION: Understand and appreciate the intrinsic value of mental health

and put time and effort into taking care of one’s own mental health as well as
supporting the mental health of others.
13.) Good coordination and collaboration between people
working in health and child protection is essential to
A ensure coherent care. This statement entails about
a) Child protection
b) Education and training
c) Employment
d) Social benefits
DEFINITION: In many countries – especially during humanitarian
emergencies – child protection stakeholders are proactive in mental health
and psychosocial support. Good coordination and collaboration between
people working in health and child protection is essential to ensure coherent
14.) All of this are an accord for reshaping environment to
improve mental health of the community except:
D a) Homes
b) Schools
c) Workplaces
d) Church
DEFINITION: churchs' role in shaping the community by processing the
emotional spirit of the people.
15.) Governments have a key role in mobilizing, shaping and
supporting action. This includes prioritizing mental health
in health and development agendas and developing laws
A and policies to promote rights and improve access to
mental health care. This passage entails the _______.
a) Combining efforts for change
b) Paths to transformation
c) Comprehensive action
d) None of the above
DEFINITION: Governments can and should ensure that quality mental health
services are developed, resourced and tailored to meet local mental health
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
16.) Care providers, from family members and community
providers to general health workers and mental health
A professionals, have a major responsibility to deliver care
that is respectful, provides dignity, and supports autonomy
is one of the goals of _____.
a) Combining efforts for change
b) Paths to transformation
c) Comprehensive action
d) None of the above
DEFINITION: Mental health professionals can and should lead transformation
in practice, advocating an integrated approach to care and facilitating new
ways of working to achieve it, for example task-sharing
17.) Nongovernmental organizations, academia, employers
and other civil society stakeholders complement the efforts
of governments and care providers at every level to create
A a) Combining efforts for change
b) Paths to transformation
c) Comprehensive action
d) None of the above
DEFINITION: of governments and care providers at every level. Civil society
organizations of all sizes, including local organizations of persons with
disabilities, have key roles. They can, for example, join forces with and
amplify the voices of people with lived experience and build public
awareness and understanding of mental health
18.) The vision is a world where mental health is valued,
promoted and protected. It is a world where mental health
conditions are prevented and where anyone and everyone
can exercise their full range of human rights and access
C the high quality, timely and culturally appropriate health
and social care they need and deserve.
This article talks about ___________.
a) Combining efforts for change
b) Paths to transformation
c) Comprehensive action
d) None of the above
DEFINITION: the WHO aims to create a world where everyone has the chance
to achieve the highest possible level of health and to participate fully in
society free from stigma and discrimination.
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
19.) To transform mental health, such as the role of mental
health care in non- health settings this approach is use by
embedding services for people with mental health
B conditions into the policies and programs of all relevant
sectors, including livelihoods support, housing, education,
vocational training, employment, social welfare, and legal
support. A whole-of-government approach is needed.
a) External agent approach
b) Multisectoral approach
c) Inner research approach
d) Quantitative qualitative approach
DEFINITION: The multisectoral approach is use to deliberate collaboration
among various stakeholder groups (e.g., government, civil society, and
private sector) and sectors (e.g., health, environment, and economy) to
jointly achieve a policy outcome.

20.) In the effects of community-based care, what effect

promises to shift attitudes around mental health conditions
to lessen social exclusion for those affected and make them
more likely to seek help.
D a. Increase accessibility
b. Reduce stigma
c. Better protect human rights
d. Improve outcomes

The correct answer would be letter d. because reducing stigma intends to

shift attitudes around mental health conditions to lessen social exclusion for
those affected and make them more likely to seek help.

21.) ________ Care engages individuals, families and

communities as active participants, rather than passive
recipients of care.
a. Person-centred care
b. Recovery-oriented care
c. Human rights-based care
d. Community-based care

Recovery-oriented care engages individuals, families and communities as

active participants, rather than passive recipients of care.
22.) Undermine people’s confidence and trust in mental
services staff leading people to avoid mental health care.
a) Non-coercive practice
B b) Coercive practice
c) Person- centred care practice
e. Human rights-based care practice
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
Coercive practice Undermine people’s confidence and trust in mental
services staff leading people to avoid mental health care.
23.) A widely accepted important aspect of person-centred
care on community-based mental health services, including
in those designed for people living with severe mental health
conditions such as schizophrenia.
C a) Person-centred care
b) Human rights-based care
c) Recovery-oriented care
a. Community-based care
Recovery-oriented care is a widely accepted important aspect of
person-centred care on community-based mental health services, including
in those designed for people living with severe mental health conditions
such as schizophrenia.
24.) One aspect of recovery-oriented care that speaks of
individuals being supported to build the skills and
confidence they need to recognize and manage the physical,
social and emotional impacts of a mental health condition.
B a) Supported self-management
b) Recovery planning
c) Multi sectorial coordination
d) Self- help recovery
Supported self-management is one aspect of recovery-oriented care that
speaks of individuals being supported to build the skills and confidence they
need to recognize and manage the physical, social and emotional impacts of
a mental health condition.
25.) What UHC stands for
a) Universal health center
D b) Universal health care
c) Universal hotline for care
a) University health care

UHC stands for universal health care

26.) A key social service that grants access to benefits
including – including for maternity, work injury, disabilities,
unemployment and pensions – can be a lifeline for people
with mental health conditions in times of hardship, and can
C be critical for recovery.
a) Child protection
b) Education and training
c) Employment
d) Social benefits
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
Social benefits is a key social service that grants access to benefits
including – including for maternity, work injury, disabilities, unemployment
and pensions – can be a lifeline for people with mental health conditions in
times of hardship, and can be critical for recovery.
27.) ______ Rehabilitation supports people to achieve their
optimal functioning and inclusion in the community. It
involves both improving people’s competencies and making
environmental changes so that people with mental health
conditions can live a productive and satisfying life in the
A community.
a) Mental health
b) Physical
c) Psychosocial
d) Emotional

Psychosocial Rehabilitation supports people to achieve their optimal

functioning and inclusion in the community. It involves both improving
people’s competencies and making environmental changes so that people
with mental health conditions can live a productive and satisfying life in the
28.) A component of community mental health services that
serves a small minority of people living with mental health
conditions, specifically those who have complex, long-term
a) Supported living services
b) Psychosocial rehabilitation
c) Crisis services
d) Emotional support
Supported living services is a component of community mental health
services that serves a small minority of people living with mental health
conditions, specifically those who have complex, long-term needs.
29.) These are the cornerstone of community-based care
a) Community mental health teams
A b) Community mental health centers
c) Community mental health programs
d) Community mental health initiatives

Community mental health centers are the cornerstone of community-based

30.) It is an intervention that helps equip people with the tools
and tactics they need to discuss and manage any mental
health problems as they arise.
A a) Self-help
b) Self-guided therapy
c) Self-service
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
d) Self-oriented care

Self-help is an intervention that helps equip people with the tools and tactics
they need to discuss and manage any mental health problems as they arise.
31.) CBT stands for
a) Computerized behavior therapy
C b) Centred behaviour therapy
c) Cognitive behavioural therapy
d) Common behaviour therapy

CBT stands for Cognitive behavioural therapy

32.) CAMHS stands for
a) Children and adolescent mental health services
D b) Child and adolescent mental health services
c) Children and adult mental health services
d) Child adolescent mental health services

CAMHS stands for Child and adolescent mental health services

33.) These are largely provided through community mental
health centers and teams and may include daytime
emergency care or overnight stays at a facility (including for
A a) Crisis services
b) Shock services
c) Financial support groups
d) Focus group services
e) Social support services
Crisis services are largely provided through community mental health
centres and teams and may include daytime emergency care or overnight
stays at a facility (including for respite).
34.) They may also be offered through specialized units in
general hospitals.
a) Crisis services
A b) Shock services
c) Financial support groups
d) Focus group services
a. Social support services

Crisis services may also be offered through specialized units in general

Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
35.) These teams may work across different facilities, such as
general hospitals, primary care clinics or community health
B a) Community mental health workers
b) Community mental health teams
c) Community mental health group
a. Community mental health support teams

Community mental health teams may work across different facilities, such as
general hospitals, primary care clinics or community health centres.

36.) When a worker helps the person to use self-help

a) Guided self-help
A b) Unguided self-help
c) Self-help
d) Self-help process
Guided self-help is when a worker helps the person to use self-help
37.) A type of counseling that can help boost the capacity of
frontline mental health services and greatly improve care
a) Specialist counseling
D b) Rapid counseling
c) Trauma counseling
d) Non-specialist counseling
Non-specialist counselling helps boost the capacity of frontline mental
health services and greatly improve care.
38.) It is a term used by the WHO that describes any mental
health care that is provided outside of a psychiatric hospital.
a) Community-based mental health care
A b) Community mental health center
c) Recovery-oriented care
d) Person-centered care
Community-based mental health care is a term used by the WHO that
describes any mental health care that is provided outside of a psychiatric
39.) An approach that is especially important to target critical
stages, transitions and settings where different
interventions may be particularly relevant.
A a) Life course
b) Transitional
c) Institutionalized
d) Recovery course
Course: Seminar on Mental Health and Well- Being
Topic 7 : Restructuring and Scaling up for Impact
Members: February, Gabriel, Mykah Habungan, Leomar Baloran, Rafael Ladores
Community-based mental health care is a term used by the WHO that
describes any mental health care that is provided outside of a psychiatric

40.) An approach that is especially important to target critical

stages, transitions and settings where different
interventions may be particularly relevant.
A a. Life course
b. Transitional
c. Institutionalized
d. Recovery course

Life course approach is an approach that is especially important to

target critical stages, transitions and settings where different interventions
may be particularly relevant.

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