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Content Writing Services

When you first started writing, you basically kept a running account, what did you dream
about last night, what is the weather like today, what happened yesterday, etc. But after you
write for a while, you will find that what you wrote slowly begins to have A certain depth, this is
the unexpected gain of practicing free writing;
In addition, this exercise is actually to write what comes to mind, that is, the subconscious
things in your brain, the real thoughts in your heart. This kind of writing is equivalent to a
communication process between yourself and yourself. There are some words that you cannot
communicate with. As others have said, you can also regulate your emotions by writing;
Everyone can actually write, because everyone has the desire to express;

The word writing may make you feel pressured. Everyone should have experienced the painful
experience of writing a composition in high school. After holding back for 20 minutes, the test
paper is still empty. It is the previous learning experience that makes us afraid of writing;

The word writing itself will bring pressure to people. In my opinion, writing is a high-level way
of expression; it is also a very professional ability. When it comes to writing, I also feel pressure;

We can change the term writing to record or write or keep a diary, etc., but in another way, has
your sense of stress been reduced a lot?
I started to insist on writing because of Brother Hue. Brother Hue started to update daily in
2015. I have been writing for 4 years. I tried to write for a month and realized that it is not easy
to update daily, let alone persist for 4 years!

When you start writing, you will find that one day you don’t know what to write, and one day
there may be multiple topics to write about, so it’s unrealistic to rely on inspiration to write,
and the real ability to persist in writing depends on the accumulation of materials;

If you have inspiration, what you can do is to record it immediately, whether it is a mobile
phone or a pen;

In addition, you usually need to collect good materials according to the theme you plan. There
are many sources of collected materials, including books, movies, life, conversations with
friends, observation and refinement of life, and hot topics on Web on various platforms, etc.;

The material library is an important means to ensure that you can write articles. If you want to
keep writing, then start to build your own material library now;
The Anxiety and Emotion Regulation Handbook mentions the "shame experience". The specific
content is that the successful lawyer Jeffrey recently failed a case and he was very depressed.
The author asked Jeffrey to tell 10 other lawyers about his case Failed;

At first, Jeffery was very anxious and wanted to back down. Finally, he told other lawyers. In
fact, 5 out of 10 people didn't pay attention to what he said. The other 5 lawyers told him that
even you would lose the case. Their stress is not so great;

The "shame experience" made Jeffrey realize that he exaggerated his status in the hearts of
others. Most people are self-centered and don't pay attention to you at all. The same is true in
our real society. Everyone In fact, only pay attention to yourself!
The Anxiety and Emotion Regulation Handbook mentions the "shame experience". The specific
content is that the successful lawyer Jeffrey recently failed a case and he was very depressed.
The author asked Jeffrey to tell 10 other lawyers about his case Failed;

At first, Jeffery was very anxious and wanted to back down. Finally, he told other lawyers. In
fact, 5 out of 10 people didn't pay attention to what he said. The other 5 lawyers told him that
even you would lose the case. Their stress is not so great;

The "shame experience" made Jeffrey realize that he exaggerated his status in the hearts of
others. Most people are self-centered and don't pay attention to you at all. The same is true in
our real society. Everyone In fact, only pay attention to yourself!
If you still can’t convince yourself, the average person will care more about the eyes of the
familiar people around you. You can post what you write on the Internet. You don’t have to
worry about the eyes of strangers, let alone the current circle of friends. Set the visible range,
you can selectively let who see your article;

At the beginning of writing, the heart is relatively fragile. It is possible to give up after being hit
by someone. Always remind yourself why you started writing in the first place. Don’t pay too
much attention to how many readers read your article, but focus on how to improve writing
Psychological Adjustment of Writing Expectations
I always hope that the things I write are informative and interesting, but in fact, I can only
express what I want to say clearly, and I have no way to start if it is interesting. Many times I am
not satisfied with the things I write;

Of the 10 articles updated on the official account, only 2 articles can barely reach 60 points
according to my standard, and it is good to finish it first as Brother Hue said! After all, writing is
a skill that takes time to polish.

Writing requires interaction and feedback

Feedback includes positive feedback and negative feedback. Many times you can’t find
problems with what you write yourself, but others can find problems at a glance;

If the text you write is for everyone to read, it means that you have to participate in the process
of communicating with readers. Can you achieve effective communication with readers? Does
the reader understand your topic? Did you get some valuable information from your article?

For example, I shared it and got a lot of praise from people, which I didn't expect;
At the same time, someone suggested to me that my official account should pay attention to
typesetting, segmentation, segmentation, readers' reading experience, etc.;

In fact, I often write at night, and often write around 11:30, and publish it after hastily sorting
out the version, but the feedback from netizens hits my shortcomings;

In the process of writing, you can find a circle with the same writing habits as you, share and
communicate with each other, and can also help you point out some problems;

The benefits of positive feedback, psychology When a person makes a certain decision and it is
proven correct and produces good results, the brain will send "reward" information to the
decision-making area, which will further promote people's cognitive ability and form A virtuous
circle, like painting, you will not feel the lines you draw at the beginning, but the more you
draw, the more excited you will be after the whole shape is formed, because you see good
results coming out;

I wrote an article about the purchase of second-hand housing and posted it on the Internet. At
the beginning, the number of readers was 10,000. People kept asking questions, and I took the
time to answer all the questions from netizens. The number of views directly soared to 33,000,
the number of favorites was 1382, the number of likes was 696, and a total of 207 questions
were answered;

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