Flash A1 Skills Test Units 9-10

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Skills Test Units 9-10

Name: ______________________________________ Class: ________ Date: ________


1 Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs.

a What are pancakes?

b What is a pancake race?
c What is Pancake Day?
___ 3

Photocopiable FLASH on English, A1 © ELI & KLETT

2 Read the text again and write T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false statements.

1 Pancakes are a kind of sandwich. ___

6 The traditional pancake race comes from Olney in England. ___
2 Pancakes come from the USA. ___
3 British people eat pancakes with meat. ___
7 Women and men run in the race. ___
4 Another name for Pancake Day is Shrove Thursday. ___
8 They catch the pancakes in a net. ___
9 The race is 50 years old. ___
5 Lent is a period of the year when Christians eat a lot of rich food. ___
10 There are pancake races in other places in the UK now too. ___
___ 10

3 Answer the questions.

1 What do you need to make pancakes? _____________, ____________, ____________,

____________, ___________
2 In what month of the year is Shrove Tuesday? _____________
3 In which other country do people also have pancake races today? _____________
___ 7


4 Imagine you are at one of the traditional food festivals in your country or area. Write
about what people are doing and describe the food they are eating. Try to answer
these questions.

• Where is the festival?

• When is the festival?
• What does it celebrate?
• What are people doing at the festival?
• What food is traditional at the festival?
• What things do you need to make this food?

___ 20

Photocopiable FLASH on English, A1 © ELI & KLETT


5 In pairs, role play a dialogue between you and your uncle about your school subjects this
year. Ask and answer questions.

Uncle What subjects are you doing at school this year?

You __________________________________________________________________
Uncle What are your favourite subjects?
You __________________________________________________________________
Uncle What subjects do you not like?
You __________________________________________________________________
Uncle How often do you have English lessons?
You __________________________________________________________________
Uncle What are you studying in your English class at the moment?
You __________________________________________________________________
Uncle Are you enjoying your English course?
You __________________________________________________________________

___ 10

Total ___ 50

Photocopiable FLASH on English, A1 © ELI & KLETT

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