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SOP for the conduct of Term-1 and Pre -board Exams 2020-21 for Students

Mode of Exams- Online on Zoom App

1. Dates of Exams as per the schedule already given .

2. Time of Exam- 3 hrs (+15 min. Reading time and + 15 min for uploading time) from 8.45 am to 12.15 noon.
The paper must be submitted within the complete exam duration . The completed answersheet should be
uploaded on the email ID provided to you.
3. Question paper will be shared by CEC with the Invigilators when the students join the zoom app 5 min prior
to the exam time.
4. The student has to login with his own name and school name. (EX. Sumit Sharma MPSJN)
5. Students to write answers on the copies provided by school.
6. Students must use blue pen only. .
7. Proper question number should be mentioned before writing the answer. Answers to all parts of a question
to be written together.
8. Name, class, roll number of the student and the name of his school to be written on front page of answer
9. Students to keep their video on during the exam time .
10. The student has to use the email Id created by his school.
11. After attempting the question paper, the student has to scan each page in sequence as per the page no's and
send it as one pdf file to the given CEC email ID from the student's own email ID ( created by school).
12. Scanning of the answer sheet can be done using Abode scanner app which is available on play store. The
students must install the Abode scanner in advance. As soon as the exam is over, scan the answer sheet,
Create pdf or Rename pdf [Exam Rollno_students name_school name (ex .9101 amit__kumar_mpsjn)]and
send it to the Email_id given below within 15 min.

Class E_mail ID
13. After receiving pdf ofanswer copies, the Invigilators will report to CEC that all answer copies have been
14. Proper internet connectivity is required during the exam . In case of any problem, the matter should be
reported to the school.

15. The blank answer copies to write answers during exam of all subjects to be collected by parents from the
school as per the schedule given by the school.

16. All the questions are to be answered in the answer copy given by school . The answer copy must be in
proper condition. In case of any page missing or torn off or tampering with the answer sheet, then it will be
treated as UFM. Answer copies of all subjects must be deposited back in school together after the last exam
as per the schedule given by the school. If the answer copies of a student are not submitted back in school,
he/ she will be treated as absent.
17. The hard copy of the answer sheet will be evaluated after matching it with the soft copy uploaded. Any
discrepancy between the soft and hard copy will be treated as UFM.
18. The students must report any paper discrepancy before 10.00 am positively on the exam day. Any complaint
sent later will not be considered.
19. The students must report any error in the paper only when it is genuine. Complaint made for the sake of
understanding the question or for creating any kind of disturbance will be taken seriously and an action can
be taken against the student.
20. Attendance is compulsory in all exams and there will be no re-exam in any case.

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