Columbus United Methodist Church: in This Issue

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Columbus United Methodist Church

222 S. Dickason Blvd. Columbus, WI 53925

March, 2010

In This Issue
I Love/Hate Preaching! Fellowship Time Schedule March Birthdays Upcoming Sermon Topics Mission Offering Friday Family Film Night Usher Schedule Wish List UMW News Lenten Services AED TrainingMarch 7, 10:30 World Day of Prayer March Children & Youth Ministries News & Notes March Anniversaries Call to Prayer and Self-Denial Easter Lilies Something Special From the Staff Parish Relations Committee Welcome to Our New Members Columbus UMC Behavioral/Relational Covenant Calendar
Our purpose is to: Follow Jesus Together We do this by: Opening our hearts to people and to Christ in worship and fellowship, so that we know God and each other more fully, Opening our minds to deepen our Christian faith, understand our heritage, and think together to solve common problems, and Opening our doors in welcome and hospitality, even as we go out of those doors to invite people into God's church and be in service to all of our neighbors everywhere.

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The Voice
I Love/Hate Preaching!
Preaching is both the thing I enjoy most about ministry and the thing I dread the most. Partly, thats because I put so much of myself into my preaching. G.K. Chesterton once said, if I had only one sermon to preach, it would be a sermon against pride. That said, I need your prayers. I need your prayers so that my preaching will not come across as prideful or smug or superior. I need your prayers, too, for the content of my preaching. To me, there are several sermons, and they should all be preached: 1. God loves you 2. You are called to an abundant life 3. You are called to follow Christ be Christ-like (motivational sermons) 4. We are called to justice to make a difference 5. Beware of sin I sometimes try to preach more than one of these sermons at a time, and it doesnt work well. I can stuff the bag so full that it rips, and it doesnt hold much anymore. I can get distracted between motivations to persuade, inspire, teach, encourage, tell the story, reassure or simply point to the holiness of God. I need your prayers so that I can keep my sermons simple and clear, with my motivations up front and stated. If you ever think Im harping on one message too much, to the exclusion of others, let me know. If you think Im trying to pack too much into a sermon, drop me a hint. You can help me see in my blind spots. And if you ever want to preach, let me know. Preaching is a holy task, and I dont want to keep it all to myself. ~~Jim I wish too thank everyone after my recent illness for prayers, greetings, calls, visits and offers of help. Its good to be back! ~~Sam Batt

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If you are interested in an updated directory, please call the church office at 623-3625 and one will be prepared for you!

Anyone interested in an Easter Sunrise service?

Please let Pastor Jim know if youre interested in a 6:30 a.m. service on Easter morning. He has discovered that the chapel at the cemetery would be available for a service of no more than 40 people. Jim needs interest from at least ten people in order to go ahead and plan the service.

The Voice is the monthly newsletter of the Columbus United Methodist Church. Please send all correspondence to: PO Box 392, Columbus, WI 53925-0392. Pastor: Jim Cotter Secretary: Wanda Guenther Church Office......920-623-3625 (Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 9-3) Pastors home phone......920-623-9641 E-Mail: Website: Pastors E-Mail:

The Voice
Fellowship Time Schedule March Volunteers
March 7th: March 14th: March 21st: March 28th: Palm Sunday Phil & Peggy Waterworth Eileen Bennett Dave & Judy Stricker Beth Burnard 1 2 6 11 13 14 16

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Happy March Birthdays!

Janice Bolan Ruth Griffith Wesley Karow Brandi Baker Ann Ehlenfeldt Gene Hake Dawn Balfanz Laura Shippert Mandy Rego Jeanette Eggie Rachel Plantenberg 17 Ron Guenther Brittany Lange Guinevere Wylesky 18 Bill Kluetzman 21 Della Dartt 23 James Cotter Stella Noonan 24 Lorna Will 28 Mary Ann Shippert 29 Kristopher Caswell 30 Megan Rake

Upcoming Sermon Topics

Wednesday, March 3rd: Lenten Service at St. Jeromes. Wayne Hull is preaching on Taste and Bob Moberg is Liturgist. Soup supper served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Holy Communion, Faith Drama: Intentional Use of Time, Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, Mark 9:14-28 Lenten Service at Olivet Congregational U.C.C. Bob Moberg is preaching on Smell and Carol Hermann is Liturgist. Soup supper served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Faith Drama: Community, Acts 2:41-47, 1 Timothy 3:8-13 Lenten Service at Columbus UMC. Carol Hermann is preaching on Hearing and Wayne Hull is Liturgist. Soup supper served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Faith Drama: Believing in What You Do, Matthew 9:27-31, John 20:19-29 Lenten Service at First Presbyterian Church. Fr. Bruce Hennington is preaching on Sight and Jim Cotter is Liturgist. Soup supper served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. A Journey Toward Freedom, Luke 19:28-40, Luke 22:39-54 & 63-71

Sunday, March 7th: Wednesday, March 10th:

Sunday, March 14th: (Daylight Saving Time) Wednesday, March 17th

Sunday, March 21st: Wednesday, March 24th:

Palm Sunday, March 28th:

The Voice
If you discover a birthday or anniversary missing from the newsletter, please call the church office at 623-3625 and let us know. We strive to keep our database upto-date but still find that we have some missing information. We welcome your input!

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Family Friendly Friday Night Film!

The family film for the evening of Friday, March 12th, at 7:00 p.m. is Pistachio. VeggieTales twist on the beloved story of Pinocchio! Once upon a time in the small Italian town of Bologna-Salami, there lived a lonely toymaker named Gelato and his assistant Cricket. Gelato had no children he could call his own, so one day he decide to carve a little boy out of wood. His name is Pistachio! Young Pistachio gets involved with some slippery characters. His bad choices and disobedience towards Gelato lead to some sticky situations. Will Pistachio learn that obeying the wisdom of a loving father will help him find what he really needs and could be the key to saving his whole family? Find out in this new adventure with a lesson about the importance of family and obeying your parents. Volunteers for ushers, food servers, set up and clean up are always needed. Come and join this growing family ministry!

March Mission Offering

The Mission offering for March will go to One Great Hour of Sharing. One Great Hour of Sharing enables the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to live out its mission to alleviate human suffering. UMCOR responds to natural or human made disasters - those interruptions of such magnitude that they overwhelm a community's ability to recover on its own. The One Great Hour of Sharing offering makes ministries available in the United State and across the globe. The need for food, shelter, health and peace knows no continental boundaries. Through One Great Hour of Sharing, we share the goodness of life with those who hurt: On the Gulf Coast of the United States, where Hurricane Katrina and other storms devastated families from Florida to Texas; In Sudan, where hardworking families persist despite war and displacement; In Sierra Leone, where were fighting the spread of malaria; and In Georgia, Eastern Europe, where a cold winter tests endurance. UMCOR also accepts on-line donations. All donations can be credited to your local congregation. The website is: ~~Your Missions Committee

March Usher Schedule

March 7th: Don & Bernetta Pritchard and Ann Ehlenfeldt

March 14th: Dan & Patsy Roe and Carol Balfanz March 21st: Wanda Guentherneed 2 volunteers

March 28th: Philip & Peggy Waterworth

The Voice

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The Wills & Gifts Committee of our church is pleased to present you this Wish List. If there are any additional items you believe should be on this list, please contact the Chairperson, Lyle Elske, or call the church office at 623-3625. These are opportunities for special giving. Columbus United Methodist Church Wills & Gifts Wish List Wish Bulletin Sponsor VOICE Sponsor Gift Bibles for 1st & 3rd Graders Child care for Praise Band Rehearsals 7 Confirmation Picture Frames & Matting (each frame holds six pictures) Seasonal silk flower arrangement for Sanctuary Easter/Wedding Altar Cloth and Pulpit & Lectern Paraments Wellness FundCounseling Microphone boom stand Wireless hand-held microphone and receiver Soundboard/mixer Amount Required $15.00 per week $50.00 per month $13.00 each $15.00 per week $230.00 each frame (or sponsor one picture at $40.00) $35.00 to $40.00 each More sponsors needed Amount Received To Date

$2800.00 Various Amounts $50.00 $600.00 $800.00

UMW News
"I make the motion to yada yada yada . . ." Oh, the fun and games of business meetings! Long -- long -- oh, they can be so very long. But wait! Have you been to one of our recent United Methodist Women's meetings??? We've had a bit of restructuring: less yada yada yada and lots of fun! Meetings now begin with delicious refreshments followed by programs which feature the integral role of women's ministry here and throughout the global community. We also learn about various local services and ministries. Following the program, only those wishing to participate in the business of UMW remain. All others are welcomed to bid a fond farewell. Deborah Thompson, Wisconsin Conference Mission Coordinator, will be our special guest in March. Her topic, "Heart of Mission", is dear to the hearts of women in the United Methodist Church. As she opens the door ever wider to our awareness and understanding of Missions, let us also open our hearts ever wider to the purpose of UMW ministry. Remember, we have childcare during our meetings, so let's get together and give Deborah Thompson a delightfully warm welcome. Mark the date: Thursday, March 11, 7:00 p.m., Fellowship hall. See you there! ~~Patsy Roe, Secretary

The Voice
Lenten Services
The theme for our Lenten Services this year is The Senses in the Life of the Disciple. Weve chosen this theme because we want to remember how the senses inform our faith. We touch and taste bread in Holy Communion, we view the cross, hear the scripture, and offer prayers as a fragrant offering to the Lord. Come on Wednesday nights to explore how our bodies are just as important a part of our faith as our spirits.

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World Day of Prayer

The Columbus-Fall River celebration of World Day of Prayer will be held at First Presbyterian Church on Friday, March 5, 2010, at 1:30 p.m. Participants in leadership roles come from several local churchesSue Krakow, Sally Owen, Amber Shilling, Alice Schmidt, Florence Franz, Emogene Johnson, Betty Wright, Mary Carpenter, Florence Schmidt, Kathy Baerwolf, and Reverend Carol Hermann. All women in the local area are invited to attend. World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of women of many faith traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year on the first Friday in March. For 2010, the women of Cameroon developed the theme Let Everything That Has Breath Praise God. The worship service emphasizes the importance that the people of Cameroon place on music and celebration in their praise of God.

AED Training March 7, 10:30

You may have noticed that we have an AED in the hallway between the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. This is an Automatic External Defibrilator, and is designed to be used in emergencies with a minimum of training. The AED actually talks you through giving chest compression and applying the leads to administer a shock if helpful. This training is offered to anyone who is interested, and is especially appropriate for ushers. The training will be offered by Chris DeLapp of Columbus Community Hospital, in our Fellowship Hall at 10:30 a.m. on March 7. Please come!

A Lenten Reflection
Give up complainingfocus on gratitude. Give up pessimismbecome an optimist. Give up harsh judgmentsthink kindly thoughts. Give up worrytrust Divine Providence. Give up discouragementbe full of hope. Give up bitternessturn to forgiveness. Give up hatredreturn good for evil. Give up negativismbe positive. Give up angerbe more patient. Give up pettinessbecome mature. Give up gloomenjoy the beauty that is all around you. Give up jealousypray for trust. Give up gossipingcontrol your tongue. Give up sinturn to virtue. Give up giving uphang in there!

This issue of the Voice is sponsored by Emma Bennett in memory of her husband, Frank Bennett

The Voice
March Children and Youth Ministries News and Notes By Mary Baker, Coordinator
The months seem to be zooming by, dont they? It seems like yesterday we were busy making plans for the Hanging of the Greens and Christmas program. Currently we find ourselves in the midst of getting ready for the reflective season of Lent. Our Sunday School lessons will focus on Lent as a time for us to grow closer to God. One very insightful resource we will use published by Channing Bte Company uses scripture based stories to help guide children to:

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remember what Jesus has done for us -how he suffered and sacrificed. think about our lives and try to be more like Jesus by loving and forgiving one another.

We will be learning about the symbols of Lent as well as the traditions of Lent and Easter. There will be food, music, art, drama, games and videos all carefully selected to focus on the true meaning of this season. Dates & Events to Remember Friday March 12, 7 pm Family Friendly Friday Film- We are going to try a new format this month. We will be viewing the new Veggie Tale video, Pistachio. This event will include a special snack, prizes, activity and coloring books and a fun filled game time for all. Invite your friends and help make this the most successful film night yet! Remember there is no charge for this activity. Sunday March 28 Palm Sunday-There will be a special Childrens Service at 10:30. There is No Sunday School that day. Sunday April 4 Easter Sunday Easter Egg Hunt follows 9:00 a.m. service.

We are coming closer to the beauty, hope and promise of spring. This prayer by Marian Wright-Edelman seems fitting for this time. Lord, please let our small mustard seeds of daily service grow into great shrubs of change and trees in whose branches the birds can nest and in whose shade our children can rest and feel safe. Amen Thank you all for your prayers, love and kindnesses. I am happy to be back about the business of my work with children and youth. God Bless you all.

March Anniversaries

3/1 3/11 3/12 3/30 3/31

Bill & Karen Hamilton Bill & Judy Kluetzman Brian & Katrina Wodill Milton & Patricia Kluetzman Jesse & Shirley Felland Matt & Katie Bodie

We will be hosting the Lenten Soup Supper on Wednesday, March 17th!! Please join us for delicious soup, applesauce, cornbread and bars. We would appreciate volunteers for helping in the dining room, serving, clean up and of course baking those wonderful homemade bars. Sign up at church or call the church office at 623-3625. Invite your friends and family! A freewill offering to cover expenses will be taking that evening.

The Voice
Women are observing the Call to Prayer and Self-Denial on Friday, March 12th. Anyone interested is invited to the church library between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The theme for this year is Property Makes Mission Possible! The Call to Prayer and Self-Denial is a special observance for United Methodist Women. Through it they are challenged to engage in prayer and to reflect upon stewardship as they respond to needs in specific areas of the mission program of the church. In 2010, the Call to Prayer and Self-Denial offering fund will provide for capital expenditures at mission institutions related to United Methodist Women. In the United States, these institutions include community centers, womens residences, schools, colleges, residential treatment centers and daycare centers. The offering will be divided equally between U.S. and international projects. Please consider participating in this observance.

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Our Apportionments Paid in Full

Thank you so much for your generosity! We have paid our shared offerings (apportionments) that enable a lot of ministry to happen around Wisconsin and the world. In these difficult financial times, it is a real accomplishment to meet our budget, including the payment of our apportionments. Congratulations! You have been faithful. In this economy, thats doing very well, indeed! If youd like to learn more about apportionments, you can find information on the internet at

We invite you to provide a lily to decorate our Sanctuary during the Easter season. These plants may be given in memory of or in honor of someone (please be sure to include this information on the clipboard). The plants are available at $14.00 each and you may place your order through Palm Sunday on the clipboard to be passed around on Sunday mornings or by calling the Church Office at 623-3625. The lilies may be taken home after the worship service on Easter Sunday.

United Methodist Childrens Services Dedicates New Building

The dedication of the new building at United Methodist Children's Services at 3940 W. Lisbon Ave. in Milwaukee took place on December 18th. This United Methodist agency continues to transform the neighborhood and the lives of so many people. New homes/ apartments for 24 families are included in the new building which will also house the food pantry and the offices for UMCS. For more information about this important ministry or to offer support, contact Cindy Thompson at 414.344.1818 or look at the web site: http://

This year, Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 14th. Be sure to move your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed Saturday night.

The Voice
Something Special!!!
What ??? UMW 101 When ? Where? Who? Tuesday March 23rd, 2010 at 7 pm Columbus United Methodist Church All interested women are encouraged to attend!!

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Peggy Goetsch, Lorna Will and Mary Baker have planned an evening of information and inspiration. Please set aside this time to meet and greet other women as we present stories, videos, resources and a wide variety of opportunities for learning about this marvelous organization. It will be a great time for joy, laughter and warm welcome! There are so many things to catch our eye, get our attention and spark our interest. UMW has so much to offer the world as it goes about the work of Mission. It is so easy to focus on our own specific interests. Come and see how United Methodist Women, this marvelous organized group of women who number over 1 million, dedicate themselves to work on behalf of women, children and youth in need. These women have, and are making magnificent changes in the world as they stay true to their purpose to know God and experience freedom as whole persons. It can be a life changing experience!! Bring your friends. All are welcome (you do not have to be United Methodist to be a part of UMW). Child Care will be provided. Light refreshments will be served. Questions? Call Lorna Will at 623-2955.

From the Staff Parish Relations Committee

Our Staff Parish Relations Committee exists to promote harmony within our Christian family. As members of this family, we want to encourage you to open your hearts and minds to one another. Some ways to do this are:

Encourage someone who is feeling down. Ask, "How can I help you?" If you have a need - communicate directly, whether it's about the worship service, or the food, or health issues, or the children or whatever!

We are there for each other! If there are issues that can't be resolved by reaching out to your fellow worshipers, please contact us. Rhonda Miller 920-349-8797 Kelly Green 484-6223 Tessie Sharrow 623-2836 Stuart Smith 623-5675 Charlie Fuller 623-2458 Phil Waterworth 992-3015 Patsy Roe 623-9110

The Voice
Welcome to Our New Members

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On Sunday, February 21st, we welcomed four new members into our church family. Here is a little bit about each one: MATT & KATIE BODIE Matt and Katie Bodie live in Windsor with their two sons, Alex (age 5) and Vincent (age 5 months). Matt works in an IT department. He enjoys cars, computers, golfing and playing with the kids. Katie is self-employed as a certified in-home childcare provider. She enjoys scrapbooking, playing with the kids and organizing. Matt grew up Catholic and Katie grew up Lutheran. Katies mother, Shirley Felland, is also a member at Columbus UMC. Shirley and Katie went to this church for a time when Katie was very small.

MELANIE KLINGER Melanie is married and her husbands name is Shane. They live in Columbus and have a daughter, MaryRose, who is 6 years old. Melanie works as a Financial Services Clerk for QBE Americas, Inc. (General Casualty). She enjoys traveling, camping, reading and spoiling her daughter and her dog, Bella. She has attended Sun Prairie UMC and Wesley UMC in Oshkosh. As a side note, she says she can be bribed with soda and chocolate!

LOUISE SAMPSON Louise is married and her husbands name is Joe. They live in Columbus and have two children, Rebecca and Daniel. Louise is a Respiratory Therapist at Columbus Community Hospital and at St. Marys Hospital. She is also an Avon representative. Raised in the Lutheran Church, she found the United Methodist Church in her twenties. She has attended churches in Madison and Columbus but has not been a member of a church for some time.

Congratulations and welcome to all of our new church family members!

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An all-church conference regarding a Behavioral/Relational Covenant was shared during the 10:30 a.m. contemporary worship service. There were seven people present from the traditional worship service, and approximately twelve were present (plus two delightful babies!) for the 10:30 service, not including Pastor Jim Cotter. The prescribed Outline for conversation about a Behavioral/Relational Covenant was distributed to all present. [See attached copy] Pastor Jim suggested that our hopes and fears be written on the newsprint easel, and Miles Shea volunteered to be our scribe. A remarkably honest and open dialogue ensued. The hope was expressed that this behavioral/relational covenant would be a tool to unite us as this particular body of Christ. The concern was shared that perhaps someones personal feelings/beliefs/ opinions would not be represented in the covenant. The caution arose from the concern that if we begin to decide for ourselves what behaviors are most important, then we have opportunity to, more or less, disregard the manner in which Jesus taught us to live in the New Testament, or the New Covenant. Second Timothy 3:161-17 was read aloud:

Theres nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or anothershowing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live Gods way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.
There is a fear that by coming to a consensus on what we consider to be the most important behaviors, some people may be inclined to think that by adhering to our list, thats all that is required of them. For example, if the list states that we are not to steal or cavort with our neighbors wife/ husband but since it isnt specifically listed, it must be okay to snort coke if we want. Loopholes could be found to condone/allow totally improper behaviors while at the same time permitting one to feel totally justified because, after all, it isnt included in our covenant. There is a fear that some individuals may believe that by following our ideas of appropriate behaviors, that is all God requires of them. As we read in the Scripture from Matthew 22:34-40 this morning, the Pharisees believed that by keeping the laws and rules set forth in the Old Testament in a meticulous, persnickety manner, they were justified before God. Following a list of dos & donts is called legalism, meaning they strictly adhered to a literal interpretation of a law, rule, and religious and moral code. God is not calling His children to be legalists nor to be like the Pharisees who observed the Law carefully as far as appearances went, but whose hearts were actually far from God. A behavioral covenant might appear to some, especially newcomers, to be exclusive. As the body of Christ, we definitely do not want to give anyone reason to feel that they are not equally important and valid as a part of our congregation. Another fear was that this behavioral covenant may become something other than that which was intended initially. It may become a tool for disciplinary action, and it may be used by some to cause others to feel unwanted or unworthy. This is NOT what God wants, nor do we!

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Galatians 5:19-21 was pointed out as warning us to not live according to our own ideas, opinions, or compulsions, but instead to choose to live according to the leading of Gods Holy Spirit:

It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods, magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on. This isnt the first time I have warned you, you know. If you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit Gods kingdom. Galatians 5:19-21 The Message
Galatians 5:22-26 clearly tells us about the fruit of the Spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control against these there is no law. The entire fifth chapter of Galatians explains that Christ has set us free and in that freedom we are to be led by the Spirit and show forth the Fruit of the Spirit.

It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you dont use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; thats how freedom grows. For everything we know about Gods Word is summed up in a single sentence: Galatians 5:13-14 The Message Love others as you love yourself. But the fruit of the Spirit is love [affection for others], joy [exuberance about life], peace [serenity], patience [a willingness to stick with things], kindness [a sense of compassion in the heart], goodness [a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people], faithfulness [involved in loyal commitments], gentleness [not needing to force our way in life], self-control [able to marshal and direct our energies wisely].

Galatians 5:22-23 English Standard Version and The Message

The idea of living freely in Jesus and in His grace and mercy was shared as a means of experiencing unity with one another and as a means of interacting with one another. A number of people expressed the desire to dig deeper into the Word of God, the Bible, and understand how we can apply it to our daily lives. The fear was conveyed that we would simply do away with the Word of God as our source and as the foundation for this behavioral covenant and instead compile a list of our own ideas and our own concepts of good and bad to serve as our guide. The reason for the covenant was never clearly defined completely. Other churchs covenants that some people are aware of have been established for clear-cut purposes. Some are still vital and renewed regularly, some have faded into ambiguity. Becoming a forgotten idea is not what we want to have happen. Some people who were excited about the covenant were reflective about the concerns that others were voicing and thought it is a good idea to explore the idea some more.

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The point was made that some had expressed that this covenant is not meant to replace or be our covenant made with God, but a covenant made with other members similar to the covenants created, for example, in groups of young people involved in confirmation. In addition, our Conference encourages these agreements. Conversation on this topic was quite candid and one of the best sharing sessions our congregation has had in a long time. Many felt it was long overdue. It was the general consensus of the group that this time of dialogue was a great opportunity for conversation and a wonderful beginning for further exchange. It was decided to come together again in one month, March 14th, but this time to hold the conversation during the 9:00 a.m. service in order to give more people the opportunity to be participants. We are encouraged to be in prayer, to read the Scriptures, and to read the Covenant Card Responses which were included in todays bulletin. A suggestion box will be made available for the collection of various fears and hopes and concerns, etc. These will be compiled into a list for our next conversation. The following points were listed during our dialogue: Fears

Not represented as a person (misrepresentation) Legalism Exclusion Growing into something other than that which is intended Galatians 5:19-21 (behaviors unbecoming a Christian) Hopes

II Timothy 3:16-17 (the Word of God trains us to live Gods way) Galatians 5:22-24 (fruit of the Holy Spirit) Unity in Gods grace and mercy Study of the Word and how to apply it to daily life

These Quaker-style Minutes As compiled by Patsy Roe & Peggy Goetsch

The Voice
Columbus United Methodist Church
PO Box 392 Columbus, WI 53925-0392
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Upcoming events you might want to know about!

Wednesday, March 3rd:

5:30 p.m.Soup Supper at St. Jerome Catholic Church 7:00 p.m.Lenten Service at St. Jerome Catholic Church Sunday, March 7th: 10:30 a.m.AED Training 6:00 p.m.Community Area Choir Rehearsal Thursday, March 11th: 9:30 a.m.Morning Circle 7:00 p.m.UMW Meeting Friday, March 12th: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Call to Prayer and Self-Denial 7:00 p.m.Family Friendly Friday Night FilmPistachio Sunday, March 14th: 6:00 p.m.Community Area Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, March 17th: 5:30 p.m.Soup Supper at Columbus UMC 7:00 p.m.Lenten Service at Columbus UMC Sunday, March 21st: 6:00 p.m.Community Area Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, March 24th: 5:30 p.m.Soup Supper at First Presbyterian Church 7:00 p.m.Lenten Service at First Presbyterian Church Sunday, March 28th: 6:00 a.m.Community Choir Rehearsal

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