Peer Pressurre

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A genuine issue affecting many of the youngsters of the world is

peer pressure
In the social and emotional development of youngsters, peers
play a huge role. Their influence starts at an early stage and
increases throughout their teenage years.
The pressure can take place either in person or through social
media platforms.
Nowadays, children face many sorts of forces, including
smoking, staying past their curfew times etc.Sometimes all
these pressures are given by peers they trust. Either from
schoolmates or friends, peer pressure forces a person to
behave, act, and look at situations in a certain way.
There are many positive and supportive outcomes of having
peers. It may help    a child develop new skills or stimulate
interests in extracurricular activities or studies. But peers can
also have negative influences. They might encourage each other
to cheat, steal, share inappropriate materials online    or even
involve in other risky behaviours.
The main reason a youngster gives into peer pressure is that
they want to fit in and be liked by kids his age, and they face
anxiety issues about being left out if they don’t go along with
the group. The youngsters perform a task that he is not willing
to do due to the frustrating peer pressure.
If a youngster is unable to resist the peer pressure, it might ruin
his future, including his studies and career, so it is necessary to
fight it when possible.   
The only way to stop these aggressive behaviours among
youngsters caused by peer pressure is by teaching kids tips
about saying no when required and staying away from peers
who pressure them to do things that they are not comfortable
doing .Also encouraging them to always prioritize their thoughts
and wants before getting influenced by peer pressure can go a
long way..

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