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1. Planning skills - I really like to plan a future tasks and events even though the deadline is still 1 month
or 2 weeks away, since one of my weaknesses is lack of preparation.

2. Curiosity - getting out of my curiosity makes me satisfy with many things and it helps me to different
circumstances because my critical thinking works.

3. Excellent listeners - problem solving is my forte and giving some advice.

1. Public Speaking - I can’t deliver properly the thing that I really want to express when I speak to a lot
of people because I’m nervous especially in impromptu speech.

2. Procrastination - sometimes I procrastinate even though I know that I will be overwhelmed by

activities and projects that I need to accomplish.

3. Mental strength - I don’t have emotional skill of refraining negative thoughts about things.

1. Character Development - I need to improve my character strengths to develop more self-confidence

and become the person who I want to be in the future.

2. Leadership skills - I want to get rid of my shyness and get out of my comfort zone.

3. Speak up for myself - Learn to speak up in a group setting for my self-advocacy.

1. Overshare - I see this as one of my threat because sometimes I overshare inappropriate amount of
details about me to unreliable person.

2. Unplanned expenses - I’m not wise in expending my money wise.

3. Intimidation - I see this as one of my threat because it affects my performance and makes me feel



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