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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Final Examination
Earth and Life Science

1. What is one of the earliest known evidence of microbial life on Earth?

A. Organelles B. Fossilized genum
C. Electorlites D. Stromatolites

2. What is the new piece of evidence that supports the theory of endosymbiosis?
A. The discovery of giant viruses
B. The discovery of horizontal gene transfer
C. The discovery of organelles in eukaryotic cells
D. The discovery of RNA world

3. What is the recent evidence that suggests the emergence of multicellularity in the
early Earth?
A. Fossilized remains of complex multicellular organisms
B. Fossils of organisms found in evry excavation
C. The discovery of genetic regulatory factory
D. Networks that does not control multicellular development

4. What is the new evidence that challenges the traditional understanding of how life
originated on Earth?
A. The discovery of microbial life in extreme environments
B. The discovery of alternative genetic codes
C. The discovery of organelles in cells
D. The discovery of life on other planets

5. What is the recent evidence that supports the theory of convergent evolution?
A. The discovery of similar genetic adaptations in all organism
B. The discovery of similar morphological adaptations in unrelated organisms
C. The discovery of similar behavior adaptations in organisms
D. The discovery of similar original state in organism

6. How do the principles of structure and function in living organisms relate to their
interactions with their environment?
A. Structures in living organisms allow them to survive in specific environments
B. Functions in living organisms allow them to adapt to changes in their environment
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

7. How does the concept of evolution connect different living organisms and their
interactions with each other and their environment?
A. It explains the distinctiveness of life.
B. It shows how organisms are adapted to specific environments
C. It highlights how organisms have evolved barely
D. Other organisms and their environment
8. How does the study of ecosystems help to understand the connections among living
things and their interactions with each other and their environment?
A. It highlights the limits of energy and nutrients through an ecosystem
B. It demonstrates how living organisms do not affect their physical surroundings
C. It shows how living organisms depend on each other for survival
D. It shows the natural way of life and nothing in particular

9. Which of the following is not considered to be a unifying theme in the study of life?
A. Structure and function B. Evolution
C. Ecosystems D. The study of the stars

10. How does the study of genetics connect to the unifying themes in the study of life?
A. It explains the inheritance of traits B. It shows the limits of organism
C. It highlights genetic anomalies D. It is the begining of everything

11. What is the method of reproduction in which a single organism produces offspring
that are genetically identical to itself?
A. Sexual reproduction B. Asexual reproduction
C. Parthenogenesis D. Hermaphroditism

12. What is the method of reproduction in which two individuals of the same species
combine their genetic material to produce offspring?
A. Sexual reproduction B. Asexual reproduction
C. Parthenogenesis D. Hermaphroditism

13. What is the method of reproduction in which an organism produces offspring without
the involvement of fertilization?
A. Sexual reproduction B. Asexual reproduction
C. Parthenogenesis D. Hermaphroditism

14. What is the method of reproduction in which an organism has both male and female
reproductive organs?
A. Sexual reproduction B. Asexual reproduction
C. Parthenogenesis D. Hermaphroditism

15. What is the method of reproduction in which an organism reproduces by budding,

fragmentation, or self-fission?
A. Sexual reproduction B. Asexual reproduction
C. Parthenogenesis D. Hermaphroditism

16. What is the process of introducing a foreign gene into an organism's DNA called?
A. Gene therapy B. Genetic cloning
C. Genetic engineering D. Gene doping

17. What technology is used to cut and paste specific DNA sequences in genetic
C. DNA sequencing D. Gel electrophoresis

18. What is the process of creating multiple copies of a specific gene or DNA sequence
A. Gene therapy B. Genetic cloning
C. Genetic engineering D. Gene doping

19. What is one of the purpose of creating genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?
A. To produce older medicines B. To create new pests or diseases
C. To enhance the nutritional value of food D. To create something

20. What are some of the ethical concerns surrounding the use of genetic engineering?
A. The impact on the animals B. The potential for unintended consequences
C. The safety of laboratories D. Genetically modified products

21. What is one of the main benefits of using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in
A. Increased crop yields B. Use of pesticides
C. Nutritional modification D. Value of food

22. What is one of the main risks associated with the use of GMOs in agriculture?
A. The intended ecological consequences
B. The development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
C. The cross-breeding
D. Wild relatives cannot develop

23. How can GMOs be used to improve human health?

A. By reroducing old medicines B. By producing new vaccines
C. By enhancing old medical treatments D. By producing new diseases

24. What is the main concern of using GMOs in food production?

A. The potential for health growth B. The potential for contamination in every
C. The potential for allergic reactions D. The potencial financial loss

25. What is one of the main benefits of using GMOs in industry?

A. Increased efficiency in by product B. Increase use of resources
C. Improved bio products D. Increased efficiency in manufacturing

26. What organ system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the cells
and removing waste products in most animals?
A. Muscular system
B. Skeletal system
C. Circulatory system
D. Respiratory system

27. What organ system is responsible for maintaining body temperature, electrolyte
balance, and removing waste products in most animals?
A. Muscular system
B. Skeletal system
C. Circulatory system
D. Excretory system

28. What organ system is responsible for movement and support in most animals?
A. Muscular system
B. Skeletal system
C. Circulatory system
D. Nervous system

29. What organ system is responsible for sensing the environment and coordinating the
body's response in most animals?
A. Muscular system
B. Skeletal system
C. Circulatory system
D. Nervous system
30. What organ system is unique to animals that can fly and allows them to stay aloft?
A. Muscular system
B. Skeletal system
C. Circulatory system
D. Respiratory system

31. What organ is responsible for extracting oxygen from the air and delivering it to the
bloodstream in mammals?
A. Lungs
B. Heart
C. Kidneys
D. Liver

32. How does the heart work in coordination with the lungs to ensure oxygen delivery to
the body's cells?
A. The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen and
releases carbon dioxide
B. The lungs pump oxygen-rich blood to the heart, where it is distributed to the body's
C. The lungs and heart work independently to deliver oxygen and remove carbon
dioxide from the body
D. The heart pumps carbon dioxide-rich blood to the lungs, where it releases carbon
dioxide and picks up oxygen

33. What organ is responsible for filtering waste products and excess fluids from the
bloodstream in mammals?
A. Lungs
B. Heart
C. Kidneys
D. Liver

34. How does the liver work in coordination with the kidneys to maintain the chemical
balance of the blood?
A. The liver produces bile, which the kidneys use to filter waste products from the blood
B. The kidneys produce urine, which the liver uses to filter waste products from the
C. The liver and kidneys work independently to maintain the chemical balance of the
D. The kidneys produce bile, which the liver uses to filter waste products from the blood

35. What organ is responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism and
growth in mammals?
A. Lungs
B. Heart
C. Kidneys
D. Pancreas

36. What is one of the process that explains how populations of living organisms
change over time?
A. Selection
B. Genetic
C. Mutations
D. Anomalies

37. What is the scientific theory that explains the gradual development of life on Earth
through natural processes?
A. Creationism
B. Intelligent design
C. Evolution
D. Abiogenesis

38. What are the three main mechanisms of evolutionary change?

A. Natural selection, genetic drift, and mutations
B. Natural selection, genetic engineering, and mutation
C. Intelligent design, genetic drift, and abiogenesis
D. Creationism, genetic drift and mutation

39. What is the term used to describe the gradual accumulation of small genetic
changes in a population over many generations?
A. Adaptation
B. Evolution
C. Speciation
D. Common descent

40. What is the pattern of evolution that results in the development of new species from
a common ancestor?
A. Divergent evolution
B. Convergent evolution
C. Coevolution
D. All of the above

41. What is the system of classification of organisms based on their evolutionary

relationships called?
A. Phylogenetic system
B. Taxonomic system
C. Linnaean system
D. Darwinian system

42.What is the highest level of classification in the phylogenetic system of classification?

A. Kingdom
B. Phylum
C. Class
D. Domain

43. What is the characteristic that is used to classify organisms into different groups in
the phylogenetic system of classification?
A. Morphological features B. Ecological features
C. Molecular features D. All of the above

44. What is the main difference between the Linnaean system of classification and the
phylogenetic system of classification?
A. The Linnaean system is based on morphological characteristics, while the
phylogenetic system is based on evolutionary relationships
B. The Linnaean system is based on ecological characteristics, while the phylogenetic
system is based on molecular characteristics
C. The Linnaean system is based on molecular characteristics, while the phylogenetic
system is based on morphological characteristics
D. The Linnaean system is based on morphological characteristics, while the
phylogenetic system is based on ecological characteristics

45 . What is the term used to describe the study of the evolutionary relationships among
different groups of organisms?
A. Phylogenetics B. Taxonomy
C. Systematics D. All of the above
46. What is the maximum rate at which a population can increase if there are no limiting
A. Carrying capacity B. Biotic potential
C. Environmental resistance D. Over Population

47.What is an example of a disease that can limit population growth?

A. Malaria B. Starvation
C. Predation D. All of the above

48. What is the availability of food considered as in terms of population growth?

A. A limiting factor B. A promoting factor
C. A neutral factor D. A normal factor

49. What is an example of a predator that can limit population growth?

A. Limur B. Wolf
C. Maya D. Tuna

50. What is the term used to describe the balance between biotic potential and
environmental resistance in a population?
A. Carrying capacity B. Ecological niche
C. Survival rate D. Environmental balance

1. D

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