Project Unit 1 (Over) 01-07

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This project manages the daily financial transactions and summarises them for the
user as necessary. Managing day-to-day transactions is too hard nowadays, and controlling
money expenditure is too difficult. With the aid of this initiative, users will be able to keep
their regular cash and digital transactions organised. Documenting expenditures will limit
cash flow and even control the dime.

Personal budgets can assist users manage self-control issues by allowing them to build
their own budgets, set goals, and limit their spending. Budgets are determined by the
interaction of a desire for commitment and a demand for flexibility caused by uncertainty
regarding intratemporal trade-offs between goods. So financial management will relieve
stress and improve the family's social and mental health. Activate them to achieve budgets by
giving  rewarding and bonus to users. Users may also analyze data based on the records, such
as cash flow, expenditure, balance and credit, and reports. We merely add the notes feature
to the project. This allows you to swiftly capture your thoughts. The notes function allows
you to record and summarize information. It is time to stop using paper and excel sheets to
keep track of your digital as well as cash payments. Using paper is not easy to manage. It is
common to delete files accidentally or misplace files. This Financial management provides a
complete digital solution to this problem. It will not only save people's time, but it will also
ensure error-free computations. The user only needs to enter their income and expenses, and
the system will handle the rest. Spending Tracker, budget, planning, savings, graphical
expense visualisation

Chapter 1


Most parts of our everyday lives are still being transformed by the digital revolution.
The digital revolution, in particular, has resulted in the vertical convergence of business
channel capacity. E-wallets are designed to replace the traditional physical wallet, which
contains notes, coins, pictures, plastic cards, loyalty cards, and other items. A financial
control app is a piece of software that assists users in managing their personal finances by
offering features for budgeting, tracking spending, and tracking income and savings. These
applications, which can be used via smartphone, tablet, or computer, are meant to provide
users better insight and control over their finances.

One of the key advantages of utilising a financial control software is that it offers
users with an all-in-one picture of their money. Instead of needing to log in to various
accounts or use spreadsheets to track their costs, financial control applications may help users
find areas where they can save money and make changes to their spending patterns. Users
may understand where their money is going by tracking their costs and making educated
decisions about how to prioritise their spending. Expense monitoring: Allows consumers to
keep track of their expenditure by recording individual transactions and classifying them.
Budgeting tools: Allows users to create budgets and track their progress towards financial
objectives, as well as receive warnings when they are approaching their limitations.
Investment tracking: Enables users to follow the success of their investment portfolios, which
may include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other assets. Bill tracking: This feature allows
users to keep track of impending invoices and payments, as well as receive reminders and
alerts when payments are due. Financial advise: Offers tailored financial advice based on a
user's spending patterns, financial goals, and financial situation.

Features notes instantly capture your thoughts and quickly scribble down ideas, notes, to-
do lists, or other information they need to remember and additional feature password keeper
to protect passwords with strong authentication.


The Financial management app project is a software development project that aims to
provide a mobile or web application that assists users in tracking and managing their
spending. Typically, the app would enable users to log their costs, classify them, and
produce reports and visualisations that highlight their spending habits over time.

In this project use an angular JS for framework , AngularJS is a JavaScript-based

open-source web framework for building dynamic, single-page web applications also use
in native app. AngularJS also provides a rich set of directives, which allow developers to
easily add dynamic behavior to HTML elements, such as hiding or showing elements
based on user input, or adding animations to elements as they are added or removed from
the page. we use IDE

as android studio , the Android Studio provides a comprehensive set of tools and features
for developing Android apps, including a visual layout editor, code editor, debugging
tools, and a virtual device emulator.

For the storage of data in this project we use the Firebase as the DBMS ,
Firebase is a cloud-based platform developed by Google that provides a wide range of
services for building and managing mobile and web applications. Firebase's real-time
database enables developers to build responsive, collaborative applications that
synchronize data across clients in real-time. Firebase provides built-in authentication
features that make it easy to add user authentication and authorization to your app,
without having to build your own authentication system.


The management of personal finances is the domain for an Financial

management software project. The act of managing one's money, including income,
spending, savings, investments, and debt, is known as personal financial management. It
include creating and adhering to a budget, tracking expenditure, and making educated
decisions regarding financial priorities and goals.
Spending monitoring is an important part of personal money management since it
helps people to analyse their spending habits, find areas where they can cut back, and stay on
budget. Individuals may simply and conveniently record their spending and categorise them
by kind, such as food, transportation, housing, and entertainment, by utilising an Financial
management app.
Personal finance management is a valuable skill for people of all ages and income
levels because it may help them attain financial stability, wealth, and long-term financial
objectives. An Financial management software may be a useful tool in this process,
providing users with real-time data and insights that can assist them in making better
financial decisions.
Planning, design, development, testing, and deployment are all common stages of a
project. Typically, during the planning stage, the project team would establish the app's
features and functionality, as well as the app's target audience and platform.
The team would produce wireframes or mockups of the app's user interface during the
design stage, as well as the database structure and backend architecture. The team would
write the code that implements the app's functionality during the development stage, using a
programming language and development framework appropriate for the target platform.
The Financial management app project's purpose is to produce a helpful and user-
friendly application that assists users in better managing their finances by offering real-time
insights into their spending habits and helping them to make more educated financial




 Users Name
 Account Password
 Signup

Users Name: Username is a unique identifier used to differentiate one user from another in
the app id. There will be no username duplicate ids in the app.

Account Password: A password is a private string of characters that a person creates to

safeguard their account from unwanted access.

Signup: The act of creating a new account for an app is known as signing up for an account.


 Users Name
 Gmail Account
 Account Password

Users Name: Username is a unique identifier used to differentiate one user from another in
the app id. There will be no username duplicate ids in the app.

Gmail account: To ensure a unique identity, users can join up with their Gmail id.

Account Password: A password is a private string of characters that a person creates to

safeguard their account from unwanted access.


 Profile management
 Profile customization
 Privacy settings

Profile management: Users can edit or delete their profiles, and view their activity history
within the system.

Profile customization: Users can customize their profiles by adding or removing information,
updating their profile picture, and selecting different themes or templates.

Privacy settings: Users can control who can view their profile and what information is visible
to others.


 Expense Tacking
 Expense Categorization
 Reporting in Chart

Expense Tacking: Users may record and track their spending, including the date, amount,
category, and mode of payment.

Expense Categorization: Users may divide their costs into categories such as food, travel, and

Reporting in Chart: Users may develop reports to examine their spending and discover cost-
cutting opportunities.


 Add notes
 Modify Notes

Add notes: Users can keep their own grocery list in a separate tab to keep things organised.


A most of the people expense tracking is still a manual process being conducted on
pieces of paper. Copybooks and notebooks are used for this purpose where the daily expenses
are written as per the willingness of the person. At the end of the month, the total for the
income/expenses made is then calculated so that a comparison can be made against previous
months. A sample page from these copybooks is shown below:

Figure 1.2.1(Literature Survey)
In addition to the costs indicated, revenue management is performed, which takes up
extra pages in the notebook. The following issues have been discovered with the current
method utilised by the majority of people:
1) Much information cannot be retained since extensive rewriting is required, making the
work tiresome.
2) Requires a large amount of paperwork, which: 
 Occupy lots of space
 can  be easily lost or stolen
 may become dirty or get damaged thus causing loss of information
3) Searching and referencing is time-consuming and complex.
4) Analysis and comparison of data become challenging.
5) Reports creation is a tiresome operation.
6) The job being done is incorrect.

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