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NutriSelect® and GranuCult®
dehy drated culture media – according
to y our microbial testing needs

The life science business

of Merck operates as
MilliporeSigma in the
U.S. and Canada.
D ehy drated culture media

Designed to
meet your since 1892
culture media raw materials
Since 18 92 w e’ v e been manufacturing high culture media
ingredients and today w e offer a w ide range of ingredients
for cell culture, fermentation and other dehy drated culture
formulations in granulated form. Many of our base materials

are also av ailable in the conv enient granulated format. O ur
base material portfolio includes agar- agar, a v ariety of animal
and non- animal deriv ed peptones, a large range of ex tracts,
bile salts, gelatins, carbohy drates and
other base materials.

ov er
dehy drated culture

media products
NutriSelect GranuCult
® ®
A s a global leader serv ing all
industries w ith culture media and
dehy drated culture
test solutions, w e can look back on
ov er 100 y ears of ex perience. O v er
O ur powdered culture media O ur granulated culture media media brands
the y ears, our specialists hav e gained
a w ealth of know ledge on regulations ur two new brands help you find the
and standards. These ex perts continuously culture media format to match y our needs.
scrutiniz e the comprehensiv e portfolio of The NutriSelect® brand cov ers our broad
more than 1, 000 dehy drated culture media that range of powdered culture media, w hile
w e maintain for ev ery need in q uality control, ensuring the G ranuCult® brand represents our superior
that w e keep up w ith the rapidly changing regulatory granulated culture media.
env ironments. W e striv e to offer our customers conv enient

solutions, allow ing them to remain compliant w ith all the
current regulations. W hat’ s more, w e are constantly ex panding
our portfolio to stay up- to- date w ith changes in reference
standards. Bey ond industry , w e also serv e customers from
academia w ith a v ariety of media for fundamental research or
biotechnological applications. q uality
control lev els
Basic, plus and prime — our three Q C lev els
clearly indicate the degree to w hich our culture
media are compliant, making it easy for
1- stop- shop for y our culture media needs – you to find the dehydrated culture medium
v isit to match y our needs.
simply choose
powdered culture media Excellent granulation technology

The brand for our pow dered high- q uality y our dehy drated culture media O ur superior granulation technology prov ides max imum
conv enience and safety w hile meeting the highest industry
performance standards.
and cost efficient culture media, all made
from selected raw materials:

• A v ast range of media to choose from

• Many applications, from academic research to
QC levels NutriSelect® powdered culture media GranuCult® granulated culture media

industry standards MQ Index 200-400

• Nov el media formulations, e.g. non- animal deriv ed prime NutriSelect® prime GranuCult® prime
> 70
alternatives egitone line , synthetically defined media, ®
Full compliance spectrum
chromogenic media ( ChromoSelect line) Select from 13 products that comply Select from ov er 7 0 products products
• Regulatory F & B and pharma w ith regulatory standards. according to regulatory standards.
industry standards granulated culture media
• Q C w ith G row th P romotion Test acc. to
regulatory standards ( I SO , F D A - BA M, EP , USP The brand for our superior granulated culture media,
and Q C under I SO 17 025 accreditation) dev eloped w ith more than 100 y ears of ex perience:

MQ Index 100-200 Safe and sustainable due to reduced risks associated with fine

plus > 350 > 200

dust and tox ic substance inhalation, resulting in a safer w ork
NutriSelect® plus GranuCult® plus env ironment.
Standard industry QC products products cellent wettability, solubility and free owing properties
Select from ov er 35 0 products Select from ov er 200 products
that meet industry standards. meeting industry standards. • Conv enient, w ith minimal component separation and clumping,
ev en under w arm or humid conditions
• Q uality control w ith G row th P romotion
Test acc. to industry standards • H igh batch- to- batch reproducibility
• Q uality assurance acc. to I SO 9001 rolonged shelf life of up to five years

Setting MQ Index 100-200

• H igh number of test strains ex ceeding all regulatory demands

• G ranulation technology allow ing many supplements to be
basic NutriSelect basic®
> 80
included, w ith no need to add these separately

Basic QC without compliance

Select from ov er 8 0 products products
We make compliance easy for you
Choose y our media ty pe and Q C lev el according to y our needs.
for all basic applications.
Culture media specialties
ou will find all the information on regulatory compliance with
They make rapid culture testing reliable: our ChromoCult® chromogenic
additional reference standards on the product label or technical • Basic Q C
culture media, ReadyCult® and FluoroCult® uorogenic culture media.
data sheet. The animal components w e use for our media • Q uality assurance acc. to I SO 9001 Chromogenic or uorogenic substrates are digested by specific en ymes of certain target
( ex cept some deriv ed from milk) are ex clusiv ely sourced from
microorganisms, resulting in a change of color or in uorescence. Such substrates are at the
TSE/BSE- free countries and are in accordance w ith the
core of pow erful alternativ es to conv entional microbiological methods for the rapid and
highest safety standards as stated in our accompany ing QC = Quality control
sensitiv e detection of bacteria. Our specialty media have the same high quality as our
product documentation.
GranuCult® culture media.
Merck KG aA
F rankfurter Strasse 25 0
64 293 D armstadt, G ermany

Your first choice for microbial testing expertise

D iscov er our comprehensiv e microbial

testing portfolio, serv ices and regulatory
guidance on our w ebsite:

To place an order or receive technical assistance

or countries across urope, please visit
O r order online at: SigmaA
F or Technical Serv ice, please contact: SigmaA ice

© 2021 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Merck, the vibrant M, GranuCult, Millipore and NutriSelect are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on
trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.

Lit. No. MK_BR6639EN Ver. 1.0


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