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LESSON PLAN IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (GRADE 8) 1. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to 1. Define what is Physical Fitness. 2. Give the important aspects that an individual should be able to meet in order to be considered physically fit. 3. Perform Health Related- Fitness and Skill Related- Fitness components. W LEARNING TASK: ‘A Subject Matter: Physical Fitness B. Reference: Physical Education and Health- Grade 8 C. Materials: Visual Aids and Laptop. D. Value Focus: Cooperation and Collaboration Il. DEVELOPMENTAL TASK: TEACHER'S ACTIVITY ‘STUDENT'S ACTIVITY ‘A, Pre-Activity: Greetings: Good morning class! Good morning,ma'am Camit All stand! (Students will stand) Prayer: Before we start our discussion, let us pray first. Who wants to lead the prayer? Okay Leocel, please lead the prayer. (Leocel, will lead prayer) Let us pray. Classroom Management: Before you sit, kindly pick up pieces lot paper, and arrange your chairs properly. (Students must follow the instruction) You may sit down! (Students will sit down) Checking of Attendance: Okay class! instead of saying (The students will present, say “Hip Hip Hooray” respond, Hip Hip Hooray) Let's start from... Very good students! There's no, absentees for today’s session. Congratulations! Review:

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