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Nama: Fitriyani Nim:2007201004

Task 1 ( pre reading )

1. What is the function of the puskesmas for the community?
Answer :
- As a center for community health development in the region
- Fostering community participation in the work area in order to increase the
ability to live a healthy life.
- Providing comprehensive and integrated health services to the community in its
working area.
- And as a means of medical infrastructure that is close and can be needed by the
whole community
2. Who can go to the puskesmas for treatment?
Answer :
- the entire community whether they have a medical card or not
3. What are the requirements for treatment at the puskesmas?
Answer :
- if on New Patient. Bring a valid ID card (KTP / SIM / Student Card / Student
- on the Old Patient. Bring Medical Identity Card.
- and if on Health Insurance Patient. Bring a valid Health Insurance Card: ASKES /
4. Does each puskesmas have a type?
Answer :
- there are 2 types of health centers, namely treatment centers and non-care
centers. inpatient services, except for normal delivery assistance
5. Do you know the requirements for obtaining certain types at each Puskesmas?
- General inspection services.
- elderly examination services.
-mother and child health services - family planning (KIA-KB) and immunization.
- Dental and oral health services.
-pharmaceutical services.
- laboratory services.
- Integrated consulting services.
Task 2 ( reading comprehension )
1. What is the government's goal of establishing a health center in each region?
Answer :
- The purpose of establishing a government Health Center is to create a community
A. have healthy behavior which includes awareness, will and ability to live a
healthy life; B. is able to reach quality health services
C. live in a healthy environment and
D. has an optimal degree of health
2. What are the goals of health development in the puskesmas?
Answer :
- To create a society that has healthy behavior which includes awareness, will and
ability to live a healthy life.
- To create a society that is able to reach quality health services
- To create a society that lives in a healthy environment
- To realize a society that has optimal health degrees, both individuals, families,
groups and communities
3. Where does the team oversee the puskesmas from each district?
Answer :
- to the villages in the sub-district
4. If you work at the Puskesmas Kecamatan A and you live in another Kecamatan,
namely B, which Puskesmas is your responsibility? What is your reason?
- which is my responsibility at puskesmas A because I work and have full
responsibility at my job
5. Who is responsible for nutrition health services?
Answer :
- nutritionists because nutritionists can provide counseling, counseling and
nutritional care to the community. Nutritionists can also determine the right type
and intake for patients without certain complications.

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