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Art of Mediation in the Engineering and

Construction Industry
J. K. Yates, M.ASCE is attempted only if both parties agree to use it. Arbitration
Dept. Head, Joe W. Kimmel Distinguished Professor of Construction clauses in construction contracts may also include stipulations
Management, Dept. of Construction Management, Western Carolina that require mediation in contract disputes as a way of ensuring
that mediation will be explored before using arbitration 共Yates
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Univ., Cullowhee, NC. E-mail:

Definition of Mediation/Arbitration
This essay includes a presentation on the art of mediation in the
engineering and construction industry. It explains mediation as it Mediation/Arbitration 共Med/Arb兲 is a composite of both standard
applies to the engineering and construction industry in the United mediation techniques and arbitration. Med/Arb agreements stipu-
States and other common law legal systems and describes how late that a mediator will be appointed prior to the disputes and
mediation is viewed in Asian and Shari’a legal systems. In addi- that the mediator will become the arbitrator if the disputing par-
tion, this essay includes a review of the effectiveness of different ties are not able to reach an agreement through mediation 共Yates
types of mediation proceedings. 2010兲.
The first section provides a discussion on what mediation is, The advantage of using this process is the mediator will al-
how it is used, why it is used, and what mediators attempt to ready be familiar with the issues surrounding the disputes by the
accomplish when they are dealing with disputing parties that are time he or she takes on the arbitrator role. If someone other than
not able to reach an agreement. The second section provides a the mediator were brought in to arbitrate the disputes, then all of
definition for Mediation/Arbitration, which is an alternative dis- the evidence presented during the mediation process would have
pute resolution 共ADR兲 technique. The third section describes how to be provided again for the new arbitrator.
mediation is viewed in other cultures, as contrasted with the in- The disadvantage of Med/Arb is having someone who has the
formation provided in the first two sections, which are related to authority to make binding decisions involved in the mediation
mediation in the U.S. and other common law legal systems. The process. This might cause the disputants to withhold information
last section discusses the effectiveness of different types of me- that could help achieve a settlement during mediation until arbi-
diation proceedings. tration.

Mediation Mediation in Different Cultures

Mediation is a variation on negotiation that inserts a neutral third Knowing the origins of legal systems when trying to settle dis-
party into the negotiation process, and the mediator helps the putes with members of firms from foreign countries provides an
opposing parties to reach a settlement. Mediation sessions might advantage for engineering and construction personnel involved in
take the form of conferences, or they could be held in private legal disputes, but within a nation there may be a high degree of
sessions. Sometimes, if the negotiations have deteriorated into an variability in the outcomes of legal cases 共Stokes 1978; Knutson
explosive situation, a mediator will separate the opposing parties 2005兲.
and take settlement proposals from one party to the other. Media- The most frequently used legal systems in the world are civil
tion sessions could be conducted over several days and nights law and common law. Civil law is derived from the ancient
without adjourning until a settlement is reached; this method is Roman legal system 共Romano-Germanic兲, and common law legal
used during union contract mediation sessions. Mediation ses- systems evolved during the Norman Conquest to unify England
sions for construction contract disputes are not usually as intense 共Katz 1986兲. The Germanic Code, which is based on Romano-
as union sessions; therefore, they may be conducted only during Germanic law, was adopted in 1896 and relies on some of the
regular business hours 共Yates 2010兲. Mediation is used for several procedures of the civil law legal system. Governments in some
reasons, including to: Asian countries do not follow either common law or civil law
• control losses; legal systems. In some Islamic countries, the governments en-
• contain damages; force Shari’a law, which is based on the holy book of the Islamic
• preserve relationships; faith, the Koran 共Quran兲.
• clarify issues; and Civil law legal systems are the most prevalent in the world.
• secure agreements. Civil law jurisdictions include Europe, South America, Scotland,
For mediation proceedings to be successful, both of the dis- Quebec, Louisiana, and the former French colonies, including
puting parties have to be committed to reaching a settlement and South Korea 共Calvi and Coleman 1997兲. Elements of civil law
agree not to use other dispute resolution methods. Mediation does legal systems are also present in some of the former Eastern bloc
not replace negotiation; rather it is used to augment negotiation. It countries and other Communist countries. Many of the aspects of


J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr. 2010.2:136-138.

civil law are still based on the original Roman precepts of legis- Republic of China resembles the socialist system described in the
lation, administrative edicts, and judicial reasoning. In AD 528, constitution: China is a “socialist country under the people’s
the emperor of Constantinople, Justinian, published all of the laws democratic dictatorship and led by the proletariat on the basis of
of the empire as the Code of Justinian, or Corpus Juris Civilis. a worker-peasant alliance. Socialism is the political system of the
Many civil law legal systems are still based on this code, and its country where all power belongs to the people” 共Xichuan and
precepts are also used in some common law legal systems. When Lingyuan 1990 p. 214兲.
the code was revived in the Middle Ages, it became known as The Republic of Korea 共South Korea was closed to foreign
Romano-Germanic law and as “a rule of conduct intimately business until 1994, when the November Declaration of the
linked to ideas of justice and morality” 共Calvi and Coleman 1997, Fourth World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference opened
p. 23兲. the country to more foreign investment. Foreign firms that ob-
Examples of common law jurisdictions include Great Britain tained construction licenses in the late 1990s have since returned
and the former colonies of Great Britain such as the United their licenses and started focusing exclusively on construction
States, India, and Malaysia 共Knutson 2005兲. The United States is management because they could not secure enough work; there-
predominately a common law country, but the state of Louisiana fore, construction contract disputes between U.S. and Korean en-
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utilizes elements of civil law because it was originally settled as a gineering and construction firms only rarely occur.
colony of France 共Katz 1986兲. Common law is based on the legal The other Asian countries have legal systems that are similar
system that developed in the United Kingdom when the kings to the legal systems of their historical colonizers, including Great
consolidated their judicial power, formed uniform tribunals, and Britain, France, and Spain.
no longer allowed local courts. Common law was also referred to
as judge-made law because the judges formalized court rules and Mediation in Shari’a Law Countries
applied them throughout the kingdom. Judicial decisions were
recorded by the court system and used as precedents for future Some Islamic countries are governed by Shari’a law. In Shari’a
legal cases. These changes to the legal system made the law com- law jurists deduce rulings from the word of God. “A Shari’a rul-
mon to the entire nation 共Calvi and Coleman 1997兲. ing is an instance of legislation issuing from God, the Exalted,
with the purpose of organizing the life of human beings. The
Mediation in Asian Legal Systems revealed addressed 共al-khitabat兲 in the Koran 共Quran兲 and the
Jurisdictions in many Asian countries have neither common law Sunnah are not considered to be religious rulings in themselves,
nor civil law legal systems, and as a result, they have adapted although they disclose and shed light on religious rulings” 共Al-
their legal systems to address mediation in a manner that is dif- Sadr 2003, p. 54兲. Religious rulings in the Shari’a are divided into
ferent from how it is used in the United States. two types 共Al-Sadr 2003. p. 55兲:
The legal system in Japan is derived from ancient Japanese 1. First, rulings which are related to the actions of human be-
law, but it was influenced by French civil law. Japanese citizens ings and directly address their conduct in different aspects of
are extremely averse to litigation, as is demonstrated by the per personal, devotional, family and social life, all of which are
capita litigation rate in Japan, which is one-twentieth the per dealt with and organized by the Shari’a. These include such
capita litigation rate of the United States 共Katz 1986兲. In Japan, rulings as the unlawfulness of consuming alcoholic bever-
there are eight engineers for every lawyer, and in the United ages, the obligatoriness of prayer, the obligation to give fi-
States there are eight lawyers for every engineer. nancial support to certain close relatives, the permissibility of
The process of making decisions by consensus that is used in reviving neglected land and the obligation of rulers to act
Japanese firms is called nemawashi 共root-binding兲. Everyone is with justice.
consulted during the decision-making process and must accept the 2. Second, rulings that do not address human actions and con-
decision before it is implemented. This process may delay deci- duct directly, but legislate for certain situations that have an
sions for years but leads to the rapid implementation of decisions indirect effect on human conduct, such as the rulings that
once they are made because everyone involved has had their con- regulate matrimonial relations…Rulings of this type are
cerns addressed during the decision-making process. called situational rulings 共al-ahkam al-wad’iyyah兲. There is a
Lawsuits are not common in Japan because the legal system strong connection between situational rulings and rulings of
takes two to twenty years to settle cases. The main purpose of general obligation 共al-ahkam al-taklifiyyah兲, since no situ-
lawsuits is to force the opposing party to take moral responsibility ational ruling exists without one of general obligation exist-
for their actions. Japanese citizens regard contracts with suspi- ing alongside it.
cion, as they feel that relationships should be allowed to change There are five types of rulings of general obligations 共Al-Sadr
with the circumstances. Even though they do not use elaborate 2003, p. 55兲:
contracts, the Japanese people are honorable in their business 1. Obligations 共al-wujub兲: a ruling that impels a person toward
dealings and they use the term seig, which means right principles, the matter in question at the level of absolute requirement.
in reference to legal matters. Because of their legal system, many 2. Recommendations 共al-istihbab兲: A ruling that impels a per-
Japanese people prefer to settle engineering and construction son toward the matter in question at a level lower than obli-
legal disputes through mediation or conciliation, as it is called in gations.
many Asian countries. 3. Prohibition 共al-burmah兲: A ruling that restrains a person from
In the People’s Republic of China, conciliation is used more the matter in question at the level of absolute obligation.
frequently than litigation because “the basic goal of Chinese so- 4. Reprehensibility 共al-kirahah兲: A ruling that restrains a person
cial philosophy is to attain harmony and mediation 关conciliation兴 from the matter in question at a level not reaching that of
is compatible with this Confucian ideal” 共Redfern and Hunter absolute obligation.
1986; Katz 1986, p. 246兲. In China, the law codes of the Ch’in 5. Permissibility 共al-ibuhah兲: A ruling that arises whenever the
have been in use since 220 BC, and they were not modified until Legislator grants those held accountable by law the opportu-
the twentieth century. The current legal system in the People’s nity to choose the stand he wished to adopt with respect to a


J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr. 2010.2:136-138.

particular matter. The result is freedom to perform or omit a that are trying to reach a settlement for a period of a few months;
particular act. the hiring of one to three arbitrators; and a period of time for the
The success or failure of mediation proceedings in a Shari’a arbitrators to review the case and associated documentation, to
law country is influenced by which type of rulings of general listen to the oral arguments of each side, and to render either a
obligations are discussed during the proceedings. binding or nonbinding settlement decision. Mediation proceed-
“Modern Nations in the Middle East often seek to synthesize ings, in contrast, require only that a mediator be hired and that the
Islamic laws and western legal systems. The religious law pre- mediator listen to whoever is involved in negotiating a settlement
vails in regard to family, inheritance, and criminal matters, while for each side as they describe the disputes. Mediation proceedings
the western influence is frequently stronger in the area of com- normally require less than a week, unless there are mitigating
mercial matters” 共Calvi and Coleman 1997, p. 26兲. Islamic law circumstances that extend the mediation period into subsequent
has adopted portions of the Napoleonic Code. Some of the North weeks. Since neither legal counsel nor arbitrators are required,
African nations use elements of the Napoleonic Code at the na- and there are no associated court costs, mediation is a less expen-
tional level, while tribal and local laws are followed at the local sive and less time-consuming alternative to litigation or arbitra-
level. tion.
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Some managers at engineering and construction firms are

adopting mediation as a method for settling personnel issues that
Effectiveness of Mediation
occur in the workplace or at job sites. This form of mediation is
different from the mediation that is used to settle construction
Mediation proceedings achieve various levels of success depend-
contract or labor agreement disputes in that it does not involve
ing on the type of individuals or organizations participating in
monetary amounts that are being disputed, but rather it is used as
them and on the level of commitment of the participants. In the
a method for trying to resolve personal conflicts. This type of
construction industry, mediation is traditionally used to settle con-
mediation is more successful when the parties are peers rather
tract disputes or labor agreements. Mediation proceedings are also
than subordinates and their supervisors because the discussions
used in a variety of other industries to alleviate the requirement
that occur may not reach definitive conclusions; they are mainly
and expense of using legal proceedings to settle disputes.
used to clarify issues. In subordinate and supervisor mediation the
Construction contract disputes are settled using negotiation,
power rests with the supervisor, and there is an element of poten-
arbitration, litigation, and other ADR methods, such as Early
tial negative future treatment that clouds the issues being dis-
Neutral Evaluation, Rent-a-Judge, Court Annexed Arbitration,
cussed during mediation proceedings.
Summary Jury Trials, and Dispute Review Boards, in addition to
In business transactions, mediation is used to settle product
mediation, but members of owner organizations and construction
and liability disputes to reduce the cost associated with using
firms prefer to settle disputes using either negotiation or media-
legal proceedings to settle these types of disputes. In many in-
tion because less expense and time are required to reach satisfac-
stances, consumers receive written notices that indicate that dis-
tory settlements.
putes associated with product liability will be settled through
If negotiations fail while unions are forming new construction
mediation or arbitration and that the settlements reached through
labor agreements or during construction contract disputes, then a
these dispute resolution methods are binding, which means that
mediator is hired by the disputing parties to help them reach an
neither of the disputing parties is able to appeal the settlement
equitable agreement. The most successful professional mediators
using the court system. The settlements reached during mediation
possess skills that allow them to assist disputing parties in reach-
or arbitration proceedings in product liability cases do not have to
ing a settlement, such as the following 共American Council of
include legal fees and court costs, and this reduces the monetary
Engineers and Contractors Guidelines to Practice 1988, p. 34兲:
obligations of the firms that produce the products and hopefully
• preparation and planning skill;
allows the firms to reduce the cost of their products in order to
• knowledge of subject matter;
pass along the savings to consumers.
• the ability to understand the true interests of the firms;
• the ability to think clearly and rapidly under pressure;
• the ability to express thoughts verbally;
• excellent listening skills;
Al-Sadr, M. B. 共2003兲. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Pub-
• patience;
lications International, North Haledon, N.J.
• the ability to persuade others; American Council of Engineering Companies Guidelines to Practice.
• the ability to clearly understand others; 共1988兲. “Alternative dispute resolution for design professionals.”
• the ability to control their emotions; and American Council of Engineering Companies, 1共7兲, 38–44.
• the ability to maintain flexibility. Calvi, J., and Coleman, S. 共1997兲. American law and legal systems, 3rd
Mediators do not force either party to agree on a settlement; Ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J.
they provide only a neutral observation of the situation. Mediators Katz, A. N., ed. 共1986兲. Legal traditions and systems: An international
help translate information to ensure that both parties understand handbook, Greenwood Press, New York.
it, they may provide advice concerning the other party and their Knutson, R., ed. 共2005兲. FIDIC: An analysis of international construction
objectives, they help direct the negotiations, and they offer sug- contracts, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, Netherlands.
gestions. For mediation to be successful, the parties involved in it Redfern, A., and Hunter, M. 共1986兲. Law and practice of international
commercial arbitration, Sweet and Maxwell, London.
need to genuinely want a resolution of their differences and to be
Stokes, M. 共1978兲. International construction contracts, McGraw-Hill,
committed to not having the discussions end in failure. New York.
It may take years to reach a settlement using the legal system. Xichuan, D., and Lingyuan, Z. 共1990兲. China’s legal system, New World
Arbitration requires the collection and presentation of pertinent Press, Beijing.
documentation; formal presentations of the facts surrounding the Yates, J. 共2010兲. Engineering and construction law and contracts, Pren-
disputes; the involvement of the members of the organizations tice Hall/Pearson Publishing, Saddle River, N.J., in press.


J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr. 2010.2:136-138.

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