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iForest Review Article

doi: 10.3832/ifor2380-010
vol. 10, pp. 895-908
Biogeosciences and Forestry

Collection/Special issue: COST action FP1407

“Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach”
Guest Editors: Giacomo Goli, Andreja Kutnar, Dennis Jones, Dick Sandberg

Wood modification technologies - a review

Dick Sandberg (1), The market for new durable products of modified wood has increased substan-
Andreja Kutnar (2-3), tially during the last few years, especially in Europe. This increased interest
depends partly on the restricted use of toxic preservatives due to increased
George Mantanis (4)
environmental concern, as well as the need for reduced maintenance for
wood products that are mainly for exterior use. Furthermore, as sustainability
becomes a greater concern, the environmental impact of construction and
interior materials should be included in planning by considering the entire life
cycle and embodied energy of the materials used. As a result, wood modifica-
tion has been implemented to improve the intrinsic properties of wood, widen
the range of sawn timber applications, and acquire the form and functionality
desired by engineers, without bringing environmental friendliness into ques-
tion. The different wood modification processes are at various stages of devel-
opment, and the challenges that must be overcome to expand to industrial
applications differ amongst them. In this paper, three groups of wood modifi-
cation processes are discussed and exemplified with modified wood products
that have been newly introduced to the market: (i) chemical processing (ace-
tylation, furfurylation, resin impregnation etc.); (ii) thermo-hydro processing
(thermal treatment); and (iii) thermo-hydro-mechanical processing (surface
densification). Building on these examples, the paper will discuss the environ-
mental impact assessment of modification processes and further development

Keywords: Chemical Treatments, Thermo-hydro-mechanical, LCA, Acetylation,

Furfurylation, Resin Impregnation, Environmental Impacts, Densification

Introduction functionality. Modification is applied to life cycle without presenting any environ-
As a natural renewable resource, wood overcome weak points of the wood mate- mental hazards greater than those that are
is in general a non-toxic, easily accessible rial that are mainly related to moisture sen- associated with the disposal of unmodified
and inexpensive biomass-derived material. sitiveness, low dimensional stability, hard- wood.
Since ancient times, wood has been used ness and wear resistance, low resistance to The wood modification industry is cur-
by mankind based on its inherent proper- bio-deterioration against fungi, termites, rently undergoing major developments,
ties, meaning that a particular species or marine borers, and low resistance to UV ir- driven in part by environmental concerns
part of the tree was utilised to achieve the radiation. regarding the use of wood treated with
best performance. Aside from drying, mod- Nowadays, wood modification is referred certain classes of preservatives. Several
ification of sawn timber has been rare from to as a process used to improve the physi- “new” technologies, such as thermal modi-
a historical perspective. Nevertheless, as cal, mechanical, or aesthetic properties of fication, acetylation, furfurylation, and dif-
wood is a natural product that originates sawn timber, veneer or wood particles ferent impregnation processes, have been
from different individual trees, limits are used in the production of wood compos- successfully introduced in the market and
imposed on its use, and the material needs ites. This process produces a material that demonstrate the potential of these mod-
to be transformed to acquire the desired can be disposed at the end of a product’s ern technologies.
The main reasons for the increased inter-
est during the last decades in wood modifi-
(1) Luleå University of Technology, Wood Science and Engineering, SE-931 87 Skellefteå cation with regard to research, the indus-
(Sweden); (2) University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute, Muzejski trg 2, SI-6000 Koper try, and society in general can be sum-
(Slovenia); (3) InnoRenew CoE, Livade 6, SI-6310 Izola (Slovenia); (4) TEI of Thessaly, marised as:
Research Lab of Wood Science and Technology, Griva 11, GR-43100 Karditsa (Greece) • a change in wood properties as a result of
changes in silvicultural practices and the
@ Dick Sandberg ( way of using wood (e.g., in construction);
• awareness of the use of rare species with
Received: Jan 30, 2017 - Accepted: Aug 13, 2017 outstanding properties, such as durability
and appearance;
Citation: Sandberg D, Kutnar A, Mantanis G (2017). Wood modification technologies - a • awareness and restrictions by law of us-
review. iForest 10: 895-908. – doi: 10.3832/ifor2380-010 [online 2017-12-01] ing environmental non-friendly chemicals
for increased durability and reduced
Communicated by: Giacomo Goli maintenance of wood products;
• increased interest from the industry to

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Sandberg D et al. - iForest 10: 895-908

change and related activities mainly or-

iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry

ganised within the frame of the United

Nations (UN), such as the Paris Agree-
ment under the United Nations Frame-
work Convention on Climate Change
(United Nations 2015).
The purpose of this review is to present
state-of-the-art wood modification proc-
esses recently introduced in European mar-
ket with a specific focus on chemical pro-
cessing (acetylation, furfurylation, impreg-
nation modifications) and thermo-hydro
and thermo-hydro-mechanical processing
(thermal treatment, surface densification).
Continuous surface densification is given as
an example of a modification process that
has been under development for a long
time, but is now close to industrial applica-
tion. The importance of integrating envi-
ronmental impact assessments into the op-
timisation of industrial processes and the
development of new modification proc-
esses is discussed. The dynamics of the re-
search interest these modification treat-
ments have received is presented with an
overview of the number of publications
published in the field during the period

Wood modification in scientific

Scientific articles related to wood modifi-
cation have been increasing over the past
decade. Fig. 1a-b search amongst article ti-
tles, abstracts, and keywords in the Sco-
pus® database of peer-reviewed literature
using keywords related to thermal-based
modification and chemical modification.
While the increased number of articles indi-
cate the development of wood modifica-
tion in general, chemical modification of
wood has been studied more frequently in
recent years, showing nearly 50 times
more articles than thermal-based modifica-
tion. Furthermore, about half of the chemi-
cal modification articles are related to
wood preservation.
This review of the Scopus® database
shows that wood modification area is re-
ceiving an increased interest in the scien-
tific community, much of which has been
driven by environmental concerns and in-
creased wood use in novel applications to
replace fossil-based materials. However, it
is important that environmental impact as-
sessments, such as life cycle assessments
(LCAs) of wood products, especially of
modified wood, are included in the devel-
opment of new treatments, wood-based
materials, and products. Fig. 1c shows the
number of articles using keywords related
to modified wood and LCA. Increased in-
volvement of LCA in research has been
Fig. 1 - Number of publications found in the Scopus database of peer-reviewed arti-
the consequence of standardised require-
cles 1990-2016 using keywords related to: (a) thermo-based modification methods; (b) ments and guidelines for LCA. In the entire
chemical modification methods; and (c) “modified wood” and “LCA”, and “LCA” and search time frame, there were only 15 pub-
“wood”. lications that included the keywords “mod-
ified wood” and “LCA”. To optimise modifi-
add value to sawn timber and by-prod- • EU policies supporting the development cation processing and minimise environ-
ucts, from the sawmill and refining pro- of a sustainable society; and mental impacts, more information must be
cesses; • the international dimension on climate gathered about all process-related factors

896 iForest 10: 895-908

Wood modification technologies

affecting the environment. This is also the

iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry

aim of COST Action FP1407 “Understand-
ing wood modification through an inte-
grated scientific and environmental impact
approach”, in which members from 26 Eu-
ropean countries participating from March
2015 to April 2019. The initiative will facili-
tate the critical mass of Europe-wide know-
ledge needed to achieve future develop-
ments in the wood modification processing
with the integration of process parameters
assessments, developed product proper-
ties, and environmental impacts.

Wood modification
Wood modification is an all-encompass-
ing term to describe the application of
chemical, mechanical, physical, or biologi-
cal methods to alter the properties of the
material. Such a definition of wood modifi-
cation includes almost everything that hap-
pens within the wood material after it has
left the forest. Hill (2006) has provided a
well-accepted definition of wood modifica-
Fig. 2 - Schematic diagram illustrating the effect of chemical modification (courtesy:
tion: “Wood modification involves the ac-
Emil Engelund Thybring, University of Copenhagen, Denmark).
tion of a chemical, biological or physical
agent upon the material, resulting in a de-
sired property enhancement during the role in the wood-water interaction while si- wood, which incorporates a combination
service life of the modified wood. The mod- multaneously being the most reactive sites of the following: (i) the equilibrium mois-
ified wood should itself be nontoxic under (Fig. 2). In moist wood, the water mole- ture content is lowered in modified wood,
service conditions, and furthermore, there cules settle between the wood polymers, and it is harder for fungi to obtain the
should be no release of any toxic sub- forming hydrogen bonds between the hy- moisture required for decay; (ii) a physical
stances during service, or at end of life, fol- droxyl groups and individual water mole- blocking of the entrance of decay fungi
lowing disposal or recycling of the modi- cules. A change in the number of these wa- from the micro pores of the cell walls;
fied wood. If the modification is intended ter molecules results in shrinkage and and/or (iii) inhibition of the action of spe-
for improved resistance to biological at- swelling of the wood. All possible types of cific enzymes (Hill 2006, 2009, Rowell et al.
tack, then the mode of action should be wood treatments affect the wood-water 2009, Rowell 2016). To date, these are the
non-biocidal”. It should be noted that the interaction mechanism. The main wood- three most important aspects of the entire
above does not necessarily exclude the use treatment interaction mechanisms that mechanism that have been speculated.
of a hazardous chemical in the preparation may be responsible for new wood proper- Impregnation modification of wood is an-
of modified wood, provided that no haz- ties are summarised in Fig. 2. other type of modification. It implies that
ardous residues remain once the wood Several wood-treatment interaction there is an impregnation of the cell wall of
modification process is complete. mechanisms tend to occur at the same wood with a chemical, or a combination of
To modify wood, four main types of pro- time. In thermal modification, as one exam- chemicals, that reacts to form a material
cesses can be implemented: (1) chemical ple, parts of the cell-wall polymers are al- that is “locked” into the cell wall (Hill
treatments; (2) thermo-hydro (TH) and tered, which may lead to cross-linking, re- 2006). It is a passive modification process,
thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) treat- duction of OH-groups, and undesired cleav- meaning that although the wood proper-
ments; (3) treatments based on biological age of the polymer chains. ties are affected, there is no alteration in
processes; and (4) physical treatment with It should be noted that most of the wood the chemistry of the material. This type of
the use of electromagnetic irradiation or modification processes that are developed wood modification includes either impreg-
plasma. In this review paper, only the two or under experimentation have full or par- nation of the cell wall with a monomer,
first processes will be discussed. tial origins in the pioneering research and which is subsequently polymerised in situ,
While chemical treatments are the most seminal work of Alfred J. Stamm and his i.e., acts by bulking the cell wall, or the lu-
numerous type of processes, and the range colleagues at the Forest Products Labora- mens being impregnated. While the latter
of chemical agents is extremely broad, only tory in Madison, Wisconsin, during the does not affect the dimensional stability or
heat and water are used during TH and 1940s and 1950s. durability, the impregnant molecules must
THM treatments, albeit supplemented with be small enough to enter the cell wall in
mechanical forces in the latter case. Chemical wood modification the former, i.e., the cell wall micropore di-
processes ameter should be approximately 2-4 nm.
Principal mechanisms of wood Chemical modification of wood takes The most important chemical processes of
modification place when a chemical reaction of an agent wood modification are discussed as fol-
Modification of wood can involve active occurs with the polymeric constituents of lows.
modifications, which result in a change of wood (lignin, hemicelluloses, or cellulose),
the chemical nature of the material, or a thus resulting in the formation of a stable Acetylation
passive modification, in which a change in covalent bond between the reagent and In Germany, Fuchs (1928) carried out the
properties results without altering the the cell-wall polymers (Rowell 1983). first experiment on wood acetylation using
chemistry of the material. Most active Consequently, chemical modification of chemical agents like acetic anhydride and
modification methods investigated to date wood is considered as an active modifica- sulphuric acid as catalysts. Tarkow (1946)
have involved the chemical reaction of a tion because it results in a chemical change was the first researcher who described the
reagent with cell-wall polymer hydroxyl in the cell-wall polymers. Much is known use of the acetylation process to stabilise
groups. These hydroxyl groups play a key about the modes of action of modified wood from swelling in the water. Since the

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1940s, many laboratories worldwide have quence, the extent of OH-substitution is wood attains an acetyl weight gain of ap-
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executed studies on the acetylation of rather irrelevant (Papadopoulos & Hill proximately 20%. About 40,000 m 3 acety-
wood in a variety of ways by using several 2002, Hill 2006, Jones & Hill 2007, Papado- lated wood was produced by the company
wood species (Rowell 1983). However, poulos 2010). Accsys in the year 2016, and the company
early attempts proposed by Koppers Inc. in As far as biological resistance is con- plans to raise its present capacity to ca.
1961 to commercialise the process of wood cerned, several theories have been pro- 60,000 m3 in 2018 (Mantanis 2017). The
acetylation in the USA failed due to the posed to explain the high resistance of main uses of Accoya wood include: exte-
high production costs involved (Rowell acetylated wood to fungal attacks. One rior windows and doors, decking, cladding,
2012, 2016). Innovative laboratory work to theory that has gained large acceptance, is and other civil construction applications
extend acetylation to the semi-industrial that enzyme penetration is prevented by (Rowell 2016).
level was successfully performed at Sticht- physically blocking the cell-wall micropores The acetylation process currently applied
ing Hout Research in the Netherlands by (Papadopoulos & Hill 2002, Hill 2006, by Accsys Technologies yields chemically
Militz and his colleagues during the 1990s 2009). In agreement with the above, High- modified timber, which has largely im-
(Militz 1991, Beckers et al. 1994, Homan ley et al. (1994) showed that the smallest proved physical, mechanical, and biological
2008). enzyme of a brown-rot fungus is too large material properties (Hill 2006, Jones & Hill
Wood acetylation using primarily acetic to penetrate the cell wall of wood. 2007, Rowell et al. 2009, Larsson-Brelid
anhydride was first generated as a liquid On the contrary, Rowell has postulated 2013, Alexander et al. 2014, Gérardin 2016,
phase reaction (Rowell 1983). This work that the mechanism of decay resistance in Rowell 2016), which are discussed as fol-
was initiated using acetic anhydride catal- acetylated wood is based on “moisture ex- lows:
ysed by zinc chloride or pyridine. Since clusion”, the equilibrium moisture content • The biological durability of wood has
then, several other catalysts, including so- of a highly modified wood is too low to been improved to the highest durability
dium acetate, potassium acid, urea-ammo- support fungal attacks, i.e., there are not class (Class 1), similar to the extremely
nium sulphate, have been tested both with enough water molecules at the site of a durable tropical species teak (Tectona
liquid and vapour systems (Rowell 1983, glycosidic bond, which the fungal enzymes grandis) and ipé (Handroanthus spp.).
Hill 2006). Most acetylation reactions to- need for hydrolysis (Rowell 1983, Rowell et Acetylated wood material exhibits a con-
day are realised without the use of a cata- al. 2009). In a recent review by Rowell siderably increased biological resistance
lyst (Larsson-Brelid 2013, Rowell 2016, Man- (2014), supported the idea that in the case (Larsson-Brelid et al. 2000, Papadopoulos
tanis 2017). of a brown-rot fungal attack, the reduced & Hill 2002, Mohebby & Militz 2010, Row-
The reaction of acetic anhydride with moisture of acetylated wood prevents the ell 2012, Larsson-Brelid 2013).
wood polymers results in the esterification fungus from initiating the breakdown of • Acetylated wood has a fibre saturation
of accessible hydroxyl groups in the cell the hemicelluloses as an energy source. point below 15%, and the cell wall attains
wall with the formation of a by-product, In his doctorate work, Mohebby & Militz a high moisture exclusion efficiency (Hill
acetic acid (Fig. 3). This by-product is most- (2010) speculated a third possible mecha- 2006). Consequently, the swelling and
ly removed from the modified wood, as the nism: some minuscule regions in the cell shrinkage properties are reduced by 70-
human nose is quite sensitive to the odour wall are not acetylated, due to the size of 80%, as compared to untreated wood
of acetic acid. Like untreated wood, acety- the acetate group itself. As a result, these (Jones & Hill 2007, Rowell 2012). The rea-
lated wood is comprised only of carbon, regions are accessible to the free radicals son for that is simply because the cell wall
hydrogen, and oxygen, and contains no generated by the fungi. In another review, is filled with chemically bonded acetyl
toxic constituents (Hill 2006). Further- Hill (2009) concluded that the substrate re- groups, which utilise space within the cell
more, acetylation of wood is a single-addi- cognition effects were unlikely to be of im- wall (Hill 2006) denying space to water
tion chemical reaction (Rowell 1983), portance, given the inherent lack of en- molecules.
which means that one acetyl group reacts zyme accessibility. Therefore, the reduced • Acetylated wood has been proven to be
with one hydroxyl group without any poly- cell-wall water content was considered to exceptionally resistant to subterranean
merisation (Fig. 3). be the most likely mechanism for the high and Formosan termites (Alexander et al.
Many scientists today believe that wood biological resistance of acetylated wood. 2014).
acetylation reduces the number of hydrox- However, recent research works (Alfred- • At treatment levels >20% (acetyl content),
yl groups (-OH) that can absorb moisture sen et al. 2015, Ringman et al. 2015) have Accoya wood has been found to possess
by hydrogen bonding to largely reduce the demonstrated that the mechanism of sub- excellent resistance to marine borer at-
equilibrium moisture content and fibre sat- strate recognition by the fungus should be tacks even after 16 years of field expo-
uration point. Hence, the dimensional sta- considered as critical, in combination with sure in the same or better order than CCA
bilisation of wood improves with increas- the lowered moisture content as distrib- treated pine wood (Westin et al. 2016).
ing weight gain, due to acetylation reaction uted within the wood matrix. • Acetylated wood can become 15-30%
(Rowell et al. 1994, 2009, Larsson-Brelid Nowadays, the company Accsys Technol- harder than untreated wood (Rowell
2013, Rowell 2016). Other scientists favour ogies in Arnhem (The Netherlands) indus- 2012).
another mechanism: by modifying wood trially produces acetylated wood. This • Acetylation technology has negligible im-
with acetic anhydride, it is observed that wood material is marketed under the com- pacts on the mechanical (strength) prop-
the dimensional stabilisation is closely re- mercial name Accoya®; the radiata pine (Pi- erties of wood material (Rowell 2012,
lated to the weight percentage gain (WPG) nus radiata) and alder (Alnus spp.) species Larsson-Brelid 2013).
or bulking of the cell wall. As a conse- are currently utilised. On average, Accoya • Acetylated wood is marketed today as a
“green” product with several environ-
mental benefits (Jones & Hill 2007, Lande
et al. 2008, Van Der Lugt et al. 2016). Ac-
cording to Van Der Lugt et al. (2016), ace-
tylated wood demonstrates a much lower
carbon footprint than steel, concrete,
and unsustainably sourced azobé (Lophi-
ra alata). As a result, Accoya wood has
showed CO2-negative life-cycle-analysis
(LCA) results over an entire life cycle.
Due to the listed advantages of the mate-
Fig. 3 - The main reaction of wood acetylation with acetic anhydride. rial, Accoya wood has the potential to be

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Wood modification technologies

widely used in certain applications. In Ger-

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Fig. 4 - Cross sec-
many, Accoya wood, as a new wood mate-
tion of radiata pine
rial, has recently gained acceptance for use
wood with cell
in exterior windows, by the German associ-
walls containing
ation of Windows and Facades (VFF). How-
furan polymer (in
ever, a limitation is that only radiata pine
reddish areas),
(Pinus radiata) and alder (Alnus spp.) are
image through flu-
currently used in the process (Mantanis
orescence micro-
2017), and there is a need to widen the
scopy (Thygesen
number of wood species that can be uti-
et al. 2010).

Research relating to chemical modifica-
tion of wood with furfuryl alcohol (C5H6O2)
was initiated by the renowned researchers
A. Stamm and I. Goldstein (Goldstein 1959,
Stamm 1977). By using cyclic carboxylic an-
hydrides as key catalysts, furfurylated
wood with superior properties better than
those produced with the early developed
systems was achieved by Scheider (1995) in
Canada. Innovative research work was also
carried out by Westin and his collegues
(Westin et al. 1998) in Sweden, which led
to a novel technology based on stable solu-
tions with substantial impregnating capaci- tion modification process, in which the According to the literature (Lande et al.
ties and promising properties, like resis- properties of the furfurylated material ap- 2004, 2008, Lande 2008, Rowell 2012, Lars-
tance to decay. pear more like those of a polymer-filled cell son-Brelid 2013, Mantanis & Lykidis 2015),
Furfuryl alcohol is a liquid produced from wall rather than a reacted cell wall (Rowell the furfurylation process results in a modi-
agricultural wastes, such as sugar cane, 2012, Larsson-Brelid 2013). fied wood product that has distinctly im-
and corn cobs. Furfurylation is executed by Nowadays, the industrial production of proved properties, which are summarised
impregnating wood with a mixture of fur- furfurylated wood is carried out by Kebony as follows:
furyl alcohol and catalysts, and then heat- AS (formerly Wood Polymer Technologies) • The biological durability of wood is up-
ing it to cause polymerisation. The purpose in Norway. According to Lande et al. graded to “Class 1” (Gérardin 2016). De-
of furfurylation is to improve resistance to (2004), the industrial process of wood fur- cay resistance test results over a period
biological degradation and dimensional furylation is comprised of the following: of 9 years have showed that furfurylated
stability by applying a non-toxic, propri- • Storage and mixing of chemicals: the wood of moderate loading (30-35% of
etary, furfuryl alcohol polymer. treating solutions are mixed in a separate weight percentage gain) has comparable
The polymerisation of furfuryl alcohol in mixing tank where different chemicals resistance with that of pine wood impreg-
wood is a complex chemical reaction. Even (furfuryl alcohol, initiators/catalysts, buf- nated with copper chromium arsenate
today, the question of whether furfuryla- fering agents, surfactants, water) are (Larsson-Brelid 2013).
tion is a distinct chemical modification added. The mixed solution is pumped to • The mechanical properties of wood, ex-
process remains unanswered. Some scien- one of the buffer tanks. cept for impact resistance, are enhanced
tists believe that it comprises a chemical • Impregnation: the wooden material, i.e., when wood is treated with a furfuryl-alco-
modification process, since the furfuryl al- treatable softwoods or hardwoods, is hol polymer. Furfurylated wood is charac-
cohol polymer reacts with itself and possi- vacuum pressure impregnated with the terised by greater hardness, elasticity,
bly reacts with the lignin in the cell walls treating solution by a full-cell process and rupture moduli as compared to un-
(Lande et al. 2008, Nordstierna et al. 2008, with a vacuum step, a pressure step, and treated wood; however, it is also more
Gérardin 2016, Li et al. 2016). Thus, the fur- a short post-vacuum step. brittle (Larsson-Brelid 2013).
furyl alcohol complexes are predominantly • Reaction and curing: in-situ polymerisa- • Kebony wood, depending upon the load-
deposited in the wood cavities and cell tion of the chemicals and grafting reac- ing, exhibits strong dimensional stability
walls (Fig. 4). Polymerisation takes place in tions with the polymeric components of and resistance to weathering (Mantanis &
microscopic cell cavities and is easily de- the wood occur during this step. The cur- Lykidis 2015); moreover, its water swell-
tected using optical microscopy. Recent ing chamber is heated with a direct injec- ing and shrinking values are over 50%
nanoindentation studies have indicated tion of steam, and the temperature lower than untreated wood.
that improvements in indentation modulus achieved depends on the product use. • Furfurylated wood is extremely resistant
and hardness of furfurylated wood cells The chamber is operated as a closed sys- to marine borers at high levels (>50%) of
demonstrate indirectly, but strongly, that tem during the curing period, except for weight percentage gain (Westin et al.
furfuryl alcohol penetrates wood cells dur- a ventilation period at the end. The venti- 2016).
ing the modification process (Li et al. 2016). lation gas is cooled and the condensate is • Recent studies regarding ecotoxicology
Another perception is that furfurylation separated from the gas; thereafter, the of furfurylated wood and leachates from
leads to a permanent “bulking” of the cell condensate goes back to the condensate furfurylated wood showed no significant
wall, meaning that the cells are swollen in a tank for re-use. ecotoxicity, while its combustion did not
permanent way. One possible explanation • Drying: final drying of the modified wood release any volatile organic compounds
is that the furfuryl alcohol polymer inside material in a kiln dryer is essential to min- or polyaromatic hydrocarbons above the
the cell wall occupies some of the space imise emissions and obtain a desirable fi- normal levels of wood combustion (Pil-
that is normally filled with water molecules nal moisture content. gård et al. 2010).
when wood swell in humid conditions • Cleaning: the emissions during the proc- • Furfurylated wood is a “green” wood
(Lande et al. 2008). Various scientists con- ess are managed by cleaning the venti- product that holds an ecological label in
sider wood furfurylation as an impregna- lated gases. the Scandinavian market, named “Swan”.

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Furfurylation of wood is, therefore, be- hardness, abrasion resistance, and com- nally achieved in Germany. This impregna-
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lieved to be a safe process for the envi- pression strength (Hill 2006). Products re- tion modification process is presently mar-
ronment (Gérardin 2016). sulting from these impregnation treat- keted by the German company BASF under
The company Kebony AS (Norway) cur- ments have been used in the manufactur- the commercial name Belmadur®.
rently produces two different furfurylated ing of knife and tool handles, and musical This technology is considered to be an in-
wood products: and electrical instruments, but not directly novative modification process under which
• Kebony Clear®: furfurylated wood, highly- for preservation purposes (Gérardin 2016). pine wood, typically Scots pine, is impreg-
loaded, dark, hard; currently used for The volumes of these products are cur- nated under high pressure (12-14 atm) and
flooring. The wood species used are radi- rently very low (Hill 2006). polymerised by curing. The entire process
ata pine, southern yellow pine and maple. Research on the impregnation modifica- is based on simple production stages. The
• Kebony Character®: furfurylated wood, tion of wood with melamine-formaldehyde first stage consists of penetrating the
more lightly-loaded; presently used as (MF) resins has increased in recent de- wood with a proprietary DMDHEU solu-
decking, siding, roofing and outdoor fur- cades, especially in Europe, with positive tion, an aqueous solution of a chemical
niture. This is produced from Scots pine results with respect to dimensional stabil- agent (Militz 1993). The air is removed
wood. ity and biological resistance to brown-rot from the cell structure by applying a vac-
Nowadays, the company Kebony AS has fungi (Inoue et al. 1993, Pittman et al. 1994, uum to ensure that the agent can reach the
an annual production of approximately Rapp & Peek 1999, Lukowsky 1999, Gindl et innermost cells when the solution is ap-
22,000 m3 (2016), and it is increasing its pro- al. 2003, Kielmann et al. 2012, Sint et al. plied under pressure. The next stage con-
duction capacity by building additional fa- 2013, Kielmann et al. 2014). Its main draw- sists of drying impregnated wood at a slow
cilities in Belgium (Mantanis 2017). backs are the high production costs and rate at a temperature of 100-120 °C under
In addition, Kebony wood has been re- the tendency of such wood products to humid conditions. This causes the agent
cently used in the production of exterior crack under humid-dry cycle conditions. molecules to cure by polycondensation, af-
windows, like Accoya wood. Following a None of these impregnation modification ter which water is released (Krause et al.
series of extensive quality tests in Ger- methods have yet to reach the full-scale 2003, Krause & Militz 2009).
many, furfurylated wood is presently rec- level. The modified product has highly reduced
ommended by the German Association of hygroscopic properties (Krause & Militz
Windows and Facades (VFF). Modification with DMDHEU 2009, Papadopoulos & Mantanis 2012, Lars-
This technology was transferred from the son-Brelid 2013). ASE values of up to 70%
Modification with thermosetting resins treatment of non-wood systems. Further- can be achieved (Krause & Militz 2009), but
Historically, the first experiments on im- more, it involves the impregnation of pine are normally in the range of 30-40% (Krause
pregnation modification of wood using wood, a known highly porous species, with et al. 2003). The mechanisms of the reac-
formaldehyde-based resins were carried the reagent 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxy- tion between DMDHEU and the cell wall
out by A. Stamm and his colleagues at the ethyleneurea (DMDHEU). This reagent (Fig. polymers are still not clear (Hill 2006, Lars-
Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, 5) was well-utilised in the textile industry son-Brelid 2013). It has been shown that
Wisconsin, during the 1940s. Their initial re- until the 1980s, in an attempt to manufac- the modification of wood with DMDHEU
search work included impregnation of ture wrinkle-free fabrics. Wood modifica- produces a bulking effect, while results
wood with phenol-formaldehyde resins tion with DMDHEU has been shown to im- from Dieste et al. (2009) have indicated
with up to 100% resin addition, which re- prove dimensional stability and durability, that DMDHEU reduces the pore size of the
sulted in an improved dimensional stability and to slightly reduce the moisture uptake samples by occupying the void space pres-
(anti-shrink efficiency, ASE, up to 58%) and of wood (Nicholas & Williams 1987). ent in the cell walls.
improved resistance to biodeterioration Militz (1993) was the first scientist to suc- Belmadur wood production is still sparse
against fungi, termites, and marine borers. cessfully report on the use of DMDHEU in in Germany. The producing German com-
Initial experiments using wood veneers by treating wood, with very positive results. pany, Münchinger, belongs to the BASF
applying impregnation with phenol-form- Militz tested beech wood treated with group; and to date, it is focusing on the
aldehyde (PF) resins, heat, and compres- DMDHEU and demonstrated its effective- German market. Key applications thus far
sion were implemented by Stamm & Se- ness by using a variety of catalysts. It was have been decking and garden furniture.
borg (1955), leading to the production of finally found that temperatures of 100 oC However, a laminated Belmadur product
products called Compreg® and Impreg®. were necessary for the effective curing of has gained acceptance by the German as-
Compreg manufacturing is currently re- the resin system. Noticeably, the anti- sociation of Windows and Facades (VFF)
alised at a number of industrial sites in the shrink efficiency (ASE) value of DMDHEU- for use in exterior windows. The resistance
USA, Pakistan, and India under different treated wood was found to be ca. 75%. of Belmadur wood to marine borers is sub-
brand names. Compreg and related prod- Since then, the process has undertaken stantial (Larsson-Brelid 2013). However, the
ucts (Fibron, Permali, Dymonwood, C-K considerable improvements by Militz and drawbacks are brittleness, tendency to
Composites) have potent dimensional sta- co-workers (Krause et al. 2003), from crack, and high emissions of formaldehyde
bility and high strength properties, like which commercial application has been fi- from the product. In addition, the present
technical and market developments of Bel-
madur technology are not known.
Fig. 5 - The chemi-
cal formula of the The Indurite process
reagent 1,3-di- The “Indurite process” has been devel-
methylol-4,5-dihy- oped from a comprehensive survey of pos-
droxyethyleneurea sible reactions of wood cell walls with poly-
(DMDHEU). mer systems. The technology was scaled-
up by the company Engineered Wood Solu-
tions in New Zealand (Hill 2006), after
which it was obtained by the company Os-
mose. The original concept for Indurite
was undertaken to upgrade home-grown
radiata pine (Pinus radiata) by impregna-
tion of wood with a water-soluble polysac-
charide solution (soy and corn starch). The

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Fig. 6 - Classification of
thermo-hydro (TH) and
(THM) processes (Sand-
berg & Kutnar 2016).

impregnated material is held in a covered Modification processes using to shape the wood. Procedures including
area for a few hours, and then the curing monomers impregnation or gluing to lock a shape are,
step takes place in a temperature-con- Vinyl monomer impregnation of wood, however, usually included in these modifi-
trolled conventional kiln with the use of followed by in situ polymerisation, repre- cation processes.
certain catalysts in the solution (Hill 2006). sents another promising way to enhance Human beings have demonstrably been
A major advantage is that there is no need mechanical, dimensional, and thermal sta- using heat, moisture, and force for the
for significant equipment investments. This bility, as well as fungal and insect resis- modification of wood since ancient times;
modified wood is claimed to be used tance to wood species of poor natural it can be assumed that they had long re-
presently in exterior applications such as durability. Different commercially available cognised the effects of fire and water on
cladding and decking. However, the pres- vinyl monomers, such as acrylonitrile, gly- timber, utilising them for their own pur-
ent developments of this technology are cidyl methacrylate, methyl methacrylate, poses (Navi & Sandberg 2012, Sandberg et
not clear. hydroxyethylene methacrylate, ethylene al. 2013). The oldest evidence on THM pro-
glycol, dimethacrylate, butyl acrylate, butyl cessing is a heat-hardened tip of a more
The KeyWood process methacrylate, styrene, acrylamide or acry- than 100,000-year-old Lehringen spear
According to Larsson-Brelid (2013), a new lonitrile, have been investigated by several found in 1948, buried inside the skeleton of
product named KeyWood®, which resem- scientists (Hill 2006, Rowell 2012). an elephant (Adam 1951). Nevertheless, it
bles furfurylated wood, was developed According to the nature of the monomer was not until the 19th century that the use
within the EU-funded project “Eco- used, polymerisation can take place either of water and heat in wood processing was
binders”. The reactant, which contains in the cell lumens, the cell wall, or both industrialised. In 1849, the inventor of the
small amounts of tri-hydroxy-methyl furan (Scheider 1995). Polymerisation can be ini- Vienna Chair and the technology related to
(THMF) and furfuryl alcohol, is more water tiated by different means using either ther- its production, Michael Thonét, started a
soluble than furfuryl alcohol itself, and eas- mal-free radical initiator, or gamma radia- workshop for the production of bent wood
ily penetrates the cell wall. After curing the tion. X-rays, derived from a high-energy, furniture. Thonét’s innovations were the
THMF-impregnated wood, the polymer high current electron beam, can be also first steps towards the industrialisation of a
formed within the cell wall resembles the used to initiate in situ polymerisation of TH/THM process intended for mass produc-
polymer formed by the Kebony process. vinyl monomers. X-rays initiate polymerisa- tion.
However, unlike furfurylated wood, no co- tion and penetrate through thick pieces of Fig. 6 shows a simplified synoptic diagram
valent bonds to the cell wall polymeric con- wood, allowing polymerisation of the mon- of the most common TH and THM pro-
stituents (lignin, hemicelluloses, cellulose) omers in the cell walls. Having entered the cesses based on what is achieved during
were detected in the analytical studies cell walls and then being polymerised the process. Several techniques such as
within the “Ecobinders” project. Further- within the cell walls, these radiation-cured wood drying, reconstituted wood process-
more, due to the higher quantity of remain- treatments increased the dimensional sta- ing, and wood shaping have a long indus-
ing hydroxyls in the polymer as well as the bility of treated wood (Gérardin 2016). Nev- trial tradition, and will not be discussed in
lack of bonds to the lignin, the KeyWood ertheless, all the abovementioned tech- this review. Two processes that have been
product has a higher equilibrium moisture niques have not resulted in commercial ap- successfully industrialised will be described
contents than furfurylated wood at the plications to date. more in detail: the thermal modification of
same level of relative humidity. Further- sawn timber and surface densification.
more, kiln drying temperatures of 125 °C Thermo-hydro and thermo-hydro-
are necessary for sufficient curing; conse- mechanical processes Thermal modification
quently, this temperature causes problems One group of emerging wood treatments Thermally modified timber is wood at
with cracking and brittleness. While the involves the combined use of temperature which the composition of the cell wall ma-
technology was sold to the company Arch and moisture through which force can be terial and its physical properties are modi-
SA in 2009, the production volumes seem applied: thermo-hydro (TH) and thermo-hy- fied by exposure to temperatures greater
to be very small. Meanwhile, the present dro-mechanical (THM) processes. In an or- than 160 °C and conditions of decreased
market developments of the KeyWood thodox definition, no additives are used in oxygen availability. There are various pro-
process are not clear and have not been the processes beyond water in combina- cedures to accomplish this process, most
disclosed publicly. tion with wood, heat, and external forces of which differ according to the way they

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exclude air/oxygen from the system (Navi as temperature is altered throughout the As a function of mass loss, the inelastic
iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry

& Sandberg 2012). For example, a steam or process. Degrade products form act as cat- ductility and inelastic toughness were low-
nitrogen atmosphere can be used in the alysts for further reactions, and moisture est when the timber were heated in a dry
kiln, or the wood can be immersed in hot available for both hydrolysis and catalysts climate rather than in a moist climate. At a
oil. Thermal modification processes can be form continuously, moves from the interior constant ambient humidity, failure strain
applied to a wide range of wood species, to the surfaces of the timber, and evapo- and toughness were still reduced, but the
but they need to be optimised for each rates from the material during treatment. strength and the stiffness had improved up
species. The property improvements Both the physical and chemical environ- to a mass loss of 2-3%. This improvement
gained are highly dependent on process ment inside the wood will change through- was attributed to the lower equilibrium
conditions, treatment intensity (tempera- out the process. moisture content of the thermally modified
ture, duration), wood species, and the di- Thermal modification significantly influ- timber when placed in service conditions.
mensions of the sawn timber. ences the properties of wood, e.g., hygro- Huges et al. (2015) provided a thorough de-
The effect of thermal modification on scopicity and dimensional stability, resis- scription of the effect of thermal modifica-
wood properties has been reported in the tance against fungi and insects, mechanical tion on the mechanical properties of tim-
literature from the beginning of the 20th properties, and properties such as colour, ber, especially toughness properties, and
century, when it was found that drying odour, gluability, and coating performance the vital role of water and its interaction
wood at a high temperature increased its (Tab. 1). Loss of mass of the timber during with the cell wall components.
dimensional stability and reduced its hygro- thermal modification is a typical effect of
scopicity and strength (Tiemann 1915, Koe- the process. A decrease in mass up to 20% Commercial thermal modification
hler & Pillow 1925, Pillow 1929, Stamm & can occur depending on type of process. processes
Hansen 1937). After the First World War, Most properties of thermally modified tim- Thermal modification of sawn timber,
comprehensive investigations were re- ber are, similar to the properties of the raw which has been investigated for many
ported on the influence of kiln drying at material, affected by the intensity of the years, is now commercialised, mainly in Eu-
moderate temperatures on the strength of heat treatment process, i.e., by the tem- rope. The first commercial thermal modifi-
wood for the aviation industry in the Unit- perature and duration of the process. cation unit in Europe was based on the re-
ed States (Wilson 1920). Most thermal modification processes, search of Burmester (1973) and started in
Thermally modified timber was intro- even at mild temperatures, decrease the Germany around 1980. The process was
duced by Kollmann (1936) and Seborg et al. hygroscopicity of wood, i.e., its capacity for never industrialised on a great scale (Gieb-
(1945), but with limited success. Stamm et reabsorption of moisture from the air, ler 1983). Burmester studied the effects of
al. (1946) reported the first systematic at- however, in some cases, the decreased hy- temperature, pressure, and moisture on
tempts to increase the resistance to wood- groscopicity can be recovered by moisten- wood properties in a closed system, and
destroying fungi by heating wood beneath ing (Maejima et al. 2015). As a result of the the process was named Feuchte-Wärme-
the surface of molten metal at tempera- loss of hygroscopic hemicellulose polymers Druck (FWD).
tures between 140 and 320 °C. Thunell & during thermal modification, the equilib- The Plato process (Proving Lasting Ad-
Elken (1948) and Buro (1954) continued the rium moisture content is decreased and, vanced Timber Option) was developed in
work by Stamm and colleagues by studying consequently, the swelling and shrinking of the 1980s by Royal Dutch Shell in the
the thermal modification of wood in differ- the wood are drastically decreased. On av- Netherlands, and is now used by the Plato
ent gaseous atmospheres. erage, the equilibrium moisture content is Company in the Netherlands. The retifica-
decreased to about half the value of the tion process for thermal modification was
Physical changes in wood due to untreated wood. The hygroscopicity of developed in France in the late 1980s. A
thermal processing thermally modified timber can vary consid- second French process is named Le Bois
Wood degrades faster when heated by erably with varying process parameters. Perdure. This process starts with the drying
steam or water (Millett & Gerhards 1972, Thermal modification of timber leads to a of green timber in an oven. The wood is
Hillis 1975). The thermal modification pro- reduction in strength and the mode of fail- then heated to 230 °C in a steam atmos-
cesses are mainly conducted in a dry envi- ure, which generally becomes brittle in na- phere (low O2), the steam being generated
ronment in an inert gas or in a moist envi- ture. The mechanical behaviour of ther- from the water from the green wood.
ronment with steam at temperatures from mally modified spruce was investigated by Sawn timber processed by this method
160 to 240 °C. Under these conditions, the Borrega & Karenlampi (2008) in relation to have about the same properties as timber
hemicelluloses are hydrolysed, and the mass loss that occurs during thermal modi- from the retification process.
crystallinity index of cellulose increases, fication. At a constant moisture content, As the boiling points of many natural oils
but lignin is only slightly affected (Pelaez- the strength, failure strain, and toughness and resins are greater than the tempera-
Samaniego et al. 2013). The pyrolysis of of timber were found to be reduced due to ture required for the thermal modification
hemicelluloses, a process that should be thermal modification. However, the me- of timber, the thermal modification in a hot
avoided, begins at about 270 °C, followed chanical properties were not only depen- oil bath is a feasible option. The oil heat
closely by cellulose (Rowell et al. 2009). dent on the mass loss, but also on the rela- treatment (OHT) process was developed in
The complexity of the process increases tive humidity in the heating atmosphere. Germany, and the process is performed in
a closed process vessel.
The most common commercial thermal
Tab. 1 - Main changes of properties for thermally modified timber compared with modification process, named Thermo-
untreated timber. Wood®, started in Finland (1993). It has
been licenced via the International Ther-
Desirable property changes Undesirable property changes moWood Association, with many opera-
Lower equilibrium moisture content Decreased MOR (and to some extent) MOE tions throughout Europe and a growing
Greater dimensional stability Decreased impact strength number outside Europe. For example, from
Greater durability against decay Increased brittleness (e.g. complicates machining) 2003 to 2016, ThermoWood® global produc-
Lower thermal conductivity Decreased hardness (Brinell hardness) tion grew nearly seven fold, from 25,797 m 3
Lower density in 2003 to 179,507 m 3 in 2016 (International
Dark brown colour ThermoWood Association 2016). In 2003,
32% of the market area was in Finland, with
Characteristic smell
the majority in the rest of Europe (61%). By
Longer pressing time for gluing
2013, Finland was in the small minority (7%),

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Tab. 2 - Examples of thermal modification processes and their processing conditions (modified after Sandberg & Kutnar 2016).
(MC): moisture content; (FWD): Feuchte-Wärme-Druck; (OHT): oil heat treatment; (‡): treatment temperature for different stages of
the process is separated by “/”.

App. Initial Temperature(‡) Process Pressure

Process Trademarks Atmosphere Comments
Year MC (%) (°C) duration (h) (MPa)
FWD 1970 - 10-30 120-180 ≈15 0.5-0.6 Steam Closed system
Plato 1980 PlatoWood® 14-18 150-180/ 4-5/ Super Saturated A four- stage process
170-190 70-120 atmospheric steam/
up to 2 weeks pressure heated air
ThermoWood 1990 ThermoWood® 10 to 130/ 30-70 Atmospheric Steam Continuous steam-flow
green 185-215/ through the wood under
80-90 processing that removes
volatile degradation
Le Bois Perdure 1990 Perdure® green 200-230 12-36 Atmospheric Steam The process involves
drying and heating the
wood in steam.
Retification 1997 Retiwood®, ≈12 160-240 8-24 - Nitrogen or The nitrogen atmosphere
Bois Rétifié®, other gas guarantees a maximum
Réti®, oxygen content of 2%
OHT 2000 OHT® 10 to 180-220 24-36 - Vegetable Closed system
green oils
TERMOVUOTO 2010 VacWood® 0% (at the 160-220 up to 25 Vacuum Vacuum Closed system, initial
(thermo-vacuum TVT phase) 150-350 low-temperature drying
treated [TVT] (1000) mbar from initial MC in the TV
wood) cylinder

with the rest of Europe being dominant thermal modification units are also in pro- recent decades. The main goal of densify-
(76%) and a small, but growing, portion duction in Canada. In 2012, there were ing sawn timber is to increase its hardness
outside Europe (17%). The volumes might seven manufacturers of thermally modified and surface abrasion resistance and, in
appear low, but thermal modification tech- timber in Canada and 10 in the United some cases, also to increase its strength.
nologies align more with value-added niche States (Sandberg & Kutnar 2016). Densifying timber, as reported by Sears
segments than with commodity products Tab. 2 shows the processing conditions (1900) or Seborg et al. (1945), leads to a
that have minimal processing. During the for the previously mentioned thermal mod- compression of the wood cells throughout
12 years of operation from 2001 to 2013, ification processes. the entire volume of the sawn timber, coin-
there was an 18% increase in the sales per Although thermally modified timber can ing the term “bulk densification”. More re-
year (Mayes 2014). now be used in many common applica- cently, several studies have focused on
The TERMOVUOTO process is a vacuum- tions, the market is still limited. Thermally densifying not the entire volume, but only
based thermal modification technology modified timber is suitable for various the wood cells close to the surface, i.e. sur-
that has been developed during recent uses, mainly in which it is exposed to face densification (Fig. 7).
years in an EU-Eco-Innovation initiative weather and humidity variations above In comparison to bulk densification, sur-
project (TV4NEWOOD ECO/12/333079). This ground, e.g., for outside use in cladding, face densification offers several advan-
thermo-vacuum modification process is an terraces, decking, garden furniture, sau- tages. From a structural perspective, sur-
alternative technology for the thermal nas, and windows, but it is also suitable for face-densified timber has a higher material
modification of timber, during which re- interior use, such as kitchen furniture, usage efficiency. For some products, the
duction of oxygen inside an air-tight cylin- flooring, decorative panels, and stairs. improved dampening characteristics result
der (the reactor) is obtained by applying a However, its properties and low strength from the unmodified part of the timber,
vacuum, while volatiles and water vapour do not allow it to be used in timber struc- which is deemed as an asset. In addition,
are continuously removed using a vacuum tures. Thermally modified timber was first treatments to avoid the moisture-induced
pump. This process exhibits high energy ef- developed to improve the performance recovery of the densified wood cells back
ficiency, lower rate of mass loss, and less and durability of softwoods, but it has to their original shape only need to affect
corrosion of the process equipment com- more recently been extended to boost the the densified cells close beneath the sur-
pared to alternative thermal modification performance of hardwoods, allowing cer- face, and not the entire piece of timber.
technologies (Allegretti et al. 2012). More- tain low-durability hardwoods to be used This may allow a faster and, thereby, less
over, the thermo-vacuum system does not outdoors with no additional protection. Ex- costly treatment processes (Neyses 2016).
cause a considerable reduction of the me- amples of thermally modified hardwood To create a high-density wood surface, an
chanical properties of timber (Candelier et species are birch, aspen, ash, soft maple, adequate volume of wood beneath the sur-
al. 2014). tulipwood, and red oak (with the best re- face must be softened (Rautkari et al.
Thermal modification processes have also sults from quarter-sawn timber). 2009). Due to the low heat conductivity of
been established in North America. The wood, local moistening improves the heat
Perdure process (Le Bois Perdure) was the Surface densification transfer into the wood; this helps to soften
first process established in Canada, by PCI Densification, i.e., transverse compres- the moistened region of the wood and im-
Industries, in 2003. Today, there are several sion to achieve permanent deformation of prove its compressibility, while the rest of
industrial plants in the Québec region. The wood cells and, thereby, increased density the wood continues to resist compressive
ThermoWood process as well as other of low-density species, has been studied in deformation (Wang & Cooper 2005, Lama-

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Fig. 7 - Cross-section views

of poplar (Populus del-
toides Bartr. ex.) at 35×
magnification after surface
densification showing cell
deformation close to the

son & Gong 2007). Once the desired vol- prolonged periods of high humidification et al. (2009), only using one piece of sawn
ume of wood material beneath the surface was studied, it showed a distinct compres- timber at a time to vibrate on the other,
has been softened, that volume should be sion recovery that was dependent on the fixed heated steel plate. The vast majority
compressed via the application of an exter- pressing conditions, such as temperature, of further studies used a rather simple sur-
nal load. The main challenges are to steer humidity, load level, and pressing time. Al- face densification process in a hot press.
the densification path so that only the cells though the compression set was stable The reported studies clearly show that it
just beneath the surface are compressed, enough to give the product an industrial is possible to achieve a significant improve-
and to lock the cells in a compressed state application, industrial success did not ment in several wood properties with sur-
that resists humidity variation in the sur- emerge. face densification and stabilise the densifi-
roundings. Past studies into surface densification of cation effectively, even upon repeated ex-
The first attempts to densify the surface wood were aimed mainly at exploring dif- posure to moisture. However, these ap-
of sawn timber are found in the work of ferent process approaches. Before per- proaches rely on time- and energy-consum-
Tarkow & Seborg (1968), who developed a forming the actual densification in a hot ing batch processes, which means that po-
technique to produce two types of com- press, Inoue et al. (1990) cut grooves into tential advantages over more expensive
pression deformations during densifica- the wood surface and filled them with wa- wood species or non-renewable materials
tion: a small elastic compression of the ter, and subsequently exposed the surface are lost. For this reason, it is necessary to
whole wood element, and a large perma- to microwave radiation to plasticise the develop a high-speed surface densification
nent compressive deformation in a thin surrounding wood cells. Pizzi et al. (2005) process that is both cost- and energy-effi-
layer of the surface of the element. The used a friction-welding machine to densify cient.
sawn timber was moved between a pair of two pieces of wood at the same time, sep- In an on-going industrial-related project
heated plates at a linear speed of about 8 arated by a layer of oil to avoid bonding. A at the Department of Wood Science and
m min-1. When the compression set after similar approach was adopted by Rautkari Engineering at Luleå University of Technol-

Fig. 8 - The principal setup of the integrated continuous surface densification manufacturing concept (side view). In addition to the
plasticisation and densification stages, the pre- and post-treatment stages can be added for the stabilisation of the densified wood,
impregnation, colouring, etc.

904 iForest 10: 895-908

Wood modification technologies

ogy, a continuous roller pressing approach process follows closely behind. Kutnar & alternatives, including acetylated wood,

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was adopted to successfully densify the Hill (2016) discussed the merits of wood as show CO2-negative LCA results over the full
surface of Scots pine boards at a process a building material in relation to the envi- life cycle.
speed of up to 80 m min -1 (Neyses et al. ronmental benefits of using wood prod- Hill & Norton (2014) discussed the envi-
2016). The surface densification process is ucts. Carbon footprints, including seques- ronmental impact of the wood modifica-
a workflow consisting of dedicated stages, tered carbon, of wood products with dif- tion process in relation to life extension of
such as plasticisation, densification, solidifi- ferent “end-of-life” scenarios and suscepti- the material. By determination of carbon
cation, and stabilisation (Fig. 8). The pro- bility to degradation were compared. They neutrality they identified the point at which
cess is intended to be integrated in a con- concluded that the interactive assessment the benefits of life extension compensate
tinuous production flow, from sawn timber of processes parameters, developed prod- for the increased environmental impact as-
to final products such as flooring. Even if uct properties, and environmental impact, sociated with the modification. The effect
the process stages seem separated, the in- including recycling and disposal options at of increased maintenance intervals of mod-
tegrated process takes advantage of possi- the end of the service life, towards up-cy- ified wood products could be a powerful
ble synergetic effects between the process cling after their service life based on the argument in favour of their use.
stages. This manufacturing concept has cradle-to-cradle concept, are essential re- Manufacturers of modified wood prod-
also been tested with success in a conven- search needs that must be further investi- ucts, to some extent, have considered the
tional continuous MDF panel press (Sadat- gated. environmental impacts related to their
nezhad et al. 2017). The press consisted of Werner & Richter (2007) reviewed the re- products; some companies have also ob-
upper and lower heating devices with four sults of international research on the envi- tained Environmental Products Declara-
separate adjustable heating sections, two ronmental impact of the life cycle of wood tions (EPDs). However, a more detailed
sets of rolling elements to reduce the fric- products used in the building sector com- consideration reveals that the global envi-
tion between the stationary heating plates, pared to functionally equivalent products ronmental impact of timber modification
and movable steel belts. The steel belts from other materials. The study concluded processing and further uses of the modi-
transferred heat and pressure to the wood that fossil fuel consumption, potential con- fied wood products are not yet included in
while transporting the wood through the tributions to the greenhouse effect, and the development of processes and prod-
press. The total length of the press was 18 quantities of solid waste tend to be minor ucts (Kutnar & Hill 2016). Moreover, their
m, with a pressing zone of 6 m. for wood products, compared to compet- environmental impacts are, to a consider-
ing products. Furthermore, impregnated able extent, still unknown, which must
Life Cycle Assessment wood products tend to be more critical change to meet the demands of increas-
Though many aspects of wood modifica- than comparative products with respect to ingly conscientious business and consumer
tion treatments are known, the fundamen- toxicological effects and/or photo-gener- markets desiring to make environmentally
tal influence of the process on product per- ated smog, depending on the type of pre- responsible decisions regarding the goods
formance, the environment, and end-of-life servative. Bolin & Smith (2011a) compared and services they decide to patronize.
scenarios remain unknown. To contribute environmental impacts related to borate-
to the low-carbon economy and sustain- treated sawn timber, and concluded that Conclusion
able development, it is essential to inte- cradle-to-grave life cycle impacts of borate- In this review paper, the development of
grate interactive assessments of process treated lumber framing were approxi- modified wood according to chemical
parameters, developed product properties, mately four times less for fossil fuel use, 1.8 (acetylation, furfurylation, and impregna-
and environmental impacts. To perform ob- times less for GHGs, 83 times less for water tion modifications) and thermal-hydro-me-
jective environmental impact assessments use, 3.5 times less for acidification, 2.5 chanical processes (thermal modification
of commercial modification processes and times less for ecological impact, 2.8 times and surface densification) recently intro-
incorporate environmental impact assess- less for smog formation, and 3.3 times less duced on a European market were dis-
ments into wood modification processing for eutrophication than those for galva- cussed. Though many aspects of these
and product development, including recy- nized steel framing. The results of the cra- modifications are known, the fundamental
cling and upgrading at the end of service dle-to-grave life cycle assessment showed influence of the process on product perfor-
life, the Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) that alkaline-copper-quaternary (ACQ)- mance, the environment, and end-of-life
should be applied. treated timber impacts were 14 times less scenarios are still to be included in the re-
The common LCA methodology is defined for fossil fuel use, almost three times less search and development of the wood mod-
in ISO 14040 (ISO-14040 2006a) and ISO for GHG emissions, potential smog emis- ification technologies. This requires an
14044 (ISO-14040 2006b). Since the 1980s, sions, and water use, four times less for analysis of the entire value chain, from for-
when LCA analysis was first developed, nu- acidification, and almost half for ecological est through processing, installation, in-ser-
merous methodologies to classify, charac- toxicity than those for wood plastic com- vice, end-of-life, second/third life (cascad-
terise, and normalise environmental ef- posite (WPC) decking (Bolin & Smith ing), and, ultimately, incineration with en-
fects have been developed. The most com- 2011b). ergy recovery.
mon are focused on the following environ- Van Der Lugt & Vogtländer (2014) per- Modified wood and the resultant prod-
mental impact indicators: acidification, eu- formed carbon footprint calculations of ucts must place more emphasis on the in-
trophication, thinning of the ozone layer, acetylated timber with system boundaries teractive assessment of process parame-
various types of ecotoxicity, air contami- “cradle to grave” and compared them with ters, developed product properties, and
nants, resource usage, and green-house those of steel, concrete, and unsustainably environmental impacts. Energy consump-
gas emissions. sourced azobe. The functional unit was the tion considerably contributes to the envi-
The number of LCA studies in the wood bearing structure of a pedestrian bridge, ronmental impact of modified wood. How-
sector is relatively limited, geographically with a size of 16 × 3 meters. The results ever, the improved properties during the
distributed, use a variety of databases, and showed that acetylated wood has a consid- use phase might reduce the environmental
impact assessment protocols (Kutnar & Hill erably lower carbon footprint than steel, impact of the timber processing. It is im-
2014). Kutnar & Hill (2014) used a cradle-to- concrete, and unsustainably sourced azo- portant to note that the effective use of
gate analysis to present the carbon foot- be, and slightly lower than sustainably wood throughout its whole value chain
print of 14 different primary wood prod- sourced azobe. Since the calculation also from forest management, through multiple
ucts. The largest source of emissions for all included carbon sequestration, and due to use cycles and end-of-life disposal, can lead
sawn timber products stem from the re- the limited emissions during production to a truly sustainable development.
moval of the timber from the forest, while and bio-energy production during the end-
for kiln dried sawn timber, the drying of-life phase, all sustainably sourced wood

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