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Amount of ….

Consumed weekly per person by the citizens of European country over a period of 25

Overall… zenithal…chicken

Nadir… fish

To be more specific

Fish-from 1979 to 2004… consumption…always been far less than meat as compared to meat …
consumed at steady amount of approx. 50….

However, beef …most eaten type of meat in initial year at more than 200… despite a small spike in
1984…preference followed a general downward trend… where figure stood at … in 2004 making it the
second most eaten by the citizens.

Probing ahead

people in this European country ate roughly 150 grammes of chicken or lamb per week /per person in
1979. However, 25 years after 1979, the consumption of chicken rose significantly to around 250
grammes per week while the amount of lamb consumed dropped to a little higher than 50 grammes
weekly. The opposite trend between chicken and lamb consumption eventually made a gap of 100
grammes in 2004.

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