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Classification of Elements & Periodicity In

Q1. The “Law of Triads” was enunciated by :
(a) Mendeleev (b) Newland (c) Lother Meyer (d) Dobereiner
Q2. Diagonal relationship is not shown by :
(a) Li and Mg (b) C and P (c) B and Si (d) Be and Al
Q3. Who represented the law of octave ?
(a) Dobereiner(b) Newland (c) Lother Meyer (d) Mendeleev
Q4. The modern Mendelee’s periodic table consists of ………… groups :
(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10
Q5. Elements belonging to same subgroup of periodic table have
generally the same :
(a) Electronic configuration (b) No. of electron in outermost shell
(c) Chemical properties (d) Physical properties
Q6. Which of the following is a d – block element ?
(a) Fr (b) Al (c) Zn (d) Ge
Q7. Ce (58) is a member of :
(a) s – block (b) p – block (c) d – block (d) f – block
Q8. Which one of the following ions is paramagnetic ?
(a) Ag+ (b) Fe2+ (c) K+ (d) Mg2+
Q9. The element with the highest ionisation potential is :
(a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen (c) Carbon (d) Boron
Q10. Which one of the following configurations represents a metallic
character ?
(a) 2 , 8 , 2 (b) 2 , 8 , 4 (c) 2 , 8 , 7 (d) 2 , 8 , 8
Q11. The electronegativity of the following elements increases in the
order of :
(a) C , N , Si , P (b) N , Si , C , P
(c) Si , P , C , N (d) P , Si , N , C
Q12. The highest valency of halogens with respect to oxygen is :
(a) 1 (b) – 1 (c) 2 (d) 7
Q13. Modern extended periodic table was given by :
(a) Bohr (b) Lother Meyer (c) Mosley (d) None alone
Q14. Which of the following elements has the maximum electron gain
enthalpy ?
(a) Oxygen (b) Chlorine (c) Fluorine (d) Nitrogen
Q15. The element having electronic configuration [Kr] 4d 10 4f14 , 5s2 5p6
5d6 , 6s2 belongs to :
(a) s – block (b) p – block (c) d – block (d) f – block
Q16. The elements with atomic numbers 58 to 71 are called :
(a) Normal elements (b) Transition element
(c) Lanthanides (d) Actinides
Q17. An element R forms the highest oxide R2O5 . R belong to :
(a) IV group (b) V group (c) VI group (d) VII group
Q18. Which of the following has largest size ?
(a) Na (b) Na+ (c) Mg (d) Mg
Q19. Lowest ionisation enthalpy in periods is shown by :
(a) Inert gases (b) Halogens (c) Alkali metals (d)
Q20. The elements with atomic numbers 10 , 18 , 36 , 54 and 86 are all :
(a) Light metals (b) Inert gases
(c) Halogens (d) Rare – earths
Q21. Which of the following is the weakest acid ?
(a) HF (b) HCl (c) HBr (d) HI
Q22. The electronic configuration of an element C is 1s2 , 2s2 2p6 . The
formula of substance containing only C will be :
(a) A (b) A2 (c) A5 (d) A7
Q23. Which one of the following has the highest melting point ?
(a) Na (b) Mg (c) K (d) Al
Q24. Which is the most acidic oxide ?
(a) Cl2O (b) Cl2O3 (c) Cl2O5 (d) Cl2O7
Q25. Which of the following halides is not oxidised by MnO2 ?
(a) F– (b) Cl– (c) Br– (d) I–
Q26. The highest bond strength amongst the following , is of :
(a) HF (b) HCl (c) HBr (d) HI
Q27. The total number of elements known are :
(a) 92 (b) 117 (c) 100 (d) 118
Q28. Atoms of which of the following groups lose electrons most easily ?
(a) Li , Na , K (b) Cl , Br , I (c) O , S , Se (d) N , P , As
Q29. Which of the electronic configurations represents most
electropositive element ?
(a) [He] 2s1 (b) [He] 2s2 (c) [Xe] 6s1 (d) ]Xe] 6s2
Q30. First of all the elements were classified by :
(a) Lother Meyer (b) Newzeland (c) Mendeleev (d) obereiner
Q31. Which of the following ions has the smallest radius ?
(a) C4– (b) S2– (c) K+ (d) Ca2+
Q32. Which of the following elements has the lowest ionisation enthalpy
(a) Na (b) K (c) Mg (d) Al
Q33. Which one of the following is smallest in size ?
(a) Na+ (b) C2– (c) N3– (d) F–
Q34. Of the following elements , which one has the highest
electronegativity ?
(a) I (b) Br (c) Cl (d) F
Q35. Which of the following pairs has both members from the same
group of the periodic table ?
(a) Na , Ca (b) Na , Cl (c) Ca , Cl (d) Cl , Br
Q36. Which pair of atomic numbers represents s – block elements ?
(a) 7 , 15 (b) 6 , 12 (c) 9 , 17 (d) 3 , 12
Q37. An element of atomic number 29 belongs to :
(a) s – block (b) p – block (c) d – block (d) f – block
Q38. Which of the following largest radius ?
(a) O2– (b) Mg2+ (c) Na+ (d) F–
Q39. Of cobalt and zinc salts , which are attracted in magnetic field ?
(a) Cobalt salts (b) Zinc salts (c) Both (d) None
Q40. The electronic configuration of an element is 1s , 2s2 2p6 , 3s2 3p3 .

What is the atomic number of the element which is just below the above
element in the periodic table ?
(a) 34 (b) 49 (c) 33 (d) 31
Q41. Element with atomic number 35 belongs to :
(a) 3rd period (b) 18th group (c) 5th period (d) 17th group
Q42. Which is the largest stable atom ?
(a) V (b) Na (c) Al (d) Pb
Q43. Alkaline earth metals form ions of the formula :
(a) M+ (b) M– (c) M2+ (d) M2–
Q44. Which of the following species has the highest electron gain
enthalpy ?
(a) F– (b) O (c) O– (d) Na+
Q45. Element with atomic number 56 belongs to which block ?
(a) s (b) p (c) d (d) f
Q46. Two elements whose electro negativities are 1.2 and 3 , the bond
formed between them would be :
(a) Ionic (b) Covalent (c) Coordinate (d) Metallic
Q47. Identify the least stable ion amongst the following :
(a) Li– (b) Be– (c) B– (d) C–
Q48. Which of the following has maximum ionisation enthalpy ?
(a) K (b) Na (c) Mg (d) Be
Q49. Increasing order of density is :
(a) Li < K < Na < Rb < Cs (b) Li < Na < K < Rb < Cs
(c) Cs < Rb < K < Na < Li (d) K < Li < Na < Rb < Cs
Q50. In which one of the following pairs the radius of the second species
is greater than that of the first ?
(a) Na , Mg (b) O2– , N3– (c) Li+ , Be2+
(d) Ba2+ , Sr2+ (e) Al , Be
Q51. Which of the following has lowest ionisation bond ?
(a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen (c) Fluorine (d) Sulphur
th th
Q52. An element X belongs to 14 period and 15 group of the periodic
table . Which one of the following is true regarding the outer electronic
configuration of X ? It has :
(a) Partially filled d – orbitals and completely filled s – orbital
(b) Completely filled s – orbital and completely filled p – orbitals
(c) Completely filled s – orbital and half filled p – orbitals
(d) Half filled d – orbitals and completely filled s – orbital
(e) Completely filled s– , p– and d orbitals
Q53. The correct order of increasing electron affinity of halogens is :
(a) F < Cl < Br < 1 (b) I < Br < F < Cl
(c) I < Br < Cl < F (d) Br < I < F < Cl

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