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State of awareness
 Before we start do you have any questions for Speech
me?  Sir, I will be saying some words and what
 Can you state your name for me sir? you’re going to do is to repeat after me okay?
 When is your birthday?  Could you say readiness for me? Paragraph,
 Do you know where we are now? Delicious, below?
 Do you know the date and time today? TEST FOR APHASIA
 Sir can you close your eyes for me, okay, open  Can you point your nose? Your mouth? Knee?
them up.  Sir can you read this paragraph aloud?
 Can you smile for me? Puff your cheeks.  Sir, can you write a sentence for me?
 Can you tell me what I am holding?
 Can you tell me what color this is? Mood and Affect
 Can you count my fingers sir?  How do you generally feel most of the time?
 Who is the president of the Philippines?  How would you say you feel generally?
Happy? Angry? Sad? Frightened?
Obvious signs of distress, pain, anxiety.  Are you enjoying anything lately?
 Do you feel any pain right now? Can you rate  What can you say about life?
it from 0 to 10, zero as no pain and 10 as worst
 Have you ever experienced fear on your
partner or family member?
 Do you feel threatened at home or at work?
 Do you feel any pressure when it comes to
work and school?

 Sir, can you walk from this area going towards
that wall and turn around and comeback?
 Sir can you walk again with heel to toe? (test
for ataxia)
 Sir can you walk on your heels? (test for deep
fibular nerve, if there’s neuropathy, lesion or

 Sir can you please stand straight?

Body movements
 Sir can you wave your hands for me sir?
 Can you flex your arms sir?
 Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,
rotate hips,

Hygiene, grooming and odor

 Inspect client’s hygiene, grooming, and odor.
 How do you often brush your teeth?
 How many times do you take a bath every
 Are you having problem when it comes to
control your body odor?
VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure
 Assess for signs and symptoms of
Temperature hypertension and hypotension
 Place patient in appropriate position  Assess factors affecting the BP such as
 Disinfect the probe of the thermometer medications or vigorous activities
(bottom to top)  Prepare all the needed materials (Stethoscope,
 Dry the probe of the thermometer sphygmomanometer, BP cuff, watch w/ 2nd
 Roll client’s sleeve. hand)
 Dry the armpit.  Explain the procedure to the client
 Place probe of the thermometer in axilla  Perform hand hygiene
 Degree sign flashes, when flashes stops, it will  Provide privacy
beep and will display the result in LCD  Position the client appropriately
 Turn off unit.  Sitting position unless specified
 Disinfect the probe and return to protective  Both feet flat on the floor
cover.  Elbow slightly flexed
 Document  Palms facing upward
Pulse  Forearms supported at heart level
 Assess for factors affecting pulse or any  Expose upper arm
cardiovascular alterations  Wrap the deflated cuff evenly to the upper
 Select site appropriate for assessment arm.
 Use secondhand watch  Locate brachial artery. Apply the center of the
 Have the patient in resting position, palpate bladder over the artery. For adults place the
and count the pulse for a full minute lower boarder of the cuff 2.5 cm or 1 inch over
 Assess rhythm and volume the antecubital fossa.
 Document  If this is an initial assessment, perform
Respiration preliminary palpatory determination of the
 Position patient assumed for breathing systolic blood pressure
 Locate the brachial artery
 Assess for factors affecting RR such as
 Close valve by turning the knob
medications, signs of cerebral anoxia, dyspnea
 Use watch with second hand
 Pump the cuff until you no longer feel
 Observe or palpate or count the RR (if patient the brachial pulse (blood cannot flow
is aware, place hand against chest/ put the in the artery)
patient’s arm across his chest assuming that  Note the pressure in which you no
you are counting the pulse longer feel the pressure.
 Count for full minute (1 inhalation and 1  Release the pressure completely and
exhalation = 1 respiration) wait for 1-2 mins for further
 Observe the depth, characteristics, and determinations
regularity of respiration  Position the stethoscope appropriately
 Document  Cleanse the earpiece
 Ensure that stethoscope hangs freely
from ear to diaphragm
 Place the bell over the brachial pulse
and hold the diaphragm with thumb
and index finger.
 Place the client’s BP
 Pump the cuff until it reaches 30 mmHg
above the point in which the brachial pulse
 Release valve carefully so that pressure
release 2-3mmHg per second
 As pressure pulse, identify the manometer at
each of the 5 phases as possible.
 Deflate the cuff completely and rapidly
 Wait 1-2 mins before making further
 If the assessment is initial, repeat the
 Disinfect the cuff and document.

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