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What’s the right

All the Wrong Moves
process for
Nutrorim? by David A. Garvin

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Nutrorim’s best-selling sports supplement has been recalled because of
a “new and improved” ingredient. The company’s CEO wonders: Why
do the decisions we make keep coming back to haunt us?


All the Wrong Moves

by David A. Garvin

The cold January sky was just dawning gray drop fast once this hits the street.
over Minneapolis as Don Rifkin awoke. With Don felt slightly queasy. A year earlier, his own
every cell in his body, he longed to put a pillow company, Nutrorim, had purchased a small
over his head and sleep, but the alarm added stake in Dipensit. “Sheesh, I didn’t exactly trust
insult to injury. Slapping the off button and that guy,” he grumbled.
pulling on his oversized Turkish bathrobe, he He recalled how smoothly the whole decision
stole from the bedroom and quietly shut the process had seemed to go when Laurence Wise-
door behind him, leaving his wife to sleep. He man, the hard-driving CFO of Nutrorim, had
padded toward the kitchen and turned on the championed the purchase of the Dipensit stock,
coffeemaker. insisting that the small company might make
Sitting down at the kitchen table, Don sleep- an excellent acquisition candidate in the future.
ily clicked a few keys on his laptop and began A subcommittee had been formed to carefully
glancing through his favorite stock chat. Scan- review the purchase decision. Don vaguely re-
ning the list of senders, he saw a red exclama- membered that there had been a few murmurs
tion point next to the name Stan with the head- of concern—someone had even questioned the
line “Bad news!” When he read the message, credentials of Cummings, the start-up’s CEO.
Don gasped: But in the end, the subcommittee seemed to
Did anyone hear that Wally Cummings just have addressed the concerns, and the senior
resigned from Dipensit? Turns out he lied on his team stood behind the decision.
resume—never received that PhD from U.C. Don cinched his bathrobe tighter. During the
Berkeley as he’d claimed! The stock’s gonna past year, Nutrorim had suffered from a spate

HBR’s cases, which are fictional, present common managerial dilemmas.

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All the Wrong Moves •• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

of bad decisions. In fact, that’s what today’s ture at Nutrorim. This had seemed relatively
meeting was about. A consultant, hired to easy, since most of the company’s employees
review the company’s decision-making pro- hailed from the Minneapolis area, where “Min-
cesses, was coming in that morning to present nesota nice” was practically a state law. It was
the results of his individual interviews with se- also partly an act of defiance: When Don was
nior managers. fresh out of business school, he’d had a terrible
run-in with his boss, the dictatorial CEO of a re-
To Everyone’s Taste? tail chain.
The previous spring, Nutrorim had been at the Of course, there were some exceptions to
top of its game. Founded in 1986 by an organic Minnesota nice, especially among the more
farmer and his wife, the company had sold its competitive, highly analytical types in upper
products through a network of individual dis- management. Wiseman, Ford, and a group of
tributors before Don had joined as CEO in 1989. others tended to form strong opinions and
Thanks to a series of testimonials offered by push them aggressively. And while Don had
doctors and personal trainers, Nutrorim’s prod- his own opinions—and often voiced them—
ucts had gained national attention. Then, fol- he also worked hard to keep the company’s
lowing an endorsement by a famous Olympic decision-making processes open and demo-
athlete, sales of ChargeUp, the company’s or- cratic, and made a point of asking for input
ganic, performance-enhancing supplement from as many people as possible.
powder, had gone through the roof. As a result, Steve stopped at a table where a technician
Nutrorim had hired hundreds of new employ- was mixing raspberry-colored powder from
ees, expanded its production facilities, and ac- two large canisters into two beakers of water.
quired two vitamin firms. After going public in “Hey, Jerri, mind if Don does the blind taste
1997, the company had expanded distribution test?” he asked.
of ChargeUp through exclusive deals with nu- “Not at all, it would be an honor,” Jerri re-
trition stores and athletic clubs, and by 2002, plied, pouring some liquid from a beaker into
ChargeUp was the best-selling performance- two cups.
enhancing sports powder on the market. “Shut your eyes,” said Steve. Don complied,
The following year, when the new version of and Steve handed him one of the cups. “Down
ChargeUp had been in its final stages of devel- the hatch.”
opment, Don and R&D head Steve Ford had Sipping from the first cup, Don recognized
dressed in white coats and walked through the the familiar taste of ChargeUp. It smelled like a
company’s huge lab, agleam with chrome and combination of dried raspberries, newly
white tile. They wended their way past stainless mowed grass, and burnt toast.
steel tables where technicians milled seeds and “Here, take a sip of water before you try the
blended the all-organic ingredients that com- next one,” Steve offered. Don drank some, then
prised Nutrorim’s various lines of vitamins and tried the second cup.
nutritional supplements. “So?” Steve inquired.
“Hey, Darlene, how are you?” Don waved at “No difference.” Don opened his eyes and
a lab technician who was wearing gloves, a hair looked at Steve.
bonnet, and a face mask and pushing a trundle “That’s what we like to hear,” said Steve.
cart down an aisle. Though she was recogniz- “The only real difference is that the second cup
able only by the walnut-rimmed glasses she is the one with Lipitrene in it.”
wore, she smiled—he could tell by the wrinkles “Ah,” said Don. Lipitrene, developed in Nu-
around her eyes—and said a brief “Fine, boss, trorim’s labs, was a new combination of or-
thanks.” ganic oils and seeds that appeared to enhance
Don loved being in the lab. Though he was a fat burning. Steve wore his pride in the new in-
manager and not a scientist, he was an increas- gredient like a new father.
ingly enthusiastic student of microbiology; “We’ve finished with all the tests, and now
every day, he learned something new about the we’re gathering final input on the taste,” Steve
David A. Garvin (dgarvin@hbs.edu) is nutritional benefits of Nutrorim’s products. He said, his eyes glinting. “The handoff to market-
the C. Roland Christensen Professor of also believed strongly in management by walk- ing and sales is already in gear.” He paused. “In
Business Administration at Harvard ing around. From the start, he had tried hard to fact, I was invited to the product marketing
Business School in Boston. foster a happy, participatory, democratic cul- meeting at 2:00. Any chance you’ll be there?”

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All the Wrong Moves •• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

“I’ll drop in,” Don replied, “at least for a sponded. “The affected parties are all members
minute.” of Syd’s Gyms, and they all recall using the
••• product there between September 25 and 29.
The meeting started out peaceably enough. The victims range in age from 19 to 55.”
Cynthia Pollington, the product marketing Don felt the blood drain from his face.
manager, presented three final designs for the “Are you telling me that the product has to
new ChargeUp canister, all of which had “Now be recalled?”
with Lipitrene” splayed across them in large, “I don’t have the authority—or the evi-
embossed letters. She asked everyone in the dence—to make you do that. So for the time
room for feedback. In the end, the majority— being, I’d simply like your cooperation in con-
including Steve and Don—liked the label with ducting an investigation. I understand that dis-
the gold letters. But when asked for her opin- tribution is limited to the Twin Cities area, is
ion, Nora Stern, a former entrepreneur whose that correct?”
company had been acquired by Nutrorim the “Yes.”
previous year, was recalcitrant. “That’s fortunate. Meanwhile, you may
“Do I have to vote?” she asked. want to consider a voluntary recall,” he said
“Well, we’d like your opinion, yes,” said Cyn- just before hanging up.
thia. Don asked his assistant to call an emergency
“Okay, here it is,” Nora responded. “I know meeting with the heads of PR, sales, R&D,
this whole thing is already a done deal, but I Sports Supplements, and legal.
don’t understand why there was this huge need As he described his discussion with the in-
to improve ChargeUp. It’s selling very well as it spector to the team, PR director June Roten-
is. Why fix something that isn’t broken?” berg looked increasingly grim. When Don fin-
“For decisions with a Steve shot back, “Nora, you don’t know what ished, she spoke up. “I just checked my voice
you’re talking about.” Everyone stared at Steve; mail,” she said. “It was Linda Dervis at KXAQ
certain amount of built- the silence was palpable. radio. One of the people who got sick must
Don jumped in, feeling the need to restore have contacted her.” She looked around the
in predictability…the peace. “Tell you what, Nora and Steve. Let’s room. “Guys, once this news hits, things are
process seems to work take this off-line, OK?” going to go downhill quickly.”
Jerry Garber, the general counsel, chimed in.
really well. But if a The Recall “I think we have no choice but to pull
decision involves clear By late September, at the end of the first quar- ChargeUp off the shelves,” he said. “If we don’t,
ter, sales of ChargeUp with Lipitrene had leap- we could be facing a class action lawsuit. Talk
winners and losers, it frogged the standard product by 20% in the about PR problems…”
test market of greater Minneapolis. Plans for a “Why are we even considering a recall?”
statewide launch, followed by a national one, asked Ned Horst, who headed the Sports Sup-
were well under way. Don was pleased. In an plements division. “There’s nothing wrong
all-staff meeting, he asked Steve and the with the product. I should know, because I’ve
ChargeUp team to stand and be recognized. been using it since it came out.”
“You have all demonstrated the kind of gung “I suspect you’re right,” Jerry added. “And a
ho spirit that makes Nutrorim a leader,” he recall will cost us.”
noted, nodding to Steve while the audience “Well, thank God we haven’t expanded dis-
broke into applause. tribution yet,” said Don.
••• “Recalls are expensive,” said June. “But
The phone call came on October 5. “Mr. under the circumstances, I’m with Jerry. Be-
Rifkin?” said a male voice. “My name is Mat- sides, think about the cost of not recalling a po-
thew Norton, and I’m an investigator with the tentially bad product.”
Minnesota state department of health. I’m “Damn it, people, there’s no way ChargeUp
calling because we’ve been investigating 11 is unsafe!” Steve exclaimed, slamming his hand
cases of gastrointestinal distress among people down on the conference table. “We put Lipi-
who took your ChargeUp supplement with trene through two full years of testing. We ran
Lipitrene.” all kinds of toxicity studies in animals and on
“What? Are you sure?” human volunteers. Then we did another tier of
“Unfortunately, yes,” the inspector re- clinical trials in humans.” He looked hard at

harvard business review • january 2006 page 3

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All the Wrong Moves •• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

June. “If you need me to defend ChargeUp to “doing everything possible to cooperate with
the health department, the reporters, or any- the investigation.”
one else, I have about 500,000 pages of docu- Two weeks later, Don received another call
mentation to show them.” from Matthew Norton. “I have good news,” he
“Of course we all believe you, Steve,” June said. “It turns out that the people who got sick
replied tentatively, “but that kind of response picked up a bug from the gym’s smoothie bar.”
can look like defensiveness, and it can back- Don gasped. “So that means Nutrorim is ex-
fire.” She looked pleadingly at Don. “I’ve al- onerated?” he asked.
ready drafted a press release saying we’ll fully “Yes, and fully,” the inspector replied. “We’ll
cooperate with any investigation, but that’s send out a press release saying so today.”
not enough. The public always seems to re-
member how a crisis is handled more than the Calling All Volunteers
crisis itself. People will remember only how The boardroom was abuzz as Nutrorim’s 15
long it takes us to act.” top managers settled into their seats. The
Suddenly everyone began talking at once. consultant sat quietly on Don’s right, sipping
Steve took an increasingly entrenched position coffee.
against June, who tried to get him to see things “Okay, let’s get started,” said Don. “As you all
from the public’s perspective. Ned worried know, we’re going to hear this morning from
openly about Nutrorim’s relationships with Synergy Consulting Group’s Gibson Bryer,
Syd’s Gyms and other channel partners. Jerry who will present his preliminary findings. But
tried to remind everyone of famous recall first, let me review quickly why I, with the full
cases—the Tylenol crisis faced by Johnson & support of the board, wanted this process
Johnson, Suzuki’s recall of its 2002 and 2003 review.”
“It seems like everything auto models—and noted how the companies Don reported that the board had been
dealt with them. heartened by a recent analyst’s report calling
is a matter of debate.” The din in the room grew louder and louder. the series of unfortunate events with
Don, frustrated, whistled everyone to attention. ChargeUp a “fluke” for an “otherwise solid
Nora sighed. “Ever since I “Look, we’re getting nowhere,” he said. “The firm that has a history of making sound deci-
came here, I’ve been in first question here is, What are the criteria for sions.” Despite the fact that the analyst had
making a recall decision? What lenses should recommended a “buy,” the board members
too many meetings about we use to reach such an important decision? were concerned about the damage to the
meetings.” We need that kind of framework to come up ChargeUp brand and adamant about making
with an answer, and we need that answer fast. absolutely sure that this type of thing would
You, you, and you,” he said, pointing to June, never happen again. To that end, the board
Jerry, and Ned. “Go find out as much relevant strongly recommended a top-to-toe process
data as you can, and pull together an analysis review. Gibson, having worked with two CEOs
in the next 24 hours. I’ll meet with you, and who sat on the board, was the “obvious
we’ll form a preliminary view. I’m calling all choice” for a consultant.
the senior managers for an 8 AM meeting to- Someone turned down the lights as the first
morrow. You can present our findings, and PowerPoint slide appeared on the conference
we’ll take a vote.” room screen. “I want to thank each of you for
He looked hard at Steve, who was scowling. allowing me to speak with you during the past
“Steve, I want you out of the discussion for the month,” the consultant began. “My initial find-
time being. You’re a little too passionate about ings show areas of agreement and disagree-
this, and I need some cool analysis here. You ment about the effectiveness of the decision-
can speak your mind at tomorrow’s meeting.” making process at Nutrorim.” He clicked to an-
The following morning, after hearing the other slide. “You told me that for decisions
analyses and prognoses, the majority of se- with a certain amount of built-in predictabil-
nior managers quickly agreed with the sub- ity—decisions like how to improve your distri-
committee’s view that recalling the product bution network, whether to alter your print
was the only choice. Following the meeting, ads—the process seems to work really well.”
June issued a press release announcing the de- He clicked to the next slide. “But if a decision
cision. The release included a quote from involves clear winners and losers, it stalls.”
Don, assuring the public that Nutrorim was Click. “A preliminary survey about the inner

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All the Wrong Moves •• •HBR C ASE S TUDY

Nora tightened her lips. workings of the process itself, however, reveals door. “Got a second?” he said, poking his head
mixed reviews.” Click. in the door.
“Maybe it’s time for you “Some of you feel that this company is too Nora nodded, and Don perched on the cor-
consensus driven and that things don’t get ner of her desk. “You don’t look very pleased
to take a more dictatorial
done in a timely fashion.” Click. “Others say about this,” Don said soothingly.
approach to decision that the decision-making process is fine the “Well, no,” Nora said, clearly peeved. “I’m
way it is. Still others get a bit frustrated at completely buried in this marketing launch at
making.” times, wishing that the CEO would make defin- the moment, and I have other fish to fry. And
itive calls more often.” Click. “Some say that to be honest,” she went on, “I’m pretty tired of
the company deals well with tough issues; oth- all this navel-gazing nonsense.”
ers say that conflict is too often suppressed or “Well, I picked you because you seem to
swept under the rug and that this causes re- hold back in the senior management meet-
sentment.” Click. “Some feel that the culture of ings,” Don replied, trying his best to be gentle.
the company is democratic and inclusive; oth- “You know, the ChargeUp problem presented
ers worry that the louder voices and squeakier us with a real opportunity to look at what’s
wheels dominate. Lights up, please. I’m assum- broken. You come from outside the company,
ing many of you have questions.” and you have clever, fresh ideas. I think you are
Some hands went up, and Bryer spent 45 just the person to bring these issues to the
minutes methodically addressing the concerns. fore.”
Don looked at the clock and then stood up to “Look, Don, I appreciate that, and I com-
thank him. “It’s almost time for us to end this pletely sympathize with what you’re trying to
meeting, but before we do, I need three volun- do. But I come from a company where all deci-
teers for a subcommittee,” he said. “The next sions were made in the room. I didn’t allow
phase of our work with Gibson is to come up anyone to leave until a call was made. Here, it
with a better, more resilient decision-making seems like everything is a matter of debate.”
process that works well both in calm times and She sighed. “You know, this consultant-driven
in rough. Anyone?” committee is just more evidence of what’s
No one volunteered. Then Anne Hannah, wrong. Ever since I came here, I’ve been in too
who headed the vitamin division, and Ned many meetings about meetings.”
Horst tentatively raised their hands. Don She tightened her lips. “Maybe it’s time for
looked around the room and gazed at Nora, you to take a more dictatorial approach to de-
the former entrepreneur. “Nora, I’d like you on cision making.”
the team,” he said. “Your perspective is always
What’s the right decision-making process
Just Make a Decision! for Nutrorim?
“Hey, Nora,” Steve said sarcastically, waving to
her as the meeting disbanded, “congratula- Reprint R0601X
tions for volunteering. Jolly good show.” To order, call 800-988-0886
Don, who was talking to another manager, 0r 617-783-7500 or go to www.hbr.org
pretended not to hear. A few minutes later, he
walked to Nora’s office and tapped on the

harvard business review • january 2006 page 5

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